LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 444 Wuji Sword Technique

Chapter 444 Wuji Sword Technique

Lu Qi didn't expect that the other party could still see something with the blessing of his divine concealment.

"Infinite Sword Intent?"

He pretended to be at a loss, and then he released a faint sense of infinite sword energy and said, "Is this what you are talking about? This is what I realized by accident."

Everyone present felt the sword intent flowing out at this moment. Akali realized that this was a new sword intent, but fortunately she was used to it.

People who don't know may not believe this Versailles words, but she definitely believes it.

Because this guy can understand the meaning of the sword even while lying down.

Sun Wukong was stunned, feeling familiar. He could identify the sword's intention, and found that it was somewhat similar to the one revealed on Yi's body?

Yi Ze looked shocked and could no longer remain calm.

Sun Wukong has known him for so long, and this is the first time he has seen him show such an expression.

"Accidental realization?"

Yi's tone was a little unbelievable, and he looked at Lu Qi as if he was looking at something incredible, "You mean, you've never been exposed to Wuji before?"

Lu Qi said: "Before this, I had never even been to Ionia, and I had never heard of Wuji."

The air became a little solid, and Yi fell silent. He didn't know how to react for a while.

Wuji swordsmanship is a swordsmanship that has been passed down by the sect for hundreds of years. For so many years, the sword sect has been hidden in the mountains, with no possibility of being exposed to the outside world.

The most important thing is that this is the meaning of the sword. Even the disciples of the Sword Sect, very few people can understand it.

However, a person who has never been exposed to Wuji actually understands the meaning of Wuji sword?

After thinking about it, Yi couldn't figure out the rationality of this incident, but it did happen.

He definitely felt that the sword intention just now was not wrong, it was the genuine infinite sword intention.

At this time, Sun Wukong scratched his head in confusion: "If you have never been exposed to Wuji, how did you understand Wuji Sword Intent?"

"It was a sunny afternoon, and I was lying leisurely on the rocking chair in the courtyard."

Lu Qi said slowly.

Seeing that he had no further words, Sun Wukong couldn't help but said: "What next?"

Lu Qi looked at him: "Then I realized it."

Sun Wukong: "?"

Everyone: "."

For a moment, the atmosphere in the air solidified again.

Akali sighed. Fortunately, she had already tempered her mentality. Otherwise, she would have punched this guy if he spoke like that.

What does it mean to realize it later?

Does your previous sentence have anything to do with this sentence?

Ahri blinked her big eyes, feeling very powerful.

Yi's face fell into a dull state, and Lu Qi's words were constantly washing away his cognitive outlook. He thought that his talent was already extremely high.

Everyone in the sect thought so, because it only took him less than ten days after he became a disciple of the Wuji Sword Sect, and he suddenly understood the meaning of the sword.

Known as a genius that is rare to see in a century, after one year of practice, his sword intention broke through to a small level, and it took another two years for his sword intention to become a great achievement.

At that time, he was only twenty-four years old and already the "Young Master" in the sect.

However, he has never relaxed for a moment during this period. He is strict with himself every day and works harder than anyone else.

So this person understood the meaning of the sword while lying down, or on the premise that he had never been exposed to Wuji, how high must his talent be?

Sun Wukong said with some suspicion at this time: "Are you lying to me? Why don't I believe it?"

Lu Qi smiled and said: "I can't prove this, and I can't repeat that moment."

Akali said quietly: "My advice is to believe."

"The more you talk about it, the weirder it gets!" Sun Wukong scratched his head again, as if he was too lazy to think about it. He stood up and took out a retractable enchanted long stick from behind, punched it on the ground, and said: "So you must be very powerful, go out and fight me. One game. Let me test your ingredients!"

He thinks that since this person is so powerful, he must be very strong, right?

If you can't beat him, he is at best a lowly person who likes to pretend.

It's all meaningless nonsense to comprehend the meaning of the sword while lying down, and to have someone praise it, and to blow it so loudly.

