LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 422 What if I insist on his death?

Chapter 422 What if I insist on his death?

The Abyss.

"Captain! A thief sneaked into Rat Town Pier and we discovered it!"

A member of the Tiegou Gang ran from a distance and found Gangplank who was in a very bad mood. He was startled by his cold expression and became a little more careful in what he said.

The Tiegou Gang enjoys killing people, but compared to the maritime overlord in front of them, they pale into insignificance.

In other words, it was precisely because of his existence that the Iron Hook Gang dared to kill people for fun without restraint.


Gangplank stood up, his figure looking very tall, or rather majestic. His neck and shoulders were as thick as a bull's muscles. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, revealing his blood-soaked forearms. His red cloak and three-cornered hat hung beside him.

"Two people got into an argument for some unknown reason. They somehow sneaked into the warehouse. One of them had a shotgun. The other's weapon was very strange. It was a kind of playing card that glowed."

The Tiegou Gang quickly told the situation about the dock, and then quietly lowered their heads.

But he felt a cold breath coming from not far in front of him.

Gangplank's expression finally changed, and his entire face turned a terrifying scarlet color due to his rage. The light reflected in his eyes, shining red.

"This bastard. How dare you mess with me? Gather everyone to get to work!"

He grabbed his cloak and hat and stepped outside while giving instructions, his voice filled with suppressed anger.

"Idiot, you messed everything up! Again!"

Drizzt sprinted on the pier unyieldingly, holding his hat in one hand, as if it was as precious as his life.

“None of this would have happened if you had faced your mistakes, but you can never admit them!”

Graves ran back and forth with him, bending down to avoid incoming bullets and shooting backwards, while yelling the same.

They were more than ten meters apart, and Graves knew that as long as he was given a chance to wear the hat, he would definitely run away like a coward again.

Therefore, he will not give him this opportunity.

Bullets whizzed past Drizzt, including interference from Graves.

Graves could have shot him directly, but he didn't want to.

Because until now, he still hadn't heard those words from his mouth.

Drizzt glanced back, the bullet almost grazed his luxurious clothes, and he gritted his teeth in anger. He immediately raised his hand and threw out two red arrows, but they were not directed at Graves, but at the approaching Tiegou Gang members.

How could these minions be his opponents? The only real trouble was the idiot Graves.

He was only thinking about what happened ten years ago and kept chasing after it.

He really wanted to explain to him what was going on back then, but he felt it was pointless.

Once his solid head gets stubborn, it takes a long time to wake up. Unfortunately, it doesn't take long now.

Drizzt clearly felt that more and more people were coming to arrest them.

Sure enough, another group of people soon appeared from the other side.

The Painted Face Gang, another group of Gangplank's men, also has many powerful guys.

Drizzt was forced to a bridge. He saw Gangplank's ship looming on the sea in the distance.

The road was almost blocked, and Graves followed closely behind.

At this time, he finally stopped pointing the broken gun at himself, but what was the use?

Drizzt glanced down. The deep sea was like an abyss. If you jumped from this height, it would take a few seconds just to fall, right?

"It's fine now. We can't live anymore. Are you satisfied?"

Drizzt turned back and smiled sarcastically at Graves.

Graves also had a sarcastic smile on his face: "I died once ten years ago! What difference does it make if I die early or later?"

"I told you everything."

"What did you say? You didn't say a word at that time. I turned around and you disappeared without a trace. How does it feel to betray your teammates?"

Graves interrupted him with a sneer, and fired the shotgun into the ground with a bang, stopping Drizzt from using the card.

The Tiegou Gang and Hualian Gang are getting closer and closer.

On the bridge, Drizzt and Graves began to confront each other as if they had abandoned everything.

Drizzt could no longer remain calm. He raised his voice and roared: "Are you deaf? I told you at the time that there was something wrong with this deal! It was you, a single-minded stupid pig, who insisted on doing it! I’ll try my best to get us out!”

"As long as you cover me, we can escape unscathed! But you ran away, just ran away!" Graves took a vicious step forward, his eyes flashing with obsession like a madman.

He turned around, and there was nothing behind him. His trusted partner was nowhere to be seen, and countless enemies were surrounding him.

At that moment, the despair in his heart almost swallowed him up!

Drizzt fell silent, knowing that nothing he could say would be of any use at the moment.

