Chapter 456 Irelia
Listening to his words, Akali and Ahri were both stunned.

"What is the Hex Flying Gate?"

Ahri's eyes were filled with confusion.

And Akali has never heard of this.

So Lu Qi explained the concept of Hex's flying door to the two of them.

Ionia is naturally not a place where information is blocked, but they have just ended the war and are still in chaos, and have no time to process information from the outside world.

As for building the Hex Flying Gate here, Lu Qi had already thought about it when he came.

It goes without saying that the importance of the Hex Flying Gate is the key to truly connecting the world.

After listening to Lu Qi's explanation, the two of them suddenly understood.

"The invention of rapid teleportation in a short period of time," Akali lowered her head thoughtfully and thought for a moment, "I'm afraid it's not that easy. I think it's pretty good, but others may not think so."

Nowadays, all the forces in Ionia are in chaos, and the radicals and conservatives are at loggerheads. At this time, if you want to install a Hex to fly over, what are the chances of success?

"There are not many easy things in the world. You have to try."

Lu Qi smiled.

Akali asked: "So what are you going to do next?"

Lu Qi said casually: "Go and meet someone first."

"Who?" After Akali asked, she quickly thought of something and blurted out: "Irelia?"


Lu Qi nodded.

Ionia is a place where each region is managed autonomously, so there are also various forces that work together to maintain the harmony of this land.

The most famous forces in Navoli Province include the Kinkou Sect, the Temple of Eternal Life, and the Shadow Stream Sect and Brotherhood that emerged during the war.
There are many more besides. Each force has different purposes and goals. After a war, their inner desires have been stimulated, and now there are faint signs of division.

Putting this aside for the moment, aside from these forces, there are also high-prestige figures in Navoli Province who have a certain right to speak, such as Irelia.

She was the representative figure who launched the Standing War, and after she led the people to defeat Noxus, her prestige increased day by day.

It can be said that as long as he can convince her, half of Hex's flight is done.

At this time, the three of them had entered Presidian.

This place is like a lively and prosperous ancient city, with people coming and going in the streets, and a scent of aromatherapy naturally floating in the air, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

There are many people who are carrying luggage like Lu Qi and the other three. It can be said that there are more outsiders than locals in Presiden today.

"Speaking of which, I have never seen the true face of Irelia."

Akali said while looking around.

She had heard of Irelia's name a long time ago, but because of the Kinkou cult, she never had the chance to meet her.

"Anyway, let's ask around first."

Lu Qi didn't want to search aimlessly. His eyes fell on the militia team patrolling nearby. Then he walked forward and said politely: "Guys, the three of us came from out of town and wanted to go to Ai." I want to meet you at Ruelia’s house, but I don’t know where to go?”

Several militiamen stopped and faced his question, showing friendly smiles and saying: "You are a little late. Lady Irelia set off this morning to go to Koda Village to pray."

"Thank you." Lu Qi heard this and politely thanked him.

"You're welcome, but I think she will be back soon. If the three of you don't mind, you can wait a few more days. It would be good to experience the beauty of Presidio in the meantime."

The militiaman smiled and then walked away with the other team members.

After walking a few steps, I was stopped by someone from outside. Faced with the same question, I gave the same answer again.

Apparently, Lu Qi and the others were not the first to ask today.

"Looking at it this way, her reputation is really high. So many people from other places want to come to see her every day."

Akali looked at the inexplicable emotion and couldn't help but want to meet this person even more.

"If we only set out in the morning, it should be too late to catch up now. Let's go."

After Lu Qi briefly thought about it, he decided to chase him to Koda Village.

If he had free time, he wouldn't mind waiting a few more days, but he didn't have much free time right now.

So the three of them just took a brief look at the scenery of Presidence and set off in the direction of Koda Village.

Koda Village is not far from Presidio. If you drive quickly, you can get there in one day at most.

The three of them worked hard to shorten the time.

The so-called spiritual prayer is to pray for the souls of those who have passed away. It is usually done by people with high prestige and status.

Along the way, the three of them saw many people who wanted to chase them to Koda Village, and they seemed not to want to wait any longer.

