Chapter 470 Family
The town of Filo.

Koenigan walked into a house with a heavy expression.

"Master, why are you here?"

"There is a loss and a welcome from afar."

A family of three rushed to greet him and hurriedly welcomed Konigan into the house.

In this area of ​​Filol, Konigan is a well-known magic priest and is respected wherever he goes.

"There's no need to be formal. I'm here this time to tell you about the child."

Koenighan sat down and watched the man of the house bring the water glass.

After hearing his words, the faces of the family of three became visibly tense.

The black-haired woman's name was Luo Danni. After hearing this, she hurriedly asked: "Did she cause any trouble again? Master, we have already spoken in advance, and we are completely unable to control her. We are almost out of pocket." Family, send her to you, don't blame us if something happens now."

At first I thought she meant concern, but in the second half it didn't sound that way.

As if he was busy trying to get rid of some hot potato.

The couple's son also turned pale as if recalling some bad memory.

The male host also gave Luo Danni the same look, fearing that Konigan would say something irresponsible.

"Since I have collected your money, I will not give up easily." Konigen glanced at the three of them expressionlessly, and then continued, "I came here this time to let you have some peace of mind."

Luo Danni breathed a sigh of relief, but still asked nervously: "Master, I wonder what it is?"

Konigan's face darkened and he said: "Recently, my methods have become increasingly unable to restrain her. During this period, she has learned to use magic without any teacher. Her magic power is still growing. If it continues like this, I might resort to last resort."

After listening to his words, the three of them made eye contact. Luo Danni turned her head and said, "No matter what method we use, we all believe in the master."

The family seemed eager for Koeniggen to use this method immediately.

"I said, this is a last resort. I am here just to inform you to be mentally prepared."

Seeing this, Konigan knew there was no need to say any more.

He stood up and walked out, ignoring the farewells of the three people behind him.

In their eyes, maybe that child is no longer a family member.

What does she look like in my heart?

The child's face flashed through his mind, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. He was slightly touched, but when he thought of the terrifying dark magic, his heart became cold again.

Haruka remembered that three years ago, when he first saw the child, even he was shocked by the darkness that hit his face.

He had never seen such a huge amount of dark energy gathered in one person.

Thinking of this, Konigan couldn't help but sigh again.

It is your fate to be abandoned by the world at birth, no one can blame you.

And eliminating darkness is his mission.

This matter seems to have to be resolved as soon as possible.

Back mountain.

After enjoying a delicious meal of grilled fish, Sindra's lips curled up, still feeling indescribably happy.

"If you encounter something like this again in the future, you will know what to do."

Lu Qi lay lazily on a wooden chair, and then said: "In short, I will not offend others unless they offend me. If someone offends me, I will beat them to death."


Syndra nodded her head vigorously and wrote down this sentence.

She is not a troublemaker. If it weren't for Lu Qi, she might have to endure it silently for a long time.

But today, she got the answer in her heart.

She didn't want to endure those grievances.

Why should she be born to bear everything? Why should she live according to other people's thoughts? Why can't she be herself?

Even at this moment, there is no answer in my heart. But the road ahead of the girl has suddenly become clear.

"Speaking of which, why doesn't your teacher teach you magic?"

Lu Qi asked casually at this time.

Sindra heard this and replied: "The teacher said that it is not yet time for me to really come into contact with magic. He always said that no matter how powerful the mage is, there will be times when his magic power is out of control. Because my magic power is very special, I must first learn to let it go." It stabilizes."

"Really." Lu Qi nodded slightly, "It's true, but for a powerful mage, the probability of losing control of his magic power is almost zero. Your magic power is indeed quite special, but when I see you controlling it, it seems that It’s not that unfamiliar anymore.”

He simply taught Syndra two ways to use magic to control objects. She once again showed her amazing talent and learned it quickly.

Sindra lowered her head and said nothing after hearing this, as if she didn't want to talk more about this topic.

What he saw was just the surface. In fact, she didn't show her true self to Lu Qi at all.

