LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 418 Giant Octopus Monster

Chapter 418 Giant Octopus Monster

In the blink of an eye, thirty hours later.

Sarah's clipper sailed on the sea for two full nights and a whole day, passing through a fog area and a reef area, and was attacked by sea monsters.

There are all kinds of dangerous sea monsters in the sea near Bilgewater all year round. These creatures lurk under the sea, and some are even bigger than mountains.

If you encounter this type of sea monster on the sea, the only option is to run away.

According to the chart route studied by Lei Wen, everyone finally discovered a small island on the sea after the second sunrise.

"Captain, there is an island!"

Dahl, holding the telescope, shouted excitedly.

After a while, Sarah, who was fully armed, walked out of the room, took a look at the telescope, and said with joy on her face: "Okay! Move forward at full speed!"

She looked to the right, where Lu Qi was lying leisurely, with no trace of tension in his body.

This guy is just like a weakling. He can sit and never stand, and he can lie down and never sit.

Completely different from the rumored hard-working Demacians.

But fortunately, Sarah has been pleasing to her eye recently and is too lazy to talk about him.

Soon, the boat slowly docked at the island, and the group quickly disembarked.

This island is not particularly big, probably not even one-tenth of the size of Bilgewater. There are many green plants that can be seen almost everywhere.

Sarah looked around and ordered: "Separately look for it, and be careful, no one knows what that guy will leave on the island."


Everyone responded and immediately dispersed. They were all experienced veterans, working in groups of three and two, searching separately.

"I'm going over here."

Sarah glanced back at Lu Qi, found a direction, and set off.

"Then I'll go here." Lu Qi chose another direction.

Sarah followed a route through the jungle on the island, meeting two groups of people on the way, and soon reached a location near the center of the island.

There is a large lake here, which is a little turbid, but the surface of the lake is calm.

When she got here, Sarah stopped. She looked at the scattered skeletons around and whispered: "Some are human and some are animal. There is danger here, be careful!"

As he spoke, danger had arrived.

I saw huge fluctuations in the turbid lake surface, and in an instant, a huge whip was thrown out from it and hit Sarah.

Sarah reacted quickly, exerting force on her feet, and rushed out. At the same time, there were two "bang" and "bang" sounds, and two powerful bullets had escaped from the gun, leaving two large holes in the tentacles.



The next second, there was a loud noise in the center of the lake, and suddenly a large amount of water splashed up, accompanied by a roar.

As if some sleeping beast had been awakened, rain fell all around.

When people looked at the huge figure rising from the lake, their pupils shrank.

"Giant octopus monster?!"

Sarah frowned and scolded directly: "Damn it, Gangplank raised a monster like this to look after his home!"

I saw a giant octopus monster standing in the lake, which was more than 20 meters high. It looked very scary. This was just the height, and its tentacles were obviously longer.

Each one is very strong, and there are twelve in total.

In this way, Sarah was even more certain that this was the location of Planck's treasure.

Otherwise, who would keep such a monster here?

The surrounding skeletons are obviously its masterpieces. I am afraid that many people who accidentally entered this island or came to this island have become the food of this sea monster.

But at this moment Sarah was not afraid and said loudly: "Solve it, the treasure is right in front of you!"

As she spoke, she raised her gun and shot towards the octopus monster's eyeball.

There was a gap in the latter. It closed its eyes a second ago, but it underestimated the power of Miss Fortune's two guns. The moment the bullet hit, two blood holes instantly burst out and hit the eyeball twice.


The octopus monster was completely enraged and its roar was deafening. Then he swung his tentacles like crazy, and twelve huge and thick tentacles flew all over the sky and fell towards everyone.

"Boom boom boom!"

Everyone dodged and launched attacks at the same time.

In the sea, there are sea monsters larger than the giant octopus, but the former is already a very lethal sea monster.

What this guy is most famous for is its excellent self-healing ability, and its tentacles are so powerful that anyone caught by it will have a hard time escaping.

At this moment, the bloody holes left by Sarah on the octopus's eyes were recovering rapidly.

Everyone has experience fighting against sea monsters, so they also know that they cannot compete with this kind of monster in terms of energy.

To kill this octopus monster, its head must be blown to pieces.

