Chapter 479 Scarecrow

At this moment, Ruiz felt somewhat helpless.

It was originally because he sensed that the seal he set in a vault in Demacia had been destroyed. He remembered that the soul of a darkin creature was sealed there.

So I wanted to come back and have a look, but along the way, there were always delays due to various things.

He is like a hard-working old farmer, working hard to cut the wheat, one after another after harvesting.

After finally arriving at the royal capital of Demacia, I thought I could rest, but who would have thought that this would happen again.

He felt that he was born to work hard.

At the moment, he must also take a serious look at the demon that is about to wake up in this town.

This guy was so troublesome that it gave him a headache.

Fortunately, the three people in front of him didn't seem to be simple.

After thinking for a while, Ryze said: "Your Highness, my name is Ryze, and people like to call me Wandering Mage."

He felt that he was somewhat famous in Runeterra, but in a place like Demacia, he was probably only average.

After all, the ban on demons had just been lifted here. This was indeed a grand reform, initiated by the young man in front of him who even he couldn't see through.

It will obviously take some time from the time the ban on demons is lifted to when his fame spreads.

"I've heard of you, the famous wandering mage, but I didn't expect to see you here."

Lu Qi looked surprised and stepped forward to extend his hand enthusiastically.

When he saw Ryze, he felt as if he was hungry and met a meat bun. He couldn't be less excited.

After all, this purple sweet potato head is famously powerful and is known as the walking secret book.

With him here, Lu Qi could finally experience the sense of security brought by others when dealing with Fiddlesticks.

Ryze didn't expect Lu Qi to be so enthusiastic. He looked at him as if he had really heard of his name, and at the same time, he felt a strange feeling in his heart.

I don't know why, but there is an inexplicable feeling of dissonance.

But I couldn't put it into words, it felt like something was stuck in my throat, and I always felt like something important was missing.

But he was soon washed away by Lu Qi's enthusiasm and forgot about it.

Lux blinked and looked at Ryze. Judging from Lu Qi's reaction, it seemed that a powerful guy was here.

"What does the mage think about this demon?"

Lu Qi quickly brought up the business.

Fortunately, he has the power of magic to hide the rune fragments and demonic power in his body.

Otherwise, he might not be happy to see Ryze now.

As a well-known wandering mage in Runeterra, Ryze is also burdened with an important mission, which is to find all the world's runes and keep them to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands.

When Lu Qi inexplicably absorbed the first rune and felt uneasy, the person he wanted to meet the most was actually this mage.

With him here, this problem can be solved easily.

But now, he doesn't really need it anymore.

The current rune is not a bomb for him, but a trump card that can be effective in many opportunities.

As he deepened his understanding of the power of runes, he became more and more able to control them. This also reduces the risk of losing control of his power, and so far, the three runes have stayed safely in his mental space, and there has never been any sign of losing control.

With Ryze's character, if it were discovered that he had three rune fragments in his body, it would inevitably cause a lot of trouble.

Lu Qi didn't want to conflict with him, so it was difficult to use the power of the runes unless absolutely necessary.

At this time, Ruiz heard the words and said in a deep voice: "This matter should not be underestimated. The demon sleeping here is named Fear. It is the oldest demon and has terrifying power."


Lu Qi's eyes flashed and he said, "No wonder it didn't take action directly."

"Yes. These ravens are but a sign before he wakes up, for his very existence is once again remembered."

Ryze's voice was quite solemn, "And when he wakes up completely, the whole town will become his food of fear."

Hearing his words, Lu Qi was slightly surprised: "Because its existence itself is remembered again?"

Ruiz nodded and said: "Yes, someone is aware of its existence. The moment the thought arises, it has already attracted its attention, otherwise it would not have attracted a crowd of crows."

Lu Qi couldn't help but lower his head and think about it, feeling that this kind of conceptual ability was terrifying.

If you think about it this way, is he the one who attracted the crows?
Because in the entire Jinpo Town, he was probably the only one who thought of Fiddlesticks' existence in the afternoon.

Did just the thought of it directly attract Fiddlesticks' attention?
Thinking of this, Lu Qi raised his head and asked, "Is there any way to deal with him?"


Ryze answered quickly, as if he already had the answer. He said: "Fear cannot be killed. As long as fear exists in the world, it can always survive."

Lux raised her hand and spoke: "This is too shameless. In other words, we can only seal it?"

"Yes." Ryze looked at Lux, noticed her dazzling flash, and then said, "The best way to deal with such demons is to seal them and let them fall into sleep again."

In fact, he doesn't have much experience in dealing with demons. After all, he is not an expert in this field.

In the end, he happened to meet the top being among demons.

At this time, the sun was setting outside and darkness was coming.

