Chapter 484 Shurima

At least if you wait like this, nothing will come of it.

If she really wants to leave, she just needs to say it, and Lu Qi will never have any objection.

Saying goodbye like this without saying goodbye is not a perfect separation.

She just waved her wings and left, leaving many questions in his mind, but he didn't know who to turn to for answers.

If it ended like this, Lu Qi would naturally be unwilling to do so.

The sun was exceptionally mild today, but Lu Qi had no interest in continuing to bask in it.

He stood up from the rocking chair, then stretched, making a decision in his mind.

In this case, go to her and ask for clarification.

There had to be a reason for breaking the agreement between them without saying a word, and Lu Qi wouldn't simply buy it.

However, even though he thought so, Lu Qi didn't know where she went.

After all, Runeterra is so big that it would be extremely difficult to find someone accurately, who is most likely hiding.

Just when Lu Qi was thinking this, he received an unsigned letter in the afternoon.

Looking at the envelope that was heavy in his hand, Lu Qi felt that there was something inside. After thinking for a moment, he slowly opened the envelope.

There was no letter inside, but a thumb-sized prismatic crystal. The light shone on it, reflecting colorful brilliance.

At the same time, Lu Qi also sensed the magical energy contained in it.

It seems that this thing is the letter itself.

He thought about it again, controlled his consciousness to contact the crystal, and for a moment, scenes of frozen scenes flashed through his mind.

Giant peaks towering into the clouds, black-winged angels spreading their wings.

Seeing these two scenes, Lu Qi already got the information he wanted.

There is no doubt that the black-winged angel flashing in that scene is Morgana.

And that giant peak was very familiar to Lu Qi. In the entire Runelands, there was such an exaggerated giant peak, and only Shurima had it.

That is the famous Mount Targon, the mountain where gods exist!
"It seems that you have gone to Mount Targon."

Lu Qi's consciousness left the crystal, looking at the crystal whose luster was quickly dimming, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

He already had a guess in his mind about the owner of the crystal.

As for Morgana's whereabouts, Mount Targon was also one of his guesses.

Because there, there are her sister and mother, the 'family' she calls the quarrel.

It's basically certain now.

"I have to go there after all."

Lu Qi watched the crystal in his hand slowly dissipate, and his eyes made a decision.

He didn't have any bad feelings about Mount Targon, after all, it wasn't a gathering place for bad people.

On the contrary, the protoss of Mount Targon are protecting the peace of Runeterra in their own way.

But to say that I have a favorable impression, it’s actually not that much.

Because protoss and humans are destined to be two completely different groups.

In the eyes of those star spirits who came from heaven and thought themselves to be gods, humans were just cute pets they kept in captivity.

They protect Runeterra, but they also ignore humans.

Personal life is not worth mentioning to them.

Many humans who wanted to climb Mount Targon or even reach the top were simply displeased by the gods in the heavens and were pushed off the 10,000-meter mountain, and were regarded as 'losers' in the test.

Then they continued to spread their faith, attracting those who admired the gods, and looked for their own satisfactory bodies among thousands of climbers.

The chosen ones will accept the power they send down and walk in the world with their will.

It is undeniable that they have indeed made great contributions to Runeterra and mankind.

But for such a place, Lu Qi always wanted to avoid it. If he could avoid contact, he would avoid it as much as possible.

But now it seems that I still have to go there after all.

After all, if your maid goes there, you have to ask her if she is willing.

Lu Qi happened to have nothing to do at the moment, so he briefly talked about the matter with Lux and other girls, and then prepared to set off.

Soon, he arrived at the Hex Flying Gate teleportation site near the royal capital.

Now, Demacia has cooperated with Piltover and has established Hex Flygate sites throughout the country. One of them is located in the neighboring continent of Shurima.

When Lucci sent troops to attack Noxus, Tiana led the army to march into Shurima and cut off Noxus' flank.

The territory occupied by Noxus on the Shurima border was now on the map of Demacia.

The current situation in Shurima is even more chaotic than the continent of Valoran. It is divided among the heroes, with multiple countries and forces, large and small, fighting constantly all year round.

It is also a place where mercenaries are rampant.

Of course, none of this has anything to do with Lu Qi at the moment.

He used the Flying Gate to teleport directly to a town called Uzerith on the border of Shurima. In this way, a long distance is saved.

Uzeris is a port city by the sea. After belonging to Demacia, its contacts with other places around it increased.