"If you have nothing to do, you have nothing to do. Let's play backgammon for a while."

Lu Qi was addicted to chess. As he spoke, he sat up and used his hand as a sword to make a few gestures on the ground. Suddenly a chess board appeared.

"What is backgammon?"

Syndra raised her head in confusion, with some curiosity in her eyes.

"Very simple."

So Lu Qi explained the rules.

Syndra understood quickly.

Then Lu Qi said: "There is nowhere to find chess pieces now. Next, you and I will condense our magic power into chess pieces."

As he spoke, he began to condense his magic power. As the magic energy rippled, a white and a black magic chess piece appeared on his fingertips.

Seeing this scene, Syndra also raised her hand and tried, but failed as expected.

"It's so difficult."

She frowned slightly, but her eyes were a little more serious. Without even waiting for Lu Qi's instructions, he started trying again on his own.

After several attempts, a sunspot condensed on her slender fingertips.

Joy appeared in the girl's eyes, and she looked at Lu Qi happily: "Success!"

"It's amazing, but what's really amazing is that it can be stable afterwards."

Lu Qi smiled and placed the white chess piece on the chessboard, condensing one chess piece again, while the other chess piece from before was still there.

Syndra followed Lu Qi's example and played chess on the chessboard, but still failed at first.

The first chess piece always falls, and when the second one condenses, the first one falls apart.

But after she kept trying, she was finally able to do it.

As the two began to slowly play chess, Syndra also gradually became more proficient in the game from being unfamiliar at the beginning.

Later, she was able to condense dozens of sunspots floating around her body at the same time.

This process took two days, and within two days Lu Qi was really addicted to food abuse.

However, Syndra's backgammon skills were improving very quickly, and he probably wouldn't be able to hold on for long before he would be caught up.

No matter what this girl learns, she seems to learn it incredibly quickly.

A cheater like Lu Qi is a little bit sour.

Another morning.

"The teacher said he was preparing for retreat and wouldn't let us stay in the temple to disturb him."

Syndra had breakfast at Luqi's place, and then said, "So I want to go home and have a look."

When talking about going home, the girl's eyes shone with anticipation. Maybe it was because she hadn't seen them for a long time and she really missed them.

She cherishes the word 'family' and thinks it is her last support in this vast world.

Even if she thought about it a little, she couldn't seem to find any happy memories.

She was going home, so of course Lu Qi had nothing to say, and soon watched the girl embark on the road to the town.

Walking on the road, Syndra walked easily, her head couldn't help but recall what happened in the past few days, and the corners of her mouth curled up unconsciously.

It was almost noon when we arrived at Feiluoer Town.

Even though she hadn't been home for a long time, she remembered the way home very clearly. When she opened the door to the courtyard, she saw three faces frozen in place.

She was no longer the timid little girl, and seeing her family after a long absence, she couldn't help but smile: "Dad, mom, brother, I'm back."

As soon as the words fell, the three of them came back to their senses.

Luo Danni stepped forward and gave a stiff smile: "Why didn't you tell us in advance that you were coming back? What if we weren't at home?"

Sindra said: "Because the teacher suddenly had something to do in the morning, I came back."

"Really? We are getting ready to eat. Come in first."

Hearing this, Luo Danni had no choice but to wave.

So Sindra walked into the courtyard, and her father Luo Wen moved a chair and forced a smile: "You sit down first, and we will go to the kitchen to serve the food."

"Let me help." Syndra said immediately.

"No, no, no need." Luo Wen waved his hands a little cautiously, and then walked to the kitchen.

A family of three gathered in the kitchen, all looking a little bad.

Luo Wen lowered his voice: "Why did she come back suddenly?"

Aiwad said with some fear: "Should we go talk to Master Konigan?"

"Didn't she say that something happened suddenly, Master? He was probably busy with that matter, so it's useless to say anything." Luo Danni gritted her teeth and thought for a moment, "In short, we will just do what we usually do."

Soon, the three of them finished talking.

Syndra, who was sitting in the courtyard outside, had no idea and was waiting obediently.

