LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 436 Mountain Temple

Chapter 436 Mountain Temple

Guyuan Town.

The size of this town is comparable to that of a small city, and the streets are full of people coming and going. It is quite lively and full of business atmosphere.

But as the three of them walked along, the most common topic they heard was the temple located halfway up the mountain to the west.

Ah Li listened to people's talk and gradually became interested, and suggested: "Why don't we go to the temple on the mountain to see it? People say it is very magical."

She heard many legends about gods from people's memories and what she heard along the way.

Each of these gods is omnipotent and possesses supreme supernatural powers.

But never seen it.

She was wondering, was there such a god on the mountain in Guyuan Town? Why else would everyone say it works?

When Akali heard this, she curled her lips and said, "How far can the spirit go? If it were really that powerful, wouldn't everyone in Guyuan Town be a rich man? But it doesn't hurt to go and have a look."

The main reason was that she could hear talk of mountain temples wherever she went. She was also very interested and wanted to see what happened.

What kind of temple is it that can make everyone in the town praise it and attract many outsiders?

"Then go and have a look."

Lu Qi didn't have any objections either.

So the three of them headed west and soon arrived at the foot of the mountain where the temple was located. In front of them, they climbed up a long staircase that wound upwards.

On the stairs, there were people walking up and down. Even if it was almost lunch time, there were many people coming to the mountain to worship.

The three of them slowly climbed up the mountain, and soon reached the halfway point. The terrain here suddenly opened up, and there was a large temple.

The temple is divided into a main courtyard and two side courtyards, built with red bricks. Smoke drifts out from the temple every now and then, and worshipers come in and out.

At noon, there were not too many people, so you can see them everywhere.

At this moment, a temple man wearing a robe and a solemn and calm face came forward and took the initiative to talk: "I'm sorry, I'm unprecedented. I see that these three people are extraordinary. Are they also here to worship the mountain god?"

The words were directed at Lu Qi.

After all, he was the most normal-looking of the three, with Ahri wearing a cloak and Akali wearing a mask, both of them covering their faces.

That is to say, Lu Qi has an extraordinary appearance and a dignified appearance, and he has a certain background at first glance.

Lu Qi replied: "Yes, the three of us passed by Guyuan Town and heard that the mountain god was extremely powerful and wanted to come and worship."

Hearing this, Gu Wu smiled calmly: "It's the townspeople who praise me too much. The appearance of the mountain god is true, but it's not as exaggerated as the outside world reports. You three, please come with me and talk while walking. "

He seemed to be leading the way.

Lu Qi and three others followed.

Akali thought for a moment and asked, "What do you mean it's not that exaggerated?"

"Nowadays, there are rumors from the outside world that making a wish to the mountain god will always work. However, how can the mountain god fulfill every wish without restraint? Only those who match his eyes can make one or two wishes come true."

Gu Wu walked in front and replied.

Akali continued to ask: "You mean, the mountain god is real?"

Gu Wu stopped and looked back at her: "Of course it is true, otherwise how could there be so many people coming."

Akali asked a little strangely: "Then why haven't you heard of it before?"

She knew that the land of Ionia had a 'spirit', and many spiritual individuals were born in this magic-filled land.

Both strong and weak.

According to her understanding, this mountain god should be the guardian spirit of Guyuan Town.

But as far as she knew, these guardian spirits basically stayed in the spiritual realm. How could they actively interfere in the real realm and realize the wishes of so many people?

"Before the war, the mountain gods never took the initiative to interfere with the mortal world." Gu Wu turned around and continued to lead the way, while answering, "However, the war spread to Guyuan Town, and looking at the devastated town, he decided to show up to help this land. Rejuvenate.

At first, people came to the mountain just to seek peace. After receiving protection, more people came, and the story of the mountain god gradually spread.

So more and more people went up the mountain, and their wishes began to change. Naturally, the mountain gods who prayed for peace, marriage, and wealth could only fulfill these prayers as much as possible. Later, not everyone could get a response from the mountain gods. The mountain gods began to only respond to those who were destined. "

While he was talking, he had already led the three of them into the compound from the main entrance, and then headed towards a temple.