It can be said that there are travelers and businessmen from all over the city.

People don’t say it, but it can be said to be a very lively city.

At the same time, not everyone can easily ride the Hex Flying Gate. They must have an exclusive federally certified identity to use it.

The Federation refers to various forces that are willing to ally with Demacia.

At Luqi's suggestion, the Federation adopted the 'ID card' and 'pass' systems, whereby people from different territories need visas to travel to another territory.

Although this move restricted many people, it also avoided the possibility of many troubles.

It can be said that Demacia's status and influence in Runeterra are now becoming more and more important.

The architectural style of Uzeris is different from that of Demacia. It had actually been transformed by Noxus. However, after Demacia occupied it, it demolished those Noxian landmark buildings.

However, Shurima's local style architecture is retained.

Lu Qi admired the harmonious atmosphere in the city all the way. Walking on the streets, he could smell the windy sand smell unique to the desert continent, and the air was very dry.

Soon, he left the city.

Because it is close to the sea, you can still see green plants. It stretches all the way along the coast and surrounds the entire Shurima continent. It is like peeling off a bright-looking fruit for outsiders to see.

In fact, it was already rotten and dilapidated inside.

A long time ago, there were so-called rumors that the continent of Shurima was dead.

But no, this continent was always holding on for a breath, as if waiting for something.

This is also the reason why many Shurima people cannot give up here. The continent of Shurima was once richer than any other place, with lush forests and green plants all over the mountains and plains.

But with the fall of that great empire, everything disappeared.

Lu Qi set off all the way towards Mount Targon, and not long after walking, he officially entered the desert area of ​​Shurima.

Yellow sand is everywhere here, and the color of dust has become the main color here. Everywhere looks like life has come to an end.

At a glance, there is no end in sight except for the desert land that stretches across the field of vision.

Walking on this continent, there will always be an unspeakable loneliness in my heart, that kind of universal loneliness, as if I am the only one left in the whole world. Over time, it can really drive people crazy.

No wonder some people say that if you want to walk on the continent of Shurima, it is best to find a companion.

Lest you get buried in the sand and no one knows about it in the end.

On the raised sand road, there are footprints left by the caravan, which will soon be covered by the sand blown up by the wind.

Lu Qi walked along the steps. He followed the example of many people and found a scarf to cover his mouth and nose. This was to prevent wind and sand from blowing into his mouth and nose.

The wind in the desert is like a moody little golden retriever, sometimes furious, sometimes charming and cute. His pace was not in a hurry, because he still had some preparations to make before going to Mount Targon.

At night, Lu Qi found an abandoned mud house that had been uninhabited for a long time.

He didn't mind it, so he went in, cleaned up briefly, and lit a bonfire.

After eating something, he sat down cross-legged, sinking his consciousness into the spiritual space, slowly flowing towards the three peacefully sleeping runes.

During this period, he has not stopped understanding the power of runes. As his understanding and understanding deepened, he also gained better control over the power of runes.

As time passed, Lu Qi slowly guided the rune energy into his body, tempering his body bit by bit with the energy.

Directing the rune energy in this way is naturally dangerous. If you are not careful, it may cause energy agitation. Once the control of the rune fails, violent energy will run rampant in the body, causing unpredictable damage.

But Lu Qi had no such scruples.

Because his mental power is strong enough to carry the power of the runes.

Then there is the mental barrier, which can also very well prevent the runes from going out of control.

The third point is that the three rune fragments have always stayed peacefully in his spiritual consciousness. Even if he took the initiative to contact them, there was never any sign of losing control.

So Lu Qi gradually boldly began to use rune energy to temper his body.

Now, it can be said that his physical body has almost reached its upper limit, unless he waits for a new realm improvement card to make a breakthrough.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to improve.

But the world runes gave him room to continue improving.

Through the tempering of runes, Lu Qi's body can also have the characteristics of runes, and at the same time become more powerful, as if every cell and every muscle is integrated with a trace amount of rune energy.

Before this, Lu Qi had actually undergone two rounds of tempering to varying degrees, and the changes could be clearly felt.

But this time, Lu Qi will completely temper his body, which will take some time.

Seven days later.

The top of Mount Targon.

Morgana saw a devout climber fall from the cliff, his desperate roar echoing in the valley until there was no sound anymore.

It was like a gust of wind that blew by, leaving no trace on this mountain peak.

