Chapter 503 Flame

Located in a ruins.

Two figures fell from the sky to the ground, making a huge noise and splashing smoke and dust all over the ground.

When the smoke dissipated, it was Aatrox and Nayafeli who were revealed.

After they landed, no one spoke, and the atmosphere fell into a kind of silence.

Suddenly, another tall figure fell down. He looked like a giant tree, with dense red eyes growing on his huge head, and holding a black staff.

"General, here I come."

After he landed, he stretched out his tree-trunk-like legs and slowly knelt down on one knee to salute.

"Get up, Balkux." Aatrox looked towards him, a smile appeared on his tense face, and the nostalgia of seeing his long-lost subordinates flashed in his eyes.

After hearing this, Balkux stood up and waited nearby.

"Void? They are indeed a group of disgusting bugs."

Aatrox raised the greatsword in his hand and spoke indifferently. The figure has already started to move, galloping towards the distance.

"It doesn't seem to be far from us."

They are all Aatrox's most loyal subordinates. They have fought alongside him from a long time ago. They have been like this in the past, and they will be like this now and in the future.

Before that, they were all sealed in their own weapons, some were sleeping, and some were looking for the perfect host.

A familiar space fluctuation and aura appeared, along with some powerful auras descending on this land.

"It doesn't matter, we'll go look for him after the current matter is resolved." Aatrox said calmly.

"Crushing a few bugs is just a casual thing for us."

A reptilian creature with a giant cannon on its back followed closely behind.

Then, they will dominate Runeterra again.

At this moment, he suddenly sensed something and looked up in a certain direction.

Aatrox smiled and said: "Ibaros, I haven't seen you for a long time, get up."

With the familiar sun rays falling, accompanied by the dry air unique to the desert zone. Lucci and Kai'Sa confirm that they have returned to Shurima.

Even if Aatrox ordered them to die, they would not question his decision.

Likewise, he came to Aatrox and knelt down on one knee.

They were all the ones who caused the chaos in Rune Land, and now they are proud of it.

Joral failed to show up, which could only mean that he failed.

Aatrox looked contemptuous: "I can smell this stink even from such a distance."

He said in a deep voice: "Soldiers, welcome back. It's time to take back everything we have."

But the moment they sensed Aatrox's call, they all gave up their current plans and rushed over looking for the body non-stop.

The location where void cracks appear is not random.

An unknown creature suddenly appeared, its body burning with flames and carrying a giant piano.

Just like the real realm and the spiritual realm are closely connected, every crack in the void will also appear in the corresponding place on Runeterra.

The aura of each one is extremely powerful and quite impressive.

Lu Qi looked at her, thought for a while and said, "Actually, what she said is right."

Another giant creature with a tail ten meters long and a fan at the end came quickly.

The dark descendants present were all familiar with the aura of the void, and they sensed it almost instantly.

Kasha looked at Lu Qi at this time and asked hesitantly: "Do we really want to help her?"

"I'm afraid he failed to break the seal, and we didn't even feel his breath." Ibaros was heavy, buzzing like a ship passing by on the sea.

Immediately, all the dark descendants behind him followed.


Aatrox noticed that a figure was missing among them, and said, "Didn't Joral come?"

They appeared in a desert, with no one around them.

Not long after, another giant-like figure slowly came from a distance. He had huge muscles all over his body and a ferocious face. He held a giant harpoon in his hand and was also covered with weapons brought from the depths of the sea. vine.

All the dark descendants immediately said in unison: "We will follow the general to the death!"

Soon, a figure flew from the sky, spreading its wings as fast as an eagle and holding a giant ice-colored spear.

At the same time, all the dark descendants present were aware of it.

Their eyes all looked at Aatrox, waiting for his decision.

Aatrox looked at these former subordinates, as if he had returned to the glorious days of the past, and a sense of pride arose spontaneously.

"General, do you want to go over and take a look?"

Their momentum surged and roared like ocean waves, which was earth-shattering.


Kasha asked confused.

"We are not helping her by doing this, but we are helping ourselves."

Lu Qi said calmly. "No one knows the danger of the void better than you. In front of the void, human beings are too fragile. In the current situation, there is internal fighting in the void. Isn't it bad?"

