LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 504 3-party melee

Chapter 504 Three-party melee
"Did this guy Hutou die so hastily?"

At this time, a void creature crawling on the ground, with a back full of spikes and a mouth like a sharp horn, like a beast waiting for an opportunity, sneered and spoke.

"It is true that we underestimate you Star Spirits, but for guys of that level, it doesn't matter if they die. You are indeed powerful, but there are only two of you."

As he spoke, all the void creatures around him took a step forward, a total of twelve of them.

They didn't even feel a trace of anger because of Hu Tou's death, and were as indifferent as strangers.

At this moment, after witnessing the strength of the Star Spirit, he became even more excited.

Looking at the void creatures surrounding them, Kyle just held the flaming sword and snorted coldly, with no fear on his face.

The same was true for Mihira beside her. Her expression was even colder, and she did not have any mood swings due to the gap in numbers.

There was no signal to start a war. With the roar of a void creature, the battle was about to break out.

In an instant, twelve figures all moved towards Kyle and Mythila, and the power that exploded in an instant was quite terrifying.

I saw a figure falling from high in the sky like a meteorite. The roar was deafening, and the next second it crashed into the queue of void creatures.

I saw a dazzling beam of light flashing from the tip of the gun, and it slammed into the monster's head. Blood splattered all over the place. As Pan Sen stood up, he held the gun and shield and looked around. Under his feet, only the fat monster's body remained motionless.

The Star-piercing Spear that he had previously shot sensed it, trembled slightly, flew up on its own, and shot back into his hand.

A dazzling beam of light shot out like thunder, making a sound of breaking through the sky. As if it could penetrate the starry sky, it flew towards a fat and huge void creature.

However, they soon realized something was wrong.


The latter only felt a huge burst of force, and his tall and fat body was smashed out like a cannonball, crashing to the ground.

Before he could get up, Pan Sen had already stepped down hard, and the ground sank. A pair of cold eyes under his helmet looked at the monster, and then he raised his right hand.

"What would it feel like to kill a protoss?"

At this time, the besieging void creatures also sneered and spoke one by one. They had different shapes, and the dark armor on their bodies formed various weird shapes. Purple energy flowed on them, and each one's aura was very powerful.

"Damn it!"

The latter realized that there was no way to dodge, so he immediately roared, and the dazzling purple energy on his arms exploded to meet the beam of light with terrifying power.

"Pan Sen!"

But now is not the time to think about this. Shurima's center of the earth is being captured.

The plump void creature roared angrily, raised its other arm, and fired crazy energy cannonballs into the pit.

In the void, only those who survive can prove their strength.

There is something very wrong with these void creatures.

"Have you finally noticed it?"

Even if they were killed, they would only help Void get rid of some incompetent waste.

Their confidence immediately increased.


The two of them relied on each other, and the divine power in their bodies emerged, spreading sacred light around them, and they swung out swords and swords in perfect coordination.

At this moment, the air suddenly sank, as if something was about to arrive.

"Go together!"

A violent explosion sounded, the ground shook, smoke and dust sputtered into the sky, and a large crater appeared.

The surrounding void creatures also realized that the star spirit falling from the sky was unusual, and none of them acted rashly.

A large hole appeared on the right side of the fat monster's body, and purple blood continued to spray out.

The offensive of these void creatures is extraordinary, not to mention that they are united at this moment, even their single strength is stronger than the tiger head just now.

At this moment, only three seconds had passed since he appeared.

The two forces collided, but the star-penetrating spear did not pause for a moment. It pierced his arm on the spot, penetrated his body, and finally shot on the ground, making a loud noise before stopping.

War protoss!

Even if the two of them join forces, they are at a disadvantage and are constantly suppressed.

If we say, on the extremely passive battlefield, whose appearance will cheer up the military morale.

A powerful void creature had already died under his gun.

That must be Pan Sen!

Things like bull horns and tiger heads are just some of the earlier products of the Void. The later they are born, the more powerful they are.

The void creatures had already escaped in advance and looked towards the pit.

Kyle and Mihira's eyes narrowed slightly, and they both realized that the abnormality of these void creatures was completely different from what they knew.

The next second, a figure jumped out. Pan Sen blocked all attacks with a shield, and then slammed the shield on the fat monster.

"We are not useless people like Hutou."

When Kyle and Mihira saw this scene, their eyes suddenly flashed and they realized who the visitor was.

"Just attack with all your strength, don't try any more!"

"Let's have a big fight!"

The surrounding void creatures all realized Pansen's terrifying strength. Without hesitation, they each roared, and each of their bodies surged, releasing all their power, and their aura became extremely terrifying.

The next second, they rushed forward.

Pantheon, Kyle, and Mysheela fought with these void creatures again before they even had time to talk.



The scene was earth-shaking, with terrifying energy erupting everywhere, and the surface terrain of Shurima was almost completely destroyed.

As the traces of the void spread around, Kyle and the other three also noticed that the strength of these void creatures had also increased.

Moreover, it seems that it has sensed the battle outside, and new void creatures have joined in, becoming more powerful.

No one knows how many of these void creatures there are.

Even with the addition of Pan Sen, they could not break through the outer defensive circle.

Without any hesitation, Mihira raised the sword in her hand and fired a dazzling beam of light towards the sky.

That was a signal sent towards Mount Targon.

In the current situation, all the star spirits from Mount Targon must rush over to help, otherwise they can only watch the center of the earth being taken away.

As the beam of light dissipated, powerful auras appeared, but the eyes of the three Kyles became solemn.

"The fighting here seems to be quite intense, let us join in." A deep voice sounded, and Aatrox appeared with a giant sword, followed by his Darkin generals.

He looked at the strange void creatures with interest, and sneered, "It's a poor imitation of the ascended ones, just to make people laugh."