And it was indeed true that she had left him behind.

At this moment, a flash of fire lit up from behind Graves, like a flintlock rifle.

Drizzt immediately raised his hand and flew out the assignment hidden in his hand. At the same time, Graves also raised the shotgun and pulled the trigger.


Shotguns sprayed out, and the painted-faced minions dozens of meters behind Drizzt were thrown away, and the flying knife he was about to throw fell to the ground.

The card that flew out intercepted the bullet and accurately hit the person who fired the shot, causing him to pass out on the spot.

Neither of them looked at each other, but they both started to fight back in tacit agreement.

Toward the people around you.

However, more and more people gathered around, making meaningless resistance until Graves ran out of bullets and Drizzt stopped moving.

The surrounding area suddenly became quiet, and as the wall of people opened, a figure wearing a red cloak walked out.

His face was expressionless, but even from a few meters away, Drizzt could feel that this sea overlord was very angry at the moment.

Then, his eyes revealed a chilling smile.

"Entertain them well."

Port of Bilgewater.

This is the place with the most people on the island. Ships that come and go basically land or depart here. The port is a large area of ​​buildings, and further up is like a spider web, with buildings of different styles connected together.

At this moment, there was a dense crowd of people standing on the port, looking at the sea with different eyes, some were excited, some were applauding, some were timid, and some were afraid.

On the front end of the huge Abyss, under the clear light of the lights, two figures hung.

The Abyss was surrounded by ships belonging to Planck, including almost all his men.




Surrounding these two figures, tall boatmen were punching and kicking them one after another. The two of them were like sandbags.

Word has spread.

Planck brought two thieves who dared to offend him to the public for punishment, reminding everyone that his majesty is inviolable.

With his arrogant and domineering personality, he is totally capable of doing this kind of thing.

Although Bilgewater has no explicit legal jurisdiction, it is a place where many people live, and everyone tries their best to maintain the harmony here.

Only Gangplank has no scruples in doing things. He kills people whenever he wants, and he kills people extremely cruelly.

He can easily trample on any dignity without any punishment.

This is Planck.

"You have no strength at all. Are you a bunch of wimps?"

Graves spoke with a bit of a tongue. He spat out the blood in his mouth and looked around with contempt, "Come again, you losers."

Next to him, Drizzt seemed to have no strength to speak. His hair was disheveled, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen. The precious hat was also thrown aside as trash.

In fact, his condition was not good either. He had more than a few broken bones and was in terrible pain all over.

But at this time, we can no longer give in.


A dull voice sounded, and several people around him stepped aside.

Planck moved a wine barrel and sat on it, holding a bone carving knife in one hand and an orange in the other, peeling it.

"Actually, I admire brave and quick thieves. We should have had a pleasant friendship."

As he spoke, he stood up and approached Drizzt coldly: "But you should never steal my things."

"I'm not an unreasonable person, and I won't force others to grovel in front of me. All I want is a little respect. But you two dare to sit on my neck and shit. You can't. forgive."

His voice was low, with suppressed anger, and the bone-carving knife was pointed at Drizzt's face: "And, twice in a row. Where are my things?"


Drizzt raised his head and looked at Gangplank with his eyes that were swollen from the beating, with a hint of confusion.

This is the first time he has provoked this bastard.

"Don't pretend to be stupid." Gangplank approached Drizzt and whispered: "The treasure I have hidden on the island will only give you one chance. Answer it well. I can have as much money as I want, but your life. It’s gone when you die.”

Drizzt was not exhausted, he was still thinking of ways to escape.

But after hearing these words, he suddenly realized something.

Even if he sneaked into Rat Town for a dagger, Gangplank shouldn't send out all his troops.

A figure with fiery red hair flashed in his mind, and Drizzt felt as if he had fallen into an abyss, and his body began to get cold.

He felt that he had foolishly jumped into some kind of conspiracy vortex.

Become the bait on the fishhook.

Drizzt had a keen intuition most of the time, and at this moment, his intuition was like this warning.

He was cheated.

Damn redhead chick.

Although he cheated her last time, the reward wouldn't be so insidious, right?

The guy came after him last time, so he simply led her to the place where two gangs were fighting, causing her to get involved and be attacked by the two gangs.

And he left in a cool way, but actually he wasn't that cool at all.