Lu Qi just shook his head lightly: "Let's forget it, you are no match for me."

"How do you know if you haven't beaten me yet?"

Sun Wukong was a little unhappy, and the enchanted long stick in his hand lit up with golden light. Suddenly, a wave of wind blew in the direction of the three of them, and the sparks shook.

"Wukong, don't be rude."

At this moment, Yi Ye stood up and put his hand on Sun Wukong's shoulder, suppressing his restless mood.

"Why are you stopping me? It's just a fight, I won't hurt him! You said he's so powerful, you won't be afraid of me, right?"

Sun Wukong stared at Lu Qi with provocative eyes, but all he saw was the calmness in those eyes.

That kind of calmness is different from Yi's calmness. Yi is the inner and outer peace, which is a quality that has been cultivated since childhood.

But Lu Qi's calmness was a kind of confidence.

It was because there was no fluctuation caused by his provocative words, as if he didn't care, just like a raindrop falling on him, not worth mentioning.

Sun Wukong has never been ignored like this. He is not weak, even very strong. Even among the hundreds of battles with Yi, he still won a few!

This kind of look actually aroused the competitive spirit in his heart. If Yi hadn't stopped him, he would have gone up to see what this guy was made of.

"Three of you are surprised."

Yi walked up to Sun Wukong at this time, bowed slightly to the three of them and apologized, then raised his head and looked at Lu Qi: "I have one more question, I am extremely curious, what level is your sword power at now?"

At least he could be sure that Lu Qi was definitely the kind of person who was born to practice Wuji.

As for the sword intent, after thinking about it, he could only just get started, right?

In this case, it is still acceptable.

Akali looked at him with a frown and said, "You come up and ask so many questions, shouldn't you tell yourself where you are?"

"I come from the Wuji Sword Sect and am Wuji's last master. What this Excellency released just now is the Wuji Sword Intent of the Wuji Sword Sect. Because of this, there was a lot of curiosity for a while."

Yi didn't hide anything and gave a brief introduction to Wuji.

Akali was already thinking about it when she heard about the Wuji Sword Sect just now. She seemed to have never heard of such a sect.

However, there are indeed many hidden sects in Ionia. The key point is how Lu Qi understood the sword intention of other sects.

However, this guy couldn't be treated with common sense at all. Akali couldn't think of a reason, so she simply decided to let it go.

"It turns out to be Master Wuji."

Lu Qi stood up and released the Wuji Sword Intent, "I realized this Sword Intent accidentally, and now it is perfect."

After his words fell, the faint sword intent just now suddenly escalated in intensity.

The illusory thought seemed to turn into reality, and a huge sword intent swept across the entire temple in an instant. The moment the sword intent was released, the rain falling outside the temple seemed to have stopped for a moment.

Everyone in this powerful sword sense only felt that the air was dull and their breathing was suppressed.

This is the realm of perfect sword intention that very few people have the opportunity to comprehend.

The true perfection-level infinite sword intent came from him, making Yi Du unable to remain calm anymore. His eyes widened, and he was extremely shocked. He felt that his cognition suddenly collapsed at this moment.

Sun Wukong next to him also changed his expression, feeling a great sense of oppression from Lu Qi. That kind of pressure is much greater than when facing Yi directly.

He had never seen Yi release his perfect sword intent before, and now he didn't expect that he would experience it in someone else first.

Lu Qi withdrew his sword intention at this time and asked: "This is the sword intention I have understood."

"Perfection, actually perfection."

As if he hadn't heard anything, Yi muttered to himself, raised his head, and looked at Lu Qi with a sudden warmth in his eyes.

I have never been exposed to Wuji, but I have understood the perfect Wuji sword intention.

A born infinite body!

There is no possibility that this will not happen. Wuji is a state that many people pursue.

Infinite, selfless, formless, formless, soundless, colorless, beginningless, endless, endless, boundless. It is the origin of all things, and at its root, it is all things in life.

