LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 469 Opens the door to a new world

Chapter 469 Opens the door to a new world ( words)
Afterwards, Sindra looked at the remaining fish bones with dull eyes. At this moment, she felt like she wanted to die.

She knew she couldn't eat it, but she still couldn't resist the devil's temptation!
Damn it!
Glancing at Lu Qi, who was patting his belly and burping next to him, Syndra's eyes turned a little resentful for a moment.

"Don't look at me like that, the food you just ate was better than mine." Lu Qi saw Syndra's eyes and couldn't help but say.

"But..." Syndra opened her mouth, but there was no confidence in her voice.

Seeing her like this, Lu Qi said louder: "If you think about it carefully, it's all your fault. If you had tried your best to stop me and warned me seriously, I wouldn't have done this."

Faced with such rogue words, Syndra paused, then lowered her head and said softly: "Well, it's really my fault."

After thinking about it, she realized that her own problem was indeed the biggest. If she could dissuade Lu Qi, she would not be able to resist her greedy desire or do better, so it would not lead to a mistake.

It was her fault after all.

Lu Qi saw that she was becoming depressed, as if he had discovered the problem. He couldn't help but get closer and pat her on the forehead: "You gave up too quickly."

Syndra raised her head in confusion. She admitted that it was her fault, so what else could she do?

"You should continue to refute me and argue with me. From this point of view, have you really done something wrong?"

Lu Qi looked into those eyes and continued, "After all, people have to live a selfish life. Like me, if something happens, you have to think about other people's problems first. If there is no problem, you have to dig it out. One. It’s not my problem anyway, don’t always think of one person taking care of everything.”

Syndra avoided Lu Qi's eyes and lowered her head: "People say, I am for everyone, and everyone is for me."

"I also said that I would rather teach the world to betray me than teach the world to betray me." Lu Qi chuckled and leaned against the tree, "In the end, these words are just words that come out of people's mouths. In the end, only you can live your life." Comfort is what matters.”

Sindra had never heard of such a concept. Growing up, all she heard from her parents, elders, and teachers was dedication.

Only by dedicating everything to everyone wholeheartedly can we get rewards from everyone.

Seeing her frozen in place, Lu Qi reached out his hand again and slapped her on the forehead again: "Okay, now start again."

Syndra asked in confusion: "Start with what?"

"Argue with me again, look for more problems with me, and strengthen your position that you are right."

Lu Qi said calmly.

He is like a stern teacher waiting for his students to speak.

"It's obviously your problem."

"The voice is too soft and you have no confidence at all. When you speak, look into other people's eyes to let people feel your aura."

Syndra finally managed to hold back a few words, but was ruthlessly interrupted by Lu Qi.

She was immediately deflated.


"It's obviously your problem."

"What's my problem? Is there a sign prohibiting fishing here?"

"No but"

"That's alright. Since you didn't say no fishing, can you blame me? If you had put up a sign earlier, this kind of thing wouldn't have happened."


"But what? There are so many buts, isn't that the truth?"

It has to be said that Syndra's attack power is really low, and Lucci is leaning against the tree without any pressure at all.

Being interrupted again and again, and being unable to interrupt again and again, made Syndra's little face turn red. She found that she couldn't compete with Lu Qi at all.

But the more this happened, the less she wanted to give up.

She clenched her fists unconsciously and looked up at Lu Qi: "That's not the case at all."

Lu Qi picked his ears and said, "It's not that. How can I know if you don't explain it clearly? I'm not wrong. I'm wrong."

"You are the one who is wrong! I clearly said it last night, but you didn't listen. Why didn't you listen? Because you did it on purpose! Why should you blame others for not putting up a sign? It's obviously you who is willful, rude, nonsense, and has no rules. , but you still blame others, it’s your fault! Don’t think that just because you have a handsome face is great!”

Syndra blushed and shouted, her voice was louder than ever.

Lu Qi had no room to speak at all. Watching her finish a series of words, he couldn't help but smile: "Okay, it's indeed my fault. I'm sorry."

Seeing him admitting his mistake, Sindra stopped panting, feeling inexplicably relieved.

