LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 505 Re-entering the Void

Chapter 505 Re-entering the Void
In the distance, with the addition of several protoss, the battle became more intense.

The void creatures were under pressure from the Protoss and Darkin camps, and were gradually forced to retreat into the deep pit in the earth they dug.

When Kyle waited for the star spirit to land, he immediately saw that the power of the earth's core was being continuously absorbed, and the progress had reached the end.

"We must protect the center of the earth first, otherwise it will collapse completely."

Mihira made a decisive decision, and the wings behind her back flashed with golden light, and then like a burning flame, it drew an arc in the air and rushed towards the center of the earth.

The powerful display of divine power is simply unstoppable.

However, as a purple barrier rose, it still blocked Mihira.

She slashed down with her sword and landed on the barrier. The huge rebound force caused her attack to form a ripple-like wave of flames that swept around.

And she was bounced several meters away.

However, the barrier remains strong.

Without any time to think, Mihira relied on instinct and slashed out with her sword!

The purple-haired void creature raised its hook-like weapon, blocked the blow, and fought back.

However, before they got close to her, they first felt an extremely high temperature, as if they were close to the sun, and even the air was full of burning smell.

The purple-haired void creature spoke with a smile on its face, as if it had blocked Mysheela's blow with ease.

At this moment, the barrier was also shattered like fragments with a "bang" sound under the sudden impact of the power of the sun.

"Try stepping over my dead body."

All the enemies around her were immediately shaken away. She raised the Zenith Blade in her hand high and suddenly released a beam of light that was as dazzling as the sun. The golden armor on her body shone even more dazzlingly.

But after thinking about it, she couldn't find a way to escape from this completely different void creature and go to the center of the earth.

Because of the dark descendants' interference, the protoss not only had to deal with those void creatures, but also had to guard against the dark descendants' moves.

Upon seeing this, the dark descendants around them had already distanced themselves from each other, and did not dare to approach easily.

At this moment, she didn't care to continue attacking the barrier, because all the void creatures were attacking her.

The solid void barrier appeared with ripples, enduring the scorching sun, and was crumbling.

As the distance got closer, the temperature increased, and when their attacks landed on Leona, they had no effect at all.

Instead, the moment they came into contact, they let out screams. Their solid dark armor collapsed and disintegrated on the spot, and their flesh and blood evaporated in the next second under the baking of the sun.

Even if he wanted to escape, he couldn't. In just a moment, he was burned to death.

Just as she was about to approach, she suddenly felt a powerful aura approaching from behind.

But the next moment, the purple-haired void creature had already stopped in front of her.

The situation is not so favorable for the protoss.

Mihira shouted coldly and slashed down with his sword, and a flaming sword mark appeared in mid-air, as if the air had been cut open.

Only those desperate void creatures tried to stop Leona at this moment, and pounced on her with all their strength.

However, this sword was blocked.

next second.

Mihira ignored him and burst out with even faster speed, rushing towards the center of the earth.

His appearance is almost close to that of a human being. He no longer looks like an ugly monster. He has long void purple hair. However, the dark armor still exists, but it looks darker and harder.

"Go away!"

Then there is only fighting.

Seeing this, Mihira in front of her immediately threw away several void creatures around her, spread her wings and burst out with a burst of speed, heading towards the center of the earth.

Mihira's eyes darkened, and she saw that the barrier was supported by some kind of powerful magic.

Leona knew she couldn't delay, so she slammed the Dawn Shield onto the ground, erupting into a powerful heat wave that spread like sunlight.

Aatrox unleashed his violent power in this battle, and his generals were also of extraordinary strength, and almost every one of them could compete with the protoss.

While Mihira was fighting with him, she secretly thought about how to get rid of the guy in front of her.

But because of those dark descendants who beat everyone they saw, the other protoss couldn't escape.

And his overall aura is obviously different from those void creatures.

"I can't allow you to go any further, Star Spirit. Otherwise, the prophet will definitely scold me again."

In comparison, the attacks of the dark descendants are also more terrifying. There are endless melee, long-range, magic and other tricks. If they are not careful, even they will suffer a big loss.

