LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 413 The flowers in Bilgewater were picked

Chapter 413 The flowers in Bilgewater were picked

Sarah once had a happy family.

As the daughter of the famous female gunsmith Abigail Fortune, Sarah spent most of her happy childhood in a workshop on an offshore island.

Her mother is a well-known legend in the gunsmithing industry, and her custom-made pistols can be found in the treasured collections of many wealthy business captains.

Sarah's dream is to become as powerful as her mother in the future.

However, one day, this resounding reputation finally attracted a newly emerging Bilgewater bandit.

He came to the door and asked Sarah's mother to make him a pair of pistols that no one could match. And she eventually reluctantly accepted the order.

A year later, the pirate came back, covering his face with only a dirty scarf, obviously planning to rob.

Elgabi saw that the robber had become a dehumanizing villain, so he refused to hand over his two carefully crafted pistols.

The robber became so angry that he grabbed both guns and shot her with a weapon she made. Then he pointed the gun at her husband and young Sarah.

Then, for no other reason than out of pure malice, he set the workshop on fire and smashed his guns against the stone, erasing everything Fortune had built from Runeterra.

Fortunately, Sarah did not die. She dragged her seriously injured body out of the ruined workshop, with overwhelming fire in her eyes.

Her relatives, friends, and elders all died in the fire.

All the good things in the past were shattered on this day.

And that pirate is the guy who is currently in the limelight and calls himself the King of Pirates - Gangplank.

It was hatred that kept Sarah alive, and she repaired her mother's two pistols. She vowed that one day she would make Gangplank pay. She would destroy everything about him. Just killing him would not be enough.

"Did I make it clear enough now?"

Sarah looked at Lu Qi opposite her expressionlessly. Even if the scar in her heart was revealed, she no longer cared.

Over the years, she had been stung by this scar countless times.

It was precisely because of the severe pain in her heart that she had the motivation to endure it silently until now.

"Well, it was such a miserable past."

After hearing this, Lu Qi expressed some sympathy.

"I'm not saying this to arouse your sympathy." Sarah looked at Lu Qi with a pair of aqua eyes, and then said, "I just want to say that I just want your money. For revenge, I am very lacking. money."

She wanted to say that she actually didn't have much malice, but when she thought about it, it seemed that malice had already arisen from the moment she decided to take action.

Most importantly, she found Lu Qi difficult to figure out.

Unlike ordinary men, she could easily see what was going on in their walnut-sized heads.

This guy was different. She couldn't understand him at all from the moment he came into contact with him.

This guy's deep and calm eyes always gave her the feeling that he knew everything.

This is strange.

So facing a guy like this that she couldn't see through, Sarah didn't know what to do.

"In that case, let's make a deal." Lu Qi said in a gentle voice.


Sarah's eyes were filled with confusion, and she immediately stared at the guy in front of her, trying to figure out what this guy was planning.

But I couldn't figure out the reason for a long time.

"What deal?"

"Don't you want revenge? I will help you next." Lu Qi raised a smile on his lips and looked at Sarah, "After your revenge is over, you must agree to a request of mine."

Sarah listened to Lu Qi's words, thought for a few seconds, and asked: "What is the request?"

"Let's get to know each other again, my name is Luqi Lightshield, from Demacia."

Lu Qi looked at those beautiful eyes fixed in mid-air, with a smile on his face.

"Light shield."

Sarah was stunned for a moment, she was not an ignorant person.

in contrast.

Over the years, in order to fight against Gangplank, she had been collecting information about him, and also learned a lot of information about outside Bilgewater.

During this period, what was the most famous name in Valoran?

Then it must be the name of Lucci Lightshield. He personally led the troops to attack Noxus. Within a few months, Noxus had to sign a truce treaty.

Then go to Piltover and form an alliance with the City of Progress.

Every piece of information about him undoubtedly shows that Demacia is different from the past. This place that has been closed for many years seems to be planning to take some action.

So when she heard the guy in front of her say this name, Sarah was still a little stunned.

After a while, she came back to her senses, still staring at Lu Qi with suspicion in her eyes: "Why would the prince of Demacia come to a place like this?"

The location of Bilgewater, placed on the map of Runeterra, can be said to be quite remote.

She didn't believe that such a character would appear on Blue Flame Island.

If a person suddenly said this before this, she must have thought that the other person was a lunatic.

But now, I just can't believe it.

"Of course there is a purpose, but this is not what you should care about right now. At this moment, you should think about how to take revenge."

Lu Qi smiled and said.

