LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 423 I don’t know either

Chapter 423 I don’t know either

Has he really changed?

In a daze, Plank remembered the past, and he seemed to have really lost his way.

He once also yearned to be a free and unrestrained pirate. However, for such a long time, the hatred and sorrow deeply imprinted in his heart by his father's cruelty continued to ferment and worsen.

After losing her in his world, he was pulled into the quagmire, unable to extricate himself, and began to be satisfied with killing and robbing.

Finally, complete depravity.

However, his love for her never changed, and even grew stronger over the years.

but why?

Why did she abandon him so easily?

Planck felt like he had fallen into an endless abyss, and it seemed that he would never get an answer until he died.

He is not willing to give in, he really is not willing to give in.

He has survived countless dangers and is the man of destiny! You would never die in a place like this!

But why, why did it become like this?

The man's face flashed through his mind, and Plank seemed to realize something.

It was his appearance that led to Illaoi's concession.

"Who the hell are you?!"

Gangplank turned his head and stared at Lu Qi with hatred, anger and hatred in his eyes.

"A dying person doesn't need to know so much."

Luqi was not surprised by Illaoi's concession, although he was indeed prepared for a big fight.

Regardless, Gangplank must die tonight.

Not just because of Sarah, not just because he's a scumbag.

It's even more because his survival will cause even greater disasters in the future.

"Even if I am a ghost, I will never forget you!" Gangplank's hatred was beyond words. At the last moment, he still did not hate Illaoi for abandoning him so easily even for a moment.

"Then remember it clearly." Sarah's eyes were cold.

She didn't know why Illaoi suddenly gave in, but she knew it must be because of Lucci.

Everything else besides that is unimportant.

Her mood tonight, ups and downs from high to low, and from low to high, was extremely complicated.

"Two bastards, I"

Plank cursed loudly, as if venting his infinite hatred, but he stopped abruptly.

Lu Qi slapped him and knocked him unconscious. The embarrassing curses stopped. He directly grabbed Gangplank and walked out of the temple.

If the other party chooses to make concessions, then he should also make concessions.

At least don't let Gangplank's blood dirty the Baru Temple.

The surrounding believers just looked on coldly and did not stop him.

People who have given up on even the true ones are even more emotionless. The reason why they are obstructing him is because he is a 'trial' person.

The so-called trial is when the real person uses the huge sacred object "Shen Xi" to separate the human soul from the body, forcing the subject to face his own torture to prove their qualifications.

In fact, most of those who fail the trial will directly face destruction, that is, death.

Because the snake mother cannot tolerate any cowardice, hesitation or restraint.

What must be understood, however, is that destruction is never an end in itself. Surviving subjects will be forever changed and heartily follow their true destiny.

But not far away, Illaoi did not actually leave.

Her eyes were moist, glistening with tears. I couldn't control myself for a while, but finally shed tears for Planck.

But it was not for him now, but for the high-spirited Plank back then.

Over the years he had become depraved, ugly and dirty. But no matter what, he was not like this during the years they had been together.

At this moment, she blamed herself more.

I blame myself for leaving him for a more important mission and letting him fall into self-degradation.

However, there is no way. The meaning of her existence is to serve the true God. For this reason, she should view everything in the world from the perspective of a son of God, and should not have the same feelings as ordinary humans.

The trial of the True God is real, because the stronger the soul, the more loved the True God will be.

Gangplank has already been selected as a tester. Tonight's incident will bring his soul to a state suitable for testing.

And the lifting of trials is also true.

"Why would the True One give in?"

An old voice sounded, and two old men came up holding weapons.

They are the snake callers in the temple. They are second only to her in the temple and have high seniority.

"Is it possible that the true god really issued a decree?" Another snake caller asked.

Illaoi nodded slightly and did not deny it: "Of course I am not a person who gives in easily, but it is also true that the true god descended his consciousness on me at that moment."

A snake caller was puzzled: "Why would the True God do this? I don't mean to question the True God, I'm just simply confused."

"It's understandable that you can't see it. After all, your power is not as pure as mine. That man is the same as me." Illaoi sighed softly, answering their confusion.

The expressions of the two snake callers changed, and one of them blurted out: "Is he also the Chosen One?"

