LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 417 I’m not interested in money

Chapter 417 I’m not interested in money

It’s time to say it or not.

The hangover medicine given by Lu Qi was quite effective. Within a minute of swallowing it, Sarah felt that her drunkenness had subsided.

But at this moment, she would rather be drunk.

This way she could forget her current embarrassment.

Slowly placing the cup in her hand on the table, Sarah abruptly changed the subject: "How long until she wakes up?"

Lu Qi also pretended that nothing happened and said, "I guess I can sleep until dawn. Now I'm curious, how are you going to find the treasure spot?"

Sarah had already walked around, rummaged around, and said: "She must have kept such an important thing in a safe place. This is why I specially asked her to meet here. This place means a lot to her." It’s a safe place, after all, it’s the place where she secretly has trysts with the pretty boys.”

After hearing this, Lu Qi also started searching around, silently sympathizing with the second-in-command named Juarez.

Apparently Marsili had cuckolded him a lot over the years.

Sarah was certain that Planck's treasure must have been recorded.

Because the Anaconda Islands (composed of multiple islands, of which Bilgewater is one) are located in a special area of ​​the Watcher Sea.

If there is no experienced helmsman or wind seeker in the team, it is inevitable to get lost on the sea.

Even if there is, you will still encounter this situation when encountering fog, wind and rain.

Many years ago, there were people who believed in other gods and prayed to the wind to guide the way.

But more people believe in the Bearded Lady, also known as Naga Kapoulos. A talisman of navigation was obtained from her temple to guide the way.

At the same time, there is another way, which is to draw a sea chart.

If you want to hide something important somewhere on this sea, drawing a sea map is the best way.

Because no matter how clearly a person remembers it, it is all in vain if he ends up lost at sea.

Record the location coordinates on the chart so you can quickly find them without forgetting them.

Now there is another question, and that is whether Marsili knows.

If she had followed Gangplank for so many years, in the end she wouldn't even know where he hid his treasure. Then Sarah felt that she could only have seen the wrong person.

It took the two of them more than an hour to rummage through the ship building, but they could not find the whereabouts of the so-called treasure map.

"Is it possible that it's not here?"

Sarah found a chair and sat down, her eyebrows knitted together, her eyes lost in thought.

Another possibility is that Marsili did not hide the treasure map here. If this is the case, Sarah feels that as long as she has time, she will be able to find it out sooner or later.

But what she lacks most now is time.

Short of money and time, she had to make sure everything was safe enough to deal with the vicious pirates like Gangplank.

At this moment, she saw Lu Qi walking towards Masili who was sleeping on the bed, and said, "I've already looked for that place, but there's nothing there."

She didn't think Lu Qi had any undue thoughts about Marsili, who was sleeping like a dead pig at the moment.

After all, they had been getting along with him for a few days, and Sarah already knew him to some extent.

"Your method won't work, I'm going to use mine."

Lu Qi replied and sat on the edge of the bed.

The smell of perfume on Marsili's bed became stronger, but he didn't care. Instead, he stretched out his slender fingers and approached her forehead.

"Your method?"

Sarah looked puzzled, but she got up and walked over, "What are you going to do?"

"Fabricate a sweet dream for her." Lu Qi smiled, and a trace of black magic flowed out of his fingertips.

Since he has a deeper understanding of magic, he has learned a little more about the two demonic forces in his body.

After all, demonic power is also one of the thousands of magical energies in Rune Land.

In the past, he didn't know how to use it and generally didn't want to use it, but now his understanding has deepened and his control has become stronger.

So I began to try to study and analyze these two original powers taken from the devil.

After all, if nothing else happens, I will have to get along with them for quite some time.

After activating the demon form, they can all enhance Lu Qi's overall strength. But the most important thing is the special abilities of these two demons.

Evelin's ability allows her to become invisible, which is the Demonic Phantom, which almost achieves the effect of invisibility. Coupled with the Divine Hidden Technique, it is an absolute sneak attack skill.

And Nocturne's ability is naturally to control dreams. He once plunged an entire town into a nightmare at the same time, constantly absorbing fear, and this was not even the peak of his power.