He felt that there was no need to reveal his identity. After all, only in this way could he be more convincing.

His next move was, of course, Bilgewater.

This is a place that is quite close to the Shadow Island. If a Hex Flying Gate can be set up here, then if a crisis breaks out on the Shadow Island in the future, preparations can be made immediately.

But now this place is in chaos. On the surface, it is ruled by Planck, but this guy is selfish and only knows how to exploit, and he is not a good person. He is obviously not a good partner.

From this point of view, Sarah is a good candidate. Although she hangs around in muddy places like Bilgewater all year round, she maintains her own bottom line.

If she could become the new Pirate King of Bilgewater, then everything would go smoothly.

At this time, Sarah had already believed more than half of Lu Qi's identity.

She could tell the smell of lies. Although she only relied on intuition, she felt that this guy was not lying.

After all, what’s the reason for lying?

They had never met each other before.

Was it just to trick her into agreeing to the so-called request just now?

If so, she can regret it later.

Or do you just want to deceive her and gain a sense of accomplishment? She didn't think this guy was that boring, and besides, she had nothing to lie to.

Therefore, what this guy said is most likely true.

The prince was actually no big deal to her, and she would not be respectful to him just because of his status.

However, Sarah thought of something else at this time.

Since this guy is a prince, wouldn't it be possible to directly mobilize Demacia's army?

When Gangplank comes back, what is waiting for him is Demacia's marine army, which will blow him up to the point where no ashes are left.

Lu Qi guessed Sarah's thoughts, calmly took a sip of tea, and said: "I advise you not to have unrealistic illusions. Demacia's army is not used to participate in such small fights, and you I don’t want the country to get involved and ruin everything in Bilgewater.”

"A little fight."

Her revenge was said to be a trivial matter. Sarah came back to her senses but couldn't get angry, although it was a bit heartbreaking.    If this guy is really the Demacia prince, then to him, this is indeed just a small fight.

Moreover, the second half of what he said is correct.

If Demacia is really prepared to intervene, then the meaning of this matter will be completely different.

This represents the strong intervention of a powerful country. At that time, everything in Bilgewater will obviously be involved.

Since ancient times, Blue Flame Island has been a place far away from the three continents, away from the country, the military, and politics. It is the last place anyone can choose.

Regardless of whether he was good or bad before, coming to Bilgewater will bring new possibilities in the future.

Just imagine, if such a place was strongly managed by the state, it would eventually become like people and ghosts.

Just thinking about it made Sarah feel a little chilly. She has lived here for a long time, and although there are a group of annoying guys living here, on the contrary, she has also witnessed good things here.

Therefore, she didn't want what she just thought to happen.

"So, red-haired lady, what do you think?"

The tea in Lu Qi's cup was about to bottom out again. He looked at Sarah, who was still thinking, and urged her unhurriedly.

Sarah raised her eyes and looked at him: "What is your request?"

"You will know this when the time comes." Lu Qi smiled, and then added, "You can rest assured that it will not be a request for you to sacrifice your life. The choice is yours. If you don't agree, I would find another person and say the same thing.”

It wasn't that he had no choice but to have Sarah, it was just that she appeared at the right time when he needed her.

In addition, Lu Qi had an innate goodwill.

"Then do I have any choice?" Sarah finally smiled again on her face, albeit with a slight coldness, and then said, "Prince, I agree to your conditions. Can you let me go now?"

Her hands and feet were always tied, and to be honest, it was quite uncomfortable.

"No problem." Lu Qi gave Yourna a look, so Yourna stepped forward and untied the rope from Sara.

She finally regained her freedom. Just as she was about to stand up, she fell back weakly. Her legs felt weak and her whole body was still weak.

Seeing this, Lu Qi said: "The effect of the medicine on your body has not dissipated yet, and it will probably last for about an hour."

Sarah took a deep breath, but she didn't seem to want to talk much now.

"To congratulate us on our cooperation, let's have a drink."

Lu Qi stood up himself and poured Sarah a glass of wine, which he brought himself.

Sarah looked at the clear spring-like liquid, which gradually filled half of the cup. She hesitated for a moment, then picked it up and exhaled the turbid air in her chest: "Cheers!"

Now that you have agreed to this guy, you might as well stop thinking so much!

She has never been a little girl who hesitated in doing things. How could she be famous in a place like Bilgewater without a decisive character?

She had already looked away.

After the two clinked glasses, Sarah intuitively raised the glass, handed it to her red lips, and drank in one gulp.

A trace of crystal liquid flowed down her lips.

