LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 515 Why is the atmosphere so solemn?

Chapter 515 Why is the atmosphere so solemn?
The words of the Protoss made Kaisa shed more tears.

She knew that she would never forget this man in her life.

He suddenly appeared like a ray of light, bringing a ray of hope to her life.

But why did he do this?

If that was the case, she would rather stay in the void and accompany him.

If he hadn't appeared, she would not have been able to escape from the void and be redeemed.

Kassadin, who was weak beside him, didn't know how to comfort his sad daughter, and he couldn't be happy either.

Although they defeated the Void, they paid a much higher price.

Leona sighed at this time: "When we want to win something, we always have to pay a price. It is undeniable that he has been of great help to us. He not only helped us regain the center of the earth, but also cut off the connection with the void and left those dark descendants in the void."

Tariq also sighed: "In fact, I have said it before, His Highness is actually a good person."

Pansen held the spear in his hand, remaining silent, but his heart was filled with awe.

He is actually named Pantheon like Lucci, but his soul is a human named Ataris.

He couldn't help but admire what Lu Qi did.

Kyle looked at Morgana who was standing beside him, with her head down, eyes drooping, lips pursed, and seemed a little depressed. He didn't know what to say for a moment.

There was a slight twinkle in her eyes, and she seemed to understand why her sister fell in love with that man.

But now, they will be separated forever.

"I underestimated him before." Misira looked at the center of the earth in her hand with complicated eyes. This was what the human sent to her at the last moment.

"I didn't expect him to be so determined."

She looked at Kaisa who was crying and Morgana who was looking down, and couldn't help but say: "I am willing to apologize for my contempt for him. He is a respectable human being. However, it seems too late to say this now."

The atmosphere fell into silence again. The Protoss did not leave, and they were not iron-blooded and ruthless creatures.

The contribution made by Lu Qi is enough to earn their respect.

He helped them retake the center of the earth, which was beyond the ability of mortals, but this was only the beginning.

The Void has always been a huge danger to Runeterra. In the early years, they established a subtle connection with the material realm through Icathia and have been invading Runeterra through cracks.

But now, this delicate connection has been completely severed.

This means that in the years to come, unless the Void finds a way to enter Runeland again, they will never be able to enter the material realm through the cracks.

The third one is the Darkin.

At this moment, the Protoss seemed to suddenly understand Lucci's purpose of luring those Darkin into the Void.

Perhaps he had made this plan from the very beginning.

However, they misunderstood his intention.

The Darkin, led by Aatrox, have always been a huge trouble for Runeterra, but now, they are all trapped in the void, unable to return to Runeterra through the rifts.

Any of these three things is considered to be extremely difficult even by the Protoss.

But Lucci, a human being, did all of this.

If humans like this are not worthy of the admiration of the Protoss, then I'm afraid no one else will be able to catch their eyes.

Kasa's sobbing made the atmosphere a little sad.

At this moment, a voice came from behind: "Huh? Why is the atmosphere so solemn? I just heard someone apologize to me."

As soon as these words fell, everyone paused.

Kassa immediately turned around and saw Lucci standing there with a smile on his face. She instinctively rushed forward and hugged him tightly.

The familiar smell on him made Kasa sure that this was not an illusion.

"Why are you crying? Didn't I say I'd see you later?"

Lucci reached out to wipe away the tears from the girl's face, then looked up to meet the surprised and confused eyes of the Star Spirits.

Mishira couldn't help but ask, "How did you come back from the void?"

"Of course I have my own way." Lucci smiled and looked at Misira: "Forget about the apology. I am a magnanimous person and I forgive your disrespect to me before."

After all, Misira is Morgana's mother.

No matter what, Lucci couldn't let her apologize.

At this moment, Misira's mouth twitched slightly. Looking at Lucci's arrogant look, she couldn't help but take a deep breath to calm herself down.

This guy really will climb up if you give him a pole!
In the blink of an eye, he disappeared, and now he is so arrogant that he doesn’t even take the star spirits seriously!

But after thinking about it, Mishira didn't say anything else. After all, Lucci did help them a lot.

He is worthy of being the one that my daughter likes.

She silently took back her earlier words of doubting her daughter's vision.

At this time, Kyle looked at Morgana next to him and found that the corners of her mouth were raised, and he suddenly realized.

She pursed her lips for a long time just now, it seemed like she was trying to hold back laughter.

It turns out that she knew from the beginning that Lucci had a way to come back?
By the way, Lucci really came back. Kyle was very curious about how he did it.

How Lucci came back goes back to a few minutes ago.

In the void.

After sending everyone away, Lucci swung his sword without any hesitation.

This sword seemed to have traveled through space, spanned time, and landed in the middle of two worlds.

The sharp sword light flashed, and the subtle connection between the material realm and the void realm was severed on the spot.

At that moment, Lucci also heard the roar of the Void Watchers. They were furious, but helpless.

Lucci felt as if the void had fallen into the universe, rapidly moving away from the Rune Land.

Similarly, with this connection severed, he could no longer use the key to open the door from the void back to Runeterra.

"You will be with me for the next long years." Belvis looked at Lucci and said calmly, "Perhaps you can consider joining the Void. I will give you power and status second only to me. You will be the second supreme ruler of the Void."

Lucci is a human being whom she cannot understand at all, and he also holds the Key to the Void, so he is indeed qualified.

She thought the conditions she offered were tempting enough.

"I don't think this is necessary." Lucci said calmly without any fluctuation.

"What a pity. Due to our agreement, I won't hurt you. But that doesn't mean they won't." Belvis didn't invite him a second time. She was a person who kept her promises. After she finished speaking, she left.

Next, she had to focus on dealing with the Void Watcher and had no time to pay attention to Lucci.

