Chapter 501 Belvis
At this time, Kasha felt that the voice in her head gradually disappeared.

She always felt that something was not normal here, which gave her a strange sense of dissonance.

"Go in and have a look."

Lu Qi thought for a moment and stepped forward.

So Kasha followed, and the two entered the lavender sea, moving slowly while observing the surrounding situation.

Those void fish had no intention of attacking and floated overhead as if they were not affected by gravity.

After a while, they stopped in front of a collapsed building. The remaining walls were engraved with the words Shurima and were already covered with dust.

Kasha stepped forward, raised her hand to sweep away the dust on it, saw the words behind it and slowly read out: "Belvis."

For a moment, a memory flashed through her mind, and she finally remembered where she was here.

She couldn't help but said to herself: "No wonder I feel so familiar here. Beervis is a city that was once swallowed by the void."

"You should have understood my existence." Pelvis seemed to be able to sense what Kasha was thinking. She walked forward slowly, like an elegant queen, and then spoke calmly, "Their lives turned into The initial building blocks contributed to my birth. Memories, emotions, and history are all the same between me and Pelvis, and I inherit this name.”

"Who are you? And why are you calling me?"

"I like your calmness." Pelvis was approaching now. She looked like a tall woman with a distinguished status. She did not take another step forward, but stopped and looked at the two of them, " There are very few special humans like you in the void,"

"There were many people who wielded weapons that they thought were enough to repel the void. However, in the end, they all turned into food. The remaining fragments - if they can still survive, they will become the salt of this lavender sea."


The existence in the distance was much more powerful than the Bullhorn Monster that day.

In just a moment, Kasha realized how terrifying Beervis was.

He knew the background of Beervis, and also knew what she was about to say, and he also knew that she was a brand new existence to the void.

When she said the lavender sea, Lu Qi had already anticipated something. Before he could speak, the ground suddenly shook violently.

Suddenly, Kasha felt a strong sense of oppression coming, far more terrifying than the horned monster that day, as if some terrifying existence had appeared, and the hairs all over her body stood on end.

This scene looks beautiful, but also ferocious and strange.

An existence with brand-new wisdom that transcends all previous concepts of void creatures is extremely terrifying.

The people here seem to have disappeared.

The moment he saw her, Kasha had this suspicion for some reason.

A new life form in the void that is fused with the crystals of Runeterra. This is something Kai'Sa never expected.

Moving forward, Kasha's eyes widened immediately. It was just a blink. At the end of the corridor, a huge figure appeared at some point. She stood there quietly, but it made people shudder. Countless voids Anchovies cruised around her like birds circling over distant peaks.

Unexpectedly, it has only been so long, but the changes here have already been so great.

"Welcome both of you to the Purple Sea."

It was once a very ancient city in Shurima, with a long culture and history, but it was destroyed in an instant.

And behind the collapsed wall, a long corridor appeared. It was extremely mysterious. There were tentacles with iridescent luster that were several miles high at both ends. Thousands of void fish fish gathered in this area like a deep sea. Wandering around the place, a false sun releases light through the bubbles, emitting colors like a rainbow.

When she arrived, there was no one left alive.

Like an earthquake, a wall made of debris in front suddenly collapsed, and a large group of void fish the size of wild dogs swam out from it.

Kasha had calmed down at this time and stared at Belves in the distance.

Lu Qi looked at the figure in the distance, and information about her flashed in his mind.

She thought of a possibility in her mind, but it was so unreal that even she thought it was impossible.

She is Belvez, the city's all-in-one.

Lu Qi spoke out at this time, looking at Pelvis calmly with his eyes.

"I don't feel any hostility from you. To make a long story short, what do you want to do?"

She remembered that this memory even happened not long ago.

"Only three people survived, and you are the only one who has retained a complete mind. And you, you seem to be completely unaffected by the void."

Queen of the Void——Belvis!

She thought of this possibility, but when the other party said it himself, she was still extremely shocked.

Kasha's eyes widened slightly, and she was extremely shocked.

"Don't be afraid."

Later, after making many inquiries to no avail, she left here.

Lu Qi raised his hand and put it on her shoulder, helping her dispel the chill in her body.


At this time, Pelvis in the distance spoke, his tone calm and calm. But the voice was deafening. This voice bent everything and squeezed everything. It was both a whisper and a roar. The space is constantly layered and boundless, as if a million voices synthesized into an aria.

At that time, she felt a crack in the void appear, so she rushed over without stopping, and then discovered the city that was swallowed whole.

Kasha suddenly felt that the pressure on her body disappeared, and all her senses returned to normal. When she looked at the figure in the distance again, it was not so scary anymore.

Kasha squeezed out the word through her teeth. She wanted to tell Lu Qi to run away at all costs.

She looked at Lu Qi leisurely, with a hint of interest in it.

The void will corrupt the will of any existence, even the group of ascended warriors who are like gods. Therefore, for so long, the only special being who can keep his mind unaffected is Kaisha.

Lu Qi, who joined later, is in an even more special situation.

Even Kai'Sa had to wear dark armor, but Lucci didn't need anything and could walk in the void naturally.

Originally, the only person she wanted to call was Kaisha, but now she changed her mind.

Lu Qi's situation is naturally different. His mental barrier is even immune to Scarecrow's fear, not to mention that he also has three world rune fragments to protect him. Coupled with the void characteristics of the Cracked Blade, he can completely ignore the influence of the void.

Kaisha noticed the key word at this time: "Who is the other person?"