More of it went into her mouth. As soon as the half glass of wine entered her mouth, she felt a huge smell of wine. It was fragrant, spicy, sweet, and moist. The flavors merged together, and the taste was quite good. .

But at the same time it's also very smokey, not literally smokey, but the natural impact of the wine.

Stronger than any wine Sarah had ever drunk.

As she took one mouthful, she immediately felt a heat emanating from her lower abdomen. In the blink of an eye, a blush rose on her fair face.

Her eyes suddenly became blurred, and she felt the alcohol was rising. She couldn't help but ask, "What kind of wine is this?"

She was the one who said she would never get drunk even if she drank a thousand cups. Now she only drank half of the cup, and she felt drunk.

"I made my own Wuliang wine. I forgot to tell you that it is very strong. You should drink it in small sips."

Lu Qi smiled slightly, showing his white teeth when he smiled, looking like a sunny, kind and cheerful boy.

Anyone who sees him will have a good impression of him.

Sarah had the urge to punch him. She shook her head, and her burgundy hair also swayed. She felt that the wine was indeed strong enough.

And did this guy forget to say it?

He obviously wanted to see her joke, so he didn't say it on purpose!

Lu Qi added at this time: "If it feels uncomfortable, it's okay to vomit it up."

When Sarah heard this, she immediately snorted: "Where is this? I was just unprepared for a moment."

At this moment, she suddenly remembered something.

I have made an appointment with First Mate Raven and several of his subordinates to meet tonight to discuss the next plan.

I'm afraid it's not long before the meeting time. If they fail to arrive, they will probably bring someone to find him.

By then, there will definitely be inevitable misunderstandings.

At the moment, Sarah doesn’t want her strength to be exposed. People now only know that she has recruited a few deputies, but they don't know that her actual background is no weaker than the captain of a large pirate ship.

Thinking of this, Sarah gritted her teeth and looked at Lu Qi opposite: "My men may come looking for them later. We have to go see them before that."

"Okay." Lu Qi nodded and signaled to Yourna.

Yourna understood, stood up, came to Sarah's side, and helped her up.

Sarah leaned on Yuerna, and the scene between the two beautiful beauties was quite eye-catching just by touching each other.

Sarah originally thought that Lu Qi would do this kind of thing personally, but she didn't expect that he just glanced at it lightly, then opened the door of the box and walked out.

Yourna supported Sarah and left the box.

As she stood up, Sarah felt that the unfinished drunkenness spread all of a sudden, and she felt that the world was spinning a bit.

My legs were even more weak, and when I walked, my steps were shaky and shaky.

Soon, the three of them attracted a lot of attention in the Nine-Rattlehead Tavern.

For a moment, many eyes were cast on her, and when they saw Sarah lying softly in Yuerna's arms, they were all stunned.

At this moment, Miss Fortune had blurred eyes and a peach-shaped face exuding hazy drunkenness. There was a charm that could soften people's bones in her eyes, which the men in the tavern had never seen her show before.

Her legs were weak and she had to rely on others to help her walk. She was obviously drunk.

No. How could Miss Fortune be drunk? No one had ever seen her drunk.

For a moment, more eyes focused on Lu Qi, the man who had gone to the box with Miss Fortune before.

Watching him walk to the bar refreshed, he threw down seven or eight gold coins: "Pay the bill. If there are more, you don't have to ask for it. It's considered a tip."

Seeing this scene, the veteran drivers of Bilgewater still didn't understand what was happening!

It only took a moment to hear the sound of heartbreak falling all over the floor.

Miss Fortune has never let any man pay for her before!

The men were so heartbroken that they couldn't breathe. They all stared at Lu Qi with red eyes. After seeing his appearance, they had to avoid the edge for a while.

Damn pretty boy!

Tonight, for many people, is a night of shattered dreams, a night of heartbreak, and a night of getting drunk.

There is no other reason.

The most beautiful flower in Bilgewater was picked!

And the most annoying thing is that there is such a beautiful woman beside that guy, and he even extends his claws to Miss Fortune.

At this moment, they saw Miss Fortune, who was being supported by Yourna, suddenly reach out and grab Lu Qi's clothes.

Then her feet softened, and her soft body fell into his arms. Two slender arms hugged his neck, and she raised her body and said some sweet words.

For a moment, there was a crackling sound, and countless men were completely heartbroken, breathing heavily, and the last illusion they held in their hearts was completely shattered.

They had never seen Miss Fortune take such initiative with a man!

there has never been!

(End of this chapter)

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