This shows Irelia's popularity is at its peak.

Akali feels that in Ionia today, there are probably only a handful of people whose reputation can rival this one.

In the blink of an eye, one day passed.

It was already night when the three of them arrived at Koda Village.

Compared to Presidian, which is crowded with people, there are not so many people here.

The village is still brightly lit at night, and there is light everywhere. Today is the village's prayer day, and many people will keep vigil for the departed souls. Because of this, the village also invited Irelia.

At the same time, many people who admired Irelia followed.

When the three arrived, they happened to see the existence arranging these outsiders.

"I know that you all want to meet the Blade Dancer, but she has been working hard all day, and it is already late. Please let her have a good night's rest."

The village chief is an old woman who speaks slowly but has a very kind face. "There is a new campground in the village for you to rest."

After listening to her words, everyone chose to understand, and naturally no one would make trouble unreasonably.

They all wanted to see the famous blade dancer with reverence, and of course they didn't want their offense to disturb her.

"Indeed, there are too many people. If we meet one by one, how long will it take to meet them?"

Akali watched the people being guided by the villagers in the direction of the camp, and then walked towards the old woman.

When the old woman approached, she clasped her hands and bowed slightly, saying, "Village Chief, we are from the Kinkou Sect and we have something important to discuss with Irelia. Please be accommodating."

"The Kinkou." The old woman looked at Akali and Lu Qi, and after thinking for a second, she said, "Since there is something important, I can't delay, so please come with me."

She turned and led the way in one direction.

Akali looked back at the two and smiled playfully, then followed them. Sometimes I have to say that the name of the Kinkou Sect is still very useful.

At least it was accommodated.

Under the guidance of the village chief, several people came to a quiet place. There was a courtyard here, which was exceptionally quiet.

The door to the courtyard was open, so you could see at a glance a girl dancing under the bright moonlight.

Her long hair is as flowing as water, her graceful figure is twisting like a willow, as elegant and delicate as the wind blowing on a jade tree, her steps are light and free, elegant and graceful, and her long dance is like delicate petals flying gently. Between heaven and earth, there is so much beauty.

She danced with great devotion, so intoxicated.

The girl's dancing steps are beautiful and her face is even more beautiful. The girl is about eighteen years old, her complexion is as white as snow, her ice-cold muscles and bones are like buds in the snow, she is both clear and beautiful.

Her face was cold and beautiful, her brows relaxed naturally, her clear and bright blue eyes twinkled, and her thin red lips were lightly curled, as if she was enjoying the moment immensely.

Seeing someone coming, the girl's graceful dance suddenly stopped, and then something came over with a little doubt.

Seeing her stop dancing, the three of them felt inexplicably sorry. The dance just now was simply beautiful.

At this time, the village chief was the first to speak: "These three are guests from the Kinkou Sect who came from afar. They said they had important matters to discuss with you, so I brought them over."

Hearing this, Irelia suddenly came over, bowed slightly to the three of them and said, "This is our first meeting. You three, please come into the courtyard and chat in detail."

Her voice was clear and melodious. Although she still looked like a girl, she already showed some maturity and sophistication.

"Sorry, I'm interrupting you while you're in the middle of the dance."

Lu Qi said at this time.

He saw that Irelia was not dancing happily.

"It's okay." Irelia smiled softly and didn't mind at all. She looked at Lu Qi and found that the man was surprisingly handsome, and she felt more favorable towards him. She continued. "I just danced casually to pass the time, but I just wanted to make the three of them laugh."

"These words are too modest." Lu Qi smiled, "Your dancing already ranks first in my heart with another dancer."

Another number one is of course Miss Sword Princess, whose elegant waltz is also breathtakingly beautiful.

"Really? I'm very happy to get such a review." Irelia smiled without any pretense, and then welcomed the three of them into the courtyard.

The village chief had already retreated knowingly. She was sure that Lu Qi and the others were not bad people.

Although she was old, her eyes were not blurred, and she could tell that the three of them had received 'spiritual gifts'.

Of course, it is not relying on any powerful spiritual perception, but people who have been blessed with spiritual gifts will be more easily sensed by the Ionians.

