LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 443 The Infinite Sword Master

Chapter 443 The Infinite Sword Master

Five days later.

The sky was getting dark, and the whole sky was gloomy, covered with dark clouds, covering up the afterglow of the setting sun, and it looked like a storm was coming.

There's even a little more moisture in the air.

"It seems like it's going to rain. Let's go to the temple in front to take shelter."

Akali raised her head and glanced at the sky. The weather was changing at any time. After a while, all three of them might be soaked in the rain.

But the three of them were lucky. There was a ruined temple not far ahead. Although it looks a bit old from a distance, it is more than enough to shelter from the rain.

The temple had obviously not been cared for for a long time, with spider webs hanging on the walls and bricks falling off the top. It was quite clean inside, with dry firewood piled in the corner. Apparently people occasionally passed by and spent the night.

After Lu Qi and the other three entered the temple, there was no one inside, giving off a sense of desolation.

But when the firewood was lit, this feeling was gradually dispelled by the warmth emanating from it.


Big raindrops fell outside, some of which hit the tiles on the ceiling. The rhythm kept rising and falling, and the rain gradually became heavier.

"We are lucky, otherwise we would have been miserable if we had been a step later."

Looking at the rain outside, Akali was quite thankful.

"Yes." Ahri nodded in agreement, watching the raindrops falling on the ground and exploding, he sighed softly, "I don't like rain very much."

"Me too." Akali nodded, "It's troublesome to wipe your hair when it's wet in the rain, and your body is also wet."

The reason why she doesn't like rain is the same as Ahri.

Ahri also found it very troublesome to clean up after getting wet, especially the tail, which took a long time to dry.

"I quite like it. Don't you think it's comfortable to sleep listening to the sound of rain?" Lu Qi stretched out, simply put a backrest on it and lay down leisurely.

Close your eyes and listen to the sound of rain, but you will feel an extremely peaceful feeling.

Akali said: "Not at all, but it feels very noisy."

Ah Li followed: "I still feel particularly lonely at times like this."


Obviously they couldn't appreciate the fun of sleeping on a rainy day, so Lu Qi calmed down.

The sound of two girls chatting and the sound of rain could be heard in my ears, and I felt particularly calm.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

Suddenly new footsteps sounded in the rain.

Then two men in cloaks walked into the temple. They were soaked, and they were obviously very wet.

"Excuse me for disturbing you three. We were passing by here and it was raining heavily outside, so we wanted to take shelter from the rain. Do you mind, you three?"

One of them spoke, his voice was quite calm and peaceful, and he looked so unhurried after being soaked in the rain.

Akali heard this and said: "Of course I don't mind. We are also passing by to take shelter from the rain, so you two can do whatever you want."

The person who spoke nodded slightly and glanced at the three of them roughly. When his eyes fell on Lu Qi, he couldn't help but be startled.

The calm mood suddenly became unstable.

His seventh-degree insight eyepiece had never seen such a strong reaction in a person. At the same moment, he also received some kind of induction, coming from the man.

He opened his eyes slightly.

Is it possible that this person was born with an infinite body?

At this time, Lu Qi, who was taking a nap, opened his eyes and looked towards the cloaked man. "Why are you dazed? Let's light a fire and dry our clothes first."

At this time, there was another high-pitched voice, and another cloaked man took off his cloak, revealing a face with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, as well as the thick hair covering the entire face.

A vastaya.

All three discovered this.

This was a vastaya that looked exactly like a monkey, and Akali was familiar with it because she had seen relevant records.

There is a tribe called the Vastaya tribe, and apparently this person is.

The other person also came to his senses at this time, slowly took off his cloak, and wore a strange helmet on his face, but it gave people an unusual feeling.

His stature is not tall, and his temperament is like that of an ordinary person, but Akali and Ahri both feel that he is definitely not simple.

Including another thinking macaque.

The man took off his helmet, had long hair tied up, and a long beard on his chin. His face was very calm, and his eyes were surprisingly bright.

Lu Qi's eyes flashed at this moment, and he recognized the identities of the two of them, feeling a little surprised.

Yi, the Infinite Sword Master, and his disciple, Sun Wukong.

Of course it's not the mythical monkey brother, but a vastaya from Ionia, but it's not simple either.

It was really a surprise to meet these two people here.

After thinking about it, Lu Qi took the initiative to chat and said, "If you don't mind, use our firewood."

"Thank you very much. The fire seals we carried were also soaked." Si Kiyuan stepped forward with a smile, and while thanking him, he used the lit firewood to rekindle a fire.

Yi also looked away at this time, still feeling strange in his heart.

He had never seen goggles react like that, and what was the strange feeling coming from that man?

Is it possible that there really is an innate infinite body?

Otherwise, why is he unable to calm down at the moment?

Suddenly, a few water droplets were thrown over. Sun Wukong was shaking the water on his cloak towards him, and asked strangely: "What happened to you today? You are not like you usually are."

"Something happened." Yi slowly calmed down.

"What's the situation?" Sun Wukong was very curious.

Yi thought for a moment, then looked at Lu Qi and said, "If I feel right, you possess the Infinite Sword Intent. Can you please tell me where it comes from?"

Although the person in his eyes has outstanding appearance, his temperament is ordinary. No matter how you look at it, he is just an ordinary person.

However, Yi can be sure that the other party is definitely not an ordinary person.

The moment he saw the other person, his Wuji Sword Intention had a corresponding reaction. It was extremely similar. This feeling could never be deceived.

In other words, Yi trusts his intuition.

Coupled with the scene seen through the seventh-degree insight eyepiece, Yi knew that he had encountered the most special situation in his life.

This goggles was hand-cast by a master among the masters of the Wuji Sword Sect, and it has many functions. One of the effects is that you can see whether a person has the qualifications to learn Wuji Swordsmanship.

If you are qualified, then the green light will burn in the eyepiece. The stronger the light, the higher the qualification.

The moment he saw Lu Qi, all the seven-degree eyepieces ignited with strong green flames, almost reaching the sky. Yi had never seen such a scene, even when he used the eyepiece to look at the masters of his sect, he didn't feel this way.

If the Seventh Insight eyepiece is not broken, then this person

Yi even dared not think about it.

(End of this chapter)

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