Ruiz glanced outside and said in a solemn tone: "Time is running out. The moment the sun sets completely, it will wake up."

Lux was shocked: "So fast?"

Lu Qi looked at the sunset: "It's probably only half an hour."

"Once it wakes up, the entire town will be its top priority."

Ryze was also very calm at this time. He looked at Lux: "Next, your light is very important."


Lux suddenly felt that she had a mission, and her little face couldn't help but become serious: "What should I do?"

"The role of light is not only to dispel darkness and bring light to people. More often than not, it can also dispel fear. Fear is the devil's first food. The more fear, the stronger it will be. Only radiance , can take effect before darkness comes."

Ryze looked at Lux and said, "Next, I will teach you a secret technique. It only takes half an hour. I don't intend to put any pressure on you, but if you fail to learn, everyone outside will die."

"bring it on!"

Lux nodded seriously.

"Pay attention, make sure you don't make mistakes in every step." Ryze raised his hands, magic power attached to the surface. He danced his arms up and down, like a seal, performing a regular movement.

A magic circle begins to emerge. With each seal and every change of the position of the hands, the light of the magic circle becomes brighter, and secret lines appear on the magic circle.

The most difficult thing is the use of magic power. In many cases, the magic power output is different.

Lux didn't blink during the entire process, recording every move Ryze made.

When the demonstration was completed, Ryze withdrew his magic power and asked, "How many more times are needed?"

"That's enough."

Lux took steps and came to the square outside.

She took a deep breath and without a moment's hesitation, she began to copy Rize's previous actions.

With the movement of the magic of light, a magic circle flashing with golden light appeared, like the dawn before darkness, which was even more shocking than what Ryze demonstrated.

Maybe this secret technique is suitable for the magic of light.

Ryze watched from behind as the magic circle gradually solidified. He couldn't help but be surprised by Lux's talent, knowing that she might have memorized it completely.

He has been traveling in Runeterra for so many years, and there are only a handful of people with such a talent.

Apart from anything else, light magic is already very rare.

Without her, Ryze couldn't guarantee that he could save everyone here.

Lu Qi looked at Lux, who was surrounded by shining light, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

Unconsciously, the crying blonde girl was able to take charge of herself.

At this time, as Lux completed the last step, the magic circle completely solidified, emitting a fierce light in an instant, and the sky above the town bloomed with light like daylight.

People raised their heads in surprise and saw a golden light curtain falling from all directions in the sky, sheltering everyone within it.

When Lux saw that the spell was successfully cast, she couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. She turned to Lu Qi and showed a bright smile: "How is it? Is it great?"


Lu Qi nodded sincerely. "Hmph." Lux raised her chin, quite proudly.

Ryze said at this time: "This secret technique can temporarily resist the invasion of fear, but it is not a long-term solution."

Lu Qi thought for a moment and said, "What do you mean?"

"That's right." Ruiz looked outside the town and said, "The best way to fight against fear is to face it head-on. Only by taking the initiative can we find opportunities."

Lu Qi nodded and said, "I think so too."

Fiddlesticks' ability is too terrifying. If he is not sealed here, when he escapes to other places, a disaster will inevitably occur.

"To seal it, two necessary conditions must be met."

Ryze looked at the three of them and said: "First, find its name. It is fear itself, but fear is not its name. The real name is equivalent to the key to confirming the existence of the devil itself. But at the same time, it is also their name weakness.

The second is to find its identity. If it is not the identity, the seal will be meaningless.

I have a secret technique that can seal it, but I've never tried it. Without these two preconditions, our winning rate against it is basically zero. "

There is no way, because what they are fighting now is the top ten demons that can be called conceptual level.

It was even born in an earlier period of Ryze's cognition, and was the first fear born in the world.

Given this condition, it is almost invincible.

In Ryze's impression, hundreds of years ago, a country was destroyed because of the ten demons.

That demon is the embodiment of hatred. Its hatred breaks through the sky and destroys a country in a short time.

The tragic death of so many people has led to another of the top ten demons, death.

There seemed to be a big battle between the two demons. When Ryze rushed to the scene, he only saw suffocating silence, and later lost news of the two demons.

But what is certain is that they must still exist in a corner of Runeterra.

"But we still have a little chance. The devil's name usually accompanies it, and just trying to find its name is often accompanied by great danger."

Ruiz thought that telling the news would shock the two young people in front of him.

In the thick history books, he has experienced much more than them, so in this desperate situation, he can still remain optimistic.

But what surprised him was that the two young men in front of him did not show any fear.

"Maybe I know its name."

Lu Qi said.

"What?" Ruiz thought he heard wrongly.

"I know its name." Lu Qi removed maybe two words this time.

This obviously hit on his expertise, so he naturally didn't panic.