"let me."

From those nine days away, the sun formed a dazzling beam of light and came suddenly, one falling on her body and the other falling on the barrier.

"Damn it."

No creature can disobey the brilliance of the sun!

Mihira narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at the void creature in front of her.


At this moment, the ground was shaking continuously, not because of the fighting, but because the center of the earth was already crumbling.

Pantheon in the distance suddenly knew that time was running out. He blasted out the Star-piercing Spear with great force, and the terrifying power exploded, knocking back Aatrox on the spot. Taking this opportunity, he put strength on his feet and rushed at full speed in the direction of Mythila, hoping to help her.

However, just as he was about to approach, another figure suddenly crashed down.

But it's not Aatrox who's chasing him, but a new void creature!
His body is strong and his appearance is very close to that of a human being. Every muscle is solidly bulging, and his face is as hard as a block of steel.

Likewise, he also holds a gun in one hand and a shield in the other.

It doesn't look like an imitation of the Ascended One, but more like a replica of the Pantheon in front of him.

Even Aatrox laughed when he saw this scene: "Interesting."

Pan Sen couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he looked at the void creature in front of him, and stabbed out a spear on the spot. The tip of the spear roared like a dragon and shone like starlight. He didn't hold back at all in this blow.

The replicator on the opposite side raised his steel shield, and with a loud noise, he was shaken back a step. There was only a stab mark on the shield, and he actually took the blow forcefully.

With a low roar, he also stabbed out with his backhand, like a counterattack, making a sharp sound of breaking through the air.

Pan Sen's eyes were cold, he raised his shield and took a step forward, but he didn't take a step back and deflected its stabbing attack on the spot.

Then another shot came out.

But the steel-like void creature opposite was extremely good at defense. No matter how Panson attacked, he could be defended as hard as an iron wall.

At this time, Kyle, Taric, and Leona were all fighting against the darkspawn and protoss, unable to escape.

There are also some void creatures coming towards this side.

At this moment, there was a "buzz" sound, and a red ripple emitted from the depths of the pit. The ground shook for a moment, and gravel rolled down.

With a loud "rumbling" sound, the surrounding area began to collapse downward.

"Oops!" Mihira said something bad in her heart.

This sign is obviously that the power of the earth's core has dissipated.

I saw that the surrounding ground began to collapse rapidly, and near the center of the earth, several void cracks appeared as if they had been slashed open.

"It seems it's over. I'll play with you next time, Star Spirit."

When the purple-haired void creature saw this, a smile appeared on his face and he greeted: "Steel Shell, retreated."

As soon as he finished speaking, his figure disappeared from the spot and quickly approached the crack in the void.

Mihira originally pursued for some distance, but when he saw that the pursuit was fruitless, he stopped.

The purple-haired void creature stopped at the door of the crack and waved to everyone, as if saying goodbye.

As for the void creature named Steel Shell, as he waved the shield vigorously, it exploded with more force than waving a spear, blasting away the unprepared Panson, turning around and moving quickly towards the crack.

At the same time, all the void creatures rushed towards the crack desperately.

Their strength is not weak, but they are not as strong as the Darklings and Star Spirits. They want to escape at this moment, but they can still do it.

As silhouettes passed through the cracks one after another, until no more void creatures entered, the void cracks suddenly closed and the space returned to its original state.

Only the surrounding earthquakes are spreading far away and will affect a large area.

"It's boring, a bunch of bugs that can only run away." Aatrox looked at this scene with disdain in his eyes. Then he raised his giant sword, lacking interest, and casually grabbed a void creature that could not escape next to him, and said, "The warm-up after the reunion is over, let's withdraw too."

Although he is eager to fight, he also knows that his generals have just broken the seal, and their strength is not as good as before, and they have not yet recovered.

If they really fight against each other, they will not be the opponents of those protoss spirits.

Continuing to fight is meaningless except causing destruction.

It's better to go back and recover your strength before preparing for the next move.

As he took the lead to leave, the dark descendants around him followed closely and disappeared into the collapsed pit in the blink of an eye.