Kasha fell silent after listening to his words.

It's not that she can't understand what Lu Qi said, she even understands it as well as Lu Qi.

She just simply doesn't want to help any existence related to the void.

But as Lucci said, this is where humans are vulnerable.

If humans want to survive the threat of the void, they must fight for time and survive in an environment where the strong men of the void are fighting among themselves.

Lu Qi is already very powerful, but Kaisha also knows that he alone cannot shake the void.

"Don't worry, trust me."

Lu Qi smiled at her.

Kasha looked up and looked at this dazzling smile, feeling inexplicably at peace in her heart.

Lu Qi asked curiously: "She upgraded your armor for you. Does it have any additional functions?"

"I don't know either." Kasha also remembered this matter at this time, and couldn't help but raise her hand and feel it carefully.

She only felt that her strength was much stronger, and her body was more agile than before. And it was not just a simple increase, but a lot stronger.

After all, An Ning Armor is symbiotic with her, and any enhancements can still be sensed.

Soon, she seemed to notice something. The helmet grew like a nanomachine, and the Dark Ning Armor was fully dressed.

As she activated the energy of the armor, her figure began to disappear little by little in the sunlight, as if she was wearing an invisibility cloak. In a short period of time, she became completely transparent.

Even in the sunlight, no outline can be seen.

Lu Qi was slightly surprised when he saw this scene, and noticed that Kaisha's aura had also dropped to the lowest level.

This is almost indistinguishable from complete invisibility.

"This seems to be a new ability added."

Kasha's voice sounded in the air beside her, and she remained where she was.

Lu Qi asked curiously: "How many seconds can this state last?"

"I don't know, but it doesn't seem to consume much energy." Kasha replied, turning off the invisibility, and her graceful figure slowly emerged in the sun.

Lu Qi couldn't help but said: "This function is indeed very powerful. It also hides your aura. As long as you don't reveal your murderous intention, I'm afraid you can escape the perception of many strong people." "I'll try something else." Kaisha entered again. He became invisible and then moved quickly without making a single sound.

If Lu Qi hadn't been able to detect her gaze, he might not have been able to detect her presence.

It's simply a little buggier than Shenyin.

After all, Shenyin has reduced his aura to the lowest level, but his body still exists. As long as he sees it, it is impossible to ignore it.

However, Kaisha's fighting spirit is almost completely invisible. Unless someone like Lu Qi can sense the gaze, it will be difficult to detect her presence.

Soon, Kasha appeared next to Lu Qi again and said, "This ability is indeed quite strong."

If she had possessed this ability earlier, she would have basically been able to survive in the void without any pressure.

But this was something that Belvis could do easily.

This is the terrifying thing about the void, and what’s even more terrifying is that Belvis is a super-intelligent creature born from the void.

As Lu Qi said, they actually had no choice.

Helping Belves is actually helping yourself.

At this moment, Lu Qi suddenly noticed a powerful aura fluctuation and immediately raised his eyes to look over.

At the same time, Kaisha sensed something through the Dark Ning Armor: "It's the breath of the void. They appeared in Shurima."

"80% of them realize that we have left."

Lu Qi didn't expect Void to move so fast, almost following behind.

Kasha asked in confusion: "What are they going to do? Are they planning to lure us there?"

"No matter what we do, we have to go take a look."

Lu Qi knew that just escaping was useless, and he couldn't just talk about helping Belvis.

What's more, he also needs to get the second key at the same time.

Without the second key, the crack in the void cannot be completely closed. This is the most important thing at the moment.


Kasha nodded, not planning to hide away.

The two immediately hurried towards the place where the void breath appeared. On the way, Lucci also informed Morgana of the news of returning to Shurima.

She is currently waiting in a town.

Both of them are not slow. After Kai'Sa's suit was upgraded, her speed also increased a lot.

Lu Qi no longer had to deliberately slow down to wait for her.

However, when the distance was almost close, their speed slowed down, and Kaisha entered invisibility, while Lucci activated Divine Invisibility.

They all hide their breath to prevent being discovered by void creatures.