Therefore, the village chief is not worried that the three of them will do harm to Irelia, which is why he introduced them so readily.

Similarly, Irelia immediately sensed the 'spiritual gifts' on the three of them, so she didn't take too much precaution.

Spiritual gifts cannot be obtained by just anyone who has done good deeds.

Generally, only those who have truly made great contributions to the new land are eligible to receive it.

For example, she was given a high-level spiritual gift by Ionia, and could even protect herself in times of crisis.

At this time, the three of them were sitting at the stone table in the courtyard, and Irelia went into the room and made a pot of hot tea.

After all four cups of tea were poured, Irelia sat down and asked doubtfully: "I wonder what important matters the three members of the Balance Sect came to discuss with me?"

Akali said directly: "Actually, we are not from the Kinkou sect."

After the words fell, Irelia couldn't help but be stunned, and more doubts appeared on her beautiful face: "Those three are..."

"I'll answer this question later." Lu Qi stood up at this time and looked around, "A new guest has arrived."

The three of them heard the other meaning of his words, and couldn't help but get up, becoming somewhat vigilant.

There was a rustling sound, and it seemed that the new guest didn't want to hide anymore when he was discovered.

"Opportunities are rare. Although there are a few more obstacles, we just need to deal with them all. Let's do it, everyone!"

There was a cold shout outside the hospital, and in the next second, with a 'swish, swish' sound, more than ten or twenty figures jumped up and attacked involuntarily in the night.


Akali saw that they were dressed conservatively, with masks covering their faces, and she didn't expect to encounter assassins here.

This group of people moved extremely fast, and each of them seemed to be very strong. In a blink of an eye, they were already approaching and attacking Irelia with multiple killing moves.

Irelia was also very calm about this. Although the weapon was not on her body, her body was already twisting flexibly.

He dodged one blow after another, and fought off the two assassins wielding knives in front of him with just his hands.

"You really didn't take us seriously!"

Akali, who was ignored, took out her hook sickle and angrily rushed into the battle.

These assassins are indeed no ordinary people. Each of them has extremely rich combat experience. Even Akali cannot defeat them in a short time.

"Are these people going to be left alive?"

Lu Qi took out Xuejian and prepared to take action.

Listening to his question, Irelia's mood sank inexplicably. Her eyes flashed and she said in a serious tone: "I know you are members of the Brotherhood. We once fought hand in hand for a common goal. . This should not be such a confrontation, stop it, everyone."

"It seems that you have already guessed it, but we were not prepared to hide our identity."

One of them took off the mask on his face, revealing a face with a scar. He smiled and said: "Remember, Irelia, this scar was left when you and I fought together."

Irelia was silent.

Of course she remembered, because they fought side by side.

"You betrayed us, Irelia." The man's tone gradually became colder and filled with resentment: "Obviously it was you who showed us the way. Every one of us believed in you like that. It was obvious that we could join forces. Become more powerful, but you betrayed us at this time. If you are not willing to lead Navoli, then let the Brotherhood do it!"

Irelia sighed and said: "All souls do not follow this path. The path you are taking may not be the right one. I am just following my path. I have never asked you to live your life, so there is no talk of betrayal."

She just walked forward and everyone followed, that's all.

As he was just walking, the people following behind him started to go another way.

"There is no point in saying this now. You will not change your mind and we will not stop here."

The man's expression was completely cold, with murderous intent in his eyes, "Irelia, you have blocked our way, so we must get rid of you."

 Of course, I won’t finish it in a hurry, I’ll just reduce the length, and I won’t write in detail in many places.

  Another reason why I want to finish it is that the exposure of this book has reached its limit. Now, not only does the collection not increase every day, but it keeps dropping, and the income keeps decreasing accordingly.

  To sum up, it is actually entirely my own problem. Because this book can be said to be the first book of this length that I have written, I had absolutely no experience or preparation. This resulted in an uneven distribution of pages and wasted time and money on other chapters. I am only starting to get anxious now. It can be said that I am entirely to blame for myself.

  At this point, I apologize to everyone, I should have written better.

(End of this chapter)

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