LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 468 The hanging heart finally died

Chapter 468 The hanging heart finally died
After finishing the whole fish, Syndra licked her lips with some unfinished content. She raised her head and saw Lu Qi looking at her with a smile on her face. She immediately lowered her head like a frightened rabbit.

Lu Qi took the initiative and said, "How does it taste?"

"It's delicious. I've never had such delicious grilled fish."

Syndra replied in a low voice.

"I think so too. I have to say that it's me who has such superb cooking skills." Lu Qi laughed narcissistically.

Syndra quietly raised her head, looked over, and found that his smile was very dazzling.

Confident and cheerful, like sunshine shining down, giving people an extremely gentle feeling.

"The fish in this lake also contributed a lot. A simple barbecue can make it so delicious." Lu Qi looked at the lake, but there was no response from the fishing rod thrown in the lake.

There has been no movement since catching two fish.

Syndra nodded in agreement, looked at the lake together, and suddenly paused.

She remembered that this was the back mountain, and there was only one lake in the back mountain, and the fish in the lake were...

She suddenly stood up with a scream.

The movement startled Lu Qi, and he turned around in surprise: "So you can make such a loud noise."

Sindra said a little at a loss: "The fish in the lake are spiritual fish raised by the teacher. He, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, will not allow random fishing."

"Really?" Lu Qi was also stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Then what should we do now? We have eaten them all, and they are now resting in our stomachs."

Sindra sat down again, her little face was full of confusion, and she didn't know what to do.

After thinking about it, Lu Qi asked, "What would happen if your teacher knew about this?"

"He will probably be very angry and kick me out of the temple," Syndra said with some fear.

"Don't you want to leave?" Lu Qi asked.

Syndra lowered her head and did not give an answer for a moment, and there was a little silence in the air.

So Lu Qi said: "Then just don't let him know. God knows this and you know it and I know it. If you don't tell me and I don't tell you, how could he know about it."

"But." Syndra hesitated.

"There is no but, you and I are accomplices. Even if you go to your teacher to betray me, you can't escape the responsibility."

Lu Qi casually picked his teeth with a bamboo stick and suddenly became very arrogant, "Think about the fish in your stomach. You have to be responsible for it no matter what."

Syndra couldn't say a word, she lowered her head and was confused.

Since joining the teacher, she has never made a mistake, and she doesn't know what she will face.

But she was afraid of this feeling.

If the teacher knew about it, she would not be able to stay in the temple any longer. If she couldn't stay, then she and her family would...
Everything she has now is hard-earned, and she doesn't want to lose it again.

Can't say, must not say.

This voice sounded in Syndra's heart.

Lu Qi lazily said: "It's already dark, aren't you in a hurry to go back?"


Syndra also realized that it was getting dark without realizing it, and subconsciously stood up, but after thinking about it, she sat down again.

"What's wrong?"

"I will be alone when I go back."

Syndra looked at the flickering firelight, hugged her knees, and continued to be silent. I am alone when I go back, and it seems no different than sitting here.

The two of them were just strangers who had just met, so naturally they had nothing to talk about.

After being silent for a while, Lu Qi felt bored, so he suggested: "I have nothing to do anyway, why not come and play a game."


When Sindra heard this, she raised her head with some confusion in her eyes.

Lu Qi raised his hand, flipped it over, and conjured a deck of cards like magic.

Syndra was slightly startled, her eyes widened in disbelief, as if she wanted to know how Lu Qi did it.

Lu Qi smiled and said, "This is called magic."

Syndra was a little curious and asked: "Then what is in your hand?"

"Oh, these are called playing cards. There are fifty-four cards in one deck."

Lu Qi explained, remembering that Ionia in this period was just like in ancient times. I'm afraid there was no such thing as poker.

Then, he pretended to smile mysteriously: "Do you still want to see the magic trick just now?"

Syndra nodded.

"Then let's take a look." Lu Qi showed it proudly. He shuffled the cards and then spread them out in front of Syndra, "Choose one at random, then remember the number and pattern, and then put it back."

Syndra obediently obeyed, stretched out her little hand, took one out, and then put it back.