"That's right. If you have any dissatisfaction in the future, you should say it to your face." Lu Qi knew that it was not easy for Syndra to do this. "Your personality is a typical pleaser, always doing things for you. For the sake of others, you subconsciously rely on and conform to others. You only keep your hurt in your heart. This kind of personality is actually very unpopular. Don't hide some things, just say them directly. good."

Syndra didn't know what Lu Qi meant by a "pleasant personality", but the following words sounded very similar to hers.

"Let's not talk about it anymore. Do you want to learn yesterday's magic trick?"

Lu Qi changed the subject to a lighter topic and turned his hand to create a deck of cards.

Syndra immediately nodded her head, eager to learn.

"In that case, let's test your talent for learning first."

Lu Qi put away the poker and squatted on the ground, "Like me, draw a circle with one hand and a circle with the other hand? Complete it with both hands simultaneously. This is to test the coordination of your hands."

Hearing this, Sindra tried it curiously, and then said: "Is this so?"

Lu Qi looked over and found that she could actually complete it simultaneously. He was surprised: "That's true, but you can really do it."

Syndra tilted her head and asked in confusion: "Is this difficult?"

She felt that it was not difficult at all, so she thought about it and completed it.

"It's difficult for most people."

Lu Qi smiled and explained the difficulty of this operation to her.

After hearing this, Syndra felt that it was a bit exaggerated.

"It's because it's easy for you to do, so you don't think it's difficult, and others don't think so." Lu Qi looked at her and smiled, "This also proves that you are very talented. You can do two things at once, but others don't envy you. Come with the skills.”

Syndra nodded her head unconsciously, the light in her eyes flickering. This was the first time someone said she was powerful.

"Then let's learn from the basics. With your talent, it shouldn't be difficult to learn."

Lu Qi was also idle, so he taught Sindra how to learn magic from scratch.

Syndra studied hard and soon showed her strong talent. In just one morning, she was able to master poker.

I have to say, her talent is really exaggerated.

Of course, Lu Qi's magic skills are not limited to poker. Whatever he teaches, Syndra follows suit.

Time passed slowly like this.

In a flash, it was already four days later.

The saplings planted by Lu Qi have grown into a tree house. He lived in it and made a set of furniture.

That's the good thing about Ionia, you don't have to worry about buying a house.

This day.

There was a "bang bang bang" knock on the door.

The person outside the door knocked roughly.

Syndra was woken up, and it was just getting dark outside.

She stood up and opened the door. Standing outside was Chang Hu, her senior brother and the teacher's first apprentice.

"Why did it take so long to open the door?" Hu Chang looked at her with some dissatisfaction, and then ordered: "Go and clean the yard for me this morning. I have something to do and I have to go out."

His tone allowed no room for rejection.

Sindra inexplicably remembered the 'pleasant personality' that Lu Qi mentioned that day, and she mustered up the courage to refuse.

However, Hu Chang had already turned around and left, not giving her a chance to speak.

Watching his leaving figure, Syndra ultimately did not say what was in her heart.

It hasn't always been like this.

Now that things have happened, there is no room for rejection.

Here, she is the youngest. In order not to disappoint everyone and to truly integrate into the temple, she needs to do everything to the best of her ability.

Hu Chang's figure disappeared, and soon the other two senior brothers came.

"The monk's robes have been piled up for a few days. Please go and wash them for me. It's troublesome."

"Remember to feed those spiritual animals in the backyard. Your second senior brother and I have something to do."

The two of them ordered the chores without explanation, and then, like Hu Chang, quickly turned around and left.

In the end, only Sindra was left standing alone in the yard, and the brilliance of her eyes dimmed a bit.

When Lu Qi found her, she was by the river in the back mountain. She had just brought a bucket of clothes and was washing them cumbersomely.

"I asked why I didn't see you, so you came here."

He stepped forward and then took a look, "There are so many clothes, when will they be washed?"

Sindra didn't dare to raise her head to look at him, and replied in a low voice: "If you wash it quickly, you can wash it in the afternoon."

"By the way, do you have to wash all the clothes?" Lu Qi looked at her strangely, "I remember you should have a senior brother."

"They have something to do, so please ask me." Sindra replied in a low voice while washing clothes.

