LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 507 Father and Daughter

Chapter 507 Father and Daughter
This set of operations that included decapitation and corpse destruction was too smooth.

As a result, Malzahar couldn't help but be stunned.

Even Kassadin did not expect this situation. The appearance of Lu Qi also interrupted his plan to release all the energy of the runes.

When he looked around, he was even more surprised to find that this person of unknown origin was actually a human being.

Realizing that it might be a friendly force, he immediately clenched the rune in his hand and unleashed the power within the range that he could bear.

The dark blue magic power flew like sea snakes, blasting towards the surrounding void warriors.

"That sword" Suosu and Steel Shell saw the cracked blade in Lu Qi's hand at the same time. Even without Malzahar's reminder, they immediately realized that he was the human being they were looking for a few days ago!
"I didn't expect him to come to my door. Kill him!"

Suosu rushed out under the bombardment of magic flying in the sky, leaving a purple afterimage behind him. His eyes were fixed on Lu Qi, as if he was the only one left in his eyes.

However, Lu Qi ignored him. His figure flashed and teleported directly to Kassadin's side, whispering: "Get ready."

Before Kassadin could react to prepare anything, he had already raised his hands. As a familiar force emerged and condensed, he immediately realized something.

Looking at the dozen void warriors rushing towards this side, Lu Qi directly released the rune energy gathered in his hands.

However, Suosu, who was charging straight towards him, sensed a danger and instinctively moved away.

In an instant, the violent runic energy roared out like thunder, suddenly blasting forward, swallowing up those void warriors, and even the void dome made a loud noise.

At this moment, the ground shook, and the exploding rune energy formed a beam of light that soared into the sky. The ground cracked, and huge cracks continued to spread toward the distance.

When the energy dissipated, Lucci and Kassadin had long disappeared.

"Prophet, what was that power just now?"

Suo Su suppressed the surprise in his heart and couldn't help but ask.

If he had been slow to dodge just now, he would not have been confident that he would be intact in that kind of energy explosion.

"World Runes are the most primitive and dangerous magical power in Rune Land. It's not surprising to see such a scene."

Malzahar's tone was calm. He realized that the reason why the human being was able to escape in the void was probably with the help of the power of the world runes.

And, it seems, there are more than one.

"Steel Shell, you and them keep the Prophet safe, and the rest, follow me!"

Greed for this power flashed in Suosu's eyes. If he could possess this power, he would definitely become more powerful.

The second key is also in the hands of that human being. No matter what, he can't let him escape!

Soon, he led many void warriors and spread out in all directions, searching for the missing Kassadin and Lucci.

And the way they searched this time was extremely direct. In order to prevent Lu Qi and the two from hiding somewhere, wherever they went, there were all kinds of destruction along the way.

Even the void creatures native to the void could not escape this disaster.

However, Lu Qi naturally wouldn't try this trick under the light. With Kassadin's aura plummeting, he burst out at full speed.

He also activated Divine Hide, which also caused Kassadin to hide his aura.

In the blink of an eye, he escaped a long way, and through the breath lock, he could be sure that no one was catching up behind him.

Then, Lu Qi directly took out the void teleportation stone, opened the teleportation gate, and returned to Runeterra with Kassadin.

After landing on the familiar desert land, Kassadin coughed slightly weakly and said, "Who are you and why did you save me?"

His current weakness is the sequelae of excessive use of world runes.

A long time ago, he was just a slightly capable caravan guide. It wasn't until he lost everything that he did not hesitate to transform his body and strengthen his equipment, so that he could barely withstand the energy of the runes.

After walking in the void for these years, his body has become extremely weak.

Just now, he actually didn't want to live at all. He was about to detonate the energy of the world runes at the last moment.

"In order to investigate what kind of plan I was planning to make in the void, I followed them all the way, and I happened to see you appear."

As Lu Qi spoke, he took out some healing medicine and handed it to Kassadin, "After much thought, I decided to help."

"Why does a person like me have any need to help?" Kassadin smiled mockingly, but still accepted Lucci's kindness, and then took off his helmet, revealing a pale, bloodless face. He has a thin face and heavy black eyelids, as if he has exhausted his life.

"I don't have much time left, and all I want to do is kill a few more void beasts."

He spoke calmly and threw Lu Qi's medicine into his mouth. As the bitterness overflowed, he felt a little better.

He didn't have much doubt about Lu Qi. For a person of such strength, it was just a casual matter to kill him.

Kassadin also saw that Lu Qi had more than one world rune on his body, and he was able to track Malzahar's void team, so he must be very powerful.

"It's better for you to continue living. I saved you for two reasons." Lu Qi smiled gently and said.

"It would be a pity for a warrior who dared to fight against the void to die like this. You are worthy of my respect."

"The second reason is that if you die like this, your daughter will probably be sad."

After his words fell, Kassadin was stunned, and then he smiled miserably and said: "My fight against the void is not out of justice, only hatred. And the source of my hatred is precisely because my wife and daughter died. In the void."

He didn't want to think about it, but in fact he thought about it all the time.

He hated himself for not being home at that time, and hated the void monsters that had killed his family.

All these years, the only thing that has supported him is this deep hatred.

Lu Qi looked at him and said calmly: "Your daughter is still alive."

Kassadin felt like he was struck by lightning this time, and the impact of these words on him was huge. A glimmer of light appeared in his eyes that had long been devoid of any emotion, and his lips trembled: "Why do you say you have seen my daughter?"

"I've seen it before." Lu Qi nodded and said, "She survived tenaciously in the void, if you have heard of the name Daughter of the Void."

Daughter of the Void is the title given to Kai'Sa by Shurima.

She helped many people in the void, but she was always regarded as a monster by many humans because she was covered in the shell of the void, hence the title "Daughter of the Void".


