LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 472 A small extravagant hope

Chapter 472 A small extravagant hope

"There's nothing life-threatening. They hate you, it's just that they have no vision."

As Lu Qi waved his hand, several swords were slashed out, and sword energy roared out. There was an explosion everywhere in the courtyard, and the roots of the formation were destroyed and began to disintegrate from the inside.

The spirit binding formation can indeed suppress magical power, but it has little effect on Lu Qi.

As the formation was broken, Syndra felt her body return to normal. Looking at Lu Qi beside her, she felt a sense of grievance in her heart for no reason.

"who are you?"

At this time, Konigan's face turned gloomy and he looked at Lu Qi solemnly, obviously realizing that this was an uninvited guest.

It unexpectedly appeared suddenly without him noticing, and destroyed the formation he had set up with just a raise of his hand.

Suddenly, he thought about it again and said: "It seems that you told her about the forbidden elixir. What is your intention in interfering in the internal affairs of my temple? What is your ulterior motive?"

"Don't slap me with such a big label when you come up. I just don't like you. I can't trick a child into drinking poison every day." Lu Qi chuckled, with a little something in his eyes. With ridicule and contempt, he then looked at Syndra, "Are you still willing to stay in this temple?"

Hearing this question, Syndra immediately shook her head, her unwillingness written on her face.

Lu Qi turned his head and looked at Konigan: "Then this is not your internal matter."

Konigan still stared at Lu Qi: "Without any relatives or reasons, if there is no purpose, why did you stand up? Do you know that there is a lot of dark energy in her body."

Hearing this, Syndra's heart suddenly tightened. He couldn't help but look at Lu Qi.

Yes, what is his purpose in approaching me?

She was scared.

I am very afraid that this is another new lie and deception.

I'm afraid that the light in her heart is fake.

"Of course I know." Lu Qi did not deny it. He looked at Konigan and said calmly: "At the same time, I also know that she has a talent that everyone must look up to. I also know that you are afraid of her power and never want to teach her anything. Give her the skills, for fear of raising tigers. Purpose? Of course I have it. The only purpose of my coming here is to kidnap her."

As soon as the words fell, Sindra froze on the spot.


Even if she didn't kidnap him, she would still be willing to leave with him.

"Even if you have such a simple idea." Konigen stood in the rain with a cold face, "How could I not know her talent, but that power comes from darkness. One day, this darkness will be able to destroy everything. Breaking through her body, by then, everything will be irreversible. Such a future is intolerable to the divine, so I will not let you take her away."

"How can you be sure that all this will happen?" Lu Qi sneered at such remarks and asked, "The blade of the sword can also hurt people. Is it because of this that you don't hold the sword? The sword can also be used to protect others. . Tiger cubs will also eat people in the future, so it would be easier to just kill them all. Kill all the tigers and everyone will be safe. People can also hurt others, so why not kill all the people?"

"Because of fear, we kill it in advance. How can we not kill other possibilities?"

"Even if she goes into darkness in the future, in my opinion, it is because of you. To put it bluntly, you are just afraid. You are just afraid that this power will subvert everything you know. So for the past three years, you have turned a blind eye to the bullying she suffered. You have always I'm just looking for a reason, a reason that can justifiably get rid of her."

"Stop pretending to be so righteous, you are just a frightened old man."

Lu Qi's sarcasm kept falling.

"Perhaps I am really afraid. Even though there are many possibilities in the future, I don't want to gamble. If the gamble fails, it will be doomed."

Konigan just listened calmly and was not angry. Sparks of magic began to surge in his body. "It's no use talking more. I have to get rid of her here today. Since you decided to protect her, it's the same as my god." If you make the temple an enemy, I won’t hold back on you.”

His magic seemed to be quite powerful. The heavy rain was isolated by a magnetic field, and the robe on his body shook violently due to the fluctuation of magic power.

As the momentum continued to soar, thunder exploded in the sky.

"Rumble", lightning and thunder, making Koenigan's face look extremely cold and terrifying.

Syndra looked at this scene and couldn't help but take a step back, her eyes trembling.

Lu Qi thought about it.

This is a dream.

And, it's a nightmare.

Since it is a nightmare, it must have a source.

Obviously, it was the Konigan in front of him.

However, since it is a dream, he is the boss here.

Lu Qi took a step forward, and his figure suddenly appeared in front of Konigan. His sword flashed and tore the air.

Konigan's whole body was suddenly blasted dozens of meters away, his eyes looking astonished at Lu Qi's speed.