Lu Qi arranged the cards without looking at them the whole time, then began to shuffle the cards, and finally confidently picked up the first card: "Is this the one you just chose?"

Syndra's eyes widened and she felt even more incredible. A touch of color appeared in her somewhat dull eyes. She nodded vigorously: "That's it. It's amazing."

Lu Qi smiled, shuffled the cards again, and then showed them again: "Choose another one, and this time you shuffle it yourself."

Syndra chose another card, wrote it down, took the card, washed it awkwardly, and then handed it back to Lucci.

After Lu Qi took the cards, he did not touch the deck of cards. Instead, he directly lifted the first card, showed the Ace of Hearts and asked, "Is this the one?"

Syndra shook her head, feeling that Lucci had made a mistake. What she just remembered was a 2 of spades.

"Then reach out your hand."

Lu Qi said.

Syndra obediently complied, stretched out her hand, and then showed her palm upwards.

Lu Qi picked up the Ace of Hearts, put it on her palm, then snapped his fingers and said, "Turn it over and see for yourself."

Sindra was puzzled, but she picked up the poker with her other hand and was stunned for a moment. What appeared in her hand was a 2 of spades.

"how did you do that?"

Her voice was louder without realizing it, with a deep curiosity, and she dared to look at Lu Qi with her eyes.

"I said, this is magic, this is my side-by-side skill."

Lu Qi smiled proudly.

Syndra looked at the 2 of spades in her hand and felt that this was not magic. It was not an exaggeration to say it was magic.

Next, Lu Qi showed a variety of poker magic tricks one after another. Syndra was brought into the mood, and she gave out cute exclamations from time to time, which was very popular.

Even she didn't realize that she was a little less gloomy and a little more cheerful like a girl at this moment.

This should be the real her.

A long time passed without realizing it, and the night was already dark.

When it was time to go back to the temple, Syndra stood up with some reluctance and said goodbye: "I'm going back."

Lu Qi nodded and said, "Do you need me to send you off?"

"No need, I know the road well and there is no danger here at night."

Syndra shook her head and refused, carrying the bucket, and started on the way back. Lu Qi watched her back disappear, raised his head and looked at the moonlight. The stars in the sky were quite bright.

At night, Sindra returned to the room in the temple, a small wooden house, and the space inside was even a little narrow.

This has been her 'home' for three years. She has lived here since coming to the temple.

Having such a small home is already enough.

As long as she endures enough, everyone can be happy.

Although she was a little sleepy at the moment, Sindra knew she couldn't sleep yet. She worked hard for a while and made herself a bowl of bitter medicine.

Even though she had to be mentally prepared every time she drank, Syndra still drank it all without dropping a drop.

This medicine was prescribed by the teacher to help her control her abilities. She has to drink a bowl of it every day. She has been drinking it for three years.

After drinking the medicine, Sindra felt a little chilly in her body. Taking advantage of the effect of the medicine, she sat cross-legged and practiced according to the method given by the teacher.

For some reason, her sense of the magic in her body was getting weaker and weaker, and she often felt like she wasn't having enough energy.

But the teacher said it was proof she was getting closer to controlling the power.

Syndra was not discouraged and practiced harder.

Late at night, Sindra finished her practice. She lay on the small bed, covered herself with a quilt, and stared at the ceiling in a daze.

She thought of the man by the lake.

Will he still be there tomorrow?
Inexplicably, a glimmer of expectation flashed through the girl's heart, and with such expectation, she fell asleep.

The next day.




Syndra was woken up by the temple bell. Even though she was still a little sleepy, she immediately got up from the bed, changed her clothes, and rushed to the main hall to meet her teacher.

When she arrived, the other three senior brothers had not arrived yet. Her teacher Konigan was already sitting cross-legged in the middle of the main temple, closing his eyes to meditate.

Sindra stepped forward and saluted as a disciple: "Hello, teacher."

"Yeah." Cornigan responded lightly, "Sit down."

After hearing this, Sindra sat down somewhere and waited honestly.

Konigan spoke up again at this time: "Have you practiced the exercises I taught you diligently recently?"

Sindra heard the words and said truthfully: "Practice every day, at least for more than two hours."

