LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 471 This is your life

Chapter 471 This is your life


"Dong dong dong" knocked on the door.

After Lu Qi opened the door, he saw Syndra standing at the door and was slightly surprised: "How did you find her here?"

"Your features are very obvious. You can tell after just a few questions."

Syndra lowered her head and said.

"Yeah, come in."

Lu Qi scratched his head and brought the girl into the house.

After entering the room, Sindra silently hugged her knees and sat by the wall, her mood obviously depressed.

Lu Qi packed up the bedding and asked, "I don't want to open any pots, but you won't be with your family?"

Syndra shook her head and said nothing.

Lu Qi stopped asking any more questions. Remembering the look in the girl's eyes when she mentioned her family's expectations in the morning, the gap at this moment became even more obvious.

After walking around, he could clearly feel how the family viewed Syndra.

She was obviously her daughter, but her eyes seemed to be looking at someone she didn't want to see.

The family of three was enjoying themselves happily, but there wasn't even any space for the girl to fit in.

At this moment, she may have realized it.

Perhaps three years ago, her cherished family had already abandoned her.

After leaving home, she had no place to go. There seemed to be no place for her in this vast world.

When the reliance in her heart was no longer there, she found that she felt as if she had been abandoned by the world.

The last person she could think of was Lu Qi.

Fortunately, he was not difficult to find, and he was found after just a little asking.

Everyone who asked was deeply impressed.

"In that case, let's rest here for the night."

Lu Qi laid out the sheets and didn't say much. He thought for a moment and then said, "It's still early. Let's play chess for a while?"

Syndra nodded and stood up.

She wasn't looking for comfort, she just wanted to not be alone.

The two of them worked together to create a chessboard using magic power, and then the moves began.

Lu Qi rarely became serious, as if he didn't care about the little girl's depressed mood, and tortured the food to his heart's content.

Syndra pursed her lips, her unwillingness to admit defeat was written all over her face. Even if no one was left alive, he still remained silent.

Gradually, she devoted herself wholeheartedly to the game.

The two were playing chess silently like this, and time passed slowly.

Suddenly, Syndra spoke: "What is the outside world like?"

Hearing this, Lu Qi thought for a while and said: "It's huge, vast and full of wonders. Every place has different scenery and different humanistic feelings."

Syndra's eyes flashed: "Can you tell me about it?"

"Well, where should we start?"

Lu Qi thought about it while thinking, and then slowly said, "Let's start with my hometown, Demacia."

Although it was also mentioned in the afternoon, it was not all.

At this moment, he talked about the silver-winged dragon bird, the Colossus of Gao Yong, the Shining Silver Mountains, the heroes slaying dragons, and the yordles with hammers looking for heroes.

There were many stories that could not be told in one night, so he always chose the exciting ones to tell.

Syndra listened quietly at first, but later she also started to yearn for him. From time to time, he would take the initiative to ask something, and Lu Qi would answer them one by one.

Unconsciously, the light in her eyes was already shining brightly.

It wasn't until it was getting late that Lu Qi yawned and then stopped: "It's almost time to go to bed. I'll continue talking when I have time."


Sindra is not greedy either, and is very satisfied after hearing this.

But she didn't rush to sleep. Instead, she got up, found the luggage she had brought, and took out some medicinal materials.

Lu Qi saw this and asked curiously: "What is this?"

"A medicine. It can help me control my magic better."

Sindra answered truthfully, she found a jar and ground all the medicine into powder.

Lu Qi touched his chin and began to think, then stretched out his hand and said, "Bring it over and let me take a look."

Upon hearing this, Sindra handed over the jar.

Lu Qi picked up some of the medicinal residue and put it into his mouth, frowning slightly: "Cold blood grass, cold tree roots, red dusk leaves, willow grass."

Syndra was amazed as she watched him read out the names one by one.

Although some names were different from those she knew, there were also some whose pronunciation was very similar and should be of the same type.

She couldn't help but ask: "Do you know how to heal?"

"I am a famous miracle doctor in our village."

Lu Qi smiled immodestly, then put away his smile, "Do you know the ingredients of these medicines?"

Syndra felt strange in her heart and shook her head: "I don't know."

"How long have you been drinking?"

"Three years."

Syndra answered truthfully.

"Really." Lu Qi thought for a moment, looked at Syndra's puzzled eyes, and said truthfully, "These are medicines with cold properties. Do you feel cold every time you drink them? "

Syndra nodded immediately and couldn't help but ask: "Is there any problem?"

"Of course there is a problem. If these medicines are separated separately, they are nothing. But when they are all put together, they are not medicines at all, but cold poison."

Lu Qi placed the medicine jar on the table and explained, "After taking it, it will have a dual impact on the mind and body of the user. One is to reduce the mental power and put the user in a state of mental exhaustion. The other is to reduce the body function. Reducing blood circulation will have an impact on the growth of magic power."

Lu Qi was actually very familiar with this kind of medicine.

Because Demacia was once rich in this kind of anti-magic potion, the prescriptions were slightly different, but basically the same.

