LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 483 Leaving without saying goodbye

Chapter 483 Leaving without saying goodbye
The Forbidden Stone Forest in southern Demacia.

Beside a lake, a figure stood there quietly.

Morgana's eyes fell on the lake, and her eyes reflected herself in the lake, as well as the pair of wings behind her.

Suddenly, the clear water swayed, and a cold voice came from the side: "After so many years, you still haven't changed at all."

"Same for you." Morgana turned her head when she heard the words, and saw a woman standing not far away. She just stood there, upright and elegant, with a temperament like a snow lotus on an iceberg, exuding the aura of being kept away from strangers. breath.

She has skin as bright as snow and soft silver-white hair. Her face is even more beautiful, with cold red-toned thin lips, a pair of willow eyebrows and starry eyes, and a high bridge of nose showing sharp lines. Those eyes give people an extremely calm feeling. They are obviously just looking at each other, but they seem to be being watched. She looked down.

Under the gaze of those eyes, you can feel a sense of oppression.

This is her sister, Kyle.

Kyle looked at Morgana and said, "You should know that I'm here to pick you up."

Her voice was cold and there was not much emotion in it, just like a majestic judge pronouncing a verdict on something.

After so many years, Morgana felt that the divinity in her became more and more obvious.

Faced with this sentence, she remained silent and did not respond.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Kyle spoke again: "You have broken our original agreement. You once said that you will not use your power in the world. I don't like the hesitant temper, so I say you are the same as before. "

"I know."

Morgana raised her eyes and looked away at the lake, "I don't like people who are too strong and unreasonable."

"Are you still angry with me?" Seeing her like this, Kyle sighed softly and took a step forward. The majesty in his eyebrows was a little less, and his cold tone was a little more emotional, "Of course you can You and I will continue to have troubles, but mother...she misses you so much and we need you."

"What you need is not me, but my power." Morgana said very clearly.

"Do you really think so?" Kyle asked with a slight frown.

Morgana said coldly: "Do you expect me to have a relationship with two extremely rational people?"

Kyle was silent for a moment and said: "Whether you believe it or not, I really miss you. No matter what, you are my sister and my mother's daughter. The bond and blood relationship between the three of us cannot be severed. We have been preparing to welcome you for many years.

There is a temple that is unique to you on Mount Targon. After you go back, you can gather believers as you like. It's time to follow me. "

Morgana remained silent, staring at the lake.

"Is there anyone in Demacia that you can't let go of?" Kyle raised his eyes and looked at the kingdom, showing some interest. "It seems to be heading towards a path I never imagined."

"I'll go with you."

Morgana suddenly made a decision.

Today, Demacia does not need her or her to interfere, and she does not want to see Kyle return here again.

Then this prosperous kingdom will not know which path it will take.

Kyle's thoughts were interrupted and his attention returned to Morgana. A touch of tenderness flashed in his eyes: "As long as you are willing to come back, I will wait for you at Mount Targon."

She didn't come in person, but after discovering Morgana's energy, she immediately came in a phantom clone.

As her words fell, her figure gradually turned into a burst of orange energy, which dissipated with the wind.

Morgana was the only one left in the Forbidden Stone Forest.

The folded wings on her back spread out, and she slowly flew off the ground.

Looking at the lake, she couldn't help but flash in her mind a guy who lay on a rocking chair all day long and spent his days leisurely.

Speaking of which, even she found it incredible that things had developed to this point.

It was just a small bet on the future, but it brought huge feedback.

Fifty years after the founding of Demacia.

Her and Kyle's fame has gradually grown, and they have become well-known and respected winged patron saints.

However, that year, differences between them inevitably arose.

Kyle is an absolute practitioner of the law. She firmly believes that anyone who makes mistakes should get the justice they deserve. Her eyes of judgment can also cast down the flames of judgment on them.

Unlike Kyle, she has a pair of human eyes. She can clearly see a person's sins and lies, that is, the evil side.

