LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 512 Space Slash

Chapter 512 Space Slash


At this moment, a loud noise was heard.

Malzahar calmed down, came to his senses, and looked at the explosion behind him and Lucci who seemed to appear out of thin air.

"It's useless. No matter how powerful you are, you can't break the defenses set up by the Watcher himself."

He walked forward calmly.

Lucci also frowned slightly at this time. His magical aura had just locked onto the altar, but it was bounced away at the moment it was activated.

He raised his head slightly, and with the help of the energy of the Crack Blade, he saw a purple barrier about thirty meters outside the altar.

This barrier not only bounces off magic, but also blocks it.

He immediately realized that even the space teleportation was ineffective.

He raised his hand and swung the Cracked Blade, wanting to see if its power could break the barrier. A purple sword energy whizzed out and landed on the barrier, but there was no reaction.

"Any magic or attack will be instantly destroyed upon contact with this barrier. Even if the Star Spirits come, they will be helpless. It is wishful thinking for you to stop the Void with the power of mortals."

"But if you stay here, you will be a hindrance. I will use you as a sacrifice for the Watcher's return."

Malzahar spoke in a calm tone, then he raised his hand and opened a series of portals. Void warriors walked out one after another and attacked Lucci directly.

Lucci looked at the group of Void Warriors coming towards him with an unchanged expression. He rushed out like the wind and the battle was about to break out.

The strength of these Void Warriors is obviously much stronger, and they are extremely sharp in both attack and coordination.

However, Lucci, holding the Cracked Blade, is even more terrifying!
The Cracked Blade has a natural counter effect on void creatures, and the same is true for these void warriors. He shuttled through the numerous void warriors like an aurora.

The cracked blade that can split can be used for attack or defense in his hands, with endless changes and unpredictable.

He was seen waving his sword, and fragments of it flew all over the sky, like falling cherry blossoms, launching a fierce attack on the Void Warriors.

The purple spots of light shuttled back and forth quickly, but their power was quite amazing. Combined with Lucci's space teleportation, it was impossible to defend against them.

Those flying fragments, while moving at high speed, directly caused spatial teleportation. The damage remained unchanged, but the attack arrived in an instant.

Even those powerful Void Warriors suffered from this move.

Malzahar saw this from inside the defensive barrier, his eyes sank slightly. He watched Lucci use the Cracked Blade with ease, and he always had a bad feeling in his heart.

This second key, in this guy's hands, is always a change.

He didn't have time to fully understand the second key. It would be bad if something unexpected really happened.

It seems that he must take action to nip this incident in the bud.

There can be no risk in this matter.

The barrier blocked all magic, so Malzahar walked out of the barrier, with magic already cast in his hands, ready to attack Lucci.

Suddenly, a space wave flashed around him, and the magic that Malzahar was about to attack Lucci suddenly changed direction and attacked his side.

There was also a magical energy rushing over, and the two magics collided and canceled each other out.

"I've finally waited for you." Kassadin stared at Malzahar, teleported directly into space, and swung the Void Blade.

"What amazing patience! You remain unmoved even when your companions are under siege."

Malzahar's body had long been strengthened by the void, and he quickly dodged the attack. At the same time, two purple beams of light attacked Kassadin.

"He is very strong and does not need my help. And you are destined not to survive this day."

Kassadin's voice was cold, he swung the Void Blade to cut the beam of light, and rushed towards Malzahar.

He pierced Malzahar's body with his sword, but felt something was wrong, and quickly traveled through space, and where he was originally, a purple ball suddenly exploded.

But the body he pierced just now was just an illusion.

The real Malzahar has already distanced himself and cast his magic once again.

Kassadin gripped the rune tightly and released the rune's energy to attack.

The two of them entangled with each other, and for a while they were evenly matched.

On Lucci's side, although he killed one Void Warrior after another, new fighting forces continued to emerge through the Void portal summoned by Malzahar.

The key on the altar has now floated into the air, and has already completed one third of the progress.

Time is running out.

Just at this moment, another powerful aura approached, and in the distance a scarlet blood-red beam of light came rushing towards them, violent and unstoppable.

Just one sword during the charge was enough to kill a Void Warrior.

"You idiots, stay out of the way."

Aatrox looked at the Void Warriors around him with eyes full of hostility. The oppressive feeling emanating from his body shocked the Void Warriors for a moment.

He looked at Lucci again and said with a sinister smile: "Come on, the battle between us should have a result."

"I think you're a bit of a dog-skin plaster."

Lucci looked at Aatrox.

The appearance of Aatrox at this moment was not good news for him.

Because this guy has a little crush on him and really wants his body!
"Being killed by me is your destiny!" Aatrox didn't care about Lucci's words. He pointed his greatsword at him and said, "Your body will be used by me. I will bring an end to all things. You should be honored to be able to participate in this process!"

"I don't think this is necessary." Lucci exhaled, "Why don't we take back the center of the earth first, and then you can fight however you want, how about that?"

"Don't talk more!"

Aatrox's patience had already reached its limit. He roared and rushed directly towards Lucci, with violent blood surging in his body.

Lucci knew that it was impossible to convince him and that this battle was inevitable.

Without hesitation, he released the demonic power and rune power in his body.

Since all the demonic powers in his body merged into one, he has never used them.

As the power was released, in an instant, his entire body was enveloped by a terrifying, dark aura. The dark power condensed like a piece of armor, and then the energy of the runes overflowed from it and spread across the armor, as if engraving magic patterns.

His head was covered by a pitch-black helmet, and the dark aura surging behind him was like a cloak, and his two weapons were also dyed black.

The fusion of the two forces made Lucci's aura even more terrifying, like a demon god descending.

