LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 478 Crows hovering

Chapter 478 Crows hovering
No matter what, you definitely can't just sit back and wait for death.

The two immediately decided to go to the mayor to learn about the situation.

For example, has anything happened in Jinpo Town recently?

"As for what happened, there was one recently."

Julius did not hide anything. Although he did not know why the two of them were interfering, he still said, "I remember it was three days ago. Veteran Hubard drank too much in the middle of the night and insisted on having a fight with a bear. At the time, none of us thought it was a joke, since he was most afraid of bears. But Hubbard disappeared the next day.

We hurriedly went out to search, and only found his belongings on the nearby mountainside, and then found traces of bears nearby. "

His tone was a little sad when he spoke, after all Hubbard had been his friend for many years.

After hearing this, Lu Qi thought for a moment and asked, "What happens next?"

Julius didn't expect Lu Qi to pay attention to the follow-up, and he immediately continued: "After that, we returned to the town, brought our equipment, and prepared to kill the bear to avenge Hubbard, but we found nothing. In the past three days, we have I'm looking for this bear, but it seems to have gone far away. Your Highness, you don't have to worry about these little things, we will definitely solve them properly."

"I believe in your ability." Lu Qi raised his head and smiled at him, and continued to ask: "But let's talk about the details of Hubbard's disappearance in more detail. When you found his relics, besides the traces of bears, there were What?"


Julius couldn't help but recall it, and felt troubled for a moment.

After all, human memory is narrow. When one thing is particularly prominent, people tend to ignore other details.

For example, all he could recall at the moment were the traces left by bears.

He didn't expect that His Highness the Prince would be so concerned about this matter.

He thought about it, tried hard to recall, and really remembered one detail: "To talk about other things, I also heard the crow of a crow that day, which was very sharp, and I felt irritated by it. In addition, I also Can’t think of anything else.”

Just after he finished speaking, a child's immature voice suddenly emerged from the stairs of the room: "Scarecrow"

As soon as she finished speaking, the room fell silent for a moment.

"Why are you down?" Julius stood up and walked towards the little girl. He turned around and showed an awkward smile. "This is my daughter Judy. She yelled that she saw the scarecrow that day. Now it is the harvest. In winter, scarecrows are used to protect against crows, birds and beasts, and can be seen everywhere.”

Lu Qi waved his hand to signal him to get out of the way, then looked at the little girl and said gently: "Can you tell me more in detail, what kind of scarecrow did you see?"

"Standing in the field like humans, looking fiercely at us. We are different from other scarecrows."

Judy innocently described what she saw.


Lu Qi stood up and felt that there was no need to ask anymore. He looked at Julius and said, "Do me a favor and gather the people in the town together."

"As ordered."

Julius seemed to feel the seriousness in Lu Qi's eyes, and he did not dare to delay and immediately carried out the order.

After he left, Lux couldn't help but ask: "Did you find anything?"

"I guess he is a demon, and not simple at all."

Lu Qi frowned slightly, his eyes serious.

Although he didn't get much information, he believed that the matter was probably close to 10%.

There has always been a potential threat in Demacia. It is superior to any demon. It sits on the throne of the demon king and is the embodiment of fear.

It is the Ten Great Demons, the ancient fear - Fiddlesticks.

Lu Qi once suspected that Fiddlesticks was present in a town, but later he was convinced that it was not the case.

If he thought about it carefully, even if he had met Fiddlesticks, he would probably have died completely.

Even now, he feels quite troubled when meeting this kind of guy.

After all, that is the throne that is coveted by the top ten demons, Nocturne, Evelynn, Tahm and other demons, and Fiddlesticks is one of the top three among the top ten demons.

No wonder he felt a sense of uneasiness as soon as he entered the town. It seemed that the source was here.

Lux rarely saw Lu Qi showing such a solemn expression, and immediately knew that the situation this time was probably quite serious.

The people of Demacia are very efficient. Even though they were summoned once not long ago, with another summons, the people in the town quickly gathered again.