In order to weaken the power of the mages, they were either forced to take the magic-forbidden lime potion, or this kind of magic-forbidden potion.

In short, it will do no harm to the mage.

Sindra has been taking medication for three consecutive years.

After listening to Lu Qi's explanation, Syndra froze on the spot and suddenly felt a chill all over her body.

"Is this a medicine to weaken the power of magic?"

She looked at the medicine jar, her body growing colder.

"Absolutely." Lu Qi nodded and continued, "After drinking, do you feel weak in energy and your perception of magic power becomes weaker."

Syndra nodded, her voice beginning to tremble: "But the teacher said that this is a sign of improved magic control."

After she finished speaking, she didn't even believe it.

Because it was her own magic power, she could feel it. In the past three years, not only had she failed to learn to control this power, but her magic began to weaken.

She originally thought that it was her own problem, so she practiced even more concentratedly and seriously.

Just to live up to my family and my teachers.

Just to be able to control my own power so that everyone is no longer afraid.

But I didn't expect that it would be like this.

Syndra fell silent, then lay on her side on the bed, covering herself in the quilt, letting the darkness envelope her.

Lu Qi looked at it, but didn't know what to say.

The room fell into unspeakable silence.

At midnight.

Syndra sat up from the bed, but she could see everything clearly in the dark room.

Glancing at Lu Qi lying on the bed next to her, she got out of bed silently, used magic power to quietly open the door, and then left the room.

From beginning to end, it was extremely quiet.

No matter what, she must get the answer from her teacher.

But I don’t want this matter to involve Lu Qi.

Early morning hours.

Syndra was already standing at the entrance of the temple.

The temple is shrouded in a peaceful brilliance and is praised as a sanctuary by the people nearby. The owner of the sanctuary, Konigan, has lived here for a long time and is kind, respected and loved by everyone.

Syndra thought that such a master would never lie to others.

She pushed open the temple door that she had pushed open countless times before, and headed towards Konigan's courtyard. When they arrived at the place, they saw Koenigan meditating in the courtyard, his body floating off the ground, and his whole body was wrapped in the power of meditation.

As if he noticed the person coming, Konigan opened his eyes and landed on the ground: "I told you not to disturb me for the next two days."

Soon, he discovered the rich dark energy on Syndra's body, and then realized something.

He asked calmly: "What's going on?"

"Those medicines are meant to suppress and weaken my magic, right?"

Syndra raised her head. She was no longer timid and looked directly at Konigan.

Hearing this, Konigan asked: "Who told you?"

"You just need to answer me, yes or no." Syndra's tone was filled with suppressed anger.

From this question, she may already know the answer.

"Yes." Konigan did not deny it.

Syndra trembled, clenched her fists, and asked, "Why? You can obviously teach me the right way."

Konigan sighed softly: "Your power is too powerful and is growing all the time. You can't really control it, so I can only use this method to weaken it."

"So you cheated on me for three whole years?"

A sad smile appeared on Syndra's face, "I believe in you so much. I once thought you would lead me to the right path."

"That's what I originally thought." Konigan looked at Syndra and said, "I originally thought that I could guide you slowly. However, the darkness in your body is too terrifying. Only this method can guarantee your safety."

"Haha." Syndra understood. He had never believed her at any time. "You have never treated me as a student, have you?"

"You represent darkness and are incompatible with the divine." Konigan still looked at Syndra with a downward gaze, "But I do regard you as my student."

"What's the meaning of everything condensed by lies?" Syndra felt uncontrollably negative, her voice was a little cold, and the gloomy ability in her body began to increase wildly.

Three years of medicines had not weakened her power. At this moment, all the suppressed power came back.

"You're on the verge of losing control."

Konigan's voice was still calm. He raised his hands and began to form seals, "Originally I didn't want to use this move so early, but it seems there is no room for it. Your power has grown too fast, and the final loss of control is inevitable. You It is simply beyond control, and if we allow it to continue to grow, it will only harm others and ourselves.”

His eyes gradually narrowed, and his next words seemed to convince himself. He no longer hesitated, a large amount of magic power began to surge all over his body, and he shouted loudly.

"The spirit-binding formation, rise!"

As the shouts fell, several beams of light lit up from all directions, forming a three-dimensional barrier, covering the courtyard.

And at the foot, a formation that had been prepared suddenly lit up, and dense mantras flowed.

In an instant, Syndra felt that her magic power was suppressed by a powerful force. Her body felt several times heavier, and she couldn't help but kneel on the ground, trying not to fall down.


She squeezed out these two words from the roots of her teeth and looked at Konigan with a pair of sad eyes.

Konigan turned a blind eye to these two words and said with a cold expression: "This formation is specially set up for you. In this formation, any magic will be suppressed. The purpose is to prevent the power from getting out of control, and it will not kill you. , but will draw away your dark power. Don’t resist, believe me, you will become an ordinary person after the formation is over.”

Syndra did feel that the magic power was being stripped away from her body, but it felt like it was drawing her blood and digging into her flesh, accompanied by bone-breaking pain.