She could only remain silent about it.

The climber was kind-hearted and honest, but he was far from meeting the standards of the gods in heaven.

If he had not climbed this mountain, he should have had a good life, but now his future was ruined.

Morgana found that she was not suitable for this place. She had seen the same situation happen many times in the past few days. She once wanted to save her, but she was severely blocked.

Because once this happens, it will destroy the 'rules' that have been passed down by Mount Targon for thousands of years.

Morgana doesn't like these rules. She used to be someone who hated being bound by rules, and she doesn't like such an impersonal place.

Although she, like them, has power from the extraordinary world in her body, Morgana regards herself as a 'person' at all times.

So she doesn't fit here.

Yet she had to stay here.

Because her mother and sister need her, and because she doesn't want to take the rules here to Demacia.

These days, my mother and sister have occasionally talked about Demacia, and their words revealed some interest in that place, but it was just interest.

After all, no matter how the kingdom develops, it is only a kingdom of mortals, so how can it attract too much attention from the gods.

They have a more important mission to do.

And the premise of all this is that she is not there.

If Demacia continues to develop, her presence will sooner or later attract their attention, and then Morgana may once again see the winged gods descending on the country with great power.

This was her worry, and even if the probability was low, she didn't want it to happen.

The temperature on the top of the mountain is a bit cold, and it is not a good place to bask in the sun. It is obviously very close to the sun, and the inheritance of the sun is even on this mountain peak.

Morgana is in an empty hall. This is her temple. The building is magnificent and the furniture inside is very precious, but she is the only one there.

She quietly came to the side yard of the temple, where there was a pond with clear spring water from the top of the mountain. A sip of it could make one strong.

There are many small fish with bright appearance and flexible body swimming in the pond.

As the water surface rippled, Morgana saw the appearance of a man emerging from it. He was lying leisurely on the rocking chair, as if the summer wind was blowing by.

When I'm with him, I'm sometimes as quiet as I am now, but the feeling is completely different.

Here, all she could feel was endless loneliness.

But being with him, even if you just watch him take a nap, even if you spend a whole afternoon, you will only feel peaceful and comfortable.

Morgana's eyes flickered slightly, and she couldn't remember how many times she thought of him.

We obviously didn't spend much time together, it was more like a brief glimpse in her life. But why did it leave such an unforgettable memory in her heart.

At this moment, a burst of footsteps came.

Morgana stood up, and the reflection on the lake disappeared.

She turned her head and saw Kyle walking towards her. Her temperament was more like the owner of this temple.

Walking closer, Kyle said: "After so many days, why is your temple still empty?"

Morgana heard this and replied: "Isn't this bad?"

"It's not a bad thing, as long as you don't mind being cold, it's okay to stay empty like this." Kyle looked at Morgana.

Both of them had expressionless faces, but one was more aloof, and his eyes that were not angry or intimidating always showed a bit of sharpness.

"Then let it be empty for now."

Morgana didn't care.

Since that incident, she no longer wanted to summon the apostles.

Giving them hope without the ability to realize this hope will only lead to sadness.

"I think it's better to find a few apostles who can convey the password."

Kyle gave his own advice, "At least you don't have to do some things yourself. It would be a waste of time if you have to deal with every little thing yourself."

"No need." Morgana still insisted on her own ideas. She was actually more used to doing everything herself.

"Then just do whatever you want." Kyle asked her persistently, turning his head as if looking at the mountain, "Those climbers, you don't have to be sentimental for them, this is their own choice. Mountain climbing has always been a matter of Everyone knows it’s extremely dangerous.”

"Ok, I know."

Morgana nodded, without much fluctuation in her eyes.

"You haven't adapted to this place yet. You will get used to it over time."

Kyle smiled faintly, and then said: "If there is someone you choose among those climbers, you can keep her. But don't think about keeping everyone, they will not allow it. You can’t give everyone expectations.”


Morgana nodded again.

"Okay, I'll leave first."

Kyle didn't stay long and left quickly.

Morgana was the only one left in the temple again. She seemed to sigh softly. She turned her back and decided not to look again.

She really doesn't fit here, but she doesn't know how long she will stay here. If this happens every day, then she'd better not look at that mountain peak again.

She could tolerate being alone, and that was enough.

Kyle was right, she couldn't give those climbers all they expected.

So, she actually had very few choices.

Either none of them are saved, or they all are saved.

(End of this chapter)

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