LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 514 The True Belonging of the Void

Chapter 514 The True Belonging of the Void

Malzahar's pupils trembled, and his body seemed to have fallen into an infinitely cold abyss, or as if he had fallen rapidly from a height of ten thousand meters. At this moment, he felt dizzy and looked at the figure in the sky in disbelief.

how come?
When exactly?
She bypassed her own perception, so why didn't the void barrier stop her?


He wanted to roar as loudly as he could, but in the end he could only utter a hoarse, dry, lifeless wail. He couldn't even raise his hands.

Looking at that resolute figure, he only felt that the world was collapsing and the pyramid he built was being destroyed bit by bit.

Kassadin continued to move upwards, and the closer she got to the key, the stronger the resistance she encountered.

The density of the air around her seemed to have increased countless times, and she felt like she was at the bottom of the sea, unable to move.

In the sky, the watchers opened their eyes and found her, casting angry and contemptuous looks at her, as if an ant dared to challenge the gods. Kassa felt like she was being watched by the terrifying will of this world, and felt a huge pressure. The dark armor on her body trembled uncontrollably, emitting an indescribable sense of fear.

It was an instinctive fear, like countless invisible tentacles dragging her body.

Just a little bit, just a little bit!
Kassa gritted her teeth and shook her body, trying her best to burst out all the strength in her body. She let out a suppressed roar, and the scenes she had experienced over the years flashed by like a kaleidoscope.

The void destroyed everything she had, and it destroyed more than just everything about her. Scenes of separation of wives and children, separation of loved ones, the cries of children, the wailing of the elderly, the roars of men, the despair of women...
She has witnessed too much, so she doesn't want this to happen again.

She had made up her mind long ago.

In order to end the void, she is willing to sacrifice her life.

If you take one more step forward, you may have to bear the wrath of the observers yourself, or even die without a burial place.

But, so what.

Kassa flew towards the key resolutely. The closer she got, the more enraged the eyes of the observers became. Their power leaked out through tiny cracks, and the sky was dyed a purple sea of ​​fire.

Like a moth to a flame, Kassadin did not hesitate for a moment. Her body felt tremendous pain, as if she was being bitten by countless void ants.

But at this moment, she also saw the panic in the eyes of the observers, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

They were helpless, trapped between two worlds, and could only watch as she took the key away.

Just one step away.

The key is only one step away from opening the crack in the sky.

But at this moment, the air waves gushing out from behind Kassa were like a pair of huge wings, which made her move forward again and stretch out her hand.

He held the key in his hand and then snatched it away from the huge beam of light.

In an instant, the earth and the sky trembled, and the angry roars of the Void Watchers were heard. The sky of the void seemed to collapse and it collapsed completely. Even if they could not escape, they had to kill Kassadin who destroyed everything.

Kassadin's energy had long been exhausted. She fell from the sky, but she still held the key tightly in her hand. Looking at the collapsing purple sky, she felt it was so beautiful that she ignored the roars of the observers.

Suddenly, she fell into someone's arms, emitting a reassuring warmth.

"Thank you for your hard work. Leave the rest to me."

Lucci held Kaisa in one hand and raised the Cracked Blade with the other hand, slashing at the collapsing sky.


With a roar like a dragon's roar, a vast sword energy slashed out, and the entire sky seemed to be split in two and spread out to both sides.

The anger of the observers was just a bluff. At this moment, they could do nothing but stare blankly.

Kassa looked at Lucci's profile, relaxed her body, and was completely relieved.

She believed in Lu Qi.

At the same time, she gave him the second key she had taken.

Perhaps, this is what Belvis is aiming for.

She upgraded her Dark Condensation Armor and added the special ability of 'Invisibility', so she was able to pass through the barrier while Malzahar's attention was distracted.

Only she can do this.

Fortunately, she did it.

Lucci used the Great Space Teleport to bring Kaisa to a temporary safe area. Looking at the other Void Key, he suddenly felt the restlessness of the Cracked Blade.

So he put the two keys together, and suddenly, a bright light appeared.

The two keys merged into each other in the light, and the final result was that the first key disappeared, still in the shape of the Cracked Blade, but when Lucci held the hilt again, he had a distinctly different feeling.

At this moment, he truly understood the meaning of 'key'.

If Malzahar had these two keys from the beginning, he wouldn't have to go through so much trouble to easily open the rift between the two worlds and release the watchers.

Similarly, he can also use these two keys to completely open the entrance from the void to the material realm.

At this moment, the tremors in the ground suddenly intensified, and the entire palace seemed to be shaking.

Rays of purple light gathered in the sky, even covering the battlefield of the stars.

They looked at the Void Warriors, whose figures turned into a stream of purple light and converged into the sky.

"Is this a sacrifice?"

"Did the boy succeed?"

"These void creatures seem to want to sacrifice themselves to summon the Watcher."

The Protoss had indeed sensed the aura of the Watchers before, leaking out from the small crack in the sky, but it was all blocked back just now.

At this moment, these void creatures seemed to want to use their lives to forcibly open this crack.

Even if the purpose is not to release the observer, it is for other reasons.

Lucci also felt the change. He knew that the observers must be unwilling to give up. He could feel the monsters' eyes fixed on him.

Cold, angry, and full of murderous intent.

It seemed that they didn't want to let go of Lucci and Kaisa who had destroyed everything.

With the sacrifice of countless void creatures, the crack in the sky was torn open into a small hole.

The oppressive feeling of the Void Watchers emanates from it, and their energy is about to pour out.

"Belvius, are you still going to just sit there and watch?"

Lucci spoke at this time, and the void barrier had disappeared the moment Kaisa took away the key.