"Yes, he is also the spokesperson of the gods in the human world. At the same time, it is more than that simple." Illaoi closed her eyes, her perception was not wrong.

"Mother Hu already knew about them from the beginning."

The moment the man appeared, she had already felt the power of the gods in him. She was also given the ability by the gods and chose to be the spokesperson.

She understood that this was the person Hu's mother mentioned to her.

The feeling that god gave her was not as powerful as the true god, but it was not weak either. It seemed to be caused by some changes in beliefs.

Gods would not easily intervene in the mortal world, so the true gods did not want to see him fighting with that man.

Of course she won't be afraid, even if that woman is not simple either.

But she must obey the will of the true God.

"If he is also the Chosen One, why did he come to the Anaconda Islands?"

A snake caller is still puzzled.

The Chosen Ones are extremely rare in this world. Generally, one Chosen One will not easily go to the territory of another Chosen One.

This will arouse the suspicion of the gods behind it!

But that person came here without any scruples? And you still have the intention to start a fight?

What are you doing?

So arrogant?

"This is also a task assigned to me by the true god. I need to understand his purpose."

Illaoi was actually a little confused, but decided to make contact again.

Outside the Baru Temple.

"You go ahead and do it. Maybe this can fill the gap in your heart."

Lu Qi threw Gangplank to the ground and said calmly.

Sarah looked at him with complicated eyes and pursed her lips: "Thank you."

She seemed to have underestimated Lu Qi's origins. He seemed to be more than just the prince of Demacia.

Just now, he didn't even reveal his identity, but he had already made the rebellious Illaoi give in.

And it's still on her territory.

No matter how you think about it, this is fantasy.

But the fact happened before her eyes.

"Don't think so much, I'm just unhappy with this scumbag." Lu Qi smiled casually and said to the Elf Goddess in his heart: "Thank you."

"Thank you for what? You are my number one believer after all. You can't be bullied no matter what!"

Janna snorted twice, quite arrogantly. "You can tell me whatever dessert you want to eat these days." Lu Qi chuckled, still feeling quite touched in his heart.

When this guy first arrived, he was too timid to show up.

But just now he had no hesitation and showed up directly, intending to have a head-on conflict.

"Don't think I'm going to be polite!"

Janna curled her lips and became satisfied.

This path is still very sensible!

It's not worth her taking the risk of starting a fight with the powerful god here to stand up!

Although she actually had a vague feeling that the other party would never do it so easily.


A gunshot was heard, coming from Sarah.

She looked at the unconscious Gangplank on the ground, and without any hesitation for a second, she directly chose to shoot.

The bullet actually penetrated his head, blood splashed all over the floor, and the fishy smell immediately began to spread. He couldn't even struggle, and he couldn't die anymore.

This time it was absolutely true, seeing him die with my own eyes.

If he survives again, Sarah can be sure that that guy is not Planck.

Of course, she would kill him again.

After seeing Gangplank actually die by her own gun, Sarah suddenly felt a different mood.

It seemed that just as Lu Qi said, the empty space in her heart was filled.

But it wasn't because he killed Gangplank with his own hands.

It's because, when she was most helpless, she had someone she could rely on.

Even if he was just passing by in a hurry, it was an extremely precious haven for her.

"It seems you are not even willing to take one more step."

Illaoi's voice suddenly sounded from behind.

Sarah became alert for a moment and pointed the gun at him.

Lu Qi responded: "Is it possible that you didn't leave the boundary of Baru Temple?"

"No, I just left." Illaoi walked out of the shadows. She did not carry the golden statue, and her calm eyes fell on Gangplank's body.

There was still an uncontrollable flash of pity in his eyes, and his heart was stung for a moment. She sighed softly: "Dying here means that your fate has been determined."

"So you are here to avenge your sweetheart?" Sarah said in a cold tone.

"I did fall in love with him, but later I broke away from my relationship with him." Illaoi was not angered, but spoke calmly, "I never stopped making progress, but he was complacent. Therefore, there is no possibility between us."

"What's the use of telling me this?" Sarah snorted coldly, not wanting to hear about the gossip between them.

"I just want to tell you, whether you believe it or not. But saving him was indeed because of Mother Hu's trial."

Illaoi said softly.

It can be seen that although her figure is rough, her emotions are very stable.