"Damn it!" Sarah kept firing, sparks constantly coming out of the gun. These two guns have been specially modified to possess magical power and extremely high ammunition capacity.

But even so, it's still a bit difficult to deal with such a monster that heals quickly.

If you drive a warship over and blast it with dozens of cannonballs, the brains of this octopus monster will be blown to pieces!

However, this is also the reason why Gangplank prepared an octopus monster here. Without the cannonballs like natural enemies, this octopus monster can do almost anything he wants on this island.


The ground was hit by the octopus monster's tentacles, making loud noises. There were currently seven people fighting against the sea monster. They spread out and struggled to avoid the attacks of the tentacles.

Just one hit might be enough to eat a pot.

No one wants to be hit, but their physical strength is constantly declining.

At this moment, the octopus monster roughly uprooted a tree several meters high with its tentacles, and then threw it towards a crowded place.

Several people quickly dodged, and at the same time several tentacles moved toward the surrounding area.

In the blink of an eye, three people were wrapped around their bodies by thick tentacles, and they suddenly flew into the air. Their legs kept swinging and struggling, but to no avail.

"Krieg! Jonah! Blue!"

The companions made worried sounds and rushed there quickly. If they were not stopped, the fate of the three of them was almost foreseeable.

The octopus monster had already made plans to retract its tentacles. When Sarah saw this, she took a deep breath and her eyes became a little sharper.

She suddenly raised her guns and pulled the triggers very quickly.

I saw bullets blessed by magic flying out, drawing streaks of light in the air, and then accurately hitting the three tentacles.

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

Bloody holes were blown out of the three tentacles, and they were cut off in just one second.

The three fell to the ground from the air, and with the help of their other companions, they broke free from the tentacles.

Sarah was about to breathe a sigh of relief when she suddenly became aware of two tentacles approaching quietly from behind. At the same time, there was also a tentacle waving violently from the front.


In the blink of an eye, she was in danger of being sieged. She fired two shots without hesitation. Two of the tentacles were interrupted and stopped in mid-air.

But the third tentacle was about to hit her back.

In an instant, there was a flash of sword light, and a complete cut appeared on the tentacle, which fell to the ground. "Swish!"

Then there were two more sword lights, and the same for the other two tentacles.

Sarah turned around and finally breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Lu Qi standing behind her. She immediately said: "This monster is very strong, be careful."

There was no time for chatting now. As soon as she escaped from danger, Sarah immediately raised her gun and shot at the octopus monster.

There was a bit of anger in her movements. If Lu Qi hadn't arrived in time, she would have been seriously injured if she got hit in the back.

The bullet hit the octopus monster as if it was free of charge, but it also demonstrated the latter's amazing self-healing ability. The flesh and blood on the wound squirmed disgustingly, recovering every second.

And the three tentacles that Lu Qi had just cut off began to grow new tentacles from the incision.

"How can I kill it?"

Lu Qi had never seen such a big octopus before, it looked disgusting.

"It hides its vitals in its head. Unless it is directly destroyed, it will continue to heal itself."

Sarah answered loudly, but at the same time she didn't take the time to shoot.

The octopus monster opposite was not a living target. Although she could hit every shot, it was able to avoid its vital points.

Coupled with the self-healing effect, her attacks are like restoring health to the monster.

"It's okay, it won't be able to come back soon."

The wind energy on Lu Qi's body gathered together, and then he swung out a sword with sword intent, almost directly cutting off most of the tentacles that came in front of him.

Such a considerable attack directly dumbfounded some people around him.

They didn't expect that the pretty boy the captain found was so powerful?

Sarah knew that Lu Qi was the prince of Demacia after all, but she was still a little surprised after seeing him show his strength with her own eyes.

She must have known that it took at least seven or eight shots to break the tentacles, but Lu Qi only needed one sword.

Moreover, she soon discovered that the octopus monster's self-healing speed suddenly slowed down when Lu Qi struck with his sword.

The octopus monster seemed to be aware of it, and looked at Lu Qi with its two big black eyes, filled with murderous intent and anger.

At this moment, all the tentacles started dancing more crazily, as if they wanted to end everything.

"What did you do to it?"

Sarah speeded up to dodge and asked in confusion.