Lu Qi stood on the stage and looked at at least a few thousand people in the audience. This was already the size of a medium-sized town.

He found a random reason to let people stay in the square for the time being.

But he also knew that this was not a long-term solution.

Whether gathered together or dispersed, Fiddlesticks can easily make thousands of people disappear.

Although he didn’t know why it hadn’t appeared yet, Lu Qi felt that it wasn’t far away.

Just as he was thinking about this, a few crows flew over from the roofs of the surrounding buildings, their feathers all black, and their red eyes staring at people like an abyss.

A chill rose in Lu Qi's heart. He decisively took the bow and arrows, drew the bow and nocked the arrows.

Several sounds of "咻咻咻" were heard, and several arrows were shot out quickly, piercing the bodies of the crows on the spot.

People exclaimed and admired Lu Qi's powerful archery skills. The audience also burst into applause and cheers.

But Lu Qi didn't mean to show off.

He watched the corpses of those crows fall, but after a while, a few more crows appeared in the sky, and the number obviously increased.

So, he cums as much as he comes.

Whenever a crow is shot down, the crowd will give out strong cheers, and countless people look at Lu Qi in admiration, a legend in their hearts.

But as they continued to shoot, Lux and they all felt something was wrong.

Because, the number of crows is a bit too much.

At this moment, crows were circling in the sky, and a shadow was shrouded like a dark cloud, and finally fell on the roof. A pair of eyes stared at everyone strangely.

With such an abnormal phenomenon, if no more strange things are found, then everyone will stop messing around.

Soon, there were whispers in the audience.

"Don't be afraid, it's just a demon causing trouble."

In order to prevent unnecessary panic from spreading, Lu Qi directly used magic power as an arrow, and then pulled the bowstring.

With a "swish" sound, countless arrows flew out, emitting brilliant brilliance like flying feathers all over the sky. The miserable cries of crows were heard, and there were a large number of corpses on the ground.

People didn't expect that Lu Qi could use magic so well, and they were immediately attracted. A strong sense of security filled their hearts, and they couldn't help but cheer.

After a while, another layer of shadow came over, and far more crows appeared than last time.

The number may have exceeded two hundred, a swarm of them.

As if they were seeking death, this time they were no longer watching from the rooftops, but were swooping towards the square.

There were only a few hundred crows, so Lu Qi couldn't be troubled.

But he felt that this was definitely not the way to go.

To be sure, Fiddlesticks is already ready to make a move.

Lux stopped watching and started to help, working with Urna to deal with the crows.

Immediately afterwards, the town's guards and people with hunting experience also joined in. However, the crows killed more and more, as if they were reborn with the corpses of their companions. For every crow that died, two more crows would fly over.

Repeatedly, crows were already circling in the sky, and the shrill screams made people dizzy. There were crows as black as ink everywhere on the roofs, street lamps, windows, and on the ground.

In addition, the dead bodies began to emit a fishy smell, which was pungent and unpleasant.

People were not too afraid at the moment. After all, Lu Qi and Lux ​​were there, both of whom were admired by countless people.

Mainly because it's disgusting. When will it be over if we continue to kill like this?

"Why are there more and more?"

Lux approached Lu Qi and asked in confusion. This was the first time she encountered such a strange situation.

These crows alone are enough for people to deal with for a while, and the devil behind the crows has not even shown up.

"I don't know either. Anyway, just kill him."

Lu Qi noticed that the aggressive desire of these crows was increasing, and hundreds of crows were swooping in all the time.

After all, the square is not small. If this continues, there will always be areas that he cannot take care of.

Moreover, the pattern of the appearance of these crows is really endless.

If the killing continues like this, everyone will be piled to death with crow corpses.

At this time, the sun was setting in the west, the dusk light was spreading, and the cries of the crows became even more shrill. Shadows had already enveloped Jinpo Town in advance, as if it was a small town that was about to end.

The fear in some people's hearts was finally activated.

At any time, it began to spread continuously.

The circling crows screamed excitedly as if they had smelled something delicious. Their attacks were more energetic and more desperate.

