LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 416 You must not be fooled by this guy’s appearance

Chapter 416 You must not be fooled by this guy’s appearance

Now Lu Qi was a little surprised by the layout of the Doom Girl.

In other words, she had actually come into contact with Gangplank's forces a long time ago.

And it's very hidden. I'm afraid Planck still doesn't know that he has been targeted for so many years.

After the two entered the ship building, Lu Qi smelled a strong smell of perfume.

This probably wasn't Sarah's first time here. After entering, she naturally walked towards the corridor and then went up to the second floor.

Finally, she stopped at the door of a room and pushed the door open.

The whole room showed a dark yellow lighting tone. There was only one woman, leaning on the bed, wearing a simple red and black nightgown. Her long legs and shoulders were exposed, and there were two snake-shaped clothes wrapped around her arms. black tattoo.

She still looks good, but as Sarah said, there is an air of coquettishness about her overall.

"You're here, I've been waiting for you for a while, but you're never on time every time."

Marsili glanced at Sara for the first time and let out a coquettish cry. Then her eyes fell on the man accompanying her, and she was stunned for a moment.

She felt that she had fallen into the trap of love after just one glance.

Just standing there, the feeling he showed was a hundred times better than those pretty boys she had played with before.

No wonder Miss Fortune kept hiding it in her hand and refused to take it out.

She secretly enjoyed this peerless beauty, love!

Seeing Marsili's eyes widening, Sarah was not surprised by her reaction and said, "Something happened on the way, which delayed us for a while."

"It doesn't matter, I'm just talking." Marsili got out of bed, put on a piece of clothing casually, glanced at Sarah and then looked at Lu Qi, smiling charmingly: "What's the name of this handsome guy?"

"Lucci." Sarah took a step forward, stood in front of Luqi, and said with a smile, "It's getting late, let's talk about business first."

"Of course, give it up, I still have two bottles of good wine in my private collection. Let's talk while drinking." Marsili's expression remained unchanged, she turned and walked towards the cabinet, a sneer already appearing in her heart.

I'm not even allowed to take another look. Why didn't I think you were so stingy before?

but it does not matter.

From the moment she met the man, Marsili had made up her mind.

No matter whose man he is, she will get him into her bed and enjoy him day and night!

Just thinking about it made her wet with excitement.

"Counting the days, we haven't seen each other for a while." Masili said while taking out the wine and reminiscing about the past.

"Yes, it's been almost three months." Sarah nodded and replied.

"I didn't expect you would still remember." Marsili came over with two bottles of hardcover wine and put them on the table. She looked at Sarah and said with a smile, "We will keep in touch more in the future. I feel a little lonely after not seeing you for so long. ”

"No way, we all have our own things to be busy with. Of course we should keep in touch more when we have time." Sarah also smiled, and sneered secretly in her heart.

For such a nymphomaniac, she doesn't even need to use her brain, she already knows what she is thinking.

"Let me introduce you. This is what I told you about on the way here, Marsili." Sarah was sitting in front of the round table and introduced Marsili to Lu Qi.

Masili nodded lightly, and then extended her hand enthusiastically: "This is the first time we meet, I am quite famous on Blue Flame Island. If you have any difficulties, you can come to me."

In front of Sarah, she was very restrained and just wanted to shake hands politely.

But Sarah didn't give her this chance. After pouring a glass of wine, she stuffed it into her hand: "We haven't seen each other for so long, let's have a drink first."

Marsili suddenly felt unhappy, but she didn't show it. She smiled and clinked glasses with Sarah: "Cheers."

Both of them were good drinkers. As soon as they raised their necks and opened their mouths, a glass of good wine was already in their stomachs, and they didn't even look tipsy.

"Where's this handsome young man? Let's have a drink too."

Marsili poured Lu Qi a glass of wine herself, and just as she raised her glass, she saw Sarah standing up again.

"He's not very good at drinking, so I'll do it for him."

"You are so protective of him that you love him so much. Why are you jealous even when I talk to him or drink with him?"

Marsili glanced at Sarah unmoved, as if she was not going to give in this time.

Just kidding, if she can't even drink, how will she find opportunities to trick this handsome man into her bed in the future?