But at the same time, she can also see the good side of human nature, which has a certain prophetic quality.

Some people who made mistakes deserve to die. But there are still some people whose hearts can still be improved. Although they make mistakes in confusion, they still have the opportunity to repent.

However, later on, Kyle's pursuit was almost paranoid. She could only see the potential dangers, but could not see more possibilities like she did.

Kyle established the Judgment Mission to judge all wrongdoers and enforce the law. Fanatic hunting of rebels and bandits, as long as there is a potential threat, will be judged.

The two eventually had differences, and a big fight was inevitable.

During that battle, their father became an innocent victim of the rioting believers, and finally died in Morgana's arms.

At that moment, Morgana was in great pain, and she hated her own power. So she cursed the power in her body, and her wings turned black and became her shackles.

She wanted to get rid of this painful mark, but she couldn't find a hard weapon that could cut off the wings. So she tied her wings with iron chains, determined to walk in the world on her own feet and no longer use the cursed power.

This was her agreement with Kyle.

Kyle will also leave Demacia and fly to Mount Targon, and will no longer interfere forcefully with Demacia's development path.

And so is she.

In this way, the sisters parted ways for hundreds of years.

Over the past few hundred years, Morgana has watched the country grow step by step from the perspective of a bystander, and also watched the road ahead gradually shift.

Although Kayle is gone, her influence remains, and Demacia has become a disciplined and powerful country.

Meanwhile, her fanatical supporters dumped the post-war stigma on her and the mages.

The power of mages is too powerful, but those in power are not willing to govern the country with them, and are also afraid of them.

Morgana didn't care about the stigma on her body, but she didn't want to see Demacia go down the wrong path.

All along, she has been helping mages in trouble as a mortal, and she has gradually spread a good reputation.

But she still couldn't withstand the suppression of those trial missions, and her stigma could never be washed away.

Time flies and we soon come to modern times.

Demacia's magic ban system has been extremely perfect, and they also have a complete process for treating mages.

But the mages cannot be eliminated. After all, Runeland is a magical continent.

And Morgana also felt increasingly powerless. With only mortal strength, she could no longer fight against the strict legal system.

She could not show up to guide Demacia's direction. She could only hope that a wise person would appear to correct Demacia's path.

It was by chance that she noticed the emotional disputes of contemporary kings. A small woman was as insignificant as a mayfly in the power struggle of the kingdom, and any wave of waves could destroy her.

Not surprisingly, she got caught up in a conspiracy struggle.

Later, Morgana learned that her own purpose was not pure, but at that time, she was convinced that the woman loved the king.

The enemy's spies wanted to kill her. Morgana, who had been secretly observing for a long time, finally decided to take action and helped her escape the danger. The main reason is the child she is carrying in her belly.

Even her human eyes were unable to see the future direction of this child. This was a potential possibility.

For the sake of the future, Morgana is willing to place a bet.

Later, she didn't observe the mother and son too much.

Until one day by chance, she saw the grown-up child in the royal capital.

The future is still unclear and hazy, which represents countless possibilities for the future.

And this was the first time that her human eyes could not see anything.

So she started observing.

She was so moved when she saw him return to the palace and the father and son recognized each other.

Observing from a distance was not comprehensive, so at that moment she decided to get closer to him.

So she used magic to change the examiner's memory, successfully sneaked into the palace, and became one of the maids who passed the examination.

She was very confident about her conditions, and not surprisingly, she was selected.

It's just that the newly appointed prince was a little weird, and his personality was more out-of-the-box than she expected. She later confirmed this.

This guy is indeed not a normal person.

He doesn't look like a young man who grew up in a remote town in Demacia at all, but more like a lucky boy who was wise enough and got some kind of opportunity.

What happened later also proved Morgana's guess.

According to the guy's weird description, it was like cheating and rising straight up, or it could be said to be cheating.

Because of the fog surrounding him, Morgana was unable to see his opportunities, but she gradually began to wonder, could he be the one who changed Demacia?