Unless necessary, it is better to observe first.

at the same time.

Void warriors of various shapes have begun to wreak havoc on the surrounding land. As purple energy explodes, the ground shakes with violent sounds.

Their division of labor is different, some are responsible for finding the center of the earth, some are responsible for destruction, and some are responsible for defense.

The center of the earth, in other words, can be understood as the source of energy for a piece of land.

The desert of Shurima is not a real desert. It's just depletion on the surface, but if the source of energy is taken away, it's not far from real depletion.

At this moment, two figures descended from the sky.

Angelic wings spread out behind them, exuding sacred and inviolable majesty.

"Despicable evil insects, who allowed you to come to Rune Land to act recklessly!"

It was Mihira and Kyle.

They all sensed the breath of void and rushed here immediately.

From their actions, it was immediately judged that they were digging the core of the earth. As the dirty purple energy was injected into the ground, traces of void immediately contaminated the surroundings, and the core of the earth was also revealed.

They were extremely angry!
At this time, seeing the two people falling from the sky, the void creatures were not only not afraid, but also became excited one by one.

"Is it finally here? Star Spirit!"

"Great, let me see what their ingredients are like!"

"Are these the Star Spirits? I really want to rip off their wings."

All the void creatures became restless, and their aura began to soar under the gazes of Mihira and Kyle.

Their eyes froze, and they realized that these void creatures seemed to be different from what they knew.

"Kyle, prepare to fight."

Without any hesitation, Mythila spread her wings, golden light flashed, and it was divine and dazzling.

She saw a long sword burning with flames appearing in her hand, waving her wings, and fiercely killing the void creatures.

Kyle also released the sacred power in his body and followed closely behind.

There seemed to be two blazing flames descending from the sky. The pressure of the holy angels was vividly reflected at this moment, and the temperature in the air continued to rise.

"Let me try the so-called Star Spirit first."

A ferocious void creature with a tiger head and a mouth full of fangs walked out. He was already eager to try. At this moment, his legs were bent, and powerful force burst out from his whole body, and he suddenly ejected towards the flying Kyle.

Kyle snorted coldly, swung his sword, and sacred and powerful power suddenly emerged, like an exploding blazing wave, slamming into Hutou's body.


The tiger's head that had just ejected was instantly knocked back to the ground, creating a crater several meters high.


Kyle glanced condescendingly, turned around and started killing other void creatures.

At this moment, a shocking purple wave of air erupted from the pit, and a huge figure flew out and landed on the ground.

It was a tiger head that had grown rapidly in size. The sharp claws on its limbs were like cold blades. Its body was swelling even more, its muscles bulging, and the fangs in its mouth curled and coiled on both sides of its temples.

The form can be described as a big change, and the breath is completely different from what I imagined just now.

"As expected of the Star Spirit, I underestimated you. Let's start over."

He roared and shot out again, like a fired cannonball, breaking through waves of sound and rushing towards Mythila.

Kyle calmly slashed out with his sword, and as a dazzling beam of light flashed, her figure appeared on the other side.

At the same time, Hu Tou's excited voice sounded: "It feels like being hit. That star spirit was hit by me!"

He raised his paw as if to see the blood on it.

But the next second, a slash mark appeared on his raised arm, and half of it fell to the ground. At the same time, a slash mark appeared on his chest, and a large amount of purple blood spurted out with a "swish" sound.

His expression instantly became unbelievable. At the same time, he felt the pain from the wound as if it was being burned by a burning flame, and he couldn't help but growl.

I saw Kyle raising the flaming blade in his hand, and in an instant, the flames enveloped the tiger's head like a spurt.

His roars continued, and he thought he could compete with his powerful regeneration ability, but Kyle gave him no chance to resist.

The fierce flames that burned and purified everything almost instantly burned the tiger's head into rubbish on the ground.

"I said, vulnerable."

Kyle turned around without changing his expression, spread his wings, and stood proudly in the air, like a high-altitude god, with the same contempt in his eyes.

"I don't know what kind of rumors the Star Spirits are in your void. But, do you think we are too weak?"

She looked at the somewhat shocked void creatures with indifference and arrogance.

(End of this chapter)

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