His body had been strengthened by magic, so much so that he couldn't even react.

How fast is he?

Lu Qi stood in mid-air, the magic power on his body kept emerging. In an instant, a thick thunderbolt rushed out from the dark clouds and slammed down.

The ground shook, and Koenigan in the center of the thunder let out a horrifying cry, but then there were several loud noises.

Lu Qi stood in the air, with thunder falling like rain all over him, like a god descending from the sky, exuding divine power.

Syndra raised her head and stared blankly at this scene, and this scene was completely imprinted in her heart and was indelible.

When Konigan recovered from the suppression, he was already seriously injured, and his aura was not as strong as it was at the beginning. He was vomiting blood and his eyes were unbelievable.

"Who the hell are you?!"

He raised his head, looked at Lu Qi in the sky, and shouted.

Such a strong man will never remain unknown in Ionia.

Where did he come from?

"The one who ends it all."

Lu Qi stood high above, looking down like a god-king, his voice indifferent.

Konigan spat out a mouthful of blood again, and the magic power in his body began to fluctuate out of control, destroying everything around him for no reason.

"I am the executor of the divine will and will never allow the power of darkness to exist!"

Konigan's magic power was out of control. He roared like a madman, his eyes widened with red bloodshot eyes.

Immediately afterwards, his power was completely released, and he was wrapped in magical energy, and his figure quickly expanded.

Black shadows entangled, and his roar began to vibrate in the clouds. In the blink of an eye, he turned into a huge life form, like a demon, like a ghost, like a monster, living in the world in a twisted way, terrifying and terrifying.

The real Konigan would never become like this.

But this is a nightmare.

What he showed at this moment was the fear in Syndra's heart.

The monster attacked Lu Qi like crazy. A single kick could make the earth tremble, and a terrifying attack hit him.

Lu Qi's expression remained unchanged as he saw the cracked blade shatter into hundreds of fragments at this moment.

Then, he raised the Xuejian Blade, and the fragments flew out together, forming a new sword body around Xuejian.

In an instant, the two swords merged into one, and a giant sword appeared.

In an instant, Lu Qi released all his sword intent, and his majestic energy broke through the clouds, causing a huge wind to blow and whistle.

Looking at the charging monster, he slashed out with his sword without dodging.


As the giant sword fell, a huge and mighty sword energy slashed out quickly in the air. The arc was like a huge half moon, and the white light swayed and shone, which seemed extremely shocking at this moment.

In Syndra's eyes, it cannot be erased.

The sword energy passed through the monster's body on the spot, but far from stopping, it continued to slash towards the top of the clouds.

A huge crack was cut out of the dark clouds in the sky, and dazzling light fell from it, shining on Syndra's body. This sword seemed to have stopped the heavy rain. At this moment, the clouds were cleared and the fog was revealed.

The monster's roar also disappeared, his body stopped in place, and his figure began to dissipate. Konigan's body fell from it and fell to the ground.

Lu Qi stood up and walked away quickly. When he arrived, he saw that Konigan had already sat up, and his whole body was extremely sluggish.

Obviously, he was dying.

Lu Qi did not continue to hit the target because he knew that the opponent had already run out of options.

After all, he is just a dream, the incarnation of a nightmare.

Not really a Koenigan.

The real Konigan died hundreds of years ago.

Looking at his broken body, Konigan seemed to realize something, and seemed to remember something. He couldn't help but smile bitterly: "It seems that she has never given up."

Lu Qi said calmly: "Do you think it's that easy?"

"You're right." Konigen did not answer directly. He coughed violently, spitting out a large mouthful of blood, and his smile became a bit more miserable.

"I am indeed afraid. Because the darkness is too powerful and unprecedented. People are always afraid of unknown things. I have been practicing for many years, but it is still the same. I am afraid that I cannot teach her well, and I am even more afraid of her growing up. Too fast, and one day even I won’t be able to control it.

Every time I see her, I can never see her as a normal child. Obviously, she is really a good child. "

Lu Qi looked at him: "At the last moment, did you feel any regret? Regret for hurting her, regret for pushing her to this point with your own hands."

"I regret it all the time." Konigan closed his eyes. "If I could choose again, I might try to treat her well."

Lu Qi said: "It's too late."

Konigan opened his eyes and sighed: "Yeah, it's too late. I've trapped her for too long. Although I don't know how you got here, I hope you can save everything. Also, if If you have a chance, say sorry to me and her.”