Morgana, who originally wanted to observe for a short period of time, changed her mind and decided to observe for a long time.

Just like that, day after day.

She stayed by his side, watching him grow up little by little, watching him laugh and watch him make trouble. At the same time, he was unconsciously brought into that subtle magnetic field.

Start enjoying every day life.

She found that she didn't hate it, and was getting used to it at a frightening rate.

Being a maid for others may be hard, but being a maid for this guy is absolutely relaxing. You can eat delicious food every day and watch him create a bunch of weird things.

Opportunities and crises often accompany him, and he seems not to be born with a peaceful destiny. Going through crisis after crisis with him, Morgana also witnessed his growth bit by bit, witnessed him begin to reform Demacia, and began to guide the country on the right path.

However, after all this was over, he did not stop.

Although he always looked cheerful on the surface, the things that weighed on his heart could never allow him to live in peace.

He loved being lazy every day, but he seemed to realize something and couldn't stop. There seemed to be an inexplicable responsibility pressing on his shoulders.

Morgana didn't know how to help him, so she followed silently.

Day after day passed.

Morgana also didn't expect that the investment she left behind by chance would give her such a huge return today.

Even now, thinking back on it, she still finds it incredible.

But such a miracle happened like this.

Now, he has become very strong and a reliable man.

What she expected had happened, and it seemed that the companionship was about to end.

So, even if there is no her in the next journey, it won't matter.

Thinking of this, Morgana's eyes trembled slightly like the wavering surface of a lake. She raised her head and looked in the direction of the royal capital, eager to take another look at him.

However, all he saw was a forest of white flowers.

In his life, she had always deliberately reduced her presence and always played a dispensable role.

So, even if you leave quietly, that's fine.

At this moment, his wings flapped and strong wind blew towards the woods. He flew high in the sky and took one last look in the direction of the royal capital.

Morgana didn't hesitate anymore, turned around and flew straight in the direction of Mount Targon.

It's time to face her family.

In a flash, several days passed.

Demacia, the royal capital.

In Lu Qi's small courtyard.

Lux was swinging boredly, and said with some inexplicable melancholy: "So many days have passed, but there is still no news about Yu Erna. Did she really leave without saying goodbye?"

After the words fell, Fiona, who was reading a book not far away, and Sona, who was practicing the piano, both raised their heads slightly, but neither of them said anything.

Lux jumped off the swing, clapped her hands, and sighed: "Although she is a winged patron saint, there is no need to say goodbye to us little shrimps."

The other party is a god living in the legend of Demacia, how could he come to say goodbye to them on purpose.

Although Lacus didn't care about her identity, she actually just wanted to see the Yuerna who rarely spoke, but was gentle and caring to others.

She has always regarded her as a sister.

We parted like this without saying goodbye, which made me feel a little sad.

Lu Qi was lying on the rocking chair, looking at the blue sky, somewhat lost in thought.

Ryze had already moved on to the next place a few days ago, but before he left, he left behind some magical insights.

Lux learned several good magic tricks from him, all of which were adapted to the light system.

Lu Qi also took a few tricks and learned a confinement spell in arcane magic, as well as a protective circle and personal protective shield.

As for other arcane magics, Lu Qi did not learn them.

One of the moves is called Overload, which can double one's magical power, but it must be replaced by one's own weapon, that is, a 'staff'.

It can be said that this trick is very dangerous and requires a deep understanding of magic. However, even if you can use it easily, you will be affected by magic sooner or later.

Just like Ryze, he can now be said to be a container of magic, and his skin has turned purple.

Lu Qi's development path is different from his, so there is no need to learn this trick.

Plus, he doesn’t really like getting so many tattoos on his body.
The two agreed to meet again on the eve of the Shadow Island emerging from the sea.

And Lu Qi has not moved around the royal capital these days. In fact, like Lux, he is thinking that Urna may come back.

But it seems that this is unlikely.

(End of this chapter)

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