Aatrox was startled when he felt Lucci's change, and the next second, he saw Lucci's attack coming.

He only felt a huge force bursting out, and his body flew backwards like a kite with a broken string, and hit the barrier with a "bang".

This attack even made Aatrox feel pain, and as the pain emerged, he became excited. "It's amazing, human, how many things can you do to please me?"

He stepped on the barrier and used the force to launch the giant scarlet sword towards Lucci with all his strength, like a cannonball.

The next second, he was knocked flying again, a sword mark appeared on his body, and scarlet blood splattered out.

"That's the feeling, a long-lost sense of excitement!"

As Aatrox flew backwards, he roared and broke free from the shackles of blood magic. His power was released and his aura increased sharply.

Seeing this, Lucci raised his hand directly. As the rune energy condensed, with a "boom", a shocking bolt of lightning suddenly fell and hit Aatrox.

This bolt of lightning was composed of rune energy and was so powerful that even the ground paved with void stones trembled.

This attack also affected the void barrier, but even so, the barrier did not fluctuate at all.

It seems that Malzahar was not lying. Any magic and attack will be disintegrated after coming into contact with this barrier.

He was really well prepared.

But at the moment, Aatrox is more difficult to deal with.

"The power of these runes alone is not enough to knock me down!"

Aatrox completely withstood the lightning strike composed of rune energy, but he looked uninjured and rushed towards Lucci.

At this moment, his aura was violent and terrifying, as if his blood was burning. There was a pair of blood-colored wings behind him, giving off a full sense of oppression.

His strength also almost doubled. He could barely withstand Lucci's attack just now, but now he could swing at others.

Lucci knew that this was Aatrox's true form.

Great destruction!

As expected of being the strongest among the Darkin, Aatrox's strength is enough to give any strong man in Runeterra a headache.

Even at his current state, Lucci had to fight with all his strength. He increased the power of the rune energy release, and each strike was like rolling thunder with astonishing momentum.

Aatrox swung his giant sword, and the fight between the two caused the giant's hall to tremble, as if it was unbearable.

Lucci deliberately pulled the Void Warriors around, and under their fighting, those Void Warriors were simply unable to resist.

At this moment, Aatrox felt his blood boiling. He hadn't had such a refreshing battle in a long time.

The more excited he was, the stronger his power became. When the giant sword fell, the ground shook.

Suddenly, he felt a wave of space magic enveloping himself, but he relied on his amazing fighting instinct.

The moment Lucci's space teleport locked onto him, Aatrox roared and resisted the move.

This was the first time that the space transfer failed. You know, when he was dealing with Suo Su before, he didn't react at all.

However, after failing in one move, Lucci was not discouraged. He swung out with another sword. This sword seemed to miss, but a wound suddenly appeared on Aatrox's body.

He looked at the wound and realized something.

"Space magic." He looked at Lucci, "I didn't expect you to have such a deep understanding of space magic."

This human was even beginning to surprise him.

He looked so young, yet so powerful.

As for space magic, even the former ascenders only mastered the basics. Only the Twilight Star Spirit was proficient in space magic.

However, the human in front of him could already use space to attack.

It's amazing.

"Is it really possible?"

Lu Qi's mind moved. He just had a sudden idea that since the space teleportation can move people and objects.

Is it possible to slash at it?
He now has a deep understanding of space. He only needs to distort space through calculations and move the landing point of the strike.

I didn’t expect it would actually work.

Is this what is called space cutting?
He felt that he needed to make another attempt, and Aatrox in front of him was a perfect experimental subject.

He flashed out in an instant, and before he arrived, the sword intent had already arrived. As the sharp sword light fell, Aatrox also swung the giant sword.

The two attacked each other with all their might, but Aatrox had to be on guard at this moment because of Lucci's elusive Space Slash.

He found that Lucci's previous use of Space Slash was not proficient enough, just like a child who had just discovered a treasure.

However, as the battle progressed, Aatrox was surprised to find that Lucci was improving at an astonishing speed.

His slashing became more and more skillful, flying through space and falling down, making it impossible to defend against.

Although its range is limited, it is indeed a very powerful move.

Aatrox finally understood why Lucci was so powerful. With his talent, even in the age of Ascendants, he could become a world-renowned figure.

"If it were anyone else, they would have died under your sword long ago. Human, you are very strong. I have never recognized a human being so much."

Aatrox swung the giant sword, but it left an afterimage. Even though there were many wounds on his body and his strength was taken away bit by bit by the Snow Blade, his aura became even more ferocious and terrifying.

This is the Darkin Sword Demon.

Whether in the Ascendant or Darkin period, they are the most powerful beings!

If it were Ibalos or any other Darkin, he would have died under Lucci's sword by now.

But Aatrox is different. He has been fighting with a sword since he can remember.

Fight, fight, fight without stopping.

One year, ten years, a hundred years. His life could almost be said to be made up of battles. He was born to fight and was destined to die in battle.

At the same time, he possesses extremely high talent, and he will become stronger after every battle.

Therefore, during this period, he also developed an extremely strong combat instinct. Even if Lucci's slash could travel through space, he could still take it.

After experimenting, Lucci realized that the distance of the Space Slash was limited, and he could not achieve a farther slash through space teleportation. It was estimated that the range was only ten meters.

But this range is already not small. The slash that can travel through space within ten meters is enough to produce a qualitative change.

At this point, the battle between the two has become extremely fierce. Lucci possesses the power of demons and runes, while Aatrox is a terrifying Darkin. Their powers are both incredibly amazing.

The huge stone pillars in the mother nest collapsed due to their fight, and the terrifying power collision caused severe damage to the surroundings.

(End of this chapter)

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