There were many people queuing up to worship, facing a stone-colored mountain god statue with extremely pious movements.

The mountain statue is very tall, nearly three meters tall. The body is plump and even round, with a big mouth, two pointed eyes, no nose, but two long beards.

It looks human but not human, giving people a thick and kind feeling.

The three of them were not surprised by such an appearance. After all, there were many strange creatures in Rune Land.

It's just that Lu Qi felt something familiar for a moment, but couldn't place it.

However, his sixth sense would not lie to him. From the moment he entered the temple, he felt that a pair of eyes were staring at him secretly. But it does not come from all around, but from heaven.

It was as if there was something in this temple staring at him. After thinking about it, maybe only the mountain god not far away had this ability.

"Is this the mountain god?" Akali looked at it and asked.

"This is the mountain god statue, not the mountain god himself." Gu Wu looked at the stone statue with a little more reverence in his eyes, and then said, "The mountain god rarely reveals his true form. Even I have only seen the mountain god himself once, and it was in When the temple was crumbling.”


Akali nodded. She looked around again and felt something was wrong.

She had felt this way since she entered the temple.

But looking at the harmonious scene around him, he couldn't tell what was wrong.

The same was true for Ah Li. She smelled something bad in this temple.

At this time, the three of them had followed Gu Wu into the temple and arrived three meters away from the stone statue.

"Even if the three of you are not from Guyuan Town, you can still pray to the mountain god. It would be a good thing if you can get a response from the mountain god."

Gu Wu smiled and handed the incense to the three of them.

Akali took it and asked, "If you wish, what wish do you wish for?"

"You can wish for anything. If you want to get something, you can pray. Many people come to the temple, some asking for children, some asking for wealth, and some asking for a good harvest." Gu Wu smiled, and then said, " The mountain god has vast supernatural powers. As long as he is willing, any wish may come true. But the prerequisite for everything is that only those who are destined to the mountain god can be selected by him.

At the same time, the mountain god has a degree of restraint in his heart. Even if some excessive and exaggerated wishes can be fulfilled, they will basically not be realized. "

"Speaking of which, I once met a villain who was carrying an amulet that he asked for from your temple."

Akali said as if chatting, "Since he is the mountain god who protects the world, why does he give amulets to those villains?"

Gu Wu sighed softly: "We made the amulet with the power of the mountain god, but it has nothing to do with the mountain god himself. If it is true as you said, it can only be said that we are ignorant." This reason makes sense. Akali snorted lightly and stopped asking further.

After all, even she was deceived by Er Niu's appearance.

"It's the turn of three."

At this time, Gu Wu watched the people in front of the stone statue leave and signaled to Lu Qi and the others, "Just pray sincerely. If you don't get a response from the mountain god, please don't be disappointed."

The three of them nodded and stepped forward.

I lit the incense stick in my hand, and bursts of aroma began to spread in the temple.

When I came to the front of the mountain god stone statue and looked up at the stone statue from a close distance, I felt a sense of insignificance.

Akali had some doubts in her heart at this moment.

Not to mention that this mountain god is so powerful, but I have never heard of it before. According to Gu Wu, he only appeared during the war.

But for the latter part, he could respond to the prayers of anyone he wanted. This was too much of a boast.

Putting aside the unnecessary thoughts and distractions in her mind, Akali held up the incense and bowed slightly, and began to pray: "If it really manifests like that, let me become stronger."

Then, she closed her eyes and waited for two seconds, but didn't feel anything. Then he opened his eyes, stepped forward to put the incense in the incense burner, and looked at Lu Qi and the other two people.

Soon, the two of them also opened their eyes and put the incense in place.

"If the three of you are interested in the amulets in the temple, you can come with me to the side hall." Gu Wu looked at the three of them and said again, "In addition to the amulets, there are also evil amulets, home amulets, etc."

Lu Qi shook his head: "That's not necessary. We don't have much money with us."

"I think the three of you are very generous, and I am willing to give you three talismans for free, just to form a good relationship."

As Gu Wu said this, he took out three talismans from his pocket and handed them over.

