Chapter 502 Cracks

"The Void Mother Nest. It is the origin point of the birth of all the ancestors of the void creatures. It is of great significance to the void. As long as you help me occupy it, it is equivalent to helping me seize most of the control of the void. I will also take the remaining ones. It will be taken slowly.”

Belvis said confidently that as long as she occupied the nest, other places would not be a problem for her.

"But I don't know where the brood is. It's hidden. I need you to help me find it. Before the monitors find me."

"The second answer is that the void creatures you encountered were specially created. During the last invasion of Runeterra, the void suffered a lot at the hands of those ascended warriors, although it also brought suffering to those ascended warriors. Hurtful, but the experience taught the Watchers new lessons.”

"The Monitors imitated the Ascended Warriors and created a group of Void Warriors. They used special 'Void Discs' to give them powerful and extraordinary power to fight against the powerful existences of Runeterra. However, so far, they have not been able to replicate their combat power in batches. ”

"These void warriors are also resistance to me taking back the void, and they are also a huge threat to Runeland in the future. So I say that joining forces with me to destroy the monitor's plan is the most beneficial choice for you."

Belvis looked at the two of them.

Kasha was very surprised at this time, and she even felt shuddering.

Before this, she didn't even know that there was such an existence as a 'watcher' in the void, but at this moment she could think of the horror of the watcher.

Pelvis explained.

"I don't have much left to offer." Belvis seemed to think for a moment and looked at Kasha, purple energy emerging in his eyes.

Suddenly, Kasha felt her skin tightening, and soon she discovered that it was not real skin, but the outer layer of dark armor.

Lu Qi sensed that her aura was still nearby, but ignored it. Instead, he took out the void teleportation stone and activated its energy.

"So the result is very simple. If they have the second key, the void will come to Runeterra."

Pelvis said indifferently, and stepped back. Suddenly, her figure began to expand rapidly, as if she was transforming into another form.

If he didn't help Belvis, he suspected that Void would make new moves soon.

As he finished speaking, a purple crystal slowly fell from the sky.

Although Lu Qi hid his aura, she could intuitively sense that his strength was definitely not weak.

After Lu Qi thought briefly, he smiled slightly and said, "There seems to be no reason to refuse."

It was like undergoing some kind of evolution, and this feeling made her a little intoxicated.

Seeing that they had finished thinking, Pelvis continued: "The third answer is, you don't need to believe in me, just believe in yourself. The key is in your hands, and the other key is in that group of powerful people. In the hands of the Void Creation, the way to completely open or close the Void Crack is to combine two keys to open the passage.”

Pelvis also smiled at this moment: "It's a wise choice."

In addition, thinking of the horned monster she encountered that day, if that kind of monster could be mass-produced, she couldn't even imagine the consequences.

Did you do this so casually?

"It can help you move in and out of the void freely, but its service life is limited, so be careful. At the same time, it also allows you to contact me at any time."

"If you have two keys, you can turn around and completely close the cracks in the void. During this period, I can seize the void from the monitor. Even if I deal with the monitor, it will take me a long time. According to the agreement , I will wait until you die to find a way to enter Runeterra again."

She spread her wings and was twenty meters long. Her real head was ferocious and terrifying. The four eyes above were mysterious and cold. Her body looked like a swift and huge monster, and every tooth shone with cold light. They are all the size of an adult's head.

She had experienced moments like this before, but this time, it was unprecedented.

He and Kasha immediately entered the crack, and the next second, the crack closed.

In his mind, both Belvis and the Monitor were equally difficult to deal with, but the most difficult one to deal with was definitely the Monitor.

Is this Pelvis?

"The next step is up to you. In order to prevent the people under surveillance from being discovered, I will only take action when absolutely necessary. If you fail, I will hide and wait for the next helper."

Lu Qi raised his hand, took the void teleportation stone, and felt the energy fluctuations in it: "Are there any other gifts?"


In an instant, the Void Teleportation Stone released a ray of purple light, as if cutting the space in front of it, and a crack appeared along with the Rune Land.

Helping Belvis fight the Watchers did run the risk of breeding a tiger. But this can give Lu Qi more time.

Kasha fell silent after listening.

"Don't panic. I upgraded your armor for you." Belvis looked at her indifferently, as if it was not worth mentioning, "so that you will not die so easily in the next battle."

Belvis felt that this human being was a little shameless, and looked at it with a flat gaze: "It requires too much energy, and for a key, it makes no sense to increase its level. With your strength, you don't need this. Kind of improved.”

Kasha was secretly shocked. Even without trying, she could tell that she was several levels stronger than before.

"Okay, so be it."

At this moment, it was extremely excited, and her mood was also surging. Suddenly, a large amount of energy emerged, and Kaisha clearly felt that An Ning's armor was undergoing a transformation.

After taking one last look at Lucci and Kasha, Belvis said nothing and left quickly, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Not long after, as the evolution ended, Kai'Sa's body shone with purple energy. At the same time, she also felt an unprecedented power. Even An Ning's armor had many changes at this moment. She immediately looked at Belvis: "What did you do to me?"

Seeing this, Lu Qi became very interested. He took out the Crack Blade and said, "What about it? It is also produced by Void. Can it be upgraded to a few levels?"

Pelvis stated her plan openly, but it was indeed sincere.

There was power inside her now.

Moreover, he also had the record of killing the previous bullhorn monsters.

Lu Qi actually vaguely guessed the explanation of Belvis, but it seemed that Void was a little unable to hold back anymore, and he really had to find a way to stop it as soon as possible.

