LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 415: Did you sacrifice yourself for me?

Chapter 415: Did you sacrifice yourself for me?

"He's the first mate on my ship. You met him last night, Raven."

"This is the helmsman of the ship, Chabot."

"Quartermaster, Dar."

"Secretary General, Carina."

"Ship doctor, Judy."


Following Sarah's introduction, Lu Qi briefly got to know everyone in the conference hall.

Most of the people here are capable, and they are the right-hand assistants Sarah has found over the years, and every one of them is loyal.

In addition, there are many sailors, gunners, and harpooners on the ship, who have formed quite a force.

"This is Lucci, our new companion."

Sarah also briefly introduced Lu Qi to everyone, with a natural expression and ignored the subtle looks of people present.

In his heart, he placed the blame on Lu Qi.

If it hadn't been for this guy, how could she be misunderstood by the crew as a pretty boy?

Regarding Lu Qi's identity as a prince, Sarah did not plan to reveal it now. The reason is that his reputation is terrifying. If anyone accidentally leaks this news, it will probably attract the attention of the entire Blue Flame Island.

At this juncture, Sarah didn't want to cause trouble.

If the title of prince attracts too much attention, then her efforts will be in vain.

"He was the one who helped me kill Poloka last night."

Sarah said, sitting on the captain's head, then gave Lu Qi a look and motioned for him to sit down too.

Lu Qi sat down on the seat to her left. Sitting across from her was Raven. Obviously, this position was only suitable for left and right hands.

In this regard, the group of people present did not say anything, but maintained a tacit silence.

The way they looked at each other seemed to say, "Everyone understands."

Sarah knew that they must have thought wrong again, but she just glanced at Lu Qi helplessly. After calming down, she got down to business.

The main thing discussed was Poloka last night. After his death, there was still a group of forces under his command.

If you target him blatantly, it will definitely arouse others' suspicion.

Although Gangplank has sailed away, Poloka is not the only force remaining in Bilgewater.

Therefore, there needs to be a reason for killing him.

After all, Poloka himself is not very strong, but he has a powerful boss, which is why no one has been willing to provoke him for a long time.

If he was really that restless, he would have been thrown into the sea to feed the sharks by now.

In order to prevent those with a keen sense of smell from discovering the clues, there must be an external reason.

As everyone was discussing, suddenly the ship's doctor Judy's eyes fell on the yawning Lu Qi, and he blinked: "Isn't there a ready-made reason for this?"

After the words fell, everyone couldn't help but fall silent.

"Ahem." Judy noticed that all eyes were looking at her. After a dry cough, she looked at Sarah and said, "After all, he is with you as the captain, right? Touching your people is tantamount to provoking a fool."

When she said this, many people present suddenly realized, and their eyes lit up as if they had found a new path.

Yes, isn’t there a ready-made reason right here?

Lu Qi was wanted by Poloka with a reward yesterday, and with the relationship between him and the captain, if Poloka wanted to kill him, it would naturally be tantamount to offending Miss Fortune.

In this way, it would be excusable for Sarah to attack him.

Sarah was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and immediately wanted to reject the proposal.

She was really wronged!

Because nothing happened between me and this guy!

But now it feels like everything has happened!

Moreover, if it came out of her mouth now, wouldn't it completely confirm this matter?

"It's okay with me. It's okay to sacrifice my reputation."

After listening for a long time, Lu Qi understood the meaning and made a calm expression.

Sarah looked at him, anger flashed in her beautiful eyes, and she gritted her teeth in anger.

You even sacrificed yourself for me! ?

If word of the co-authorship spreads, it means you have been wronged a lot, right?

But when Sarah calmed down, she realized that this was indeed a good reason.

Anyway, now that Lanyan Island has completely spread this matter, even if she has a hundred mouths, she will definitely not be able to explain it clearly.

In this case, it's better to take advantage of this rumor.

He announced to the outside world that this guy was the pretty boy he kept, and he was just about to receive him from Blue Flame Island when he was spotted by Poloka.