Not long after, the meal was served on the table. It was not particularly rich, after all, the family was not rich, but the smell made Sindra miss it very much.

"The dishes and chopsticks are here."

Ewad went to the kitchen to look for bowls and chopsticks, but there were only three pairs of bowls and chopsticks.

Luo Danni winked hard at Ewad, telling her to go and get another pair.

But Aiwad sat in his seat unmoved.

She forgot that there were only three pairs of bowls and chopsticks at home, and because they didn't have much money, they didn't even prepare Sindra's portion.

Because they never thought that Syndra would appear at the dinner table.

However, this obviously cannot be said.

As if thinking about it, Luo Danni picked up a pair of bowls and chopsticks and handed them to Syndra: "I just broke a bowl two days ago. I don't have much money at home, so I haven't bought it. You can use this."

Syndra looked at the dishes in front of her and lowered her head guiltily: "I'm sorry, it's all my fault."

Three years ago, they traveled all the way from other places. In order for her to become a disciple of Konigan, the family spent all their money, so their life was always so tight.

"Don't think too much, we never blamed you."

"Yes, yes, let's eat."

The dinner table.

The atmosphere was somewhat silent, and the only sounds that could be heard were the sounds of moving chopsticks, most of which were made by Syndra.

Luo Danni, Luo Wen and Aiwad seemed to have little appetite, and sometimes they would secretly look at her with their eyes.

Sindra stopped her chopsticks, raised her head and asked puzzledly: "Why should I eat alone and eat together?"

"Yes, eat."

Luo Wen responded, picked up a chopstick of vegetables and stuffed it into his mouth, chewing it like wax.

Lunch ended in this atmosphere.

The taste of the food was not good, and it was incomparable to what Lu Qi cooked, but Syndra was still very satisfied with the food.

After finishing the meal, she looked at Luo Danni who was clearing the table and said, "Let me help."

Luo Danni hurriedly waved her hands and forced out a smile: "No, just sit down."

After saying that, he picked up the things and walked to the kitchen.

In the past, Sindra was mostly busy doing these housework, but she hasn't done this for a long time.

In this home, Syndra was treated like a guest.

Aiwad hid in his room after eating.

Luo Danni and Luo Wen were sitting with her in the living room, but they had nothing to talk about. Every time the topic was brought up, it ended within two sentences.

The atmosphere was always a bit silent, and there was a bit of embarrassment in the silence. Syndra didn't know how to speak or what to say, so she just sat like this, her eyes drooping slightly, and the light in her eyes gradually dimmed.

"Dong Dong Dong~"

At this moment, a knock on the door suddenly rang.

The couple, who were already a little nervous, were immediately frightened, but then hope rose in their hearts.

Could it be that Master Konigan is here?

"It seems like someone is coming."

"Let's go over and take a look."

With that said, the two of them left the house as if escaping, went to the courtyard and opened the door.

After opening the door, when they saw a young and handsome face appear, a flash of disappointment could not be suppressed in their eyes.

Not Koenigan.

Luo Danni was a little confused and said: "You are."

"I am a traveler. I was helped by your children a few days ago. I came here to express my gratitude."

The handsome young man showed a hearty smile, which made people feel like spring breeze.

Upon hearing this, the two of them became even more confused.

His child?

When did he have a helpful temperament? And since that incident, he rarely went out.

Luo Danni said strangely: "Did you make a mistake?"

The handsome young man affirmed: "That's right."

At this time, Sindra who was in the house heard the noise and came out. She was slightly startled when she saw the person at the door: "Why are you here?"

The person at the door was naturally Lu Qi.

He winked at Syndra, and then smiled: "It's your daughter who helped me when I was lost a few days ago, otherwise I might have been eaten by wild beasts in the mountains."

Syndra was stunned for a moment after saying this.

Why doesn't she remember this?

Luo Danni suddenly said: "That's it."

She had no idea that it had anything to do with Syndra.

Luo Wen on the side said: "Your Excellency, please come in first."

The two welcomed Lu Qi into the living room, and found that Lu Qi had brought over three gifts.

