LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 414 Who can survive you?

Chapter 414 Who can survive you?

"my gun"

Sarah fell into Lucci's arms, her bright red lips opened, and a murmuring voice reached his ears.

Although her consciousness began to drift, she always remembered this incident.

Her two guns never left her body, even when she was sleeping, they were always within reach.

So at this moment, a sense of crisis arises after the two guns leave.

Lu Qi saw that she was obviously very drunk, but she was still holding on stubbornly. He couldn't help but smile: "Don't worry, I'll give it to you in a moment."

His voice was louder, and the moment it sounded, the entire tavern suddenly fell into silence for a moment.

The next moment, the noise returned, but it was accompanied by many sounds of gnashing of teeth.

This kid deserves to die! !

In broad daylight, everyone started to do this in front of them!

Sarah's little hands had already reached into Lu Qi's clothes. After wiping the oil, she finally touched her own guns. She took them away without ceremony, and then she felt relieved.

Her mind was indeed a little confused at this moment. She realized that she was drunk, but her spirit could not resist the rising feeling of alcohol.

At this moment, it was as if my body was out of control.

Right now she just wants to have a good sleep and not think about so many things.

At this time, Lu Qi handed Sarah over to Yourna again. Yourna picked up Sarah like a princess, and then the two of them took her out of the tavern.

Soon, he met a man head-on. He was about thirty years old, with dark skin and a strong build.


Seeing Sarah lying in Yuerna's arms, he immediately exclaimed, and then looked at Lu Qi and Lu Qi with cold eyes: "Who are you?"

His hands stretched behind his back, as if ready to strike at any moment.

Sarah seemed to hear a familiar voice, and she opened her eyes hard. After seeing Raven's face clearly with her blurred vision, she said drunkenly: "Raven, they are my friends, take them back to the ship."

After saying this, she completely closed her eyes and fell into a coma.

Lu Qi smiled slightly at this time and said: "So you heard it too."

"Since you are the captain's friend, come with me." After hearing Sarah's words, Raven put away his guard, turned around and started to lead the way.

He didn't know why she was so drunk. She had never been so drunk since he knew her.

To be honest, he had not completely let down his guard against Lu Qi and the two, but at the moment he still followed Sarah's instructions.

The streets of Bilgewater are intricate and intricate, like a giant maze with many hiding places for fugitives and wanted criminals.

In order to one day be able to fight against the notorious Gangplank, Sarah also specifically looked for such a 'sanctuary' place.

More than half an hour later, several people had arrived in front of a waterfall.

Pass through the waterfall through a special path to avoid getting wet, and you can see that there is still a lot of space hidden in the waterfall.

And here, a huge ship stands on the sea. This is a huge ship that can accommodate hundreds of people. It is nearly a hundred meters long and at least more than thirty meters wide. The whole thing looks very huge and generous.

There are several layers on the hull, and there are many small dark openings in them, which are obviously the places where the artillery is loaded.

This kind of ship is considered powerful if placed in Demacia.

Even in a place like Bilgewater, there are probably only a few captains who can own such a ship.

And this is also the confidence that Sarah dares to fight against Gangplank.

After Raven got on the boat, a crowd of people immediately gathered around him. He took a look and said, "The captain drank too much. Our plan remains unchanged. We will attack the people of Poloka tonight."

When they heard that Miss Fortune had drunk too much, these people also showed strange expressions, and couldn't help but glance at Sarah who was sleeping in Yurna's arms.

This was the first time they saw Miss Fortune's sleeping face, which was a little less charming and a little more well-behaved.

One person looked at Lu Qi: "Who are they?"

"Friends of the captain." Raven introduced briefly, "I will put them in place, and you guys will take action immediately."


"After holding it in for so long, I can finally take action."

"Isn't this the pretty boy the captain keeps outside?"

"I feel like it's possible."

These people didn't hesitate and started talking before they had gone far.

"They are talking too much, please forgive me." Raven apologized, and then continued to lead the way, "The captain's room is over here."