"Just do it."

Sarah finally nodded and agreed to the decision.

Even if she disagrees, the rumors on Blue Flame Island will not dissipate.

The meeting then continued.

Next, it’s time to deal with Poloka’s younger brother. This is easy to handle, except for Sarah’s own efforts. He can also transfer his hatred to other captains. Poloka has offended many people over the years because he has Gangplank's support behind him.

Once he dies, and Gangplank is still around, it will still be difficult for his men to get along.

Even if Sarah didn't have to do it specifically, the captains would take action secretly.

At this time, Raven said: "Captain, the new problem now is that we don't have much money. Many places are in a hurry to use money."

When Sara heard this, her eyes darkened and she fell into thinking.

She is really short of money.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have provoked this bitch like Lu Qi.

But in fact, even if he got the little money from Lu Qi, it would only take a few days.

After all, she now has a large family.

The Siren is now unable to appear on Blue Flame Island, which means that she cannot start making money.

Right now, money is urgently needed to buy supplies such as artillery shells.

After thinking for a while, Sarah sighed softly: "Anyway, I will think of a solution in the next two days. That's it for today's meeting."

The meeting quickly dispersed and everyone left. Sarah also stood up and looked at Lu Qi: "Didn't you say you wanted to help me? You have now seen the problems we encountered."

Lu Qi smiled and said: "I do have quite a lot of money. But most of the property is in Demacia. It's no problem to support you, but it will take at least half a month to send it over."

Naturally, he would not be idle and would take all his property with him.

Whether you can let it go or not is a question.

Even for this trip, he and Yourna only brought about a thousand gold coins, which was enough if nothing else was considered.

"I'm counting on you in vain." Sarah snorted angrily, then sighed and leaned on the edge of the table in deep thought.

Now she can't even confirm Lu Qi's identity as the prince.

But she was inclined to believe it was true.

So I also know that if I need money urgently, I definitely can't count on this guy.

Planck has been away on a long voyage for a while, and I am afraid he will be back in half a month. At that time, no matter how much money it is, what use will it be.

Sarah was short of money right now.

She needs a lot of money to buy equipment, gunpowder, and shells to deal with Gangplank, who is about to return.

After thinking to no avail, Sarah quickly left the conference hall without telling Lu Qi what he was going to do. She seemed to be thinking of ways to get money.

Lu Qi had nothing to do, so he took a stroll in the Siren and looked around.

Everyone who met him greeted him with a smile. Obviously, Miss Fortune's status as pillow person was quite valuable.

Lu Qi naturally knew that those in the conference hall must have misunderstood his relationship with Miss Luck.

To him, it didn't matter whether he explained it or not.

Now that Sarah wants to take advantage of this misunderstanding, there is no need to explain.

Just like that, the time came two days later.

With a malicious expression on her face, the Misfortune Girl found Lu Qi who was lying outside the waterfall basking in the sun.

Seeing him lying there leisurely, she felt angry. A large group of them are almost overwhelmed, but this guy is lucky enough to have nothing to do after being here all day.

I really think I am the pretty boy she raised!

But when she thought about asking him for something next, Sarah coughed lightly and said in a calm voice: "I thought of a way to find money, and I can also deal with Gangplank."

Hearing this, Lu Qi opened his eyes and said, "What can I do?"

"This method must require your intervention." Sarah did not answer directly, but looked at him, "You have been here for two days, it's time to contribute, right?"

Lu Qi instinctively felt that this bad luck girl was harboring bad intentions, and asked suspiciously: "How can you beat around the bush here?"

Seeing that he didn't want to be fooled, Sarah decided to say directly: "I learned a piece of news in the past two days. Gangplank has a second-in-command named Juarez. He was there when he first joined Bilgewater. , just follow his people.”

"It's not an exaggeration to say that he is Planck's most trusted confidant. He was involved in countless evil things that Planck did."

Lu Qi lay down and listened carefully.

Sarah was used to his lazy look and continued: "But the key thing we want to talk about this time is not Juarez. It is his mistress."


