LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 437 What if I am the lucky one

Chapter 437 What if I am the lucky one (please vote for me)

"Everyone who passes by comes to take a look. It's a fair, just and open code ball game. If you guess correctly, you can win the grand prize. Each bet only costs five silvers~!"

As you get closer to the crowd, you can hear the shouts coming from over there.

"What's going on here?"

This made Akali curious and quickened her pace.

"Everyone, line up, don't disturb the order, come one by one, there are still twenty minutes until the end of betting!"

The shouting sounded again.

Although there were a lot of people here, fortunately the road was wide and it didn't seem crowded. Several long queues were quickly separated.

Lu Qi and the other three also found a queue to join in the fun, and they were quite close to the front.

At this time, the clerk with a loud voice standing at the front shouted again: "I'll tell you the rules for the newcomers. Have you all seen this lottery machine?"

As he spoke, he made some room and revealed two half-person tall lottery machines behind him, which contained small red and blue balls.

"The rules are very simple. In this red ball lottery machine, the numbers range from 1 to 33. There are a total of thirty-three red balls. Next to it are sixteen blue balls.

Later, I will shake the lever, and a total of six red balls and one blue ball will be shaken out. The way you play is to randomly combine six red ball numbers and a blue ball number. As long as it matches the number I shook out, you can win! The more numbers you hit, the bigger the bonus! The total value of the jackpot is five thousand gold!

At the same time, the bonus will accumulate. As long as the jackpot does not come out for a day, it will keep rising!

However, if the winning number is less than four digits, it is not considered a win. More detailed rules are on this board, you can take a look. "

The clerk finished explaining the rules to people in a loud voice.

After Lu Qi heard this, he thought, isn't this just a lottery ticket?

And it’s still a two-color ball rule.

He took a look at the rules of the board and saw that they were basically the same.

Akali and Ahri were quite interested in this, after all, it was their first time seeing this kind of entertainment situation. Not to mention the crowd around them, whose restless hearts are filled with the desire for the jackpot.

Five thousand gold!

You know, for ordinary people, one gold coin can be exchanged for three or four days of food rations.

Even in Ionia, coins are hard currency. After all, there are places dedicated to recycling and replacing coins everywhere.

With only five silver coins, you can get a chance to win five thousand gold coins.

Moreover, these five thousand gold are accumulated! If the jackpot is not awarded, the prize money will only get higher and higher.

This makes many people's eyes red and they plan to win!

"It's not easy to accurately guess six digits from thirty digits."

Akali was still quite sober at this time, and she could see the difficulty of this lottery at a glance. After all, there are so many balls, just by combining them, I don’t know how many sets of numbers can be formed.

But that didn't stop her from being interested in it: "But let's just have some fun and just join in the fun."

In fact, many people present also realized this.

It is extremely difficult to accurately select six out of thirty-three numbers and one out of sixteen numbers at the same time.

But so what?

What if I am the lucky one?

Who is not born a child of destiny?

After all, it only depends on luck!

The lottery model makes good use of this mentality. Even if the hope is slim, as long as you pay innocuous benefits, you may get big rewards, and you will have no worries about food and drink.

Why not?

This mentality is also called dog gambling mentality.

At this point, queuing begins, and there is a dedicated marker at the front of each queue.

Soon it was Akali's turn.

The marker, a young brunette girl, asked with a professional smile: "Please tell me the number you want."


While counting, Akali watched the brunette skillfully use a carving knife to carve numbers on a wooden sign, and handed it over after finishing.

She reminded: "Please keep the wooden sign carefully. If it is lost, it will not count."

Akali took it and asked curiously: "How do you prevent counterfeiting? What if someone else uses a wooden sign to counterfeit it?"

"Please don't worry." The black-haired girl smiled and said, "We use a carving knife that contains spiritual power. It will leave discernible spiritual power on the wooden sign, and others cannot forge it."

"Oh." Akali nodded, paid the money and left.

It was Ah Li and Lu Qi's turn. They also chose a set of numbers, then left the team and waited nearby.

There are tea stalls around, and there are many people sitting on the seats, holding wooden signs in their hands, all waiting for the lottery draw.