Sarah smiled softly: "It's not as exaggerated as you said. He really doesn't know how to drink."

"Come on, you just can't bear it." Marsili rolled her eyes, but still raised her glass and touched Sarah again, "No wonder you dare to touch Poloka. In fact, I quite understand you."

Before that, she actually didn't understand it at all.

But now, after meeting Lu Qi, she completely understood.

Even she would probably make the same choice as Sarah without hesitation.

Sarah drank another drink, with a hint of coldness on her face: "If he wants to touch my people, he must consider the consequences."

When Lu Qi saw this, he admired the bad luck girl's acting skills. He always acted like a vase and didn't even open his mouth.

"You're so domineering." Marsili smiled, and then snorted unhappily, "In the end, you have to wipe your ass with me."

What makes her unhappy is that so far, Sarah has not let her say a word to Lu Qi.

Lu Qi knew that it was time for him to appear, so he picked up the glass of wine in front of him that had not been touched for a long time: "Miss Marsili, let me say thank you on her behalf."

"It's really my love." Marsili glanced back and forth at the two of them, then picked up the glass with a smile, "Since you want to thank me, do you need to show more sincerity? She said you don't drink well. Then I must see you finish this cup in one gulp."

As she spoke, she refilled Lu Qi's glass. Normally, this kind of wine glass would be filled with one glass, but now this glass was almost overflowing.

After pouring, Marsili stopped talking.

"Aren't you making things difficult for him?" Sarah became a little unhappy and cast a concerned look at Lu Qi. Her acting skills were as good as ever.

Marsili smiled faintly: "You have to drink something like wine to be interesting."

"It's ok."

Lu Qi also exhaled at this moment, seemed to be ready, raised his glass directly, frowned and drank it in one breath.

Sarah has also seen his acting skills.

After finishing the drink, this guy's face instantly turned red.

She couldn't help but snorted in her heart. With this acting skill, this guy had deceived many innocent girls.

Seeing Lu Qi finish the drink in one breath, Marsili also smiled even more happily: "It's really amazing."

While praising her, she raised her glass again and drank another drink, but she showed no sign of being drunk.

Then she got down to business with Sarah.

"I will settle the matter with Poloka for you. When the time comes, it will be up to me to tell Gangplank. In fact, I have long been unhappy with that guy. He looks like that and even touched my mother. Wrong thinking."

Marsili didn't look good when she mentioned Poloka.

"Then I can help you out, thank you very much." Sarah smiled at this time, but there was not much emotion in the smile.

And Marsili didn't pay attention at all, because she was always paying attention to Lu Qi, thinking about how to get this handsome man from Miss Fortune for two days.

Seeing how she doesn't want him to suffer a little injustice now, I'm afraid it's still the honeymoon period. Maybe you can wait for a while, after the honeymoon period, before she speaks again.

Now that Doomsday owes her a favor, she asked to come over and play for two days. Isn't that too much?

Although it may be something that others are tired of playing, she doesn't dislike it at all. She will never get tired of playing at this level.

If the bad luck doesn't agree by then, then she will think of another way, but if it doesn't work, then she will just grab it.

Marsili had secretly made up her mind. She felt that if she couldn't play with this man, she would probably go crazy.

It would be better if I didn't see it before. But if you see it, you must get it!

Thinking of this, Marsili smiled calmly: "Although you helped me out, it's still a big deal. Poloka still has weight on Gangplank's side. I'll help you suppress it. You have to Did you express something?"

"Don't worry, I will definitely satisfy you when the time comes. When have I ever let you down?" Sarah smiled and raised her glass.

On the day she takes out Gangplank, Marsili in front of her won’t be able to escape.

As someone who has been with Gangplank and who destroyed her home island, Marsili must have been involved.

She will not spare anyone who works for Gangplank.

But right now, Marsili really needs to go to Gangplank to have some fun, and she has to make do with these guys for the time being.

"In that case, I'm looking forward to your gift."

Marsili smiled even more charmingly, and the coat she was wearing fell off her shoulders, leaving only a thin nightgown.

She obviously did it on purpose, deliberately showing off her figure in front of Lu Qi.

A cold glint flashed in Sarah's eyes, she cursed a bitch in her heart, and continued to drink glass after glass of wine with her calmly.