After all, he almost got caught.

Drizzt felt infinite sadness in his heart at this moment. He should have realized that Bilgewater was such a place.

It was full of intrigues, deceit and being deceived. He had deceived people all his life, but he didn't expect to be deceived so much today.

He was about to tell the red-haired girl without hesitation, but suddenly he saw the look from Graves, even though it was only for a moment.

So he shut his mouth again.

"Okay!" Seeing that he had no reaction, Plank laughed angrily and turned around mercilessly, "Tie them together. I want the entire Piraeus to witness a flaming firework."

The money he put on the island was certainly a lot, and it was enough to buy these two bastards ten lives.

But he didn't want to waste time asking.

no need!

Don’t even think about who he is!

Planck regarded money as dirt. With his current status, if he wanted it, he would get a lot of it.

What he really cares about is supreme and inviolable authority. It's the pleasure of watching people show fear and fear.

Soon, Drizzt and Graves were tied together by ropes.

"It's okay now, we're all done."

Drizzt spoke weakly and sneered.

"You totally deserve it." Graves also sneered.

"Do you think I want things to turn out like that?" Drizzt finally couldn't help it and growled, with anger in his eyes.

His life was coming to an end and he couldn't bear it anymore.

"It's a fact that you left me behind. For ten whole years."

"My men and I tried to get you out, but they all died!" He shot back quickly, "Curt, Wallach, and Brick, not one of them was left, all to save you! You Pig head!”

"But you are still alive. Have you ever thought about why? Because you are a coward. Yes, no matter how beautiful your excuse is, it is useless."

These words hit Drizzt like a bullet.

He lowered his head, his fighting spirit dissipated in his eyes, as if he had been defeated, and his whole body softened.

Graves also felt a sense of powerlessness and fatigue at this moment, as if he was exhausted.

He didn't know the meaning of his insistence on pursuing this.

He might just want to hear a word.

"We are all going to die, so it doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. We tried our best to save you, and I didn't abandon you on purpose. Anyway, I'm sorry."

After Drizzt said helplessly, he chose to be quiet.

Graves shuddered and lowered his head as he recalled that day.

He always did things his own way, and whenever he went too far, Drizzt would clean up the mess. He always has a way out, allowing the two of them to escape unscathed time and time again.

But I didn't listen to him that day, which led to everything now.

"You two had a great time chatting."

Planck's voice sounded as he finished peeling an orange and was about to taste it.

Drizzt and Graves were hung up, their bodies hanging upside down, and their eyes saw a heavy cannon being lifted up.

"Its name is Death's Daughter. It followed me the day I went to sea. It has made many achievements in battles. And you will become countless souls who died at its hands. Be happy."

Gangplank walked to the side of the Daughter of Death with a showy tone, stepped on the gun barrel with his boots, but his eyes were very cold.

On the pier, one person after another stretched their necks to see this scene.

"I really have no choice this time."

Drizzt gave up completely, never expecting that he would be lonely in this way. At this moment, he heard Graves' loud laughter and an itch in his hand.

He knew very well what it was, a card. After hesitating for a moment, Drizzt took the card into his hand.

In an instant, the power of magic began to surge.

The next second, under everyone's gaze, Drizzt disappeared.

Gangplank's eyes widened, as did everyone around him. He didn't expect this scene to happen.

People in the port were also shocked.

Graves breathed a sigh of relief.

"Look! Find him for me!"

Gangplank roared angrily, and his surrounding men immediately spread out.

"I'm right here."

Drizzt's voice sounded from high up, and at the same time as the voice fell, a card flew towards Gangplank.

In anger, Gangplank simply stretched out his hand and grabbed the menacing card from the air.

His fierce look really shocked Drizzt. This was the first time someone had taken his hand forcefully.

"Feed that guy to me!"

Gangplank glanced at Graves who was hanging up angrily, and then looked back, "Then arrest this guy!"

"Ling ring ring~"

The next moment, the sound of the iron chains being loosened was heard, and Graves' body fell rapidly, carrying heavy iron chains on his body, and quickly sank toward the bottom of the sea.

Seeing this scene, Drizzt quickly threw out a few cards, and one after another people around him were hit.

But after all, he was only one person, and at this time, there was a "bang".

White smoke emitted from the muzzle of a short gun in Gangplank's hand, and a bullet directly penetrated Drizzt's shoulder.