Lu Qi did not accept it, but smiled and said: "In that case, let's give these three talismans to ordinary people on our behalf."

A smile appeared on Gu Wu's face, and he took his hand back without any embarrassment, and responded: "That's fine. The three of you walk slowly, and I hope that all three of you will receive blessings from the mountain god."

He watched Lu Qi and the others leave until they disappeared, then turned towards a side courtyard.

Entering the side courtyard, there was no one inside. He quickly came to a small room, looked around, then opened the door and entered.

After entering the room, he bowed slightly and said in a respectful tone: "Sir, the three of them left, and the talisman was not sent out."

After the words fell, after a pause of two seconds, the mountain god suddenly responded from nowhere: "Yes, I understand."

Gu Wu immediately asked for instructions: "God, what should I do next?"

An echo came from the air again: "Just do it as usual."

"You don't need a villain to have more contact with them?" Gu Wuwen said, with a hint of worry on his face, "From what they said, it seems that they are just passing by. I'm afraid they will leave in the next two days. If they leave tomorrow"

"No need to worry." The mountain god seemed to smile faintly, "Human greed is endless. Once they see some hope, even a glimmer, there is no possibility of giving up.

If you interfere too much, it will arouse suspicion. Just act as usual, I've already put out the bait, you just need to wait for them to come again and continue to guide you. This is the best food I've been waiting for so hard, so there can't be any mistakes. "

His voice got farther and farther away, became more and more ethereal, and finally disappeared.

Gu Wu lowered his head respectfully: "Yes."

At this time, Lu Qi and the others had also gone down the mountain.

Akali then said: "What do you think?"

Lu Qi asked: "What are you looking at?"

"That mountain god, what else can you see?" Akali glanced at him, "Don't you think it's strange? How can there be such a kind-hearted god in the world who can satisfy people's wishes for nothing."

"It's not for nothing." Lu Qi thought for a moment and said, "After all, he also gained faith at the same time. Isn't that what some gods rely on to survive?"

"That's true." Akali nodded first and then quickly added, "But I still find it strange that any wish can come true. Is there anyone who is so bragging?

Moreover, I had a strange feeling from the moment I walked into that temple. "

Her sense of mind is not as perverted as Lu Qi's, but it is also one of the few that is sharp.

Ah Li heard this and said, "I was in the temple just now and smelled something bad."

Akali frowned slightly: "Tell me more."

"But I stopped smelling it soon." Ah Li didn't know the reason, and said, "Maybe it was because there were so many people going to the temple that it was difficult for me to distinguish."

"Really?" Akali sighed softly, thinking it was possible.

She knew that Ahri didn't yet have precise control over her own abilities.

Maybe I really smelled it wrong, or maybe it was someone's remnant.

Akali suddenly remembered something and asked, "By the way, what are you praying for?"

Lu Qi said: "Praying for something like this won't work if you say it."

"Stop talking nonsense." Akali glared at him, "I just want to verify what the kunai said. I want to see if the mountain god is really that smart."

There were so many people going to the mountain temple, and many people said they were spiritual, but she didn't think it was fake.

It's impossible for so many people to work together to deceive people.

This kind of deception is so fake and there is no point in deceiving people like this.

So now she wants to know what is going on. Maybe one of the three of them will have his wish come true.

Ahri said: "My wish is to get news about my life experience."

She has no worldly desires. Apart from longing for soul, she just wants to know where her life experience comes from.

Lu Qi said: "I pray to get a lot of money."

Akali rolled her eyes at him: "It's a vulgar wish."

Lu Qi chuckled: "I don't know what to feed you two. I don't know how much food I eat in a day."

Ahri, who was inexplicably affected, blushed a little and lowered his head silently. She has eaten a little too much recently. But there is nothing she can do about it. Who makes Lu Qi's food so delicious?

Akali also closed her mouth for a moment, and looked away feeling guilty. He raised his hand and pointed: "Why are there so many people over there?"

As she spoke, she quickened her pace and hurried over like an enthusiastic melon-eating crowd.

Lu Qi looked at her back and smiled, then followed her.

(End of this chapter)

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