He saw the truth at a glance. From the ugly but powerful void creatures, it was obvious that this was an imitation of the Ascended Warriors.

At this time, the three Kyles also reacted. No wonder they felt strange.

If you observe carefully, the characteristics of those void creatures are indeed very similar to those of the ascended ones!

It's like they were imitated by the void.

A void creature with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks also sneered when he heard this: "Ascended One? I have never heard of it. It seems like some ridiculous title."

As he finished speaking, he suddenly felt his body sink, and a huge sense of oppression came instantly.

He looked up again and saw Aatrox's cold eyes.

In another blink of an eye, the bloodthirsty sword had already been knocked down heavily.

"Bedbug, don't say anything that doesn't correspond to your strength."

Aatrox's words were cold and ruthless, but his aura was extremely terrifying!
Even though they have fallen into dark descendants, the ascended ones are their former glory.

Even if he cannot go back to the past, he will never allow the ascended ones to be tainted by these dirty bugs from the void!

As the sword fell, the void creature with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks felt that the air had changed. The air around him seemed to be solidifying. His body went rigid, and the fear of death instantly enveloped his whole body!
At this moment, he desperately released all his power, roared with all his strength, raised the weapon like a giant ax in his hand and faced the falling giant sword.

However, the moment the two weapons collided, the giant ax shattered like a toy. He only felt a terrifying burst of power, and a flash of panic flashed in his eyes.


The giant sword hit the ground heavily, and a huge crack spread in the distance. Aatrox did not hold back at all with this sword.

As he raised his giant sword, he shook away the blood of the void creature on the sword with an expressionless expression. The sense of oppression emanating from his whole body was even more terrifying than Panson's.

Seeing the powerful Aatrox and the existences with good auras behind him, the void creatures suddenly thought about it.

They are the dark descendants that the prophet talked about!
The former Ascended One defeated the heavenly warriors of the void!

"Pan Sen, come on! Let me see if your strength has improved."

At this time, Aatrox looked at Pantheon in the distance, showing provocation.

Pan Sen stared at him coldly, the spear in his hand buzzing.

"Pan Sen, the top priority is to protect the center of the earth."

"time is limited."

Kyle and Mihira looked at the chaotic situation with serious eyes.

No one expected that a group of dark descendants would come to join in the fun.

The current situation is more than troublesome.

"I know, but they obviously won't leave easily."

Pantheon was full of fighting spirit, and his spear shone brighter and brighter, flowing with his pure power.

No matter what, fighting cannot be avoided.

He didn't hesitate and shot out.

The battle was ignited again with this, and the void creatures and Aatrox all started to move.

The dark descendants also joined the battle, and it could be described as a three-way melee.

In terms of destructive power, the dark descendants were even better, almost destroying the terrain. They attack without any scruples, regardless of whether the enemy is a protoss or a void.

It can be said that it made the situation even more confusing and greatly delayed the three Kyles.

Suddenly, I saw gem-like crystals flying from a distance, and Tarik rushed over first.

The protoss camp has been reduced to four people, and the addition of each protoss is a huge increase in combat power.

But the scene was still chaotic. In the three-party battle, the void creatures were the weakest.

But they are better because they are too numerous. They have been summoned by the Prophet of the Void. Although they are imitations of the Ascended Ones, their combined strength is not weak.

As a dazzling sun beam fell from the sky, the blazing sunlight evaporated a void creature on the spot. The light dissipated, revealing Leona's figure.

The addition of the fifth protoss gave the protoss camp the upper hand.

But the dark descendants led by Aatrox are not much weaker, and their strength seems to be the same.

No matter how many void creatures there are, their numbers are decreasing every minute, as if they are filling up the battle with life.

This familiar fighting method once again reminded the dark descendants of the time when the huge crack in the void opened, and these dirty bugs used such cheap lives to exchange for one ascended warrior after another.

This further ignited the anger in their hearts. As terrifying auras erupted, for a while, the void creatures became the targets of the two parties' joint attacks.

This area has been horribly destroyed, but the battle is far from over.

The protoss and the darkspawn fought together into the void as if they were joining forces, but in fact their battle was also going on.

No one had noticed that in the distance, two pairs of eyes were watching quietly.

"Should I say it or not, the fight was so fierce. This scene is something that will never happen again in a century."

Lu Qi hid behind a giant rock, observing the battle in the distance with his extraordinary eyesight, clicking his tongue.

I was even more surprised. If nothing else, it would be an exaggeration to say that Shurima was about to be demolished by this scene.

Even from his side, he could feel the ground shaking, like a precursor to an earthquake.

"Why don't we go and help?"

Kasha's voice came from the air next to her. She had not turned invisible, otherwise her breath would not have been able to escape the perception of those powerful people.

"How is this going to go?" Lu Qi glanced at the air. This girl is really not afraid of death. Can this scene just go away?
"Do you believe that once I show up, I will be besieged?"

He was unable to take a single step and was even ready to run away at any time.

Putting aside the level of this battle, he holds the second key in his hand. Once he appears, those void creatures will definitely regard him as a priority target.

Secondly, he just had a fight with Aatrox not long ago, and he also noticed that Naya Feli was hiding over there, so maybe the dark descendants also have some thoughts about him.

In other words, the protoss were half of the friendly lineup. Not long ago, they caused a scene at Mount Targon.

If he jumps out right now, his sense of presence will probably be overshadowed immediately.

Kasha said with a hint of worry: "These void creatures have come to Shurima in such an abnormal way. They probably want to do something."

"No matter what they do, we have to be proactive."

Lu Qi also knew that something must be brewing in the void, but he must not expose himself at the moment.

It seems that Void doesn't know his position at the moment, so there is still a lot of room for him to play.

(End of this chapter)

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