"Then you agreed? Have you always been like this?" Lu Qi squatted down and asked.

Syndra nodded and said nothing.

Lu Qi said: "Speaking of which, I'm also very curious. Why are you so hardworking and uncomplaining? That time in the town, you were the one who carried all the luggage. When we got to the temple, they took away the credit again."

Syndra didn't expect Lu Qi to know about this. She forced out a smile and said as if to comfort herself: "Because my parents want me to listen to the teacher, and the teacher wants me to listen to the senior brothers. I am the youngest, so I have to do this Things are as they should be.”

"Who told you this nonsense?" Lu Qi raised his eyebrows and said, "Or is this what you think in your heart?"

Syndra didn't answer, just scrubbing her clothes silently.

"You can stop now."

Lu Qi forcibly grabbed her hand and threw the dress back into the bucket, "Tell me now, do you want to do this, or do you not?"

Syndra bit her lip and shook her head.

Lu Qi let go of his hand and said: "Didn't I say it last time? It's better to be self-interested in life. Selfless dedication is what a hero does. Whoever is the youngest deserves to bear everything. That's all bullshit. Big ass There are still many places for people to occupy. You must first understand the truth: everyone is for me, so that I can be for everyone.”

Syndra listened quietly.

Lu Qi looked at her and said, "Are you worried that if you refuse, you will let people down? If you don't do this, you will destroy the current harmony."

Syndra nodded.

"So you are ready to shoulder everything silently and work hard without complaining. This is a typical pleaser personality. If you care too much about other people's feelings, you will only be hurt." Lu Qi raised his hand and touched her head, "You You should think about it, everyone is a new person, why should you give in to anyone? Even if you refuse, it won't change anything, but it is a way that makes you happy. "

Syndra said in confusion: "What should I do?"

Lu Qi looked at her and thought for a while: "Don't do anything they asked you to do today. Just do as I say tomorrow."

Syndra raised her eyes, looked at him, and finally nodded.

The next day.

The "bang bang bang" knock on the door sounded again.

Syndra was well prepared this time. She opened the door, and as expected, all three senior brothers stood at the door with bad looks on their faces.

Chief Hu was the first to ask questions: "Why didn't you clean the yard I asked you to clean yesterday?"

"Why haven't those clothes been moved?"

"I didn't even feed the spiritual animal, so the teacher scolded me!"

"Syndra, what do you think?"

The three people couldn't help but first scolded them.

Syndra listened quietly.

Seeing that she was not ready to say anything, Hu Chang said angrily: "Go now and clean the yard. Then the animals are fed and the clothes are washed. Don't let me do it again."

"I do not."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly heard Syndra's voice. Hu Chang was stunned and asked, "What did you say?"

Sindra raised her head this time, looked directly into Hu Chang's eyes, and said loudly: "I said no! I don't want to share the groceries with you!"

At this time, the three of them were stunned and could not react for a moment.

Is this the same Syndra who usually works hard and is easy to bully?

Why is the sound so loud? Why is the momentum so strong?
They looked at Syndra strangely. Hu Chang was the first to react and said angrily: "You can't do it if you say no? You are the youngest here, so it is your responsibility to do these chores!"

Bai Shan in front of him immediately agreed: "Yes, we all came here like this, and now this test is on you."

Mei Wu nodded and said: "We value you so we leave it to you."

"I reject."

Syndra's decisive answer again made the three of them stunned for a moment. "Your respect is of no benefit to me. I think it's up to senior brother to bear these tests himself."

Hu Chang was immediately furious: "I've really turned against you! You didn't even listen to my senior brother, did you?"

"So what if you don't listen? Kill me?" Sindra replied quickly, staring at Hu Chang unwaveringly.

"How brave!" Hu Chang raised his hand angrily, but was quickly grabbed by Bai Shan and Mei Wu.

They pulled Hu Chang away a little and started talking quietly.

"Have you forgotten the teacher's instructions?"

"Yes, the teacher said not to touch her."

"Let's forget about it. We've bullied her for long enough."

The two tried to dissuade them one after another, and Chang Hu also remembered the teacher's instructions to the three of them when Syndra came here on the first day.