His whole body of magic power suddenly went into chaos. He glanced at the sea and jumped in without hesitation.

"Seek death."

Plank sneered when he saw him jumping into the sea.

In the sea near the port, there are a group of man-eating manta rays and sharks

"Listen, if anyone looks like"

“Bang bang bang bang bang!!!”

Plank faced the port. Before he could finish his warning, he heard the sound of cannons all over the sky.

He suddenly had a strong and uneasy premonition, subconsciously raised his head, and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

I saw a rain of cannons all over the sky, falling towards the Abyss at this moment.

"Enemy attack! Everyone, fight back!"

he yelled.

However, the shells had already fallen, and "rumbling" fires continued to explode all over the body of the Abyss. At the same time, the ships around it did not escape.

In this first round alone, at least dozens of shells fell.

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang!"

Before he could recover, the second round of shells had been fired, and the power of these shells seemed to have been increased.

Even the Abyss's defenses were unable to stop it, and countless gaps were blown out in the blink of an eye.

Planck dodged around among them, feeling frightened and angry. He quickly found the ship that attacked them.

On the sea in the distance, at some point, a huge ship no less big than the Abyss appeared.

From there, fire blazed!

At the bow of the ship stood a woman with flowing red hair.

"Damn it! A bunch of bastards!"

Gangplank was furious and snatched away the Daughter of Death, trying to counterattack.

However, before the gunpowder could be loaded, a cannonball fell towards him.


Gangplank didn't have time to think and jumped away, but was still thrown away by the explosion.

He never dreamed that someone would dare to attack him.

It was even more unbelievable that there was a ship with the firepower to capture the Abyss. He had no information about that ship at all!

His Abyss is on the sea, invincible and no ship can reach it! If you have a head-to-head confrontation, you may not be the opponent of that ship!

But now, there is no point in thinking about it. After these two rounds of sneak attacks, half of the Abyss has been destroyed.

Even a giant ship of the same level could not create such an effect in such a short period of time. Plank saw that in this short period of time, the other captains also appeared on the stage, and they all launched a fierce attack on him.

These bastards!

How dare you! ?

The Abyss began to sink toward the sea. Plank saw countless of his men dying. He was furious, shocked, and even desperate. Various emotions flashed through him at this moment.

The aftermath of the bombing just now was not light, but Plank could still move, but because of this.

He watched helplessly as his Abyss was about to sink, watched as the maritime empire he had built with his own hands collapsed at this moment, and watched as he was about to become a thing of the past under the witness of countless people!

"Do not!!!"

He looked up to the sky and roared, and his roar seemed louder than the sound of a cannon.

But the next moment, he was once again blown away by the aftermath of an exploding shell, submerged, and sank with the Abyss.

That night in Piraeus, the fire was raging, and the night sky was dyed red by the flames, as if the whole world was burning. The heat wave caused the temperature on the sea to continue to soar.

Shock, horror and even despair!

The wreckage of the Abyss was burning, flames dancing in the eyes of countless people, and screams and frightened sounds resounded throughout the port.

The houses on the dock were also affected and burst into flames. The fire began to sweep through the port, and thick smoke engulfed the entire city.

From this moment on, all of Bilgewater seemed to be in chaos.

Countless people witnessed Planck being swallowed up by the shell, and there was no chance that he would survive.

Because of this, countless people know that Bilgewater is about to change!

far away.

Aboard the Siren.

Sarah's eyes were filled with flickering fire, and she had been silent for a long time as she looked at the horrific scene she had created.

She saw with her own eyes that Gangplank was bombed, and that his men were either killed on the spot or fell into the sea and drowned, and some were being eaten by the swarming razorfish.

The scene at that moment was magnificent.

A huge fireball suddenly rose in the night sky, like a rising sun jumping out of the sea.

This was the day she had been waiting for for fifteen years, and her great revenge was finally avenged!

Planck is dead!

She should be excited and ecstatic, but fifteen years is too long for a girl.

After fifteen years of preparation, all she felt in her heart at this moment was emptiness.

Planck died, but the hatred did not diminish. Sarah felt like there was an emptiness in her heart, and she always felt that something was missing.

Maybe he didn't kill enough.