Soon, he led the way to Sarah's room.

"I won't go in. Please help you settle her down." Raven stopped at the door, opened the door and said, "The two rooms next door are also empty. You two can sleep here tonight. I'll arrange it later. A blanket will be delivered.”

"Thank you."

Lu Qi nodded slightly, and walked directly into Sara's boudoir without being polite.

The decoration inside is quite exquisite, like a bedroom of a wealthy family, with murals on the walls and golden candles.

There was a large bed in the middle, and the room as a whole exuded a pleasant aroma, just like Sarah's.

Yourna placed her on the big bed, as if she had returned to a familiar place, and Sarah adjusted her sleeping position.

Just when Yourna was about to leave, Sara suddenly reached out and grabbed her sleeve, frowning uneasily, and murmured: "Mom, don't leave me."

Sarah, who had never been drunk before, didn't know that she was losing her temper at this moment, and two crystal tears fell from the corners of her eyes.

This troubled Yourna a little, and she stood there for a moment, not knowing what to do.

"It seems that she likes you quite a lot, which is good. You can sleep here tonight and take care of her by the way."

Lu Qi couldn't help but laugh when he saw this. He stepped forward and stretched out his hand to gently caress Sarah's temple, and a trace of black energy penetrated into it.

"Have sweet dreams, Captain."

Then, he slouched, minding his own business and left.

Seeing his decisive departure, Yourna's eyes flashed with helplessness, but she slowly sat back on the bed and reached out to gently caress Sarah's brow.

Sarah's frown quickly relaxed, her breathing became even, and her hand still held Yurna firmly.

This night, she had no nightmare for the first time in a long time, but a very happy dream.

She seemed to have returned to her childhood paradise. She was sitting behind the table in the workshop, playing with the toys her father had made. When she looked up, she could see her mother's back not far away. The sun was shining in from the window. Everything was so beautiful. .

She is carefree and happy.

Sarah couldn't remember how long it had been since she had such a sweet dream. Because of the shadow of the past, only nightmares usually visited her dreams.

Time and time again, fires raged, the murderer laughed arrogantly, and the ground was littered with ruins and corpses.

No one knows how she got there step by step over the years.

From an innocent girl who didn't know much about the world, she has now become the Miss Fortune who is feared by countless people.

The next day.

As soon as Lu Qi opened his eyes, he saw Sarah sitting at the table not far away. The red-haired girl had a dark face, and the shadow in her beautiful eyes seemed to have swallowed Lu Qi alive.

On the table were her two beloved pistols, shining with a cold light.

"Good morning." Lu Qi yawned, then turned over and planned to sleep for a while.

He generally doesn't have a bad habit of recognizing beds and can sleep comfortably wherever he goes.

"not good at all!"

Sarah gritted her teeth and stood up, pulled the turned over Lu Qi back, and stared at him coldly, "We don't have time to sleep in here with you anymore!"

Lu Qi blinked: "By the way, isn't this my room?"

"This is my boat!" Sarah emphasized every word.

"You are so rude to your guests." Lu Qi turned his head to the sky, looking at the ceiling, and said, "I see that your face is red, your lips are chapped, and your eyes are darkened. It is obviously a sign of being too angry. You are just like this now. It will aggravate the condition.”

Sarah took a breath and felt an unknown fire rushing into her heart. She gritted her teeth and said, "Isn't the reason why I'm so angry because of you?"

"What's wrong with me?" Lu Qi asked strangely.


Sarah opened her mouth, but paused for a moment.

There are rumors going around now!

People say that Miss Fortune has found a sweetheart. She had a good night last night and the famous beauty has already taken possession of her.

And now this pretty boy was lying in front of her.

Of course she couldn't say this to this guy!

Her memory of being drunk last night was completely fragmented. She only had vague fragments and could not recall the rest at all.

But she could guess with her buttocks what exactly happened last night.