But some time later, they discovered that Syndra was surprisingly easy to bully, so they gradually forgot about it.

Now, I think about it again.


Hu Chang snorted in displeasure, looked back at Syndra, and finally left with the two of them.

Seeing the three of them go away, Syndra finally breathed a sigh of relief. She couldn't help but put her hand on her chest, which was still pounding until now.

No one knew how nervous she was just now and how mentally prepared she was.

They were even prepared to be beaten, but they didn't expect that the three of them would actually leave like this.

Did they tell the teacher?

But if you think about it carefully, the shifts these days are already done by them, so what's the use of telling the teacher?

In short, this result was something Syndra didn't expect. She didn't expect it to go so smoothly. Even when he ran to the back mountain, his face was flushed with excitement, and he excitedly told Lu Qi the good news.

Lu Qi smiled and said, "Am I right? They bullied you because they saw you were weak. If you were tougher, nothing would happen."

Syndra nodded happily and said, "This way they won't ask me to do chores in the future. It's finally over!"

"No, it's not over yet." Lu Qi looked at her and shook his head, "This is just the beginning."

Syndra was immediately confused: "What just started?"

"Your counterattack." Lu Qi smiled, "Now that you have shown your toughness in the first stage, it is time for the second step. I will tell you the unchanging truth in this world, that is, fists . Only if you have a strong fist will you not be bullied. This is the last word.”

Syndra was still a little confused.

"Anyway, just do as I say. You must have learned magic, right?"

Lu Qi looked at her and asked.

Syndra shook her head: "The teacher hasn't taught me yet."

"That's okay. I'll teach you two moves. With your talent, you can learn them quickly."

Lu Qi just smiled.

The next morning.

Hu Chang, Bai Shan, and Mei Wu were discussing where to go today.

They saw Syndra coming and stopped in front of them.

The three of them stopped in confusion.

Sindra raised her head and looked directly at Chang Hu and the others: "You guys can do my chores for me today."

Three people: "???"

They were stunned for a moment, with question marks on their faces.

What do you mean?
Rebel against Tiangang?

We didn't go looking for you, but you came here instead?
The corners of Hu Chang's mouth twitched: "What did you say? I didn't seem to hear clearly."

Syndra repeated calmly: "I will leave my chores to you today."

"Hahaha, junior sister, you have become humorous too." Baishan smiled, thinking that she was joking because of her personality change.

Syndra said calmly: "I am serious."

The smile on Baishan's face disappeared.

Hu Changye snorted coldly and said, "Then I want to ask, what if we refuse?"

"You won't refuse." Syndra shook her head firmly.

Mei Wu asked with interest: "Why?"

"Because I will beat you until you can't refuse."

Syndra was a little stuck when she said this. She had never said such a thing before, so she was a bit too arrogant.

After the words fell, it was like a big joke. Hu Chang and the other three laughed, but they were not happy.

"It's contrary! You, a nominal disciple of the temple, dare to speak arrogant words here!" Hu Chang laughed angrily, and regardless of his instructions, he stretched out his hand and used magic power to draw a wooden stick from the wall. "No matter what happens today, I will teach you a lesson so that you won't know how to respect your brother in the future."

Syndra raised the corners of her lips and said calmly: "What level do you have to deserve my respect?"

"Really! Don't cry later!"

Hu Chang took a step forward and rushed over quickly, swinging the stick down mercilessly.

He originally thought that Syndra would dodge, but he didn't expect that she would still stand where she was, and the stick she was swinging with all her strength could not help but pause for a moment.

But whether you pause or not, it actually makes no difference.

Syndra just raised her hand, and a burst of magic emerged, immediately covering the arc-long stick and taking control away.

Hu Chang was surprised to see the stick come out of his hand, then fly in mid-air, and under Syndra's control, attack him instead.

If he didn't react in time, he would be hit in the head, not hard, not light, but very crisp.

"Damn it!"

Hu Chang was even more angry, but the next second, the stick fell mercilessly and hit him quickly.

It was impossible for him to resist physically. He was beaten and dodged again and again, and was in a very embarrassed state. Seeing Bai Shan and Mei Wu who were a little dazed, he shouted angrily: "What are you doing stupidly! Help! If we don't take action today, no one will be able to cure her!"