"This has just begun. Everyone, listen up. Everyone who has ever killed Gangplank will have to pay the price with blood. Every brothel, tavern and warehouse decorated with his emblem, I want to watch them be destroyed. Burned to a white ground. Finally, I want to see his body with my own eyes, laid out at my feet."

Her voice was filled with chilling coldness, and the hatred in her words made the air around her oppressive.


Countless people left in response.

After this night, they no longer had to hide themselves in Bilgewater.

"Whether those two guys survive or not depends on their luck."

Sarah looked at the sea dyed red by the flames and let out a breath.

She fired the cannon after confirming that they jumped off the ship. After all, she couldn't be as ruthless as Gangplank.

Otherwise, if the cannon had been fired earlier, both of them would have been engulfed in the explosion.

As for taking advantage, Sarah didn't feel any guilt at all.

At least she had investigated and found that these two criminal thieves who had become famous many years ago were not good people.

"Maybe he's not dead yet."

Lu Qi looked at the sea and suddenly said this to himself.

He had witnessed all this and had no sympathy for people like Plank, even though the latter was a 'hero' he had known.

It would be better for such a scumbag to die completely.

After hearing his words, Sarah, who originally turned around to leave, suddenly stopped and cast a puzzled look: "What do you mean by this?"

Lu Qi raised his eyes, glanced at her, turned around and walked away: "I'll go somewhere else and follow you if I can't follow you."

Sarah looked at his back, hesitated for a moment, and then followed him.

She already has a lot of trust in Lu Qi.

If it hadn't been for him, his revenge plan might not have been completed in such a short time.

Yourna has always been by Lu Qi's side, so she naturally wants to accompany him now.

The three of them were silent along the way.

The Bilgewater behind him was in complete chaos, and order seemed to collapse at this moment. There was no quiet place.

After thinking about it, Sarah finally spoke: "Why did you choose to help me?"

"I remember I gave you an answer back then. You are the better one among the many options. I have seen people swallowed by hatred. You have not fallen, which is already great."

Lu Qi walked in front and said softly.

"Aren't you depraved?" Sarah showed a self-deprecating look. "Perhaps I have been depraved? Once upon a time, I still felt guilty for killing people, but now, I don't feel any guilt at all."

Lu Qi turned back and glanced at her: "But you are still you. You have not fallen. You have grown."

Sarah was slightly startled, then smiled and said, "You are quite good at comforting people."

"That's what my friends say. How does it feel to get revenge?"

Lu Qi looked straight ahead and walked slowly.

Sarah sighed: "I feel empty in my heart. I don't have the pleasure and joy I expected. I may have been excited, but it was only for a moment."

Lu Qi said: "Fifteen years is too long. As I said, you have grown up too much. But this night can still be regarded as a break with the past. Starting tomorrow, it will be a new life."

"A new life?"

Sarah looked towards the sky, seeming to have some expectation.

Yes, she has completed her revenge. In the fifteen years of her life, she had never lived for herself.

What kept her alive was hatred.

Maybe, from now on, she can live for herself.

She is a person who can easily think clearly. At this moment, she no longer has so much melancholy. She raised her head and said, "Where are you going?"

"You'll know when it arrives."

Lu Qi said calmly.

The two chatted while walking on the road.

Yourna was quiet throughout the whole process, as if she was invisible.

Time passed by, and soon, the noise of Bilgewater was left behind, and they came to a quiet and peaceful place.

Bharu Temple.

At night, blue fluorescence floats here, and countless fireflies and plants naturally emit colors like lights, lighting up the place.

And the believers here are not disturbed by the disputes in the outside world, exuding a kind of peace and tranquility from the inside out.

Sarah was not surprised, because even she did not dare to cause trouble here.

She didn't know why Lu Qi suddenly came to this place, but there must be a reason.

"He who comes is stopped!"

A believer stepped forward and stopped the three of them, "No outsiders are allowed to enter the temple at night."

"We just need a moment, take us to see the True One here."

Lu Qi spoke calmly, with a kind smile on his face.

However, his good looks were of no use at this moment.

The believer in front of him still had a cold attitude, shook his head and repeated: "Outsiders are not welcome here at night."

At this moment, someone seemed to be walking by carrying a stretcher in the distance.

Sarah looked subconsciously, but at this moment, her pupils shrank!

Kong Luoluo's heart suddenly surged with endless anger and hatred!