Sarah snorted again and didn't buy it. This night, her favorability towards the Baru Temple had dropped to the lowest.

Illaoi also knew that his behavior tonight would indeed arouse Doom's dissatisfaction.

But she doesn't care about these. As the true person of God, how can she care about the eyes of the world.

She is who she is and will never change because of anyone's love or hate.

"I came after him because of him."

Illaoi's eyes slowly looked at Lu Qi.

Her eyes exude a kind of calming peace, as clear as the bottom of a lake, and as bright as the moonlight at night.

Perhaps because of the blessing of the gods behind her, she felt a mountain-like weight all over her body.

He is indeed a very powerful man.

Lu Qi made a comment in his heart, with a smile on his face: "Why do you really want me? Just call me Lu Qi."

"I want to know your true purpose of coming to the Anaconda Islands." Illaoi looked at Lucci again, feeling a little strange.

There are very few people in this world that she can't see through, but this is the one in front of her.

Apart from feeling how powerful he is, the rest is incomprehensible.

Including the woman next to him, she also kept it secret.

Even if the snake mother didn't mean it, she still had to investigate the reason why such a person came to the Anaconda Islands.

"My purpose? Do I have to say it?"

Lucci wasn't too disgusted. He knew what Illaoi's responsibilities were, so he wouldn't be too mean.

"You must say it." Illaoi nodded affirmatively, "I usually don't ask about the purpose of people who land on the island, but you are different. You and I are both God's Chosen Ones, and your behavior has offended the snake. mother."

"The Chosen One?" Lu Qi was slightly stunned.

He immediately understood the reason. He thought it was because of Janna!

She once gave him a blessing of wind, which seemed quite important. Maybe it was for this reason that he was misunderstood as the Chosen One?

At this time, Janna came back to her senses and nodded with satisfaction: "As my number one believer, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the chosen one by God."

Seeing Lu Qi's reaction, Illaoi was stunned for a moment.

Doesn't he know his identity?

After thinking about it, Illaoi asked with a weird look on his face: "Don't you know, most of the time, gods and gods do not interfere with each other, especially the territory. One chosen one will not enter another The territory of the Chosen One. For you and your gods to enter Mother Hu’s territory is actually tantamount to offending Mother Hu’s majesty. It is even equivalent to declaring war. Mother Hu has actually noticed you a long time ago.”

"Is there still such a thing?"

Lu Qi really doesn’t know this.

Janna also blinked her big eyes in confusion: "I don't know either!"

This was her first time choosing a spokesperson, and she had never had such experience before!

Lu Qi was speechless. It turns out that with his status, he couldn't run around?

Think about it carefully, isn’t the number one believer the one chosen by the gods?

Mother Hu noticed me from the moment she landed on the island, so why didn't she ask Illaoi to find her?

"Mother Hu fell into dormancy a while ago. I was busy looking for people with potential for her, and now I have some free time." Illaoi seemed to know what Lu Qi was thinking, and answered.

Lu Qi nodded slightly, with another question in his mind.

Naga Kapoulos doesn't seem to have encountered the same problem as Janna, so why does it fall into hibernation?

To put it bluntly, hibernation means deep sleep. For a god, does he need to sleep?

Obviously not needed.

This is a reaction that occurs when something happens.

Illaoi continued at this time: "Although your actions just now are no different from declaring war. If Mother Hu is angered, she will probably directly lower her will of terror. But Mother Hu has a gentle temperament and is tolerant of everything, and did not choose to start a war. Instead, you sent me to find out your purpose of coming.”

"Hmph, even if there is a war, I don't necessarily fear it!" Janna hugged her arms and snorted, but now she was no longer afraid.

"Okay, okay, just say a few words less." Lu Qi said helplessly from his heart.

Naturally, he wasn't very afraid, but after all, this was someone else's territory, and it was probably blessed by the territory.

And there is actually no need for the two sides to get into a tense situation.

After all, as far as Lucci knew, Illaoi wasn't a bad person.

And the bearded lady she represents is not an evil god.

The conflict between the two sides was only because of a scumbag named Plank. Now that he was shot in the head, it was because of Mother Hu's initiative to give in.

Then you can definitely shake hands, you two are fine.

(End of this chapter)

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