Anyone has the possibility of realizing Wuji, and the probability is by no means zero.

Otherwise, how did the first founder of the Wuji Sword Sect understand Wuji?

It's just that there is probably no one who has ever directly understood the perfection level of the Wuji Sword Intent like this.

Yi knew that he had encountered an extremely rare opportunity.

He carries the mission of reviving Wuji. As the last descendant of Wuji, he must not let Wuji disappear into the world like this.

This person must be accepted into Wuji’s sect and teach him everything he can!

Yi made up his mind and looked at Lu Qi as if he were looking at a treasure, and he didn't want to let it go no matter what.

He regrouped his emotions and said: "To be honest, now only my apprentice Wukong and I are left in the Wuji Sword Sect. Your Excellency has realized Wuji Sword Intent and your talent is so high. Do you intend to join Wuji? What if? If you are willing, I will definitely teach you Wuji swordsmanship."

Lu Qi's eyes lit up. He had been pretending to be cool for so long, just waiting for this sentence.

Wuji swordsmanship, he has been coveting it for a long time!

After thinking for a while, he said: "I am willing to join, but Wuji doesn't have too many strict rules, right? I don't want to be disciplined."

"In the past, the Wuji Sword Sect did not allow its disciples to go down the mountain and hide in the mountains for the rest of their lives. But now that there are only two of us left in Wuji, these rules have long been made unnecessary."

Yi sighed, a flash of loneliness flashed in his eyes, and then said, "Your temperament is different from the impatient Wukong. It will take some time for him to understand Wuji. You have such a talent, and your strength is probably not weaker than mine. After getting started, , I can at most teach you swordsmanship on behalf of your ancestors.

The reason why I do this is just to hope that Wuji can be passed down. "

There are too few people in Wuji, and all this happened because of him.

When war broke out, he couldn't bear it anymore, so he broke the sect's rules and rushed down the mountain to repel the enemies.

Inspired by him, many of Wuji's disciples went down the mountain together, but they also attracted the attention of the enemy.

Then, in the burning of an alchemical fire, which was a force that no sword could stop, Wuji Culture was completely annihilated.

On the day Yi returned home, he only saw ruins all over the ground, leaving only regret.

He did everything he could, but failed to protect his sect.

He once wanted to die. If Wukong's perseverance and never-give-up character had not infected him, he would have been named Yi in the world.

From that moment on, he knew what he was going to do.

He must revitalize Wuji's culture. All the treasures of Wuji are in his mind. This is thanks to the hardworking man back then.

Now, the appearance of Lu Qi gave him great hope.

It was as if his deceased ancestors and classmates had given him the gospel and allowed him to see the rewards of perseverance.

Lu Qi didn't hesitate anymore, clasped his hands and bowed: "Disciple Lu Qi, I would like to become a disciple of Wuji."

Wuji swordsmanship is a swordsmanship that he has wanted to learn a long time ago. And Master Yi is also a hero he admires.

There is absolutely no need to be pretentious at this moment.

Akali blinked, thought for a moment, then stood up and bowed.

She can be regarded as Lu Qi's apprentice. If Lu Qi joins Wuji, then she seems to be forced to join.

Of course, she had no objection.

Because this Wuji sounds quite powerful.

Yi and Sun Wukong also bowed to the two of them, which was regarded as a salute to fellow disciples.

"From now on, you and I can be called brothers." Yi stood up and looked at Lu Qi and said, "Next, I will teach you everything about Wuji."

"Senior brother, without further ado, let's start immediately." Lu Qi said impatiently.


Yi was slightly startled. He was actually not that anxious, but after thinking about it, he had nothing else to do, so he said, "That's fine, I'll teach you Wuji Sword Technique first, then move outside the temple."

At this time, Sun Wukong still didn't understand why he had an extra uncle for no reason, so he watched the two of them walk outside the temple in confusion.