She clearly realized that when these powers completely left, she would die like this.

Since she was born, these powers have been with her, as if they were one body.

"I will never believe your lies again."

Syndra gritted her teeth and stood up, releasing the power of darkness, trying to break through the imprisonment on her body. But in the next second, he was suppressed even more powerfully.

"Your resistance is useless. In the spirit-binding formation, no matter how powerful the magic power is, it will be suppressed." Konigan sighed softly, "Your resistance will only aggravate your pain. You might as well believe it." This time, I never wanted to hurt you. The dark power was abandoned by the gods, and it is the temple's responsibility to purify the darkness. As my disciple, you should understand this responsibility."

"It's better to kill me."

Syndra gritted her teeth, but thought of something again, her resistance weakened for a moment, and she asked with her last slim hope, "Do they know all this?"

"They knew it from the beginning. Three years ago, they found me with the intention of wanting me to fight against your dark power. At that time, your dark power was not as powerful as it is now. If it had been then, I would have been more hard-hearted. , maybe you won’t be in such pain today.”

Koenighan wasn't surprised by the question, and he didn't want to deceive the child again.

Maybe at this last moment, it's time to let her know the truth.

Three years ago, it was that family who wanted to get rid of her, so they specifically found him.

The spirit-binding formation will indeed drain the target's magic power, but this is undoubtedly the same as draining away the vitality. The probability of survival is actually extremely low.

He didn't want to do it, but he had to.

He had indeed thought about guiding Syndra by himself and guiding her to use this power correctly. However, after only a few days, he discovered that he couldn't do it.

Syndra was the most special of all the humans he had ever seen.

She is a born dark mage, embraced by darkness from birth, and is the true daughter of darkness, a symbol of the unknown.


Hearing this answer, Syndra suddenly smiled, but the smile was extremely sad, and her heart sank into the cold abyss.

I thought that after leaving the village, I could go to a place where no one knew the past and live together as a family.

It turned out that they had wanted to throw her away for a long time.

It turned out that they had never regarded her as family.

Then for whom has she been patient all these years for?
At this moment, the sky changed color, dark clouds came over, amidst lightning and thunder, heavy rain fell involuntarily.

Konigan's expression changed slightly, feeling that everything was affected by Syndra's magic power.

The signs that she was losing control were becoming more and more obvious.

The spirit-binding formation flashed, forcibly suppressing her magic power.

"Ever since I was born, no one has liked me. For this trivial love, I can endure being bullied and insulted. I can accept all grievances."

"As long as I listen to you, you won't hate me. As long as I study hard, practice hard, and complete everyone's requirements for me, I will be recognized and can truly integrate with you."

"I used to naively believe in all this. I thought that one day, you would be able to change your view of me."

"It turns out that everything is a lie. I worked ridiculously hard for this false lie. Hahaha, I never wanted to hurt anyone. Why, why do you all do this to me!?"

Syndra's hysterical roar echoed through the rain. She didn't understand, she really didn't understand.

Why, since birth, has everyone hated her?
Her parents scolded her, her eldest brother ridiculed her, the children in the village bullied her, and the adults despised her.

Wherever she went, she was like a plague that she could not avoid, never feeling the warmth from anyone.

Finally seeing a glimmer of hope, she desperately held onto it like a life-saving straw.

However, even this glimmer of hope is false and lies.

The heavy rain fell, and it was unclear whether it was rain or tears that fell down her face.

She was in so much pain.

Why exactly?
Hearing this, Konigan sighed and said: "You were born to be embraced by darkness and abandoned by everyone. This is your fate."


Sindra raised her head and looked at the sky, her voice hoarse, "If a person's destiny is predestined, then what is the meaning of everything in this world?"

She stood up, and the dark power was continuously drawn out of her body, but more followed, seemingly endless.

But this will also make her body more and more painful.

Along with the bone-crushing pain, thin scars began to appear on her skin, and blood oozed from them.

It was like a sharp knife constantly cutting her skin.

The girl's face was so miserable, her eyes were so angry, and the surging dark energy was so terrifying.

In my heart, boundless hatred spread.

She doesn't want to be bound by these mere words!
When Konigan saw this, he couldn't bear it: "Stop resisting, this will only aggravate your pain."

"It's just pain."

Syndra's eyes were cold, like deep darkness.

Anger, hatred, and negative emotions were constantly surging in her chest, splashing with boundless killing intent. Her spirit was mourning, her soul was crying, and her body was trembling.

She endured all the grievances, but in the end, all she got was deception!


Then end this.

The heavy rain fell, as if the sky was crying, and the tears on her face had already been covered.


kill! !
At this moment, there was only one voice left in her heart.

"It's alright, I'm here."

Suddenly, a big hand silently pressed on her head, and the dark magic power that was about to run out of control also dissipated at this moment.

During the heavy rain, Sindra raised her head and saw Lu Qi beside her.

His eyes were so gentle and distressed.

It was like a beam of light shining into Syndra's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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