"This sword of mine is called the Sword of Tetanus. It is specially designed to deal with this kind of blood regeneration quickly."

Lu Qi's body was agile and he easily dodged the attacks of the six tentacles. At the same time, every time he swung his sword, a segment of the octopus monster's tentacles appeared on the ground.

With his appearance, everyone around him suddenly became more confident.

Sarah realized that her attack was indeed very effective, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "What a good thing!"

"That's necessary." Lu Qi's Xuejian was originally combined with the effect of a serious injury knife, but now it has a serious injury effect, and it is specially designed to cut such fast-regenerating blood.

He looked at the tentacles on the ground and had a sudden thought.

"Its self-healing ability is so strong. If you catch one and take it back, wouldn't you worry about eating it in the future?"

"No one has thought about your idea. First of all, you have to capture such a monster. Secondly, the meat of this guy is huge and unpalatable. Don't think of it as a normal octopus."

Sarah found that she actually had time to talk to Lu Qi about other things.

The most important thing is that she saw that of the giant octopus monster's twelve tentacles, only a few were left at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the rest were cut off.

Only then did she realize that this guy who was so lazy all day seemed to be very strong.

The octopus monster also discovered this. It has the IQ of a human being about five years old, and it looked at Lu Qi with a little more fear.

Looking at the few tentacles it had left, it felt a strong sense of crisis, so it immediately raised its ink sac, and a waterfall of black ink sprayed out in an instant.

"Get out of the way! This guy's ink is poisonous!"

Sarah shouted and immediately turned around and tried to run away. But the moment she turned her head, she saw Lu Qi standing still.

He immediately stopped again and hesitated for a moment.

It was this moment of hesitation that made her see Lu Qi's whole body condensed with a good aura, as if there was a whirlwind surrounding him.

The next moment, he slashed out with his sword, and saw a huge wind wave rising from the ground, forming an insurmountable barrier in the roar.

Then he rolled up the sprayed ink and threw it back at the giant octopus monster.

Sarah opened her eyes wide, feeling that this scene was very shocking.

In all her years in Bilgewater, she had never seen such a scene.

The huge body of the octopus was sprayed into ink black by itself. Of course, the poison was ineffective on itself, but it made it feel extremely angry.


It roared angrily and charged towards Lu Qi with its huge body, waving its remaining tentacles at the same time.

This type of octopus monster was born for fighting. It would take great pains to hunt its own kind, humans, and attack ships on the sea.

Nature can't stand being so provoked by humans.

"Everyone, fire!"

Sarah ordered loudly, without stopping, bullets whizzed out one after another.

At the same time, various gunshots were heard from all directions.

All the bullets fell on the octopus monster, but they failed to stop it even for a moment.

Lu Qi faced this mountain-like brutal collision without any fear. He directly jumped towards the octopus monster.

Stepping on its waving tentacles, he quickly approached its huge head, and slashed out with several swords in the blink of an eye.

A neat cut appeared on the octopus's head, and its crazy movements gradually stopped.

As a stench emanated from its head, Lu Qi immediately jumped away.

He finally understood why this guy didn't taste good. There was some rotten meat in his head, exuding a rancid smell.

The next second, the huge body of the octopus monster fell to the ground with a crash and stopped moving. It was obviously hit by a critical wound.

Sarah was panting slightly, her plump breasts rising and falling, as if she had spent a lot of energy. She walked towards Lu Qi and patted him on the back: "Thanks to you this time. When I find the treasure, I decided to share it more. I will thank you properly when I get back."

If it weren't for Lu Qi this time, they might have to pay a certain price to defeat this monster.

A few people might even be sacrificed.

It will never be as easy as it is now.

Lu Qi couldn't help but smile and said, "You might as well give it all to me."

"I thought you were beautiful." Sarah gave him a roll of her eyes, looking rather coquettish.

In the eyes of the surrounding crew members, there was suddenly a bit of flirtatious mood.

They all acted as if they didn't see it.

Sarah didn't pay attention to these subtle glances at this time. A delicate sneer appeared on her face: "Now it's time to find that guy's treasure. I'm looking forward to his expression then."

There is no doubt that this is Gangplank's treasure spot.

Otherwise, how could an octopus monster living in the sea appear in the lake on the island?

(End of this chapter)

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