Lu Qi's tone was a little pity, he thought he would get some benefits for nothing.

In the distance, Pelvis watched this scene quietly. Until everything returned to calm, she still looked there.

In the beginning, the only helper she wanted to find was Kasha.

But then Lu Qi suddenly appeared. This was a human being that even she could not expect, and the aura on his body made her feel mysterious.

But, that's not important.

In her eyes, no matter how special Lu Qi is, he is still just a human being.

She didn't take it too seriously. After the deal was over, she would wait until Lu Qi and Kaisha died as agreed.

At that time, everything in Runeterra will be destroyed, but what will follow is a new-born void.

Now, she has unparalleled confidence and firmly believes that that day will come.

But will that day really come?
at the same time.

In the short period of time when the crack appeared and closed, on an altar, the Void Prophet suddenly opened his eyes. He whispered: "The breath of the crack, they found a way to leave. I'm afraid they have returned to Runeterra at this moment."

He couldn't figure out anything related to that human being, so he was just guessing at the moment.

But even if it was just a guess, he thought it was close to the truth.

The crack appeared so briefly that it could only appear to be a deliberate opening for people to pass through.

At this time, a void warrior waiting not far away asked in confusion: "Prophet, who opened the crack?"

In order to find the human being, they deliberately did not open any more cracks to prevent him from running out.

But now cracks are appearing.

"It's impossible to predict, but his departure is a fact. Calling all the soldiers back, the plan has changed."

The Void Prophet stood up. How the crack appeared was no longer important.

What's important is that his plan to force the human being into the void after spending a large amount of energy failed, and he managed to escape in the end.


The Void Warrior immediately took the order and sent out a signal to call everyone back.

Another void warrior with a stronger body and a tiger head asked: "Prophet, what is our next plan? If there is another key missing, we"

"It doesn't matter, our ultimate goal is to liberate the Monitors from prison. The purpose of that key for us is just to absorb the energy of Runeterra. We can just find the same way."

The Void Prophet said calmly.

As long as all the monitors are released, they can still bring an end to Runeterra even without the need for keys.

He added: "Next, we will directly seize the power of Shurima's core by force. It contains huge energy and may be able to unlock the restrictions. But there is bound to be a war."

"For the void, we are willing to sacrifice everything."

"Haha, my hands have been itchy for a long time!"

"Yes, I want to see how powerful those guys from Rune Land can be."

Voices rang out one after another, and excited Void warriors were seen rushing back, their eyes full of excitement.

Since they were created, they are finally setting foot in Runeterra!

At this time, some steady void warriors asked in confusion: "Prophet, why don't we find the key secretly and then make the next plan? We just need to wait for the next induction between the keys, right?"

They originally had two keys, one was connected to the spiritual realm, and it was specially placed in Ionia for gestation, because the magnetic field of the spiritual realm there was the most special.

But he didn't expect to be suddenly intercepted by a human being.

Just because they couldn't have too much contact with the spiritual realm of Ionia to prevent attracting the attention of powerful local beings, this happened.

The other key was conceived in Icacia and connected to the realm of reality.

There is actually a connection between the two keys.

The reason why the Void Prophet was able to forcefully pull that human being into the void was with the help of the induction between the keys.

Of course, this consumes a lot of energy.

They just need to wait for the energy to recover next time to gain that human position again.

There seems to be no need to rush.

"I have a strange premonition." The Void Prophet looked at the warrior and said calmly, "We must resolve this matter as soon as possible, otherwise the longer the time drags on, the more disadvantageous factors will be to us."

Since that human appeared, his divination ability has failed.

In his life, his divination has always been perfect without any mistakes.

Later, he witnessed the ups and downs of the world, and witnessed the intrigues, violence, malice, and fighting between humans. It was a painful and endless reincarnation.

It was like a curse that even his words could not break.

Gradually, he felt empty, so when he went to Icacia with the desire for enlightenment, he suddenly foresaw the future of Runeterra.

He saw the end of all suffering and saw the future.

Only the void can bring this.

He was given a sacred mission and relied on his own ability to shorten the time until that day.

However, recently, his divination no longer works, it is just blank and has no meaning.

He suddenly had a strange premonition.

If they don't speed up their actions, they will encounter more and more obstacles.

"Are you questioning the prophet? Epiphysis 5."

"All the prophet's decisions are correct. He is the chosen one by Lord Watcher."

"All you have to do is follow the prophet closely!"

At this time, those strange void warriors also looked at the epiphyseal five who spoke, some shouted coldly, some were angry, and some reprimanded.

But his words revealed his fanatical trust in the Prophet of the Void.

As if the Prophet of the Void wanted them to die, they would not hesitate.

Ji Wu immediately knelt on the ground and said respectfully: "I don't dare, I just have a question in my heart, thank the prophet for the answer. When I go to Runeterra, I am willing to take the lead in charging."

"It's okay, get up."

The Void Prophet just looked at him indifferently, then looked at all the Void warriors and said: "Our first task is to seize the center of the earth, and everything is based on this. After the plan is successful, return to the void immediately and don't be reluctant to fight."

"Now is not the time for us to clash head-on with them, but you can take this opportunity to test the combat power of Runeterra."

A group of void warriors responded immediately, but each one's aura surged with excitement.

The Void Prophet stopped speaking, but raised his hands and recited a spell.

With a flash of purple light, the space seemed to be cut open, and in an instant, a crack in the void appeared connecting Rune Land.

The void warriors immediately rushed into the crack impatiently.

(End of this chapter)

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