As for the "them" she was referring to, they were not her followers, but the Void Warriors and Darkin who were the Watchers.

At this time, all the Darkin returned to Aatrox, and they all sensed that the passage back to Runeland had been cut off. "This battle should end!"

Aatrox didn't care about this. He roared and quickly killed Lucci. The ferocious and terrifying sword intent was full of oppression.

He knew that as long as they took the key, they could still find a way to return to Runeterra.

Lucci cut off the connection and he also couldn't go back, which meant he had plenty of time to kill him.

"You like fighting so much, isn't the void a place that suits you?"

Lucci looked at Aatrox who was coming to kill him, but he was very calm.

At the same time, he sensed that the Darkspawn had flown to his surroundings and surrounded him.

"There are endless monsters to kill here. I hope you and your brothers and sisters can kill to your heart's content. I won't bother you anymore."

The moment Aatrox's attack approached, his figure disappeared from the spot.

In just a moment, he used the power of space teleportation and fate to appear tens of thousands of meters away, and used the power of invisibility to hide his own breath.

Although the connection between the two worlds was cut off, Lucci still found a way to return to Runeterra.

He looked at the special skill on the system panel that had cooled down and lit up - Teleport, and used it immediately.

This is what he relies on. The introduction of the teleportation skill is very simple, that is, it can be teleported to any location, as long as Lucci has been to a place, there will be no restrictions.

In Lucci's mind, scenes from the Rune Land flashed through his mind, and he quickly confirmed that he was in a state of panic. In an instant, a purple beam of teleportation light enveloped him and soared into the sky.

In the distance, the Darkspawn were rushing over very quickly, but they were still a step slow.

Just as the violent attack was about to land, Lucci's figure suddenly disappeared into the void.

All their attacks missed, and in the end they could only vent their attacks into the empty void.

Aatrox's angry roar resounded through the dome.

In the endless years that follow, they will all be trapped in the void, fighting against endless void creatures.

However, this will only make the hatred of the Darkin grow infinitely, and they will no longer feel despair. In the endless killing, they will hold the flame of revenge in their hearts, waiting for the day to return to Runeland.

That day will also be the day of destruction for Runeland.

"I didn't expect there was such a method."

Far away, Belvis also sensed that Lucci's breath had disappeared, and it was obvious that he had left the void.

The connection between the two worlds is cut off, which means that the two worlds are infinitely far apart and the space is infinitely stretched.

Logically speaking, no teleportation magic can travel between these two worlds anymore.

But Lucci was able to leave the void.

But it doesn't matter. No matter where he is, Belvis doesn't care.

She will abide by the agreement between them, and after they die, she will bring the void and descend into the material world again.

At that time, there will be nothing that can save it.

"That's the thing. I've helped you guys at Mount Targon so much, so I wouldn't mind if you gave me eight or ten artifacts."

Lucci looked at the stars with a friendly smile.

Things like the Zenith Blade, the Dawnbreaker Shield, and the Star-piercing Lance are all very good artifacts.

Misira's eyelids twitched as she listened. She said, "Even if you help us, it's unrealistic to ask for eight or ten artifacts. But as the prince of Demacia, I can promise you on behalf of Targon that if Demacia is in trouble in the future, you can get Targon's help."

"With me here, there's no way Demacia will be in trouble. You don't mean anything by that. Forget it. We're all busy. Let's just say goodbye."

Lucci waved his hand with a hint of disdain, not wanting to argue any further.

Kassadin is still injured now, so it is important to heal him first.

Listening to his words, Mishira's heart, which had just calmed down, became restless again, as if there was a flame boiling in it.

This guy is from Mount Giant God after all, but he has such an attitude.

Well, considering that he had indeed done some great things, Mishira didn't want to be angry with him anymore.

All the Protoss present remembered the name Lucci and soon left.

They must return the center of the earth to its original position as soon as possible.

"Let's leave too."

Lucci took Kaisa, Kassadin and Morgana to a nearby town.

Kassadin's body has long been exhausted due to the frequent use of runes and living in an environment like the void.

He knew this himself, so the moment he threw out the rune, he had placed all his hopes on Lucci.

Fortunately, Lucci did not disappoint him.

In the last moments of his life, he also saw his daughter, and Kassadin was very content.

But with Lu Qi around, it wouldn't be that easy for him to die even if he wanted to.

There were many top-grade medicinal herbs in Lucci's backpack, and Morgana's divine power was also restored. With the combined efforts of the two, they quickly solved Kassadin's problem.

However, given his condition, it is very difficult for him to recover, and his body will probably be weak afterwards.

But for Kassadin, none of this matters. He is already grateful to be alive.

Seeing this result, Kaisa was also overjoyed.


Kassadin, whose physical condition has improved, has fallen into a deep sleep.

Lucci and Kassa came to another room.

"If you and your daughter have nowhere to go next, why don't you follow me back to Demacia?"

Lucci took a sip of hot tea and said to Kassa with a smile.

Upon hearing this, Kasa did not hesitate and nodded slightly: "Yes."

She no longer needed to fight against the void. In fact, even if Lucci didn't take the initiative to speak, she wanted to go to where he was.

"By the way." Lucci looked at the dark armor on Kaisa and said, "Do you want to take off this armor?"

"I wore it originally to survive in the void, but now, I no longer need to do so." Hearing this, Kasa lowered her eyes and said with a twinkling gaze. "But it and I have long been in a symbiotic relationship. Even if I want to take it off, there is no way."

“Perhaps it can.”

Lucci took out the Cracked Blade, which was now a fusion of two keys, possessing the power to cut through space.

At the same time, as the key to the void, it has an innate suppression of everything in the void.

Presumably, it would also be possible to sever the connection between Kassadin and the Dark Condensation Armor.

(End of this chapter)

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