LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 508: The Weirdest of Weird

Chapter 508: The Weirdest of Weird
The power of the void is huge and there are many of them.

With only four people including Lucci now, it would be like a mantis trying to stop a chariot if they wanted to face the enemy.

"Then let's find some support."

Lu Qi felt that this was not a problem. At this moment there must be another group of people who were extremely worried about this matter.

Morgana immediately understood what he meant.

And Kassadin also thought of that day when the Targon Protoss fought against the group of void creatures.

"The biggest problem right now is where Malzahar is."

Lucci had been keeping a lock on Malzahar's aura, but that was in the void, and he couldn't determine the exact location in Runeterra.

The connection between the two worlds is extremely subtle. If he brings a group of people into the void to track the past, he will undoubtedly arouse Malzahar's vigilance first.

The best way is to find the relevant location in Runeterra and get there in one step.

Due to the influence of Malzahar over the years, Shurima or Runeterra has developed a subtle connection with the Void, just like the real world and the spiritual realm.

The two worlds also seem to be moving closer to each other.

And because of this, a certain location in the void also has a corresponding location in Runeland.

This is also the reason why Malzahar can lead the Void Warriors to directly airdrop to the center of the earth.

Therefore, Lucci believed that, in theory, he could also find the corresponding location of the void through the Rune Land.

He slowly expressed his views.

After listening to this, Kassadin said thoughtfully: "In other words, it involves the field of space. I do have a magic of space teleportation, but I don't know if it can help you."

Lu Qi's eyes lit up, and he remembered his ultimate move, and couldn't help but say, "Tell me in detail."

Kassadin narrated slowly: "This is the space magic I learned from the remains of a frost mage in Freljord four years ago, and I also found the rune there."

"The method used is to achieve space teleportation by calculating the spatial nodes that connect the real world and the spiritual world. But when I use this method, I must rely on the power of runes because it consumes a lot of magic power."

"The problem now is that you can sense Malzahar, but I can't. I can't calculate the spatial nodes through your sensing."

Kassadin said and demonstrated it himself. He held the rune in his hand, his figure flashed, and a wave suddenly appeared in the space, and he appeared at the other end of the room.

"That's easy, leave this trick to me."

Seeing this, Lu Qi immediately said.

"If it were normal, I would not be stingy. But do we have so much time?" Kassadin couldn't help but ask, "It took me three years to learn this trick."

It was precisely because of this move that he had the confidence to step into the void.

It's not that he wants to keep it secret, but this move is extremely complicated. If he hadn't traveled to many places in Runeland to study various types of magic in earlier years, it would probably be difficult for him to learn it.

"Trust me, give it a try."

Lucci gave him a smile.

There seemed to be an inexplicable sense of security about him, which made people willing to trust him.

Seeing this, Kassadin didn't say much and began to explain this space magic on the spot.

From the magic structure to how to calculate the space nodes, these two sentences seem simple, but the amount of information contained in them is extremely huge.

Space magic is indeed an extremely profound magic.

Kassadin and Morgana were also listening, but after a while, Kassadin felt annoyed and gave up trying to understand.

Morgana could understand the general idea, but she also felt the difficulty of this magic. If she wanted to learn it, it would probably take some time.

Lucci listened carefully and felt that it was not that difficult. After all, his talent was already maxed out, and even his understanding of magic was top-notch, plus he also had the teleportation skill of Instant Body.

In comparison, teleportation is even simpler. There is no need to calculate the landing point in space. You can teleport directly as long as the thought arises.

As time went by, he became familiar with the concepts, applications and methods that needed to be remembered, and he began to try them on his own.

He had three runes in his body, so he wasn't worried about not being able to use them.

Soon, a system prompt sounded in his mind.

[Congratulations to the host for learning the skill - Void Walking 3]

[Void walking level increased to LV4]

[Void walking level increased to LV5]

[Void walking level increased to LV6]

[Void walking level increased to LV7]

[The skills Instant Body and Void Travel are detected to be the same type of skills. Do you want to merge them? After merging, a new skill will be generated.]