As soon as he finished speaking, a sharp explosion sounded suddenly from afar, like the merging of thousands of sounds, with extremely strong penetrating power.

The air was shaking slightly, and Malzahar, who had not yet completely died, suddenly felt a tremor in his soul.

It was as if a creature no less powerful than the Void Watcher was about to arrive.

At this moment, he suddenly woke up.

Obviously, it was this creature that was secretly helping Lucci and the others.

He looked up and saw a huge figure rapidly flying towards him in the sky. Her figure was as graceful as a combination of a butterfly and a fish. Her huge wings were forty meters long when spread out, and the aura she exuded was powerful and terrifying.

It is a void creature that Malzahar has never seen before.

She had extremely precise aim and landed on the huge void altar in the blink of an eye.

She folded her wings, as if she wanted to take over the altar, and her strength spread out, gradually covering the altar completely.

Deep purple void energy rose from the ground, wrapping her like cicada eggs. At the same time, her power began to spread rapidly in all directions, like cracks, sweeping in all directions. As these cracks spread, the entire palace began to tremble violently, especially near the altar.

The monitors seemed to have sensed something was wrong, and as soon as their power was squeezed out of the cracks, they immediately changed their targets and bombarded Belvis.

They felt threatened by this void creature.

This is a real threat to their existence.

Even if the plan to escape fails, it doesn't matter to the monitors whose lives are almost infinite.

They can continue to wait and wait for the next opportunity to come.

Because that day will come sooner or later.

But with the appearance of Belvis, they felt some changes in the void, a change that was beyond their control.

This gave them a very bad feeling.

However, they have only just discovered this now, and it is too late to do anything.

Before their cathartic energy had subsided, Belvis suddenly spread his wings. In an instant, a dazzling purple beam shot up into the sky, and at the same time a huge ripple spread out in all directions.

This unusual movement was also felt in the places where the star spirits were.

The energy emanating from Belvis easily dispersed the power of the observers.

The huge palace began to collapse.

At the same time, the observers also felt that they had lost the connection with the Void Mother Nest, and their eyes became particularly angry and panicked.

The appearance of Belvis caused the incident to go beyond their control and was beyond their expectations.

The Watchers understood what losing control of the Hive meant to them.

Countless void creatures came from all directions, and looking at these creatures, Belvis stood in the air, overlooking everything like a supreme queen.

"From now on, I will be the master of the void! Submit to me!"

Her voice is huge and has a very penetrating effect.

As if sensing something, all the void creatures bent their bodies and growled, as if swearing their allegiance.

Malzahar's eyes were dull.

At this moment, the void welcomed a new master.

The observers could only watch all this through the gaps with anger in their eyes.

They were still unwilling to give in, and issued their will, ordering the void creatures that were still willing to submit to them to attack Belvis.

"Now that I have the strength to compete with you, it's time to let the void have a true home."

Belvis raised his eyes and met the Void Watcher's gaze without fear.

What follows will be a long battle.

But she will win.

Just a matter of time.

Then, she looked at Lucci again: "Human, you have two keys. You can open the door back to Runeland at any time, and you can also completely cut off the connection between the void and the material realm. But all of this can only be achieved in the void."

She didn't tell Lu Qi about this.

Whoever possesses the key is destined to sink into the void with the key.


Lucci escaped from the collapsing palace with Kaisa and Kassadin, and he noticed Aatrox who was also escaping in the distance.

He was still full of anger and looked ready to fight, and it was obvious that he wanted to put an end to the previous battle.

But this is destined to be a battle without an end.

Lucci swung the Cracked Blade, and doors connecting to the Rune Land opened one after another, and he appeared next to the Protoss.

"Now, leave the void, or you will be trapped here forever."

Lucci's voice reached everyone's ears.

"This kid actually did it."

Mishira looked at the open door beside her, exhaled, and chose to leave.

"It seems that we didn't trust him wrongly." Kyle looked back in the direction of Lucci and also entered the door.

Next, Taric, Pantheon, Leona, and Morgana left the void one after another.

But the Dark Indigen could only watch them leave, as there was no door opened by Lucci next to them.


Kassa, who was still in Lucci's arms, looked at him with complicated eyes.

She understood what Belvis meant. If she wanted to completely sever the connection between the Void and Runeterra, Lucci had to do it in the Void.

However, if the connection was completely cut off, he would naturally not be able to open the door back to Runeland.

"You can finally get rid of the void. See you later."

Lucci smiled at her gently, opened the portal, and sent Kaisa and Kassadin in at the same time.

At this moment, Kassa suddenly remembered a question he once asked.

If she were given a chance to escape from the void, would she be willing to do so?

Her answer was yes, but who could give her this opportunity?

At the last moment before the portal closed, she watched Lucci's face gradually disappear, and tears suddenly welled up in her eyes.

Not only did he remember this, he actually rescued her from the void.

In the blink of an eye, she was back in Runeland, with those powerful Protoss standing beside her. All those who had entered the void had returned.

He was the only one who stayed there.

As the dark armor on her body vibrated, as if something was cut off, Kassa gradually lost the sense of the breath of the void.

She couldn't help but let her tears flow from her eyes.

The Star Spirits also felt the breath of the void disappear, and they all realized something.

"He completely severed the connection between the Void and Runeterra."

"In the short term, no new void cracks will appear."

"But doesn't that mean that he can't return from the void either?"


The Star Spirits realized this one after another, and the smiling face of that human flashed through their minds. He looked mean at ordinary times, but unexpectedly, he could do such an amazing thing at this time.

The atmosphere became silent for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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