At this time, the protoss did not pursue. They had to stabilize the current situation first.

I saw the power of the stars gathered together to form a dazzling energy ball, which was launched to the original location of the center of the earth, as if they wanted to replace the center of the earth.

After the earthquake situation became relatively stable, Mihira said: "This can only temporarily replace the center of the earth. We must use this time to find the center of the earth."

Leona frowned slightly and said, "But those void monsters have already fled back to the void. Should we chase them? How should we chase them?"

The cracks in the void are now closed, but they cannot open them if they want.

This time the void captured the center of the earth, and it was obvious that they had made sufficient preparations, and even had strong combat power retained near the center of the earth to prevent them from being blocked.

Now that the center of the earth has been taken away, they have to chase it into the void and get it back.

But this is obviously unrealistic.

“Is there any substitute for the center of the earth?”

"I'm afraid not."

Several star spirits fell silent among themselves, and they couldn't even figure out what the purpose of the void in seizing the center of the earth was.

According to their understanding of the void, where hunger and chaos are the instinct of void creatures to devour everything, the center of the earth can be said to be of no use to them.

Mihira said: "No matter what, we must find a solution to this matter, otherwise the depletion of Shurima will be unpredictable."

Kyle thought of something at this time and said: "Maybe we can call Zoe here."

At the moment, I am afraid that only the Twilight Star Spirits can deal with it.

Leona shook her head: "I don't know where she is now, and her character is even more naughty and unpredictable than Maisha. How many times did we get a reply when we came to her for something in the past?"

After she finished speaking, the place fell silent again.

The Twilight Stars have changed their positions, and the new one is Zoe. Just thinking about it gives them a headache.

That guy doesn't care about anything. Only things that interest her will come up first. Everything else, even big things, depends on whether she finds it fun or not.

The call to contact them is all about randomness.

"It's up to us to do this. Let's get out of here first."

Mihira didn't expect that little girl who only knew how to play to leave first.

Soon, all the stars present also left one by one.

A few minutes ago, as a crack in the void appeared.

"The earthquake was of this magnitude, and the fighting was really intense."

Lu Qi looked at his surroundings and felt that this kind of earthquake might not only be caused by the battle.

Although, the battle just now was already very fierce.

But this situation is obviously more different, and even his side has been affected.

"What do these voids want to do?"

He thought for a moment and decided not to be so passive. When he felt the cracks in the void opening up, he immediately looked at Kai'Sa who was aside, "You go to Kehali City and meet Morgana. You should know how to use this one." Bar?"

As he spoke, he took out a secret key and handed it to Kasha.

Kasha was slightly stunned and couldn't help but said: "What about you?"

"I'll follow up to see what's going on. The Void's visit to Shurima this time is definitely not just for the purpose of giving away people's heads."

Lu Qi's eyes flashed as he took out the Void Teleportation Stone given to him by Belvis.

You must follow up and take a look now, otherwise the situation will become very passive.

Moreover, he was wondering if there was a chance to steal the second key directly, which would save trouble.

All in all, he had to go on this trip to the void.

"I" Kasha wanted to ask her to follow him, but she suddenly stopped talking, clenched the secret key in her hand and said, "Then I'll wait for you in Khali City."

She knew that if she followed him, she would only hinder Lu Qi.

All you have to do now is trust him!
"Don't worry, I can withdraw at any time if the situation goes bad."

Lu Qi is still very confident in escaping.

"Yes." Kasha nodded again, took a deep look at Lu Qi, then turned around and left quickly.

Lu Qi did not directly open the crack, but left the place, quickly flew up and shot out like a stream of light, until he was 10,000 meters away, then he stopped and opened the portal.

The void creatures are likely to sense the aura of space fluctuations, but at this time there are multiple void cracks existing at the same time. If he takes the opportunity to open the entrance, the probability of being discovered will definitely be reduced.

Even if he was sensed, Lu Qi could still escape from such a long distance.

Looking at the portal in front of him, he immediately walked in without hesitation.

Soon, the rest of the void cracks also closed.

(End of this chapter)

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