"Well, what about the medicine? Do you insist on taking it every day?"

Cornigan continued to ask.

Syndra said: "I drink it every day."

"That's very good." Konigan opened his eyes and looked at her with some relief, "Your talent is too special. It is not easy for me to find a suitable training method for you. You must cherish it and practice diligently."

Syndra said gratefully: "Thank you, teacher."

"No need to thank me." Cornigan smiled and closed his eyes again. But Syndra didn't notice the cold look in his eyes when he closed his eyes.

Not long after, the other three disciples also arrived, namely senior brother Hu Chang, second senior brother Bai Shan, and third senior brother Mei Wu.

Among the four, Syndra is the youngest.

After the three of them also said hello as disciples, Koenighan said a few simple words and signaled that everyone could disperse.

Before leaving, he stopped Sindra again and asked, "Have the spirit fish I raised in the clear lake in the back mountain been fed recently?"

"Teacher, every once in a while, the disciples go to feed them." Syndra's heart tightened and she lowered her head, her tone a little nervous.

Konigan didn't hear it, but just smiled: "I think they must have grown up a lot, just don't forget to feed them. When these spiritual fish grow up, they will be of great use to the teacher. When we finish this If it’s a breakthrough, go check it out.”

Syndra's heart immediately trembled. She didn't know what to say in reply, so she just let out a dull hum.

Konigan looked at her and said calmly: "Okay, you can retreat. There is nothing to do these days, you just need to practice diligently."

"is teacher."

Sindra nodded again and quickly left the main temple. After leaving, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, but his hanging heart did not let go.

Sooner or later, the teacher will discover this matter. What should I do?

Maybe it’s just two words and the teacher can’t find it.

With such expectations, Sindra set out towards the back mountain with the fish feed.

She has finished all the chores in the past few days, so these days will be relatively relaxed.

When they reached the back mountain, Sindra felt uneasy when she saw the light of the fire.

She quickened her pace and approached, and then she saw Lu Qi lift the fishhook vigorously. Suddenly, the water splashed everywhere, and he caught a bright-looking spiritual fish, which shone like a diamond in the sun.

On the bonfire not far away, two pieces were roasting.

Seeing this scene, Syndra stopped on the spot, and her hanging heart finally died.

"Oh, you're here again. How about the way I threw the hook just now? Isn't it cool?"

Lu Qi turned around and saw Syndra standing stupidly, and asked proudly.

Syndra came back to her senses and didn't bother to answer the question. She said anxiously: "No, no, don't you mean that you can't catch the spiritual fish here?"

She was so anxious that she stuttered and her eyes widened a bit.

When Lu Qi heard this, he blinked and said, "But I'm hungry."

Syndra was anxious and angry: "You can't eat even if you're hungry! I clearly said it last night!"

"You look like you're in a hurry." Lu Qi was extremely calm and said with a smile, "But the louder your voice is, the more energetic it is. Normally I feel like your vocal cords are missing."

Syndra said helplessly: "That's not the issue I'm talking about now!"

She didn't even know that her voice was at least twice as loud as usual.

"In fact, many times, what you think is a problem is not a problem."

Lu Qi said as he sat down and started handling the newly caught fish.

Syndra looked at his actions, anxious and helpless. She watched helplessly as another spiritual fish that still had a way to survive was put on the fire.

"The fact has happened, we can't change it, can we?"

Lu Qi looked at her with a smile and continued, "In order to prevent these spiritual fish from making sacrifices in vain, you should also sit down and eat some."

"No! I've already had breakfast! And I won't eat the spiritual fish here again. I've already made a mistake because of you!"

Syndra refused quickly this time. Even though she was still empty, she still refused firmly.

Lu Qi picked up a nearly roasted spirit fish and handed it over, "Are you really not going to try it? Look into its eyes, pat your conscience and ask if you want to take a bite of it."

"I will not eat!"

Syndra subconsciously looked into the grilled fish's eyes, which exuded the desire to be eaten. She tried hard to look away, and couldn't help but swallow her saliva.

Fifteen minutes later.

Sindra held a piece of grilled fish and ate it happily.

So fragrant!
(End of this chapter)

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