Although Lu Qi can't do this, he can still do it one-on-one.

"Sweet dream?"

Sarah was even more puzzled, but she still stayed quietly while watching the black aura flowing from Lu Qi's fingertips.

She was certainly not stupid and knew what Lu Qi meant.

Looking at the scene in front of her, she suddenly thought that since she met this guy, she seemed to have never had nightmares again.

A pair of beautiful eyes quietly moved to Lu Qi's profile, and Sarah couldn't help but be distracted.

at this time.

In Marsili's dream, she woke up from a luxurious bed and immediately saw handsome men lying around one after another.

They were all stunned immediately.

These handsome guys were of various types, including cold, delicate, tall, and masculine. Just one look at them made her feel hot all over and her breathing became rapid.

This is exactly what she dreamed of!

It's almost like a dream.

"Sister, I'm so tired that I can't come anymore."

At this time, a thin and beautiful young man lying beside her spoke sweetly, looking at her pitifully with a pair of deer-like eyes.

Marsili became excited instantly, the heat in her heart doubled, and she almost shouted.

No matter whether it’s a dream or not, let’s get over it first!

Even if it is a dream, it is worth dying to dream of such a scene!

"Don't worry, sister is here to pamper you~!"

Marsili let out a lewd laugh and pounced on her like a hungry tiger.

"Marsili, I'm back!"

At this critical moment, a rough voice came from far away outside.

Marsili suddenly broke into a cold sweat, and her hot heart felt as if a basin of cold water had been poured on her.

The sweet dream almost turned into a nightmare.

However, the good things were suddenly interrupted, and she was extremely unhappy.

Looking at the shivering beautiful boy in her arms and the handsome guys around her who were also frightened, she cast a comforting look: "Don't be afraid, I'll be back to pamper you soon." She stood up quickly and put on a coat casually. After putting on some clothes, he went outside to meet his mistress, Juarez, whom he was tired of seeing.

If this guy wasn't Gangplank's most trusted second-in-command, she would have dumped this rough-faced guy long ago.

This guy didn't deserve to be compared to any of the handsome guys lying on her bed.

"It's been so long since I last saw you, you've become a lot more beautiful." Juarez laughed cheerfully when he saw her, and took her into his arms.

"You damn ghost, you can just say some words to make me happy, but you don't even want to bring back any gifts." Marsili also snuggled into his arms and squealed.

"Who said that, what is this?"

Juarez immediately placed a pair of glittering golden necklaces embedded with orbs in front of her eyes.

Marsili's eyes suddenly lit up, she happily put her necklace on and kissed Juarez directly on the face: "My dear, I love you the most~!"

"Haha, don't even look at who I am!" Juarez laughed twice and then said, "Okay, let's not talk about this for now. The boss had a great harvest this time and brought back a lot of good guys, and there is no room for them on the island. Yeah, I need to save some."

When he said this, Marsili also showed a knowing smile, and said with a smile: "So, we are going there again?"

"Well! You are indispensable this time. Let's get ready to leave." Juarez nodded.

"I don't know why I'm in such a hurry." Marsili sighed softly, and glanced at the room where many handsome guys were hiding reluctantly, thinking that she would be back soon anyway.

At this moment, she has completely played her role in the dream.

Soon, she and Juarez came to a room, and then she took off all her clothes very naturally, and then showed her back to Juarez.

At the same time, he muttered with some displeasure: "I don't know what you are thinking. Paint that thing on me. If I have an accident one day, what will you do then?"

"How could you have an accident? Who dares to offend you in Bilgewater today? To offend you is to offend me, and to offend me is to offend Gangplank.

Unless someone doesn’t want to live anymore! "

Juarez laughed wildly and stretched out his fingers to stroke Masili's back. The moment his rough and cold fingers touched Masili's skin, she trembled slightly.

Of course she couldn't find that there was a pair of eyes overlooking all of this.

The dream was deduced based on Masili's subconscious, and Lu Qi only played a role in fueling the flames.

After seeing this, Lu Qi could no longer observe. Marsili's subconscious resisted, and it seemed that this secret was also important to her.

Even in her dream, she didn't want to express too much.

