LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 457 The girl who met her idol

Chapter 457 The girl who met her idol

The Brotherhood is one of the main forces fighting against the invasion of Noxus. Its members are basically people who joined independently.

Akali never expected that she would encounter this scene.

The Brotherhood actually wants to assassinate Irelia. Has the separatist struggle evolved to this point?

At this time, Irelia also made a decision. She exhaled and no longer hesitated: "I'm sorry, I'm not the type to be slaughtered by others."

She waved her arms, and the next second there was a buzzing sound, as clear as a bell shaking. From the right, several blades flew out and attacked the members of the Brotherhood.

The people in the Brotherhood had obviously seen her blade-wielding skills, and they became very alert for a moment. They no longer held back and responded with all their strength.

At this moment, Lu Qi also joined the battle.

He waved his long sword, and a sword energy suddenly shot out. The powerful wind and waves swept towards the people of the Brotherhood. Before the sword energy arrived, the air flow alone showed an unstoppable domineering force.

The people in the Brotherhood changed their expressions and quickly moved away, looking at Lu Qi. Unexpectedly, there was a hidden master.

"Kuru, Zeta, you guys take half of the people to deal with him. Be careful, he is very strong."

The leader of the Brotherhood who just spoke made a quick decision and sent half of his men to deal with Lu Qi.

But in his heart, he already knew that this task was a bit difficult.

To deal with Irelia, they sent out more than twenty people, but they felt that it was not enough.

Now there is another swordsman whose strength is unknown.

At the same time, the masked woman is not weak, and there is also a mysterious man in a cloak who has not made a move and can be regarded as having no fighting ability for the time being.

"You missed your only chance to escape."

Lu Qi no longer showed mercy and took one step forward. The figure disappeared in the blink of an eye. The next moment, he appeared in front of a member of the Brotherhood, his sword flashing.

Immediately afterwards, he was like a graceful arc, constantly jumping and flashing among the enemies. When he returned to his original position again, half of the Brotherhood had fallen.

The other half's eyes widened, horrified by his strength.

They knew clearly that Lu Qi had drawn his sword, but they were completely unable to parry it.

How strong is this guy?
But now is not the time to think about this.

Irelia withdrew her eyes from Lucci and took a step forward. At the same time, her arms danced softly like waves, and the multiple flying blades buzzed in response.

Then it flew out quickly and attacked the people of the Brotherhood. Even if they were on defense, the unpreventable blade still passed through the bodies of one person after another lightly and crisply.

Facing these former compatriots, Irelia couldn't bear it. She didn't understand why they were at war with each other.

Obviously there is still a lot of room for negotiation, so it is better for each of us to take a step back.

However, no one wants to back down.

So, we became enemies just like that?

Although she has compassion in her heart, she also knows that she should not show mercy to her enemies.

Like a deadly dance, Irelia gracefully and fatally took away lives one by one.

The men of the Brotherhood did not flinch. They seemed to be ready to die when they came, but they did not harm Irelia even before they died.

In the blink of an eye, all the members of the Brotherhood fell down, and twenty-two corpses lay scattered in the courtyard, with blood staining the ground red.

"May all spirits grant you rest."

Irelia lowered her eyes and looked at the corpses on the ground with extremely complicated eyes.

But soon, she regained her composure, turned to look at Lu Qi and the others, and showed an apologetic expression: "I'm sorry for getting you into this dispute. And, thank you for your help."

"It doesn't matter, it's easy."

Lu Qi looked at the young girl and felt the sadness in her heart.

She seems to have endured too many things that she shouldn't have to endure at this age.

"Why did the Brotherhood want to kill you?"

Akali asked, expressing her confusion.

Irelia waved her hand and recalled her blades, arranging them neatly on the ground. She looked at the blood on the blades and sighed heavily in her heart: "The Brotherhood wants to militarize the magic of this land. , to build a unified country that is strong enough to retaliate against Noxus. But I can foresee that it will be the innocent people who are harmed in this way."