Lu Qi realized that panic had begun to spread, and these crows were feeding on fear and becoming more powerful.

The development of the situation began to accelerate, and the square where everyone in Jinpo Town gathered was completely besieged by a group of crows.

The more this happens, the more panic begins to spread like a contagious plague.

There were more uneasy voices in the crowd.

People began to think that even though Lucci and Lux ​​were strong, what if the demon was stronger?
Will the Royal Capital send troops to support?
The performance of these crows has obviously exceeded the normal range.

They had seen locusts crossing the border before, but at this moment, the crows were like locusts, their numbers were numbing, and an extremely gloomy atmosphere gradually enveloped them.

As long as there is uneasiness, there will inevitably be fear.

As long as there is fear, it will become food for the crows.

It's a vicious circle.

Lux noticed keenly: "These crows seem to have grown in size."

Lu Qi also discovered this. He had just activated his destiny and observed the town and places outside the town, but he could not find any trace of Fiddlesticks.

I don't know where it is hidden.

Especially under the current situation, he couldn't leave the square. Once he left, Lux and Urna alone might not be able to stop the Crows' attack.

They can protect themselves, but they also have to protect thousands of ordinary people.

At this moment, even the guards in the town could barely stop it. What was even more difficult were the crows that were attacking directly from directly above their heads.

They can ignore defense lines and directly attack ordinary people.

And above the head, there is a large group of crows, just circling back and forth.

In this vicious cycle, Lu Qi had a premonition that a big wave was coming.


Sharp cries filled the sky, and all of a sudden, all the crows hovering over the square launched an attack.

Countless crows also rushed out from the surrounding alleys, and it was as if darkness was enveloping them.

At this moment, a hidden master among the crowd finally took action.

His eyes glowed blue, then he raised his hands, shouted loudly, and two thunder-like magic powers burst out and attacked the crows.

As the first crow was hit, the magic power began to spread crazily around, like a thunder and lightning that spread bigger and bigger, penetrating the bodies of the crows sharply and powerfully.

The entire square flashed with brilliant blue light, exploding like thunder.

When his magic fell, the crows didn't even leave their bodies behind, only black ashes on the ground.

At the same time, Lux did not hold back. She raised her staff and released a bright aurora, passing through the crowd of crows. The effect was surprisingly good.

With the combined efforts of everyone, they withstood the attack of this wave of crows.

The strange thing is that after this wave of attacks ended, the entire sky suddenly fell into a dead silence, and no more crows were heard.

Wait for people to dazzle again.

There were so many crows before that it was mind-numbing, but now there was no one left.

Even those corpses disappeared.

Everyone couldn't help but feel horrified and even more unbelievable.

Those crows are definitely real, but what method can make them disappear in an instant?


Some people couldn't help asking, wondering if it was over.

"Don't panic, everyone, calm down. Spreading fear will only make the devil stronger." Lu Qi looked at the crowd and spoke loudly, "The matter is not over yet. No one should leave this square until the matter is over."

People naturally listened to his words and became quiet at the moment. Even though they were still scared, the strength shown by Lu Qi and the others also gave them a sense of security in their hearts.

At this time, Lu Qi looked at the mage who had just taken action. He was wearing a cloak and had a very mysterious aura. After thinking about it, he invited: "This friend, why don't you come and discuss it together."

To be honest, he had not sensed the mage in the crowd before.

But the powerful magic he showed just now clearly shows that he is a powerful mage.

Apparently some means were used to hide the aura.

It wasn't until now that I couldn't sit back and watch anymore that I had to choose to take action.

The other party did not refuse and walked to the room where Lu Qi and others were discussing.

As he took off his cloak, even Lu Qi couldn't help but be slightly startled.

This mage has blue-purple skin with mysterious lines on his face. He has a weather-beaten face, and his tired eyes reveal the dusty journey along the way.

For a moment, this person's name flashed through his mind.

Rune Mage - Ryze.

Lu Qi didn't expect to meet him here.

(End of this chapter)

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