She almost growled, quickly moved, and walked out quickly, holding two guns in her hands.

She was right, it was absolutely true!

The person who was put on the stretcher just now and flashed past was definitely her biggest enemy, Gangplank!

He didn't die, not even under the bombardment of that kind of artillery!

Moreover, he was brought here by the people from Baru Temple!

What on earth were they thinking? !

Sarah suddenly remembered that Plank had an old relationship with the so-called True One.

She immediately gritted her teeth, and her anger almost made her lose her mind. She definitely didn't want to give Gangplank a chance to make a comeback!

"Be bold!"

"Stop her!"

Upon noticing Sarah's riot, the surrounding believers immediately took action and surrounded her one after another.

These believers are different from the gangs outside. Each of them has real abilities.

But Sarah moved faster, and quickly chased towards the corner where the stretcher disappeared, and then she saw her enemy again!

When you raise your guns, you must pull the trigger without hesitation.


At this moment, a thunderous sound came down, carrying irresistible majesty.

Sarah's hand on the trigger stopped abruptly. Her eyes were cold and she looked at a tall woman walking slowly in the distance: "Illaoi, you want to interfere in our affairs?"

The person who came was none other than the sea beast priest, Illaoi.

"No, your grudges have nothing to do with me." Illaoi shook his head calmly, his expression neither sad nor happy.

"Then why did you save him? Why did you stop me?" Sarah gritted her teeth and stared at the real man who obviously wanted to keep his old lover.

"He is the tester chosen by the true god. This is the only reason why I saved him. As for why I stopped you, the rule of the Baru Temple since ancient times is that it is forbidden to hurt people here."

Illaoi looked at Sarah and calmly explained.

Her explanation made Sarah even more angry, but she could not refute it and even felt a deep sense of powerlessness spreading both physically and mentally.

The trial of Naga Kapoulos started very early. Anyone who passes the test will receive the blessing of Naga Kapoulos.

Blessings vary in strength and weakness, and the strongest one is undoubtedly the Illaoi in front of me.

It is no exaggeration to say that she is one of the most prestigious people in Bilgewater.

In fact, she is an existence that is above the invisible laws of Bilgewater, and no one dares to disobey her.

No matter how senior or old the captain is, he would not dare to be presumptuous in front of Illaoi.

Because she is the spokesperson of the true God Naga Kapoulos in the human world, that is, the True One.

In Bilgewater, the names of Naga Kapoulos, Bearded Lady, and Snake Mother all represent a meaning and are gods revered by everyone.

This alone can already elevate Illaoi's status infinitely.

Those who pass the trial are equivalent to receiving the protection of Naga Kapoulos. They cannot be said to be exempt from death, but they will definitely be favored by the Baru Temple.

There are not many such people, but she just doesn't believe it. Gangplank is about to undergo the test at this time.

At this time, Planck was not completely comatose, just vaguely conscious, but he happened to hear the conflict in the outside world.

He woke up, grunted, spat out the blood in his mouth, and laughed arrogantly: "I knew that my life should not be cut off! How could I just die like this? Miss Fortune, I will definitely avenge you!"

He is not arrogant, because this is the Baru Temple, and no one dares to be arrogant here.

Sarah gritted her teeth with hatred, even Illaoi also hated her: "I don't believe it is such a simple reason."

"It's up to you whether you believe it or not. But it is what it is."

Illaoi's tone was still very calm and his attitude was very tough, and then he said, "If he fails to pass the trial, I will send him away from the temple. Whether he is alive or dead, I will not take a second look. But not now. , the trial is about to begin, and no one can stop the snake mother’s decision.”

"Don't think I don't know, you will definitely protect him! I know very well that you have had a relationship before."

Sarah directly revealed this secret, and few people in Bilgewater knew about it!

The expressions of the surrounding believers changed. They did not expect to hear such a thing.

The real one actually talked to that Planck?

Gangplank spat out another mouthful of blood, grunted twice, and said nothing.

Illaoi's expression never changed, but she frowned slightly: "That's just a thing of the past. There is no need for you to mess around. If he fails the test, it has nothing to do with me whether you want to kill or behead him."

She did not deny that the disguised attack made the surrounding believers whisper.

But it’s just gossip.

In their eyes, the real person is still supreme and tall.