When the two reacted, they immediately activated their magic power, attracted a wooden stick, and rushed towards Syndra.

However, Syndra only glanced at it and took control of the stick.

She used magic power to control three sticks at the same time, but without any delay, the three people she beat were almost unable to fight back.

She felt incredible in her heart that the method Lu Qi taught her was so magical and that she could control magic so easily.

The method was so simple, why didn’t the teacher teach her?
The three of them were shocked, angry, and even more unbelievable at the moment.

They had no idea that Syndra, who was usually so easy to bully and had a weak personality, could be so strong?

Seeing that it was almost done, Sindra stopped and asked, "Do you have any other opinions?"

Hu Chang and the other three were now bruised and swollen. They looked at Syndra with anger and fear, and then used the last resort.

"Just wait, let's go find the teacher!!"

The three of them turned around and left like they were running away.

Syndra stood there, with a flash of panic in her heart, but thinking of Lu Qi's words, she plucked up the courage and waited silently.

After a while, the three people came with Konigen.

"Teacher, she did it!"

The three of them thought that they were all in trouble on the way, and Hu Chang pointed at Sindra aggrievedly.

"The three of you were bullied by her alone?" Konigan was a little disbelieving to be honest, but more disappointed.

The three students he has taught for so many years are not as powerful as Syndra, who has little grasp of magic?

The three of them didn't notice the disappointment in Konigan's eyes at all, but they were a little embarrassed.

Konigan looked at Syndra at this time, but he was extremely serious: "Who taught you how to control your magic power? I remember that I haven't taught you this yet."

Upon hearing this, Sindra replied honestly: "Teacher, students think that these skills don't need to be learned."

Konigan was stunned, but did not continue to ask, but said: "The three of them said that you forced them to complete the chores you were supposed to do. Is this true?"

Sindra shook his head and said: "The students were just walking on the road. Senior brother and the others seemed to have stopped me because I refused their orders yesterday, and there was a dispute between them."

She didn't go into too much detail, but as soon as she finished speaking, Hu Chang and the others' eyes widened.


This guy lies!
Syndra can lie!

They immediately looked at Koenigan, wanting to explain the situation again.

But he saw that Koenigan seemed to have something on his mind, frowning slightly and said: "No matter what, you disobeyed your brother and hurt others, so you made a mistake first. Go and stand in the courtyard for a whole morning, and let this matter be over." The three of you will excerpt the basic chapter ten times."

The three of them were stunned on the spot, not expecting such a result at all.

Sindra immediately responded: "Yes, the student is willing to be punished."

The three of them could only accept the punishment humiliatingly. They found it unbelievable that the teacher had been fooled by such a lame lie.

Konigan felt that Syndra didn't seem to be lying, because in fact, he had always seen the bullying of Hu and Zhang and the others on weekdays, but he had not interfered.

Because he felt that it would be a good thing if her character could be made weaker.

But now it seems that the situation is completely opposite.

Before leaving, he asked: "Have you taken the medicines I prescribed for you on time these days? Are you still practicing? Have they been wasted?"

Syndra felt a little strange, but still replied: "It's not wasted, and I drink the medicine every day."

"Really? In that case, let's go to the penalty stand over there."

Konigan glanced at her, said nothing more, and turned to leave.

Under such circumstances, it was simply unbelievable that she had figured out how to control magic power.

Seeing him leave, Sindra immediately looked at Hu Chang and the others and showed a friendly smile.

The three of them froze in place, shivering all over, feeling like they had a bad premonition.


After the penalty stand was over, Syndra found the three of them again.

She smiled slightly and said cheerfully: "I will leave my chores to my three senior brothers."

Hu Chang and the others immediately gritted their teeth.

"I'm telling you, don't go too far!"

"It's just too much!"

"It's endless, right?"

The three of them glared at Syndra.

"It's strange. Didn't the three senior brothers treat me like this before? Why can't it be the other way around today?"

Syndra always had a smile on her face. As she spoke, she took another step forward, exuding an inexplicable sense of oppression, "I just have to push the envelope, so what? It seems that a beating is not enough."