"There are too many people who have been persecuted in the war, so why should we start a new war. I want to lead everyone back to the original harmony and nature, so naturally, I stand on the opposite side of the Brotherhood."

"So that's it."

Akali couldn't help but sigh after hearing this, "Although I know what the Brotherhood stands for, I didn't expect them to do such a thing."

Since the end of the war, the Brotherhood has launched militarized management of many areas under its jurisdiction, and their strength has grown day by day.

However, this move has also been opposed by many people. In Ionia, there are also many people who want to return to their previous life.

Irelia's reputation is extremely high. If she is not eliminated, the Brotherhood's plan will not proceed smoothly.

That's why they didn't hesitate to send assassins to kill him?

"Things seem to be getting worse."

Akali feels that if this continues, it may turn into a new war sooner or later.

"Yes." Irelia sighed.

The atmosphere on the court was somewhat silent for a while.

Ahri could feel Irelia's depressed mood. She was not very clear about the current situation, but she also knew that a new disaster was brewing in the First Land.

"Anyway, let's get rid of these corpses first."

Irelia stood up.

She quickly asked people in the village for help. When she heard that an assassin was coming, the village chief was also panicked.

Fortunately, nothing happened to Irelia, otherwise her sin would have been great.

The corpses were not cremated, but were buried under a tree covered with red cherry blossoms. People will pray for them tomorrow.

Regardless, members of these Brotherhoods also shed blood and tears during the war against Noxus.

Irelia hopes their souls can rest in peace.

"Let's talk about the details tomorrow."

Lu Qi saw the tiredness in Irelia's eyes and decided to put the matter that was delayed just now until tomorrow.

Anyway, there is no need to rush this moment.

The village chief arranged accommodation for the three of them nearby. It was already late at night, and the three of them fell asleep quickly after running around all day.

The next day.

Irelia got up very early, because today was the village's prayer day, and she had a lot of things to be busy with.

Thinking of the three guests last night, she took the initiative to look for them.

Lu Qi and the other three had also woken up at this moment, and soon saw Irelia whom they had found.

Today she changed into a spiritual outfit, a red and white robe, and her long hair fell like a waterfall, making her look like a witch.

He looks good too, he obviously had a good sleep.

The three of them helped with the prayers. As the people in the village gathered under the prayer tree, people from outside also saw Irelia's true appearance. They felt amazed and lived up to their mission. The girl stands dignified and sacred three meters under the tree. The soft sunlight shines on her body, shining with rays of light. The leaves like petals fall with the wind. This scene can be described as beautiful.

She closed her eyes, completed the final prayer ceremony, and murmured: "May all spirits guide you to rest in peace."

At this point, the spiritual prayer ceremony led by her is over, and the rest is personal prayer, which has nothing to do with her.

After returning to the yard yesterday, I changed back into my daily clothes.

Irelia said: "The next step is free time, you three might as well tell your intentions."

So Lu Qi smiled slightly and said: "Let me introduce you again, my name is Lu Qi Light Shield, from Demacia."

"Lucci Light Shield."

Irelia repeated the name, and then her pupils trembled, showing the same surprise as Akali.

Others may not recognize it, but this name is definitely unfamiliar to her.

The second prince of Demacia.

The man who led the army against Noxus.

If it weren't for him, the people of Ionia wouldn't know when their suffering would end.

Although she had never seen it, this name inspired her and gave her strength many days and nights.

Let her fight against Noxus more bravely and resolutely.

Because of him, she knew that the powerful Noxus was not invincible.

Even if it was her, she respected this man extremely in her heart.

Irelia never imagined that this person would appear in front of her for no reason like this.

To be honest, she couldn't believe it.

After all, why did the second prince of Demacia come to Ionia?

"As for how to prove my identity."

Lu Qi thought for a while, took out the secret key, made a video call to Demacia, and explained, "This is the secret key, a fast communication tool jointly developed by Demacia and Piltover. In the near future, Log in to Runeterra."