"This is a gift I bought for the three of you, and it's a little thought."

Lu Qi showed an unflattering smile and handed the gift to the couple.

Even Aiwad, who was hiding in the room, ran out with an extra gift in his hand.

The three of them couldn't wait to open and check, and found that these three gifts were quite valuable. The three pairs of eyes immediately lit up, and the look in their eyes towards Lu Qi changed.

Especially after hearing that he had an extra little thought, but it was a bag of gold coins!
The look he looked at Lu Qi was like looking at a god.

At the same time, the way they looked at Syndra also changed. This was not a small sum of money.

I didn't expect that she could get such a good thing from home while she was outside.

You know, in a port place like this, money is very important.

"Look at you, this is too polite. It's so valuable, how can we accept it?"

Luo Danni and Lu Qi were polite.

Lu Qi's expression was very serious: "Please accept it, this is my intention. If you refuse, then I will treat you as if you don't welcome me and leave directly."

"Well, aren't you making things difficult for us? In fact, it's enough without the need for these thoughts. You are already very sincere if you come to thank me."

Luo Danni sighed and glanced at Sindra tenderly, "My girl is usually clumsy, but I didn't expect to be able to help you. Can you tell me what she helped you with?"

This change in eyes made Sindra stunned for a moment. She always felt that her mother had never looked at her so tenderly.

"A few days ago, I took a passenger ship to Feiluo Island. Who knew that I lost my way on the island while walking?"

Lu Qi spoke vividly about how he met the beast, and then Syndra appeared at the critical moment.

The story was very exciting, and several people told it were stunned for a while. Sindra was even more confused, with a question mark hanging on her head.

But after seeing the hint in Lu Qi's eyes, she still suppressed her desire to speak clearly.

"So that's it." After hearing this, Luo Danni smiled and said, "I haven't asked you what your name is yet. I'm really sorry. You came here specially but we have nothing to entertain you."

Lu Qi smiled: "My name is Lu Qi, and I come from Demacia."

"Demacia? What is that place?" Evard couldn't help but be curious when he heard about this place he had never heard of before.

"Demacia, that's a place far away from the Land of Creation. It can almost be said to be the other end."

Lu Qi was very good at telling stories, so he briefly told about Demacia.

The three of them were extremely fascinated by the story outside Ionia, and Syndra also listened attentively.

Lu Qi talked from Tiannan to Haibei without stopping. But the three of them felt comfortable chatting with him, and he could take care of them in every aspect.

Unknowingly, the awkward silence had long since disappeared, and the backbone of the room had become Lu Qi.

Because of his thank you, the three of them looked at Syndra with much more kindness, as if she was their family at this moment.

Syndra also joined the conversation, smiling happily and chatting with her family.

At this moment, she seemed to really fit into the family.

Her eyes secretly glanced at Lu Qi, he was like the key 'link'.

When the conversation was almost over, Lu Qi suggested: "I haven't been to the town for a good stroll this time, so why don't you take me for a stroll."

Luo Danni agreed immediately: "Okay, no problem. We are extremely happy."

So, after simply cleaning up, everyone went directly to the streets of the town, chatting and shopping.

Syndra walked beside Lu Qi, so she would not be forgotten.

Qian Luqi was given to Sindra, so the family of three surrounded her like stars and bought many things along the way.

Even those that I would normally be reluctant to buy are more than enough.

Luo Danni also picked out a nice outfit for her and bought her a nice hair accessory.

Sindra realized this time that this seemed to be her first time shopping with her family.

Unknowingly, it was approaching evening.

Everyone went home happily, and Luo Danni proposed to make a big meal for Lu Qi.

Naturally, Lu Qi did not refuse.

This dinner was indeed very sumptuous. Because I had money, I cooked many dishes.

Although his cooking skills were average, Lu Qi still ate with praise.

Luo Danni, who was cooking, had a smile on her face like a flower.

Syndra felt inexplicably emotionally satisfied, and she deeply realized that this was brought about by Lucci.