It's still raining heavily outside at the moment.

Ahri, Akali, and Sun Wukong sat at the entrance of the temple, watching the two people facing each other in the rain.

If you look closely, you can find that no matter how hard the rain falls on the two of them, it seems to be blocked by a light barrier.

Akali squinted her eyes, stretched out her hand and tried it, and sure enough she got wet.

She knew that her current state was probably still far away.

"Before we start, I have one more question to ask my senior brother." Lu Qi stood in the rain, releasing his awe-inspiring aura as a raincoat, and then said, "After all, this is the first time we have met, is my senior brother so confident in teaching me the swordsmanship?"

"If it were normal, I would have to observe it for a long time." Yi Ze used Wuji gas to block the rain and said with a smile on his face, "But when I just met the three of you, I knew that you are not bad people. Spirit-givers are rare in Ionia. You are enough to inherit Wuji."

His seven-degree insight eyepiece can see a lot of things.

Naturally, the 'spiritual gifts' on the three of them were also seen.

This is proof that it is recognized by this land. It cannot be owned by idle people, and it is naturally impossible for evil people to have it.

Although it is only a primary spiritual gift, it is extremely precious.

After hearing this, Lu Qi nodded slightly: "That's it."

This is the benefit of receiving spiritual gifts.

In this strange land of Ionia, it is an innate favorability prop.

If it weren't for the spiritual gift, no matter how evil he behaved, Yi Ruan wouldn't be able to make up his mind to teach him swordsmanship.

"Next, I will teach you the basics of Wuji Swordsmanship. With your talent, you can become proficient with practice."

Yi pulled out his sword and prepared to teach Lu Qi carefully from the beginning.

Lu Qi nodded and observed carefully.

Then, Yi's steps were light and his body swayed, as if he were dancing with a sword in the rain. His movements were elegant and natural, perfectly harmonious with the heavy rain, and he revealed a return to nature.

Just from the level of sword dancing, Akali knew that Yi was definitely not simple.

And Lu Qi could see at a glance that Yi's understanding of Wuji swordsmanship was probably at the full level.

The sword-wielding Yi in front of him is a real strong man in Ionia, one of the high-end combat powers.

He once single-handedly defeated a Noxian army and escaped unscathed.

His strength is unfathomable. If it comes to swordsmanship, even Lu Qi is not confident that he can defeat him reliably.

"The true meaning of Wuji lies in the state of mind, the unity of body and mind, maintaining a peaceful heart at all times, not being arrogant or impetuous, and being patient enough for everything. When your mind is steady, the sword will naturally become faster. "

As Yi spoke, his movements quickened. The speed of his sword swing was dizzying, as if he could cut raindrops in half.

Every move shows the style of a master.

After the demonstration, he stopped and looked at Lu Qi: "I believe you can quickly understand Wuji Sword Technique. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me."

"There are not many questions, we can start learning seriously."

Lu Qi took out his long sword and entered a rare serious state.

Seeing his expression, Yi Ye was pleased and began to teach Wuji Sword Technique seriously.

As the night grew darker, the two of them practiced their swordsmanship in the rain and under the moonlight.

Lu Qilaman's aptitude also showed its effect at this moment, and his understanding of Wuji swordsmanship was improving rapidly.

[Congratulations to the host for acquiring Wuji Sword Technique LV1]

[Congratulations to the host for acquiring Wuji Sword Technique LV2]

[Congratulations to the host for acquiring Wuji Sword Technique LV3]

In just half an hour, Yi's mood fluctuated again.

Because he found that Lu Qi's sword swings became more and more skillful and his movements became more natural, which was a sign that he had already started.

How long has it been since?

However, he didn't know that this was just the beginning.

"Next, let us compete, senior brother. Practical combat is the fastest way to grow."

Lu Qi held the long sword in his hand and looked at Yi eagerly.

Yi Dian nodded: "Okay."