The two of them were like best friends with a deep relationship, and their clear and melodious laughter could be heard from the ship building from time to time.

Time passed slowly, and the topics of conversation were all gone, but Sarah did not see Lu Qi making any move to drug him.

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't let go now, she would have really taken this guy outside and questioned him.

Could it be that he was fascinated by the conversation between the two women?

"Maybe I was too happy and drank a little too much."

Finally, Masili's body began to sway, her eyes became dazed, and she felt drunkenness rising.

Could it be that he was too excited to see Lu Qi and got high?

With her head buzzing, Marsili said sleepily: "It's getting late, bad luck, I want to rest."

Sarah stood up. She was actually not just tipsy, but she had a good drink capacity and her consciousness was still clear: "Then I'll go back first."

"Don't worry. I will help you handle your matter." Marsili said drowsily, stood up unsteadily and walked a few steps before falling directly onto the bed and falling asleep without any precautions.

She really couldn't think of the reason why bad luck would attack her. After all, the two of them had known each other for so many years.

And we just agreed on something, so naturally we won’t be on guard.

Sarah saw that she had indeed fallen asleep, so she looked at Lu Qi with some displeasure: "Why are you so ink?"

Lu Qi said innocently: "I don't have to look for opportunities. You are drinking so happily that I can't interrupt you. Who asked you to set up a person with me who can't drink?"

"If I hadn't said that, you would have been stripped naked by her and thrown on the bed!"

Sarah snorted coldly and said angrily, "Didn't you notice that the way she looked at you almost seemed to eat you alive?"

"I found it, alas, but I'm used to it." Lu Qi sighed melancholy.

Seeing his pretentious look, Sarah really wanted to shoot him in the face.

At the same time, she also suspected that this guy just wanted to see her drinking too much.

She had just drank seven or eight glasses of high-alcohol wine, and now she smelled of wine. If she hadn't been able to drink well, she might have died like Marsili.

"I need some sobering medicine. Can I take it?"

As Lu Qi spoke, he calmly took out a bottle of hangover medicine.

Sarah looked at the sobering medicine he took out and stopped in place. In the beautiful eyes, a murderous intention gradually appeared!

"You have this medicine, why didn't you take it out earlier?!!"

She gritted her teeth and stared at Lu Qi, feeling a surge of anger rising in her chest. Her delicate body began to tremble with anger, and she wanted to pounce on this bitch and bite her to death.

This damn bitch has some sobering medicine, why didn’t you take it out two days ago!

It's obviously intentional!

She finally understood it, completely understood it!

You absolutely, absolutely, absolutely cannot get along with this guy and be fooled by his appearance.

In fact, the soul hidden under this good-looking face is so despicable! !

"I said I forgot, do you believe it?"

Lu Qi coughed and poured out a homemade hangover medicine from the medicine bottle.

"What do you think?" Sarah sneered, snatched it up, and threw it into her mouth, her silver teeth making a crunching sound.

At this moment, the bitterness spreading in her mouth was not as strong as the anger in her heart!

"Calm down, I didn't expect the consequences to be so serious." Lu Qi said comfortingly.

In fact, he could just keep silent at this time.

As soon as Sarah opened her mouth, the anger she had just suppressed began to rise again!

If this guy had taken out the sobering potion, would the rumors going viral in Bilgewater still exist?

Damn it!

Silently writing down this account, Sarah vowed that she would settle accounts with this guy in the future.

But now is not the time to talk about this.

"How long will it take for her to wake up?"

Sarah asked after calming down and calming down.

Only then did she realize the bitter taste in her mouth, and she immediately wanted to relieve the pain. So he grabbed the cup in front of him and put the wine inside into his mouth.

When her lips were touching the rim of the cup, Lu Qi saw the reminder and said, "That's my cup."


The wine Sarah had just taken into her mouth spurted out instantly.

Lu Qi reacted quickly and dodged in a flash, which was very cool.

At this time, Sarah looked down at the mouth of the cup and fell into a daze for a moment.

The other side of the cup was dry, which meant that the place where she drank and the place where Lu Qi drank overlapped perfectly.

(End of this chapter)

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