Hearing the system prompt, Lucci immediately chose fusion.

[Fusion successful, congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill - Spatial Teleportation LV9]

All of a sudden, information about the new skills flooded into Lucci's mind. The huge amount of information made his comprehension of space soar.

At this moment, he seemed to see countless spaces, folded layer by layer, spinning rapidly like a kaleidoscope.

This is a huge drain on brain power, but now he can handle it.

The three people in the room watched him suddenly close his eyes and stop where he was. They didn't dare to make a sound and just watched quietly.

After a while, Lucci finally opened his eyes. The new skill contained a lot of information, and it took him a while to process it even now.

But, there are gains as well.

The skill of Spatial Teleportation combines Teleportation and Void Walking, and produces a greater improvement by integrating the two.

That is, the current Lucci can not only teleport himself, but he can also teleport other things with him.

For example, people.

At the same time, he can teleport other people or objects over, such as a vase on a table in the distance. Lucci raised his hand, and with a wave of space, the vase was immediately teleported into his hand.

The three of them were somewhat surprised by this scene.

The vase is a dead object and will not resist, so it is extremely easy to execute.

Lucci thought for a moment, looked at Morgana, and said, "I want to try out my new moves later, so be prepared."

Morgana immediately understood what he wanted to try, so she nodded slightly: "Come on."

Both sides maintain absolute trust in each other.

So Lucci didn't hesitate and directly activated the space teleportation. The next second, Morgana suddenly appeared behind him.

She was slightly surprised by this.

"What does it feel like?"

Lu Qi turned around and asked.

"I can sense the fluctuations of space magic, but it happens very quickly. If I'm not prepared in advance, I'm afraid I won't be able to react in time."

Morgana described the feeling in detail. She felt a sudden surge of magical energy, and was teleported away the next second.

Kassadin and Kaisa were very surprised at this moment. Kaisa couldn't help but said, "What was that just now?" Hearing this, Lucci said, "The space magic just now gave me a great inspiration. Now I have combined my own skills to create a new magic."

"This..." Kassadin felt that Lucci's words were simply a fantasy, but the facts were right in front of him, he was speechless and couldn't say a word.

Not only did Lucci learn space teleportation, but he also combined it with space teleportation to create a new magic?
What kind of monster is this?
Is this guy really a human?

Kassa had the same thought at this moment. They had never seen such a terrifying human being before.

Only Morgana could accept it, after all, she had been watching Lucci come here like this.

"In short, our speculation should be successful. I now feel that I can calculate the spatial nodes between Runeland and the Void."

At this moment, Lucci's understanding of space has been greatly improved. Calculating space requires a lot of brain power and magic power, but he can bear it.

“It’s time to move on to the next step.”

Lucci opened the window and looked out at the town in chaos due to the earthquake. The yellow sand in the sky was blowing like the wind, and the world looked like a wasteland.

This matter must be ended as soon as possible.

The dome of Mount Targon.

"Any news about Zoe?"

Mihira is in contact with the heavens, but the response she gets is not very satisfactory.

The heavens are even farther away from the void, and the help they can provide in this matter is minimal.

I have tried to contact the Twilight Star Spirit, but there has been no news so far.

It can be said that until now, they have not found a better solution to this matter.

At this time, Protoss such as Misira, Kayle, Taric, Leona and Pantheon gathered at the top of the mountain to discuss how to deal with this matter, but there has been no good result until now.

Among the Protoss who came to the world, only Zoe and Diana were absent.

Since Zoe cannot be contacted, no one knows where she is.

Diana is unable to show up here because of the conflict between the Cult of the Dawn and the Cult of the Bright Moon.

At this moment, with the appearance of a space fluctuation, the eyes of several star spirits looked over at the same time.

Not far away, two figures appeared in the flickering space.

It was Lucci and Morgana.