"What if he passes?" Sarah asked with a cold face.

"It passed, which means his life should not be cut off." Illaoi replied calmly.

"I will definitely pass." Plank sneered, very confident.

He has always felt that he is a man of great destiny, no disaster can knock him down, and he is destined to live to the end.

What happened today exactly illustrates this point.

"Haha, that's awesome. The real one deserves to be the real one. Who you want to protect is only a matter of your thoughts."

Sarah laughed, with tears in her laughter and a bit of sadness.

A true being with the highest reputation in Bilgewater, what can she do to protect Gangplank?

Even if she uses force, she will not be Illaoi's opponent.

Even if she risked everything, she still couldn't shake the Baru Temple.

"I said, if he fails"

"What if he must die now."

Just then, another calm voice sounded.

Lu Qi stepped forward, knowing that he could no longer watch.

The words were so abrupt that Sarah looked at him and everyone looked at him.

Illaoi raised his eyes and landed on Lu Qi, with a more solemn look in his eyes: "He can die at any time, but not now."

In fact, she had noticed Lu Qi from the beginning.

It was impossible not to notice, that man just stood there, as bright as the sun.

Her instinct told her that this was not a simple person.

"But I must kill him now."

Lu Qi calmly pulled out his sword, and then a wave of sword intent spread around.

"What kind of bastard are you?" Gangplank's expression changed, and he looked at Lu Qi full of resentment and anger.

Naturally, he could also sense that Lu Qi was not simple.

Lu Qi didn't care about him, and still looked at Illaoi.

Illaoi was also looking at Lucci. She slowly lifted up a huge round statue. The eyes on the statue emitted green light: "I also said, he can't die now."

The atmosphere became tense in an instant.

All the surrounding believers also raised their weapons at the same time, aiming at Lu Qi and the others.

Sarah approached Lu Qi immediately, raised her guns, and was ready to fight her way out.

She was completely disappointed with the Baru Temple tonight.

"Really? I'm actually not a person who likes to fight, but it seems that this battle is inevitable."

Lu Qi instantly released all his sword intent, and his entire aura suddenly reached its peak, filled with a sense of oppression.

The surrounding wind was strong and howling, and some believers only felt a dull feeling in their hearts.

They looked at Lu Qi with fear, at the man who showed strength visible to the naked eye.

Just by showing off his momentum, he already made them feel powerful.

Next to her, Sarah was more intuitive, feeling Lu Qi's true strength for the first time.

I'm afraid it's far more powerful than she imagined!

And Illaoi's expression also changed, becoming dignified with a bit of inviolable majesty. Several huge green whips grew out of thin air around him, and the momentum was equally impressive.

The mere collision of their auras created a huge wind.

"Is there going to be a fight? It seems we can't hide any longer!"

At this moment, Janna showed up and was not ready to hide anymore.

After all, Lu Qi is also someone she protects. Even if he is on someone else's territory, he cannot be bullied.

At this moment, Illaoi suddenly put down the huge golden statue, put away his aura, and calmed down: "The true god has sent a decree, and the trial is cancelled. You can take him away, don't let him His blood stained the temple of Bāru.”

Her 180-degree change in attitude made the surrounding believers stunned on the spot, as if they couldn't imagine that the powerful true person would actually make concessions?

The smile on Plank's face froze for a moment and became unbelievable.

He has seen Illaoi's strength, which is invincible.

How could, how could you give up?

"Illaoi, no! You can't leave me!"

"Damn it, answer me!"

"You owe me, Illaoi. I have never stopped offering sacrifices in these years. You can't leave me behind!"

He yelled in fright and rage, but couldn't move his body much and fell off the stretcher.

The former pirate king now looked embarrassed and funny, even a little pitiful.

"Do I owe you?" Illaoi paused and asked, her eyes emotionless and as calm as water: "Glank, you know what you have become. I never owe you anything. Your sacrifice is what you should repay and what you should sacrifice for the snake mother. I have advised you before, but you didn't listen."

"you can not do that!"

Gangplank almost cried out, all his grievances bursting out at this moment.

But all he saw was Illaoi turned around ruthlessly and left without stopping.

At this moment, all the strength in his body seemed to be drained away, and in his heart, only despair remained.

He didn't understand why Illaoi abandoned him like this.

(End of this chapter)

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