LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 513 Brilliant Light

Chapter 513 Brilliant Light
Like an earthquake, the palace of the watcher was shaking.

Seeing this, Malzahar, who was entangled with Kassadin, felt a stronger bad premonition in his heart.

The appearance of Aatrox should have been a good thing for him, because he could involve Lucci.

But now, as the fight between the two of them becomes more intense, under such horrific destructive power, the palace may not be able to withstand it at any time.

If the defensive barrier set up by the observer is accidentally destroyed, it will be a disaster.

We can't let them continue fighting like this, we have to hold them back.

Malzahar made a decision in his heart. He immediately chanted a spell, and the magic power released from his body rushed towards Kassadin like little purple snakes.

Kassadin immediately used Void Walking to dodge.

Taking this opportunity, Malzahar retreated back into the barrier. He cut his arm, and red blood dripped onto the ground.

The next second, he began to whisper, chanting an unknown void language, and his whole body was enveloped by a purple light.

Beneath his body, the flowing blood began to boil, and the color changed to purple-black, gradually outlining the shape of a magic circle, from which a cold aura emanated.

The moment this magic circle appeared, even the temperature inside the palace inexplicably dropped a few degrees.

"Great void creator, master of the eternal void, lord of the immortal spirit! I am your most loyal believer. I offer my eyes to light the way for you, and my body and organs to be your vessel! My soul has long been yours, and has returned to nothingness!"

"I'm begging for a moment of your great power at the cost of everything I have!"

"Wake up, wake up!"

Malzahar recited the Void Language almost fanatically. In the process, his body seemed to be twisted and deformed as if it was squeezed with great force, and he looked extremely hideous.

Even so, his voice did not tremble at all, but became even crazier.

Soon, the aura emanating from him became extremely terrifying, and the temperature around him was bone-chillingly cold, as if it was about to freeze.

Everyone present suddenly felt a surge of pressure and a strong sense of uneasiness in their hearts.

As Malzahar's body was completely twisted and stood there like a ball of meat, it finally exploded with a "bang". Thick and even strange blood splattered in all directions, but stopped abruptly halfway.

Lucci and Aatrox both keenly sensed something, and stopped fighting at the same time and looked over there.

Malzahar would naturally not commit suicide for no reason, or rather, Lucci sensed that his breath was still there and he was not dead.

Even if it turns into a bloody monster like this.

Suddenly, the mass of flesh and blood moved, as if time was going backwards, and began to reorganize itself.

And above the dome ten thousand meters in the sky, a terrifying will suddenly descended, and a pair of eyes slowly opened, like a bottomless abyss, emitting a terrifying sense of oppression.

Just by being stared at by that gaze, Lucci felt his soul emit a sharp cry, as if it was under tremendous pressure, and the hairs all over his body stood up.

The same was true for Aatrox next to him. Even he felt a shudder under that gaze.

Lu Qi immediately knew in his heart that the owner of those eyes must be the observer.

Lucci had no idea how powerful the Observers were. He only knew that they were now trapped between two worlds, and that they were beings he could not afford to provoke at the moment.

After all, the opponent is the big boss of the void, a monster who has lived for who knows how long.

What Malzahar has to do now is to release the Watchers from the cracks. If he succeeds, all will be over.

The key had already flown nearly half the distance at this moment. In half the time, it would probably succeed.

Another key figure in breaking the deadlock now is Belvis.

Lucci was sure that she must have sensed the battle here, but for some reason she had not taken action yet. The reason was most likely the barrier set up by the observer.

In other words, you still have to rely on yourself from now on.

At this time, as the flesh and blood flowed back, he regained his shape, but his aura was obviously different. A purple energy field emanated from his body, and the breath he exuded was eerie and terrifying.

By sacrificing himself, he has gained power from the Watcher, but he doesn't know how powerful it is.

But it certainly won’t be weak.

Malzahar wouldn't survive long in this state, but to him, that didn't matter.

He dedicated his body and soul to the Void many years ago. As long as he could release the watchers from prison, his death would be worth it.

And for this goal, he is willing to pay any price.

"The victory of the Void cannot be stopped by any creature, including you."

His voice became gloomy and distorted, like a mixture of human language and void language. Perhaps now he could no longer be considered a human being.

Malzahar slowly walked out of the barrier and raised his hand. Three powerful energy waves attacked Lucci, Kassadin and Aatrox.

Kassadin dodged by traveling through space, but the terrifying energy wave seemed to be able to chase him through space.

He had no choice but to release the power of runes, using powerful force and energy waves to offset the impact. Even so, he was still blown away.

But Lucci and Aatrox chose not to dodge. Instead, they raised their weapons and rushed forward.


The energy wave exploded violently, and both of them felt the impact of this energy, but it was still within the acceptable range.

"Who cares about your bullshit void? Who allowed you to interrupt our battle?"

Aatrox roared and rushed towards Malzahar. He was already in a state of great destruction, and his sanity had reached the edge of madness.

He just wanted to immerse himself completely in the battle, but was interrupted by Malzahar. He had to vent his frustration.

His giant sword smashed down heavily at Malzahar. The power released by this sword was enough to crush a void warrior.

However, Malzahar did not move or dodge, allowing the giant sword to fall. He raised his hand, and a void barrier appeared out of thin air, blocking the attack.

With a loud bang, Aatrox's giant sword was bounced away. Although Malzahar was also blown away by the huge force, he seemed unharmed and immediately launched a counterattack.

Void energy rushed towards Aatrox, exploding on him and all around him.

But this was of no use to Aatrox. He rushed out of the explosion and roared towards Malzahar.

Surprisingly, however, Malzahar seemed to understand his battle very well and was able to handle it calmly.