Without him, this dinner would probably have been spent in silence.

At the dinner table, the topic of her came up by chance.

Rodani finally asked her about her life in the temple, a question Syndra had been waiting for all day, and she immediately replied that everything was fine.

"I live a good life in the temple. I practice seriously and complete my teacher's tasks, so you don't have to worry."

she smiled.

"Really? Then we can rest assured." Luo Danni said casually.

She herself was brought here by Lu Qi to talk, so the topic was quickly skipped.

She had no intention of asking in detail how Syndra had lived in the temple during the past three years.

After dinner, Luo Danni asked Lu Qi to stay overnight, but Lu Qi refused.

"I've already rented a room at the hotel in town, so I won't bother you here."

After he finished speaking, he stayed for a while, then said goodbye and left.

After he left, the family of three and Sindra were the only ones left in the house.

The three of them were still immersed in the happiness of the whole afternoon, so they did not return to the same situation at noon.

Luo Danni was wiping an exquisite vase on a counter. She said with great joy: "I have been eyeing this vase for a long time and have always wanted to buy it back. Today I finally realized it. I will tidy up your brother's room today." Come out, change the sheets and quilt, and sleep there for the rest of the night."

Sindra sat on the chair, smiled and nodded: "Yes."

Her father is washing fruits in the kitchen.

Everything felt like a warm home, and Syndra cherished this moment.

Ewad bought a new pair of shoes and was wearing them now. He was walking back and forth in the house, looking very excited.

Because he was looking down at his feet and not paying attention to the road ahead, he accidentally bumped into the cabinet.

With a "clang" sound, as soon as Luo Danni stepped forward, the vase fell towards the ground.

At this critical moment, Syndra immediately raised her hand, and magic power rippled out.

The vase seemed to be half still, suspended in mid-air, wrapped in a black magic power.

Luo Danni's expression was as frozen as a vase.


However, a frightened cry sounded out, and Aiwad fell to the ground in fright, trembling as if he had seen some monster.

There was a crisp sound of "crash", and the fruit plate held in ribs fell to the ground at the door, breaking into several pieces and the fruit scattered on the floor.

At this moment, all the warmth was gone.

Seeing the fear in the eyes of the three people, Syndra returned the vase to its original position and hurriedly said: "I can control my magic power well now, and I will never lose control again."

But no matter what she said, the fear in the three people's eyes never dissipated.

Everything seems to be back to the past.

Ever since they were forced to leave their hometown, they had looked at her like this all the way.

Luo Danni came back to her senses, looked at Ewad and said hurriedly: "It's okay, it's okay. What's wrong with you kid? You're so scared."

Ewad didn't care to answer, his eyes were blank, his whole body was shaking, and then he got up and returned to the room as if running away.

Luo Danni hurriedly chased after him.

Ribbon bent down and started picking up fruits on the ground, but never looked at Syndra.

She stood alone, as if suddenly, she was the only one left in the world.

At this moment, Sindra finally realized that she had never truly integrated into this family.

She has always valued the word 'family'.

However, what flashed through her mind at this moment were their scared and distant looks.

Perhaps, she actually knew a long time ago that what she tried hard to have would only be false in the end.

They fear her, fear her, even hate her.

However, the expectations and thoughts in her heart made her blind, leaving her still holding on to a glimmer of hope.

The experience of this afternoon was a memory that she had never had before and was an extremely precious memory.

To her, this is important.

But because of this, the things she wanted to achieve in the past seemed to have become insignificant.

If she hadn't met Lu Qi, she might have continued to deceive herself.

However, at this moment, Syndra didn't want to give in.

She walked to her father and said, "I'm going back to the temple."

Luo Wen didn't look up and asked, "Now?"

"Yeah." Syndra nodded.

"Okay, stay safe." Luo Wen didn't hold back until Syndra walked past him, and he opened his mouth, but in the end he said nothing.

Syndra's deliberate meal also seemed meaningless. She stopped staying and left the yard under the night.

On the table in the living room, a money bag and a hairpin were left there.

(End of this chapter)

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