And the culprit of all this is this guy lying on the bed with an innocent face!

You said this guy is the prince of Demacia?

He alone has now overturned all of Sarah's impressions of Demacia!

"Calm down, we have a cooperative relationship now. Besides, last night, I told you to spit it out, but you insist on showing off."

Lu Qi still said innocently.

Sarah couldn't refute for a moment. If she had known that she would be so drunk, she wouldn't have been able to hold on to this guy's ugly appearance.

But it was too late now, the rumor had now spread throughout Bilgewater and the wind had reached her ship.

Now everyone on the ship knows that the person sleeping in this room is her pretty boy!

"Okay, I'll change my clothes and you go out first."

Lu Qi sat up, yawned again, and motioned for Sarah to go out.

He was wearing silk pajamas, which looked thin but were very comfortable. Because of this, it was easy to outline his strong figure, and the neckline of this pajamas was very low, so as long as you took a glance, you could see the perfect amount of chest muscles underneath.

Sarah naturally saw it at a glance. Needless to say, this guy did have a good figure and good looks.

She even had the thought of making a mistake. Although it was only for a moment, this thought did occur.

After another look, she stood up, picked up her two pistols, and walked out.

Soon, Lu Qi changed his clothes and walked out of the room. Then he saw Sarah leaning against the wall and asked casually: "What time is it now?"

Sarah looked at him angrily: "It's almost noon."

Lu Qi couldn't help but yawned: "Did you sleep so late?"

He always sleeps as long as he can as long as he has enough sleep.

The main theme is to do whatever you want, sleep when you want to sleep, and wake up naturally when you don't want to sleep.

"I've never seen a Demacian as lazy as you."

Sarah sneered, and the way she raised her lips was naturally charming.

She added in her mind, and he was still a prince.

"Laziness is a privilege given to mankind by God, or in other words, the direction in which all human beings have been striving is that they can be so lazy."

Lu Qi talked eloquently and plausibly, "You can eat as soon as you open your eyes, sleep as long as you want, and do whatever you want. Although the methods are different, everyone is moving towards this Work hard in the right direction. I just reached the finish line one step earlier than you."

"It's all nonsense!" Sarah snorted disdainfully, and what this guy said was too irritating.

What does it mean to be born one step earlier at the end?

Damn it.

But if you think about it carefully, this guy is the prince of Demacia, and it seems that he was born to be at the top.

"You'll get beaten sooner or later."

After thinking about it, Sarah added leisurely.

Yes, she has figured it out.

With this guy's character, sooner or later he will be beaten up when he walks on the street!

"Then I'll go out at noon."

Lu Qi smiled calmly, not caring at all.

Sarah was stunned for a moment, then rolled her eyes at this guy.

Just live, who can live longer than you?

She said angrily: "Let's go, my crew members are already waiting in the conference hall."

She led the way, walking like a model walking on a catwalk, and she indeed looked like a special strong woman.

"By the way, say thank you to your maid for me later."

Sarah, who was walking in front, stopped and waited for Lu Qi to walk side by side and spoke slowly.


Lucci asked.

"I don't know what I look like when I'm drunk, but I think it's all ugly." Sarah didn't hesitate, and then said softly, "She took care of me all night, I should thank her."

When she woke up, it was actually already late, and then she found herself hugging Yuerna like a squid, seeming to be very dependent on her.

She must have caused trouble to the other party, but Yourna didn't say much about it.

She had no memory of why they slept in the same bed.

All I know is that I slept peacefully and comfortably last night.

And I had a very good dream.

"She is indeed very good at taking care of people, but I think it's up to you to say thank you yourself." Lu Qi smiled, not prepared to do it for the bad luck girl.

"That's fine." Sarah nodded slightly.

At this time, the two of them had already reached the door of the conference hall.

This ship is indeed very big, and it took quite a few steps to get here.

After opening the door, you can see that there are many people sitting inside.

Raven, whom I met last night, was also among them.

(End of this chapter)

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