Lu Qi still has little understanding of the ability to control dreams, so he withdrew from the dream.

Sarah, who was very concerned, saw this and immediately asked with concern: "Is there any result?"

Lu Qi nodded and said aloud: "There should be. She mentioned in her dream that that thing was painted on her body."

"On your body?"

Sarah was startled at first, and then her beautiful eyes lit up: "Yes! Why didn't I think of it? The safest place is on my own body."

She understood it as soon as she heard it, but she didn't expect that Juarez, as the helmsman of Planck, would have such a key treasure location imprinted on his woman.

It's quite smart to say it or not. As long as Marsili doesn't have an accident, even if an accident does happen, no one will know. The tattoo on her body is a treasure map.

With that said, she was about to step forward and strip Masili naked, but she also remembered something and asked: "If I do this, I won't wake her up, right?"

Lu Qi stood up, turned his back and said, "No, she is immersed in a sweet dream and can't extricate herself."

The sound of stripping clothes was heard immediately from behind, and soon Sarah's disgusted and patient voice was heard: "There are tattoos all over her back, even there, where is the hidden treasure?"

"What can I say, I didn't see it there either. Marsili's subconscious avoided this part."

Lu Qi also fell into thinking. Recalling the scene just now, he said, "Are there any special lines on those tattoos?"


Sarah looked at Marsili's back with her eyes. There was a large pattern printed here. The pattern was composed of multiple sea monsters. They were entangled together and extended to her thighs and arms.

"In other words, these lines are indeed like the outline of a map."

She looked at it over and over again, and gradually came up with some ideas, "If these eyes are regarded as islands, then could this be the Python Islands?"

The more she looked at it, the more surprised she became, and the more she looked at it, the more she understood, and she always felt that she had grasped the key point.

"No, I have to draw this pattern. We can't stay here for too long. We can analyze the rest when we go back."

Sarah made an immediate decision, immediately found paper and pen in the cabin, and then began to engrave all the tattoos on Marsili's back.

As the daughter of a master gunsmith, she naturally has extremely strong composition skills. Basically, she made few mistakes and quickly presented the complete tattoo on the paper in a flat form.

After doing all this, she put the pen and paper back in their place, then put on Marsili's clothes and covered her with a quilt.

He also left a letter of his departure to cover up the traces of using paper and pen, and then left the ship building with Lu Qi.

Even after leaving the ship building, Sarah was still in a state of excitement, with a blush on her face. She patted Lu Qi on the back with rare joy: "It's really yours! I didn't expect you to hide such a skill. If This time you really found Planck's treasure, which is your first achievement."

"Really, Captain? Are there any other rewards besides top score?" Lu Qi asked pretending to be surprised.

"Of course I will share this treasure with you." Sarah said with a smile. When the treasure was mentioned, her eyes lit up like a little money addict.

"This reward is a bit ordinary to me." Lu Qi couldn't help but sigh, "To me, money is just a number. The thing I am least interested in is money."

This unintentional Versailles immediately caused the smile on Sarah's face to disappear. She looked at this annoying guy and snorted angrily: "But it's a pity that I can only reward you with numbers now."

Lu Qi sighed softly: "Okay, then I will accept it reluctantly."

Without even seeing the treasure, the two of them had already started discussing how to divide the treasure.

We had a lot of fun chatting.

After returning, Sarah immediately called her confidants to discuss the tattoo design.

She's not the best at this.

Raven is an experienced boatman. He used to work with another captain. He has served as helmsman, wind finder and other positions. This kind of people is extremely important at sea. They are the confidence not to lose their way on the sea.

If an inexperienced captain dares to go to sea on his own, it is tantamount to seeking death.

Of course, it's one thing if he has strength.

All in all, Raven quickly figured out the clue from this sea monster tattoo picture.

He found pen and paper again and began to draw based on his own experience.

Not long after, a complete sea map appeared on the sea surface.

"That's right, this is indeed a chart pointing to other places."

Raven said with conviction after judgment.

Sarah's eyes lit up and she glanced at Lu Qi, flashing with joy. Then he said calmly: "Without further ado, pack up and we'll leave immediately!"

"Yes! Captain!"

A series of responses sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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