There was a slight threat in her tone that anyone could hear.

Hu Chang and the other three looked at each other, gritted their teeth and said, "Fight her!"

The three of them rushed towards Syndra, hoping to attack her unprepared, but Syndra was already prepared.

She waved her hand, and three sticks flew out, and fell down under the horrified eyes of the three people.

As expected, there was another beating.

The matter came to Koenigan again.

Looking at the three people who came to complain and the lonely Sindra standing on the other side, Konigan sighed slightly and asked: "Sindra, tell me, are what the three of them said true? ?”

Syndra forced out a miserable smile: "Just treat it as true."

When the three heard this, they looked at her in disbelief.

Just take it as true?
It's obviously true!

Also, you clearly didn’t smile like that just now!

Koenigan frowned and said: "What should we consider to be true? If it is true, if it is false, how can we be wrong as a teacher? Tell it truthfully!"

Sindra lowered his head and said in a low voice: "Perhaps because of what happened in the morning, the three senior brothers had grudges against me, so they came around from behind in the afternoon, but I discovered it in advance."

The three people's eyes gradually widened as they listened, and Hu Chang even said angrily: "Fart, it's obviously you who came here on your own initiative!"

Bai Shan also quickly looked at Konigan: "Teacher, she is lying!"

Mei Wu nodded hurriedly.

Yes, teacher, she is acting!

Don't be deceived!

The three of them roared in their hearts, wishing that Konigan would know Syndra's true face on the spot. All of this was her disguise!
At this moment, Konigan's heart was a little biased towards Syndra.

Or because she was the one who had been bullied in the three years since Sindela came to the temple.

Now, the situation is suddenly reversed, which is a bit impossible to think about.

Therefore, it seemed that it was probably Hu Chang and the others who took the initiative to cause trouble, but they did not expect that they were not Syndra's opponents.

Listening to the noisy voices of the three people, Koenigan suddenly felt a little tired. He rubbed his brows impatiently and said, "Master, I have been busy with breakthroughs recently. You three, just stay calm and don't make any more trouble. Now. Let’s leave it at that. If anything like this happens again, don’t bring it to my attention.”

The second half of his words also contained a bit of anger, because these three students really failed to live up to their expectations.

The three of them were stunned on the spot for a moment, as if they didn't expect Koenigan to say such a thing.

In other words, this is the end of the matter?

After speaking, Konigan stood up and left the main hall directly.

The four people were left standing quietly.

Hu Chang and the other three couldn't help but look at Syndra.

Syndra looked towards them, smiled, and made a mouth gesture, clearly speaking.

"Please, three senior brothers~"

The three of them suddenly shuddered, with only fear and despair in their eyes.

They had a premonition that after this day, they might have no hope of turning around.

Syndra thought of the story about the boy who cried wolf that Lu Qi told her, and she couldn't help but curl up her lips.

After leaving the main hall, when the sun began to shine down, I looked at Hu Chang and the other two people who were silently cleaning the yard.

Syndra felt that her heart had never been so happy.

A dense itching feeling emerged in her heart, making her whole body jump for joy.

It turns out that this kind of thing is so pleasant.

At this moment, she felt as if a door to a new world had been opened, and her whole person had been transformed.

Her steps were no longer awkward, her silver hair no longer obscured her face, her eyes were completely radiant, and her mood was extremely relaxed.

She ran excitedly to the back mountain and shared the news with Lu Qi, who was grilling fish.

"How does it feel?"

Lu Qi asked with a smile.

"I have never felt like this before." Syndra put her hand on her chest, with a smile on her face. "It's very relaxing and joyful."

"That's right, people, it's true that you make yourself comfortable."

Lu Qi raised his hand and touched her head.

Syndra enjoyed this moment and felt that the big hands on her head were very warm.

Then she saw the grilled fish in Lu Qi's hand, and couldn't help but said: "Why did you eat grilled fish again!"

"I ate a few and couldn't find them." Lu Qi felt that the spiritual fish here tasted really good when grilled. He happily picked up one and said: "You have your share, too. Today is a day worth celebrating."

(End of this chapter)

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