"Ancient Ascendant, Aatrox. The Void has long remembered your fighting style."

Malzahar spoke up.

In the past, the void had invaded Runeland, but that time, it was put to an end by the Ascended. The god of war among the Ascended was Aatrox, who killed many powerful void creatures.

Even after so many years, Void has not forgotten him and even gave a special analysis of him.

It’s a pity that we have not been able to replicate a void creature as powerful as Aatrox, otherwise the success rate of the current plan would be much higher.

"Ridiculous Void, so what? I will destroy you with a more powerful attitude!"

Aatrox's eyes were blood red, and the huge sword he swung was like rolling thunder.

Lucci, on his side, was trying to find a way to break through the barrier, but no matter how he attacked, the barrier didn't move at all. Even using the energy of runes, it was useless.

"Is it really that hard?"

While Lucci was thinking, Malzahar's attack had already arrived, and a huge energy wave was boiling in the air.

Lucci immediately swung out with his sword. The powerful sword intent plus the released rune energy canceled out the incoming energy wave.

He knew that his only breakthrough could be achieved with Malzahar.

He flashed and instantly arrived at the center of the battle, swinging his sword at the two people fighting.

When Aatrox saw him appear, he also raised his weapon and attacked him.

At this moment, Malzahar raised his hand and released a burst of energy, which spread in all directions and fell on the bodies of the Void Warriors.

Those Void Warriors seemed to have been strengthened in some way, and their auras were enhanced.

Now, as the watchers are about to wake up, they are becoming more and more excited and joining the battle one after another.

A chaotic war is about to break out.

All Lucci could see were enemies. He didn't hold back at all and attacked with all his might.

The snow-white sword blade absorbed a lot of power at this moment, and its color changed. He found that if it was the dark element that was absorbed, it would be as red as blood, and if it was the void that was absorbed, it would be purple.

All these powers are reflected in him. It can be said that Lucci is getting stronger all the time.

However, this is not enough.

If we can't break that barrier, everything will come to nothing.

The cracked blade split into thousands of fragments, flying all over the sky, shuttling back and forth among the enemies, and with the help of space teleportation, it could be said that it came and went without a trace.

Even if those Void Warriors were strengthened, they were still not qualified in this battle.

Soon, as the Void Warriors fell one by one, Lucci and Aatrox's attacks, in tacit understanding, were directed at Malzahar.

Malzahar could still handle just one attack, but facing Aatrox and Lucci at full strength at the same time, he was finding it difficult to cope.

Especially Lucci's elusive space slash, which caused Malzahar to gradually suffer from injuries.

But at this point, time is running out.

The great terror that descended from the sky became increasingly clear, and had even begun to interfere with people's will. Except for the pair of eyes that were open, it seemed that the rest of the eyes were about to open as well.

Only one third of the key was left, and the entire sky of the void became extremely gloomy.

The temperature of the air had already become extremely cold, and the breath was all in the form of white mist. Void vines were coiled around the towering bamboos all around, growing rapidly.

All the creatures in the void became extremely agitated, as if a carnival unique to the void was about to begin.

Kassadin watched the scene around him change and felt that if this continued, everything would be over. He realized that he could no longer help in this battle.

He raised his hand and glanced at the rune in his left hand. He made a decision in his heart. He dodged and threw the rune towards Lucci: "Catch this!"

The blue-purple rune flashed in the air like an arc of electricity. Lucci witnessed it and quickly grasped the rune in his hand.

In an instant, the energy of the fourth rune poured into his body frantically, and his body seemed to be burning with a flame composed of rune energy, which was very shocking!

And Kassadin fell from the air to the ground.

After losing the protection of the runes, his body was quickly contaminated by the void. Purple void flocs spread over his body, as if freezing his body. His will was also failing, and it would not be long before his soul would perish in this pain.

He knew he wouldn't live long.

But his eyes were still looking at Lucci with burning passion, his heart was beating like a drum, and his blood was no longer cold.

Lucci seemed to feel Kassadin's will. He gripped the rune tightly and absorbed all its power.

Now, his body has already adapted to the runes, and will no longer retain them at this moment.

He raised his hand, and astonishing magical energy emanated from his body. Then, he released the energy of all runes at maximum power. In an instant, the aurora flashed, and the dazzling light filled the entire palace.

The sky-high beam of energy descended towards Malzahar like a rough thunder.

On the way, some void warriors were affected and crushed into powder on the spot, evaporating like hot air. They were unable to stop the energy of the runes at all.

Malzahar raised his hand and a purple barrier appeared.

But the next second, the falling beam of light swallowed him on the spot, and the earth-shattering rune energy roared like an ancient dragon. The violent explosion even affected Aatrox.

He was already aware of the astonishing magnitude of that energy, and dodged it first, but he was still a step too slow and was blown away by the exploding energy.

He clearly felt the pain radiating from his body as if it was being torn apart.

As the energy gradually dissipated, Malzahar's broken body was revealed. With the help of the Watcher's power, he was able to survive this horrific energy outpouring.

But his life force had long since faded like a candle in the wind, and he no longer had any means to use.

However, the purple void barrier never disappeared.

Even Lucci was helpless.

In the sky, pairs of eyes opened, a great terrifying will descended, and ancient beings were about to escape.

Malzahar sneered, "I have won after all! The great watchers are about to come, and all your efforts will be in vain. The Void! Will end everything!"

"is it?"

Suddenly, a human voice sounded from within the barrier.

Malzahar's excited and ferocious face froze on the spot, with an expression of disbelief in his eyes. He looked behind him in horror.

The energy tank behind Kassadin spurted out air waves, dragging her towards the key in the sky. Under the endless purple night sky, her figure was very small, but she was like an extremely gorgeous stream of light, shining brightly.

(End of this chapter)

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