In this way, the two began to compete in the rain. At first, in the eyes of the three people at the temple gate, it was like an adult bullying a child.

Lu Qi couldn't catch the sword that Yi swung down, and retreated step by step.

Lu Qi naturally only used the Wuji Sword Technique he had just learned, and all other related skills were useless.

Under such a situation, he felt that Yi's sword was really fast and extremely stable, and every time the sword fell, it would bring a lot of pressure to people.

And obviously not trying his best.

Under this kind of pressure, Lu Qi's improvement is also visible to the naked eye.

In the eyes of the three Akalis, Lu Qi was overwhelmed from the beginning, but he was gradually able to keep up with Yi's rhythm.

[Congratulations to the host Wuji Swordsmanship for improving to LV4]

[Congratulations to the host object for improving its swordsmanship to LV5]

Two more system notifications sounded in his mind.

Lu Qi's mastery of Wuji swordsmanship has been improved to the level of proficiency!

From start to finish, it only took an hour.

Yi's shock was palpable, because he discovered that Lu Qi's Wuji swordsmanship was no weaker than the average disciples in the sect.

It is already at a level that can be used in actual combat!

What kind of talent is this?

What kind of monster?

Even Yi, who is constantly cultivating his character, really can't stay calm at this moment, and there are huge waves in his heart!

If he hadn't witnessed Lu Qi's swordsmanship from scratch to now, he would have really suspected that this guy was a disciple secretly trained by a senior from the same sect.

It's really incredible.

In such a short time, he has already improved his swordsmanship to this level.

Lu Qi was now able to take on Yi's offensive, but he found that the progress of improvement was a bit slow, so he did not hesitate.

The system inventory was used directly, two intermediate skill upgrade cards.


[Skill card used successfully]

[The level of Wuji Swordsmanship has been increased to LV7]

Suddenly, many new insights appeared in Lu Qi's mind, which he quickly digested.

And Yi immediately felt that Lu Qi's sword power had become sharper, and he had reached a stage of high proficiency!


Yi felt that he couldn't calm down at all. It would be fine if he didn't collapse in front of Lu Qi.

Wuji swordsmanship is naturally difficult to learn, and the sect only selects talented people. Even so, there are many disciples who are stuck at certain stages.

But for Lu Qi, these bottlenecks seemed to be nothing. At this moment, his level was no weaker than that of most disciples?

"Senior brother, you can be more serious next time."

Lu Qi smiled and started to exert force.

Even Yi Du felt a little pressure, so he became more serious: "I didn't expect you to improve so quickly, then you and I can let go."

He didn't use all his strength, but he was considered serious. The speed of swinging the sword suddenly became faster, and the figure disappeared from the spot.

Appeared in front of Lu Qi like a glimmer of aurora.

Lu Qi immediately raised his sword to block it.

The two of them used Wuji swordsmanship to fight at the same time, as if they were swimming dragons, and the scene was so fast and dizzying. The bright green light flickered from time to time, causing the force of the sword and even the falling rain to be separated by a barrier between the two fighting men.

Sun Wukong's eyes widened at this moment. He had fought hundreds of battles with Yi, so he could naturally feel how abnormal Lu Qi's improvement was.

He suddenly felt that it was a bit ridiculous for him to challenge this guy just now.

Akali looked at Lu Qi's amazing change and sighed, feeling a little numb.

Ahri opened his eyes wide, feeling that Lu Qi was very powerful, and looked at him intently.

Finally, the two separated from each other the next time their swords clashed.

Lu Qi clasped his hands together and bowed: "Thank you, senior brother, for your advice."

Yi looked at Lu Qi across from him, smiled unconsciously, put away his sword energy, and the rain also fell on him.

It had been a long time since he had experienced this feeling of competing with his brothers.

I miss you so much and feel so sad in my heart.

Teacher, maybe you can see it in the spirit of heaven.

The Wuji faction has a successor.

(End of this chapter)

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