After saying that, his body began to dissipate, his smile suddenly became a little relaxed, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

In his last moments, he realized where he was.

Perhaps, he was originally a remnant of Konigan's soul.

There are many words that I can no longer say.

What has been done cannot be changed.

Lu Qi thought of his smile just now, perhaps he was also glad that he was no longer the demon that trapped the girl.

When Lu Qi returned to the temple, he saw Syndra standing alone, her thin body very pitiful.

He stepped forward, put his clothes on her body, and asked, "Is it cold?"

The girl was wet all over. She subconsciously clenched Lu Qi's clothes and shook her head: "It's not cold."

"Let's go, no one can care about us now. Go to the back mountain and eat all the spiritual fish he raises to vent your anger!"

Lu Qi touched her head.

Syndra nodded obediently and followed Lu Qi, biting her lips as if enduring something, hiding a look of pain.

However, Lu Qi was still keenly aware of it, looked back, then squatted down to check, his expression darkened slightly.

In the spirit-binding formation just now, her body had been put under a lot of pressure. It had already exceeded the load at this moment, and her arms and knees were broken in many places.

Lu Qi looked up at her: "Why didn't you say it?"

Syndra looked away and lowered her head: "Because it can be tolerated."

No one cares about any injuries she has suffered since she was a child. The kind words and greetings that other people's children can get are just a luxury for her.

Instead, she was scolded for being cumbersome, so from then on, she silently endured any injuries.

But no matter how serious the injury is, she can recover quickly, so she thinks it will be the same this time.

"Take these medicines first."

Lu Qi took out the medicine bottle and fed her one pill without refusing.

The taste was very bitter, but Sindra swallowed it anyway, and she felt that her body didn't hurt that much anymore. She didn't know whether it was the effect of the medicine or the effect of psychology.

Then Lu Qi squatted and turned around: "Come up, I will carry you."

Looking at Lu Qi's back, Syndra obediently followed him.

Lu Qi stood up, carried her forward step by step, and said: "Next time, don't bear it anymore, just say it if it hurts. This way I can know where you are injured as soon as possible, and I can Heal you. I won’t blame you or say anything to you.”

The unprecedented concern made Syndra's heart surge with warmth, and she nodded silently.

Halfway through the walk, she suddenly asked after being silent for a long time: "Why do you want to abduct me?"

Lu Qi thought for a while and said, "Because you are lonely. That day I was in the town and saw a girl carrying so many things on her back. She seemed out of place with everything around her. She was obviously very tired, but she gritted her teeth. She was holding on tightly, fearing that she would be left behind, and it was very pitiful that she was trying so hard to get recognition, while her companion was just walking in front of her arrogantly, so I was wondering if I should take this little girl away. It's a pity that he was kidnapped."

"Now I want to say that you are actually very good. You never need to be recognized by anyone. As long as you recognize yourself, it is enough."

Syndra listened silently and asked in a low voice: "I am a big burden. Even so, are you willing to abduct me?"

"You are not a burden. Even if you were, I would be willing." Lu Qi replied.

Sindra sniffed and said, "I am the embodiment of bad luck. If you are with me, you will be very unlucky."

Lu Qi smiled and said: "Being able to meet you means that something lucky has happened."

Syndra said with a cry: "Everyone hates me. If you are with me, they will hate you too."

Lu Qi smiled: "Then isolate everyone."

As he said that, he suddenly felt a little wet on his neck.

Syndra seemed to be unable to hold back any longer, her tears couldn't stop falling, and she held Lu Qi tightly with her little hands.

"They all say that I am darkness and a symbol of ominousness."

"Just think they're farting."

"What if one day, the whole world wants to hurt me."

"Then I will be the enemy of the whole world."

"What if I accidentally hurt someone."

"As long as I'm here, I won't let this happen."

Lu Qi felt that his neck was completely wet.

Syndra lay on his shoulder, already bursting into tears, and finally raised her head and cried loudly, as if she was releasing all the grievances she had suffered since birth.

She didn't want to endure it anymore, and she didn't have to endure it anymore.

Since she was a child, she has been the bad boy that others avoid.

As if she had done everything wrong in the world.

No matter what happens, as long as she is around, she will be the one who does the wrong thing.

She had never felt that feeling of being firmly chosen by someone.

Until this moment, her little extravagant wish could not be realized.

Tears kept falling from his face, and he couldn't stop them.

It turns out that being firmly chosen by someone makes you feel so happy.

(End of this chapter)

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