The three of them found a table and sat down. After paying for the tea, they also waited.

Akali looked at the wooden card in her hand and indeed sensed some spiritual power from it. Then she thought of something and said, "Do you think they would forge such wooden signs themselves?"

Since others can't forge it, but the organizer with the spiritual carving knife can always do it, right?

Lu Qi thought for a while and said with a smile: "That's not certain. After all, multiple people who win the first prize can share the prize money together."

If the organizer wanted to, it would be easy to forge a winning wooden sign.

Or they can wait until the bonus accumulates to a certain level, and then send someone to collect the bonus at once.

However, unlike the lottery he knew, in the era before computers, the organizer did not know which numbers had not appeared.

Relatively speaking, it's pretty fair here.

"I don't think they will smash their own signs." Akali glanced over there. There were still a lot of people. "Everyone has five silver dollars. They can make a lot of money in one day. If they really do this kind of thing, , that is simply unconscionable.”

Ahri nodded in agreement: "I don't think so."

The three of them chatted and drank tea while waiting.

As time passed, the marking phase ended, and soon came the lottery phase.

"Everyone, the lottery is about to begin!"

As the clerk yelled hard, people around him immediately stood up and gathered around.

"There are too many people, let's just wait here." Akali frowned slightly when she saw this, not intending to squeeze in.

Lu Qi and Ah Li nodded and sat steadily.

There were many people like them around. After all, the lottery results were there and they couldn't escape.

Amid the roar of the crowd, the lottery soon began.

As the clerk turned the lever, the first red ball rolled out, which was then expanded by the speaker.

"The first number, 8!"

The sound was louder than the crowd and spread to every place around.

Akali looked down at her numbers and sighed: "I missed the first one, what about you?"

Ahri shook his head: "Me neither."

"I did win." Lu Qi put his wooden cards on the table, and the two of them looked at each other. One of his numbers was indeed eight.

"Winning one doesn't mean anything. There are still six more numbers waiting." Akali continued to prick up her ears, waiting for the next number.

"Second number, 12!"

She looked down and sighed again: "Missed again!"

"Me too." Ah Li sighed slightly.

The two of them looked at the wooden sign on the table, their expressions changed a little, and Lu Qi's second number was also won.

"The third number, 17!"

"Still not."

"I hit this one!"

A happy look appeared on Ah Li's little face, and her eyes were bright and full of energy. Her third number is 17.

The two of them glanced at the table again, their expressions gradually becoming strange.

"Have you been hit again?" Akali checked repeatedly. Seeing Lu Qi's unconcerned look, she couldn't calm down anymore!

I actually hit three numbers in a row.

"Three don't mean anything." Lu Qi took a sip of tea lightly. "The fourth number, 21!"

Akali didn't even look at her own this time, but looked directly at Lu Qi's wooden sign, and couldn't help but be startled: "Hit again?!"

I saw that the four-digit number on it was exactly the same as what was reported.

There were sighs and sighs all around. If you can't win more than three of the four numbers, it has nothing to do with the small prize.

So Akali stopped looking at hers.

The same goes for Ahri.

The two of them were now more interested in Lu Qi's wooden sign, staring at it with two pairs of beautiful eyes, waiting for the next number.

"The fifth number, 31!"

"Hit again!"

The two girls breathed heavily, and there was a hint of disbelief in their eyes. They had the same number for five consecutive times!

Lu Qi's wooden sign is already in the fourth prize level!

"Sixth sixth."

Neither of them dared to be distracted at the moment. They listened intently and felt their heartbeats begin to speed up.

"The sixth number, 33!"

The words fell.

Ahri and Akali have opened their beautiful eyes, their breathing is unconsciously heavier, and they feel incredible at the same time!

Akali's little hand holding the wooden sign trembled slightly, and she looked at the sixth number on it: "It's already the second prize."

Six numbers, all the same!

She even suspected that she was dreaming.

It stands to reason that hitting six numbers shouldn’t be a difficult operation?

But why did it happen so easily?

She raised her head and glanced at Lu Qi, who was still drinking tea calmly: "Hey, your number has been hit six times, don't you take a look?"