Kassadin shook his head slightly. He had traveled to many places in Runeterra over the years and tried every means to become stronger.

After coming back, he stepped directly into Icacia. Since then, he has been hunting void creatures in the void, looking for traces of Malzahar.

Lu Qi's words ignited the hope in his heart, and he couldn't help but ask: "What's her name? And how do you know that I am her father?"

"Actually, it would be better if you two met and talked about this." Lu Qi thought for a while and explained to him, "I met her in the void a while ago, and then I encountered a void creature with outstanding intelligence. Got your news.”

"Meet. Where is she now?"

Kassadin's tone couldn't control his trembling. He never thought that the daughter he thought about day and night was still alive. He really wanted to see her again.

"Come with me."

In order to rush for time, Lu Qi directly picked up Kassadin and flew in the wind, heading towards Khali City.

About thirty minutes later, he landed directly in Khali City.

At this time, the city of Kehali was in chaos due to the previous earthquake. Even if two Luqi fell from the sky, no one paid attention.

The auras of Kai'Sa and Morgana were nearby, and it was obvious that they had merged.

As if sensing his aura, the two men in cloaks quickly appeared in sight.

They came quickly, and as they approached, they took off their cloaks and hats.

When he saw Kasha's grown-up face, Kassadin froze in place, and tears overflowed uncontrollably from his eyes.


Because of his haggard appearance and strange attire, it would not be an exaggeration to say that he was a completely different person. Kasha failed to recognize him at first.

Until the moment when Kesha, her former name, rang out, Kesha was slightly startled and looked at the person who said the name.

At this glance, he was also stunned.

She looked over and over again, looking at the extremely haggard appearance, and finally it gradually overlapped with her father's hearty smile in her mind.


Kasha's voice trembled slightly, with a hint of disbelief.

"It's me, Kesha, it's me!" Kassadin staggered forward, wanting to touch his daughter's head, but paused the moment he raised his hand.

But Kasha threw herself into his arms. At this moment, the silent embrace between father and daughter fully expressed their longing for him for ten years.

The two of them hugged each other and cried, feeling extremely surprised.

Soon, under the leadership of Morgana, several people came to a quiet room.

The father and daughter talked about so many years.

"When I fell into the void, I managed to survive because of my shell. But later, no matter how I searched, I couldn't find any news about my mother or you. Even if I returned to Shurima and asked people who knew you, I couldn't find any news. Only the news that you are dead."

Kasha's eyes were red, as if she had cried a lot. A daughter cannot show strength in front of her father no matter what.

Kassadin listened to her words, his eyes full of guilt: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry for you and Nali, if I had..."

In order to find his wife and daughter, he spent all his wealth and frantically searched for ways to become stronger.

He later disappeared in Shurima, so everyone who knew him thought he was dead.

In fact he is still alive.

He was glad that he lived tenaciously, otherwise he would never see today again.

"The culprit of everything is the void. What I am most fortunate to know is that you are still alive. Father, you have suffered a lot over the years." Kasha raised her eyes and looked at Kassadin, seeing his face He looked so haggard, imagining what kind of life he had lived for so long. Also extremely distressed.

In her memory, her father was tall and strong, with a hearty smile and a voice like a bell.

But now, it can be said to be completely different.

In ten years, a strong man was destroyed like this.

"It's just a little bit of wind and frost."

Kassadin truly felt that his years of suffering had not been in vain. The moment he saw his daughter, he felt that everything was worth it.

At this time, Lucci and Morgana were waiting quietly outside the house.

From Kai'Sa's mouth, Morgana has learned more about the void. Now she thought about it and took the initiative to say: "What are you going to do next?"

"Judging from the situation, we are already very passive." Lu Qi was also thinking about countermeasures at this time, "Is the thing that Void snatched away called the center of the earth?"

"Yes." Morgana nodded slightly: "Logically speaking, there is no use for them to want the center of the earth."

"But that stands to reason."

At this time, Kassadin opened the door and walked out, joining the conversation, "The void cannot be viewed with the common sense of Runeterra. It itself is a world beyond our knowledge."

Lu Qi heard this and asked: "Then what do you think they want to do by seizing the center of the earth?"

"When I was walking in the void, I mistakenly entered a void space, where there was nothingness and nothing existed."

Kassadin recalled an experience he had in the void, and said slowly: "Suddenly, I felt several eyes staring at me there, as if they were coming from the abyss, looking straight into people's souls, as if they wanted to possess them. Same. At that time, I felt uncontrollable fear and coldness in my heart, but that was all. I realized that they seemed to be trapped in a certain situation and wanted to pollute my consciousness, just like Mal. Like Zaha, help them out."

Kasha thought of something, glanced at Lu Qi and couldn't help but said: "Is it the monitor?"

"Monitor?" Kassadin was a little confused.

"The name of the super-intelligent creature we met in the void." Lu Qi thought for a moment, "In other words, what Malzahar wants to do is actually more likely to help the monitor get out of trouble?"

He had made this speculation before, but now it seems more likely.

Let’s not talk about whether Malzahar can succeed.

If this thing really happened to him, it would basically be the end of him.

The Monitor is equivalent to the top boss of the void. If he were really released, he would be quite an incredible guy.

Even with Lu Qi's current strength, he doesn't want to get into trouble.

Kasha thought of the consequences mentioned by Belvis: "If this is the case, then we must stop them."

"But how to stop it?" Kassadin couldn't help but said, "Malzahar is very good at concealing his whereabouts. Over the years, I have only found him once. And around him, there are many powerful void creatures protecting him. Just by Can our power really stop him? And how should we find him?"

It's not that he is badmouthing, if he wants to deal with Void, he will definitely be the first to rush forward.

But what he is talking about at this moment are all issues that everyone must face.

(End of this chapter)

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