"That's Ma Zi, a woman. Her name is Marsili." Sarah said slowly, "This Marsili has been with Juarez for a long time, and has a high status in Planck's forces. However, because she had an affair a while ago, Due to the cold and serious illness, Planck did not take her with him on this voyage."

Lu Qi asked: "Then what?"

"Then that's the key." Sarah looked at him and continued, "Glank has accumulated an astonishing amount of wealth through burning, killing, and looting over the years. He must not be able to spend it all, and he must be somewhere. And. His second-in-command, Juarez must know.”

Lu Qi probably understood, and said: "So you think that what Juarez knows, his mistress Masili may also know?"

"Yes, that's what I think." Sarah nodded, her beautiful eyes twinkling, "I have been investigating Planck for so many years, and I can conclude that he must have hidden a large amount of money somewhere. And he cannot be alone People have done this, so as long as we use Masili as a breakthrough, we may be able to find the location where he hides the treasure."

Lu Qi nodded suddenly: "Then what role do I play in this mission?"

Sarah looked at him, with a charming curve at the corner of her mouth, and blinked: "As far as I know, this Marsili is very lustful. She secretly has three pretty boys."

"You want me to betray my lust?"

Before Sarah even finished speaking, Lu Qi had already understood. His eyes couldn't help but open a little wider, and he looked at the red-haired girl in front of him in disbelief.

Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, he, the majestic prince, would one day betray his lust?

"What are you thinking?" Sarah rolled her eyes. It was obvious that she had said that on purpose. Seeing Lu Qi's reaction, she was also quite amused. Then she said, "I came to her because of the incident with Poloka. , and by the way, you will go with me in my identity. She does like handsome men. What I need is for you to use the method of drugging her that night. At that time, as long as she is drugged, we will take the opportunity to find the hidden treasure. Just click and find out.”

At least from her personal experience, Lu Qi's drugging techniques were very high-end.

Even she capsized that night, and she believed it would be easier to deal with someone like Marsili.

"This is the only way we have at the moment. If this doesn't work, we will have to use other means to make money, which will only increase the risk of exposure."

She said and sighed helplessly.

"Okay, let's do as you say first." Lu Qi thought for a while and agreed.

"Okay, pack up and get ready to leave."

Sarah nodded immediately.

Asking Lu Qi to sell his body, let alone whether he would agree to it, even she would not consider it.

Soon, the two of them dressed up. Sarah put on beautiful makeup. She was the kind of naturally beautiful woman, and she looked even more beautiful after putting on makeup.

Lu Qi, on the other hand, changed into nice-looking clothes, and when he got there, he saw a handsome guy.

Even if Sarah saw it, she couldn't help but look at it a few more times.

"Lest she will be interested in you later, you have to pay more attention to this."

On the way, Shana approached Lu Qi, almost leaning against him, and whispered a reminder.

Lu Qi nodded slightly to show his understanding.

Sarah didn't say much after that, obviously preparing for what was to come.

Marsili is a crucial part of her plan.

If the whereabouts of Planck's treasure could be found out from her, it would undoubtedly be a huge blow to Planck.

On the one hand, it can make up for the lack of funds for himself, and on the other hand, it can also cheat him severely.

It was almost night time, and the sun was about to set completely. The light that spilled out before leaving supported the dusk before the night.

Walking through the streets of Bilgewater, night fell.

Marsili lives in a high-end boat building, or this is the hiding place for the pretty boy she keeps.

When the two arrived, there was only light inside the ship building, but no one was around.

"What did you say to her? She doesn't seem wary of you at all."

Seeing this, Lu Qi couldn't help but asked curiously in a low voice.

You know, Miss Luck just killed another of Gangplank's subordinates, Poloka.

Now when he comes to see Marsili again, she is so defenseless?

"She and I actually have a bit of a relationship and have met a few times. And the pretty boys she keeps outside are all the ones I found for her."

Sarah said, with an elegant curve at the corner of her mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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