"It doesn't have long legs, so it can't run."

Lu Qi couldn't help but smile when he heard the two girls' startled movements.

He knew that his luck had always been good, but this time, it seemed that it was a bit too good.

Since leaving the mountain temple.

How much luck does it take for something with a very low probability like a two-color ball to penetrate the soul in one shot?

"Only one blue number left."

Akali had already sat up and looked away.

The same goes for Ahri.

At this time, the two girls looked even more nervous than Lu Qi.

"Blue number, 10!"

As the clerk shouted loudly, Akali and Ahri's expressions paused, and a look of disappointment flashed across their faces.

"What a pity, we are obviously just one short of the last one!"

Akali lowered her head and looked at the wooden sign in her hand. Lu Qi's blue number is 9, just one number missing!

However, this difference means that he will miss the first prize.

"Yes, yes." Ah Li nodded, feeling very regretful.

Lu Qi smiled and said: "It's very lucky to win six, and the second prize is not bad."

Akali nodded: "That's right, go and receive the award."

She returned the wooden sign to Lu Qi. This was no longer a simple wooden sign, but a thousand gold coins.

It's also a huge sum of money.

Watching Lu Qi take the wooden sign, she suddenly thought of something.

Lu Qi got up and walked towards the lottery shop over there.

Along the way, sighing sounds sounded from time to time, or not many were happy, most of them were people who didn't even get a consolation prize.

But for them, five silver coins was not a big loss, so they sighed and regained their mood.

Plan to wait until tomorrow to come again.

"I'm here to receive the award."

"Please come in."

The clerk welcomed Lu Qi into the store.

There were some people in the store, most of them won consolation prizes and fourth prizes. One of them won the third prize and left with a smile on his face and a purse containing two hundred gold.

"Please hand over the wooden sign you purchased. You just need to wait a moment. We will check it. Once the check result is correct, we will award you the bonus."

The clerk said to Lu Qi at this time.

Lu Qi handed over the wooden sign and waited beside him without any hurry.

The clerk took it, glanced up, and couldn't help but be stunned. He found that except for the blue code, all the numbers on it were the same.

second prize.

To be honest, this is the first time he has won the second prize in a long time.

He checked the spiritual power on the wooden sign and confirmed that there was no problem, then he said to Lu Qi: "Wait a moment, I will get the money for you."

Lu Qi nodded slightly.

Soon, the clerk came out with four heavy money bags and put them on the table: "Each money bag contains two hundred and fifty gold coins. Just count them. After you leave the store, if you find If it is missing, the store will not be responsible.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the surrounding people suddenly looked at him with envy and jealousy.

"I believe in the character of your store."

Lu Qi smiled, picked up the money bag, and turned around to leave.

The clerk bowed slightly to Lu Qi and watched him leave, with a bit of envy in his eyes.

After all, that's one thousand gold coins, which can keep an ordinary family fed and clothed for at least ten years.

Soon, Lu Qi joined Akali and Ahri.

Looking at the heavy money bag in his hand, Akali couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Should I say it or not, you are so lucky, right? What's the difference between this and picking up money?"

One thousand gold coins is not a lot of money to her.

What really prevented her from staying calm was Lu Qi's luck.

I won the second prize for the first time and exchanged five silver coins for one thousand gold coins. This was a huge profit.

No wonder there were so many jealous eyes behind him.

Even she was a little envious of such good luck.

Today she must give this guy a severe meal to make him bleed profusely!

"A thousand gold pieces, I feel like I can last a long time."

Ahri blinked, feeling that now he no longer had to worry about being destitute.

At this time, Lu Qi curled his lips and said calmly: "Don't make too much fuss. To me, money is just an external thing, a floating cloud, and it is not important."

"Bah!" Akali spat softly. She couldn't stand this guy's pretense and said, "I don't know which guy it was just now. He made a wish and wanted money."

When she said this, Ah Li also thought about it and couldn't help but ask, "Is this considered a manifestation of a wish?"

 Please, please, please give me a monthly pass, guys! Collect two thousand for extra updates!



(End of this chapter)

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