Belvis looked at her, and the human head seemed to reveal a smile: "Your father."

Looking at her elegant and extraordinary eyes, Kasha suddenly felt like something was weighing heavily on her heart, and countless thoughts were running wildly in her mind.

But soon, she calmed down again and stared at Pelvis with a cold look.

"You think I'm lying to you." Belvis was still so calm, without the slightest anger, "But I will never lie, because I don't need to. The final victory of the void is an unshakable absolute fact. No No lies, pretense or questions are needed, it’s just a process during this period.”

"What exactly do you want to do? If you can read my mind, then you should know that I will never help you."

Just like she could see through her own heart, Kasha could also vaguely sense what Beelvis wanted to do.

She is different from all the void creatures Kaisha has come into contact with so far.

She seems to have a unique wisdom.

"Not to help, but you have to do it."

Belvis said calmly, she glanced at Lu Qi, "Joining forces with me is the most beneficial choice for you now."

Lu Qi heard this and said, "In that case, let's talk about the advantages."

"I can help you out," said Pulvis. "You have now been targeted by the monitors of the void, and what awaits you will be an endless pursuit. During this period, they will not open any cracks in the void to let you escape. But I can help you leave the void. "

At this time, Lu Qi took out the cracked blade and asked: "Is this why they are chasing me?"

"That's right." Pelvis nodded slightly and said, "This is a key, the key they need."

Lu Qi continued to ask: "Why do you say it's a key?"

Belvis smiled lightly and said: "The key is naturally used to open the door. If Void wants to enter Runeterra, doesn't it need an openable door?"

Lu Qi suddenly came to his senses and looked at the Cracked Blade. He didn't expect it to have this function.

"It was born in the spiritual realm. To Void, it is a special existence between the void and the spiritual realm. With it, Void can connect to the spiritual realm at any time."

Belvis continued as if he knew everything, "Add a key to the realm of reality, and you can open a real 'door'. All the cracks in the void so far cannot be called doors. ”

Lu Qi nodded slightly.

Kasha asked at this time: "Then why do you want to help us?"

Pelvis said: "Because I also need your help."

Kasha asked again: "Why? Aren't you and Void together?"

"No, I represent the entire void, the real void, the whole, not a single thing." Pelvis said calmly: "The void has existed for thousands of years. As early as the first star in distant space We were there before the light came on. Then, there was a voice.

"From that whisper came existence, and we are imbued with it. We are influenced by it. Destruction. Transformation. No matter how hard we struggle, we can never go back to the beginning. My ancestors - the Watchers - tried to invade and destroy existence, but was tainted by it. From then on, I longed to be worshiped and to be enlightened."

"But overnight, they were betrayed. They were forced to change completely, and were eventually abandoned. Existence has given them unspeakable hatred. They will die for all realities without hesitation."

"However, their transformation is not complete. Now is the beginning of the real transformation. We will become you."

Pelvis' tone became more determined.

Kasha listened to her words and said coldly: "In the end, you still want everything in Rune Land, just like Void wants to erase everything."

"This is the end." Belvis looked at her, "The void is the starting point of everything and will also be the end of everything. It is inevitable that Runeland will be destroyed by the void, and it is an unchangeable fact. But because of this , our transaction makes sense.”

Kasha asked: "What deal?"

Pelvis said: "To the Watchers who came before us, my existence is an insult. Creation will make them burn, and they are eager to obliterate you, including me, and everything else." , just to put an end to that kind of pain. If they escape from the prison, we will have no chance to turn the tide. Time is coming to an end, and everything will come to an end. I need you to help me fight against the monitors and take back the authority of the void from their hands. "

"If you help me, I will grant you and your compatriots a period of grace. One day, one month, one year. It can be after your death, or it can be longer. Because the victory of the void is the ultimate final result, not No changes will happen, but maybe, in the meantime, you can find the weapon to kill me and kill the void."

She states the facts like a forgiving queen.

Although Kasha was angry, she had to remain silent at this moment.

Lu Qi also knew that what she said was actually true.

Void is indeed difficult to deal with, and even now, there is actually no better way to deal with Void.

After all, you must know that the army of ascended warriors back then had spent all kinds of efforts to seal the cracks in the void.

It's just sealing the cracks, not exterminating the void.

Void, I am afraid that except for the top being of Rune Land, it will not be easy for anyone to come.

But there is nothing we can do now, which does not mean there will be nothing we can do in the future.

In fact, what Lu Qi needs has always been time. As long as you give him time, he can continue to become stronger through signing in.

Therefore, the deal offered by Belvis is actually acceptable.

And because he knew the background story of Belvis, Lu Qi also knew that she was not lying.

Her pride comes from the power of the Void itself, and she has no doubt that the Void will usher in the final victory, so in the face of this inevitable result, the process is not important to her.

He thought for a while, looked at Belvis and said: "Three questions, first, how can we help you fight against the monitors? If they are so powerful, I'm afraid we can't do anything. Second, those monsters are What’s going on? Third, how should we trust you?”

Although he understood the background, he still couldn't fully trust Belves.

"The monitors are now in prison. I don't need you to help me face them. I just need you to help me find a place before they escape."

A smile appeared on the head of the Belvis human, and she knew that Lucci was very special. If it were Kaisa, she would probably have to explain for a long time.

Of course, Kaisha would eventually understand what she meant and decided to help her.

However, if it were Lu Qi, it would be more convenient to save some processes.

(End of this chapter)

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