The reason why Lux didn't panic was simpler, because she saw that Lu Qi wasn't panicking, so she didn't panic.

As long as Lu Qi was around, she didn't know how to write the word "fear".

"Do you know its name?"

No matter how calm Ruiz was, he couldn't stay calm now, and his face was moved.

He couldn't figure out why Lu Qi knew the name of the fearful demon.

"Actually, I have eyes that can see the devil's true name." Lu Qi came casually, and under Ryze's disbelieving eyes, he said calmly, "It was precisely because I saw its name in the afternoon that it attracted Its attention."

"Are you kidding me?" Ruiz didn't think the joke was funny.

"Not really." Seeing that he didn't believe it, Lu Qi told a few stories to increase his credibility.

For example, when dealing with Nocturne, Evelynn, and Tamm, he gained the advantage precisely because he knew the names of the opponents.

Lux was still nodding her head to confirm.

Although it was a bit outrageous, Ruiz finally chose to believe it. There was another reason why he believed it.

"This is good news. All we need to do is find its identity."

He exhaled a breath and looked at the setting sun. Only the last bit of the sun was exposed, and it would completely set in a few minutes at most.

At that time, it will also be the moment when the devil wakes up.

Several people decided to set off immediately, and before leaving, they told everyone in the town not to leave the square.

Soon, in the last few seconds as the sun set, several people stepped out of Lux's light circle.

Inexplicably, a cold wind blew, and the coldness all over his body suddenly rose. The deserted town looked extremely gloomy in the dark night.

Lux raised her hand, and a burst of bright light emitted, covering the four of them, dispelling the cold and bringing light.

Ruiz was very lucky to have such a companion today, otherwise he alone would probably be enough to eat a pot.

"Speaking of which, how should we find it?"

Lux asked quietly.

Ryze replied: "It is the original fear in the world. It has no thoughts and no concept of this world. It only knows how to create fear that any creature is afraid of, so it will definitely find it on its own."

The light on Lux's body will not make fear afraid. Its almost endless desire will definitely want to swallow up even the light.

As long as it wants to feed the fear in a few people's hearts, it will definitely appear.

A few crows landed on the surrounding roofs, quietly, staring at a few people with their bright red eyes.

This shows that the fear demon has set its sights on them.

The four of them walked on the street, alert to their surroundings. However, just for a moment, they were surprised to find a scarecrow suddenly appeared in front of the road.

It just appeared in people's field of vision suddenly, without any emergence process.

An inexplicable sense of horror emerged!

The scarecrow was holding a seemingly rusty sickle in his left hand and a lantern in his right hand. His shape and appearance were just like an ordinary scarecrow in a farmland.


A strange sound suddenly sounded, extremely hoarse, like a broken knife sliding on a rusty iron plate. The moment it sounded, it made people feel a headache.

Lu Qi shot an arrow, and the powerful force exploded on the scarecrow, blowing it into powder on the spot.

However, the next second, terrifying sounds sounded from all around.

"We need to find its name"

"The next step is to find its body."

"Your light matters."

"My name is Ryze. Wandering Mage"

Weird voices rang out from all directions. They were clearly words that several people had talked about before. Although they were the same, the voices felt more like they were squeezed out, like those old and rusty iron cages, creaking and squeaking. The sound of roaring and crashing was both distorted and eerie.

There were more crows around, and there were strange noises in the dark alley.

Lux raised her hand and radiated light, illuminating the surrounding area.

Astonishingly, the weird scarecrows just stood there, their bodies began to twist, swelled ferociously, and grew monster-like faces. Those faces were completely crooked and twisted burlap faces. There are rusty fangs sticking out of the mouth.

The long and thin legs supported the spread out body, like a strange species, and the cage also changed, becoming eerie and strange.

There were hundreds of crows flapping around, but after just a glance, a darker darkness suddenly began to spread from these cages.

These darkness once overwhelmed the light released by Lux. It was darker than its own darkness, covering all colors.

Then, eyes, many eyes, scarlet and cold, appeared in the darkness, staring at everyone.

The four of them had to get closer. The darkness came from all directions, trapping them.

"I'm not sure what its ability is, but there is only one thing to remember, face your fear!"

The magic power in Ryze's body was already in motion. He tried to attack the darkness, but to no avail.

Any attack was ineffective, including Lux's light, which seemed so weak for the first time in the face of darkness.

She couldn't help but feel a little frustrated. Her light had always been invincible, but it would be defeated by the darkness.

But she quickly cheered up, knowing that her light was particularly important at this moment.

So she took a deep breath, concentrated her consciousness, and as she waved the staff, a more dazzling light shone out.

It seemed to be at odds with the enveloping darkness.

(End of this chapter)

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