It was the first time for Akali and Ahri to see him take out the secret key, and they were both curious for a moment.

As the video was connected, a screen popped up, first revealing Jarvan III and Tiana.

"This should be the council chamber. The people in the picture are my father and the Marshal of Demacia."

Lu Qi gave a brief introduction.

Irelia looked at the picture, a little stunned. She felt the magic aura and a fluctuation in the spiritual field.

It doesn't seem to be a fake. Besides, is this magic just to deceive her?

The characters and pictures inside are all so real, along with Lu Qi's conversation with Jarvan III and Tiana.

She was soon convinced that it was a living person, revealed through the 'Secret Key', from the other side.


After hanging up the secret key, Lu Qi looked at Irelia who was a little dull and said: "This is the only way I can think of to prove my identity. Of course, I also have a spare secret key. You can confirm its function. true and false."

"No need"

Irelia came to her senses after hearing this. Although it was outrageous, she could not find a reason why Lu Qi made up this lie.

At this moment, she basically believed that the person in front of her was the genuine second prince of Demacia.

Because she had a special understanding of this prince.

He is powerful, his face is far more handsome than ordinary people, and he is extremely young. Coupled with what the secret key just showed, the man in front of him basically matches perfectly.

She was confused for a moment, and her breathing became faster unconsciously. She quickly lowered her head and took a look at her clothes, which were quite decent.

Right, what to say.

She quickly stood up, bowed and gave a Demacia greeting, and said, "See you, Your Highness."

"Get up. This is a courtesy for you, but according to our status, our status is almost the same."

Lu Qi smiled and saw that the other party had done a special understanding and there was no deviation in the etiquette movements.

In terms of status, Irelia is not necessarily lower than him.

After all, if she wanted to, there would be countless people willing to support her on the throne immediately.

"Is that so? What should I do?" Irelia stood up, with a rosy look on her fair face and bright eyes, and looked at Lu Qi again.

Akali felt that Irelia seemed to have lost some sophistication and maturity at this moment, and looked more like a girl who met her idol.

To be honest, the name Luqi is indeed quite famous in Ionia.

Because of him, at least half of the Noxian troops that invaded Ionia were withdrawn!
Many Ionians regard him as a benefactor.

If she hadn't been with this guy for a while and knew his bad character, she would probably behave the same as Irelia now!
Akali glanced at Lucci.

"Just sit down and chat. You don't have to worry too much about etiquette."

Lu Qi smiled gently.

Irelia sat across from him, sipping tea and trying to calm down, but she still couldn't calm down, and she didn't dare to look directly at Lu Qi.

At this moment, she completely lost her usual decency and calmness, but instead gained a bit of girlish restraint.

She looks more like a girl of this age.

"I came here specially to see you this time."

Lu Qi also began to explain his purpose at this time.

Irelia was slightly startled and asked in confusion: "You came here specifically to see me?"

"Yes." Lu Qi nodded slightly and said, "Do you know anything about Pi City?"

Irelia said: "I understand to a certain extent."

Lu Qi said: "Then you must have heard of Hex Flying Door."

"I've heard about it for a long time, but I don't know much about it."

Irelia paused as she spoke, and suddenly thought of something, "Your Highness wants to establish the Hex Flying Gate in Ionia?"

She is indeed extremely smart.

"That's right." Lu Qi nodded and said, "Now Demacia has formed an alliance with Leather City and wants to promote the establishment of Hex Flying Gate throughout Runeterra. I just came from the Blue Flame Islands, and I want to build a new city in Io. If Niya takes this step, you must get your support.”

Listening to these words, Irelia fell into deep thought.

With her current status, she naturally heard about Hex Feimen in Pi City.

It is said that it is an invention that can achieve rapid transmission over long distances in a short time.

Such an invention, if established in Ionia.

It undoubtedly increases the linkage between the First Land and the outside world, but similarly, everything from the outside world will flow into Ionia like a torrent.

What will the new land look like by then?
(End of this chapter)

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