"It's been a while, everyone. Are you having afternoon tea?"

Lucci smiled and greeted.

Mishira didn't look happy when she saw him, especially since he brought her daughter with him. She said coldly, "It's you again, a human. How did you break the spatial restrictions of Mount Giant?"

"My next words are not meant to be sarcastic. I think the security facilities of Mount Targon should be upgraded. With restrictions of that level, any wizard can break through them, right?"

Lucci had felt the magical restrictions surrounding Mount Targon last time, but he had not tried to break them on purpose. Now that he had learned spatial teleportation, it would be much easier for him to get through restrictions of that degree.

Even though he had said it in advance, Misira's mouth still twitched.

The space restrictions around here were set by her, and now it is said that anyone can break it?

It would not be an exaggeration to say that she was slapped in the face on the spot.

This human is still as arrogant as last time.

Kyle looked at Lucci with interest, and felt that he seemed a little different from the last time they met.

If there is any difference, it is probably that it is more arrogant.

Now he can even reach the top of Mount Targon as easily as he wants, just like he’s going home, how can this be tolerated?
"If any human being can come to the summit, it means that the thousand-year-old rules of Mount Targon have been violated."

Mishira stood up at this time and looked at Lucci coldly, "Human, no matter what your purpose is, I will regard this as a trampling on the dignity of Mount Targon."

"I don't think you have time to fight with me right now. Instead of losing your temper, you should think about how to fill the big hole in Shurima."

Lucci's tone was casual and his expression was extremely relaxed, as if he didn't feel the pressure coming from Mishira.

Mishira was very unhappy with the way he spoke to them, and anger was already welling up in her heart.

Just then, Kyle said, "It seems that you are here for this matter."


Lu Qi nodded slightly.

Tariq also said at this time: "Your Highness, please speak if you have anything to say."

"I'm here to discuss a deal with you." Lucci didn't waste any more words, stepped forward and continued, "I know what you want to know, and I have a way to help you."

In the past, it was simply wishful thinking for a human to want to trade with the Protoss, and the Protoss would simply look down on the human.

But now, Lucci stood in front of them and said these words, and the Protoss fell silent.

Lucci is different.

It can be said that this is the most bizarre human being they have ever seen.

Some of you here know Ryze, the most outstanding and extraordinary mage among humans, whose achievements are even acknowledged by the Protoss.

And Lucci can be said to be even more extreme than Ryze.

This guy is too young, so young that it seems unbelievable, but his strength is so powerful and mysterious that even the Protoss cannot see through him.

Not long ago, he dared to climb Mount Targon and slapped the faces of the gods and stars in heaven.

Now he dares to break directly into the summit to negotiate a deal.

It can be said to be a weird one among weird ones.

But for some reason, the Protoss felt that this guy didn't seem to be bragging.

Kyle spoke again at this time: "Then what? Since it's a deal, what do you want to get?"

She crossed her long legs, exuding an extremely cold, arrogant and noble temperament.

As sisters, she and Morgana are both cold and beautiful women, but their cold temperaments are completely different.

"What I want is very simple, that is to help her recover her strength, and in the future she won't have to worry about your so-called restrictions on Mount Targon."

Lucci's original intention was to find help, but it was obvious that the Protoss were more anxious than him about this matter.

So, this could turn into a deal.

Now the positions have changed, and the person who becomes the helper is Lucci, and the one who needs his help is the Protoss.

Morgana watched him make the request and couldn't help but be slightly touched.

In fact, she didn't care about the lost power, but she didn't say anything at this moment.

Without that power, she wouldn't be able to help Lucci any more.

"This is impossible!"

Without even thinking about what Lu Qi said, Mishira rejected it subconsciously. She then said, "One time of tolerance will be exchanged for countless times of tolerance. Rules are rules. They are sacred and inviolable and must be followed."

She is the star spirit of justice, representing absolute justice, including protecting the rules, which is also a way to maintain justice.

(End of this chapter)

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