LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 516 I Already Won

Chapter 516 I Already Won
"I believe you."

Kassa looked at Lucci, let out a breath, and relaxed her body.

Lucci did not hesitate and swung out the Cracked Blade. Suddenly, the Cracked Blade scattered and split into thousands of fragments, which revolved around Kaisa and emitted purple energy.

Kasha closed her eyes and soon felt something strange in her body. She felt her skin begin to itch, and it was extremely itchy and unbearable. She couldn't help but let out a suppressed moan.

She frowned, enduring the feeling of her soul being pulled out and the slight tingling sensation on her skin.

She knew that was not her soul.

The dark armor on her body was gradually fading, starting from her neck, like a piece of clothing, slowly peeling off, revealing the delicate skin as white as snow underneath.

Soon, as the dark armor faded away completely and dissipated like white ash, Kassadin's exquisite, rosy body was completely revealed to Lucci's eyes.

Feeling her skin exposed to the air for the first time in a long time, Kassa's eyelashes trembled slightly, and she slowly opened her eyes, as if she realized something, and her face turned visibly red.

Lu Qi looked away, took out a piece of clothing that a woman was wearing, and handed it over: "Put it on."

Kassa immediately reached out to take it. Lucci turned around and heard a rustling sound behind him.

"All right."

After hearing Kasha's voice again, he turned around and saw Kasha standing there with a bright smile, showing off her new clothes: "Does it look good?"

There was a hint of shyness and nervousness in her voice, and her eyes looked at Lucci as if there was only room for him.


Lucci nodded immediately, and a lavender skirt was draped over Kassadin's slender figure, making her look less cold than when she was wearing the dark armor, but more bright and charming than a girl of her age. She looked like a blooming flower, and her temperament was as outstanding as that of a noble lady.

It is really beautiful.

Hearing Lucci's praise, Kaisa couldn't help but laugh. Then she narrowed her eyes cunningly: "Which one looks better now, or as good as before?"

When she asked this question, her face became visibly redder, as if she was steaming and her head was smoking.

Lu Qi didn't expect her to ask this and was slightly stunned.

Seeing him stunned, Kassa burst into laughter. She suddenly took a step forward, approached Lucci, lowered her head and kissed him.

From the moment he appeared in her life and lit up her life, she knew he was the only one.

Time flies, and half a month has passed.

Demacia, the royal capital.

One morning, Lucci woke up naturally. When he opened his eyes, he saw the familiar ceiling. The sunlight from outside the yard shone through the curtains, exuding an extraordinary sense of tranquility.

After getting up, he stretched lazily.

After solving the problem of the void, he felt a lot more relaxed. After all, one of the major issues that had been weighing on his mind for a long time had been resolved to a reasonable degree.

It was bound to take a long time for Belvis to deal with the monitor.

Lucci also has the key to the void in his hand, and can sense the movements of the void at any time. If one day in the future, whether Belvis or the Watcher wins, they will be detected by Lucci at the first time if they try to approach the Rune Land again.

And now, he has plenty of time to prepare for that day.

There is another possibility that day may never come.

But that’s not what we need to consider right now.

Lucci walked slowly from upstairs to downstairs. Morgana was making tea and soon poured a cup of tea over with skillful movements.

Lu Qi picked up the teacup, blew on it, and took a sip.

The best tea can make people feel cool even in the hot summer.

Just as he was drinking hot tea leisurely and calmly, a figure suddenly rushed in and rushed to the basement without saying a word.

After a while, when she came out again, she had a bottle of Coke from the ice room in her hand.

With a "sizzle" sound, the girl skillfully opened the bottle cap and raised her head to drink the drink. A drop or two of brown cola slid down the blonde girl's white chin. After gulping down a few big mouthfuls, Miss Mianwei finally breathed a sigh of relief and looked refreshed.

Lucci looked at him with calm eyes. Although he said nothing, it seemed that all the words were hidden in his eyes.

"What are you looking at?" Lux wiped the beads of sweat from her forehead and said angrily. "It's all that little blue-haired boy's fault. I don't know when he put two exploding alarm clocks in my room."

She was sleeping soundly when she suddenly heard several loud explosions. She jumped up reflexively and thought the sky was falling at that moment.

When I turned around, I found that the explosion sound was made by two alarm clocks.

You don't have to think about who it is.

"But I have already caught her and I am relieved." She came over with a half-full bottle of Coke and sat down on the sofa. "It was just a little difficult to catch her."

"Where is she now?"

Lucci couldn't help but ask.

Lux showed her white teeth: "I hung her at the gate of the yard."

Lucci was silent for a moment, already used to it.

The opening of the Hextech flying door has made it much more convenient for everyone to travel. Not only can they communicate online through the secret key, but they can also communicate offline at any time.

As long as you teleport here through the portal and take the specially established train line, you can quickly reach the royal capital.

Lu Qi had almost finished his cup of tea and was ready to wash his face and then do some exercises.

When you come outside the yard, you can see a striking scenery. On the tree at the gate of the yard, Jinx is hanging there with her hands and feet tied, completely unable to struggle.

When she saw Lucci coming out, she immediately raised her head, first smiled with her fangs showing, and then blinked.

It was as if she wanted Lucci to put her down.

After taking a look, Lucci decided not to pay attention to it. He silently looked away and went to get water.

After all, it's their business, so it's better not to interfere too much.

The smile on Jinx's little face immediately disappeared, and she denounced Lucci's cold-bloodedness in her heart!

After a while, Lucci finished washing his face and went to the yard to do exercises, still ignoring Jinx who was hanging there.

This guy did everything himself.

After a while, two figures came together outside the yard. They were Kassadin and Sona.

"Good morning."

As soon as she entered the yard, Kaisa saw Jinx hanging there. She paused when she greeted her and looked a little dazed.


She hesitated.

Lux walked out of the house with a kind smile: "It's okay, don't pay attention to her."

Kasa nodded and decided not to meddle in other people's business.

Since she came to Demacia with Lucci, she has lived in Sona's house. Over the past few days, she has met a lot of people.

As for this kind of "playfulness" between Jinx and Lux, they have become somewhat accustomed to it.

After Lucci finished practicing his health-preserving skills, it was almost time to prepare breakfast.

During the process, Fiona, Quinn, Kashina and other girls also arrived one after another. As soon as it was morning, a group of young girls gathered in Lucci's yard, which was quite lively.

Jinx was still hanging there, and even yawned a little sleepily. Then she seemed to feel bored, so she swung her body like a swing. Not long after, Lucci's breakfast was almost ready. After all, there were many people, so it was very rich.

At this time, Jinx didn't know when she untied the rope and appeared on the dining table on time.

After dinner, it was still early, but the morning sun was quite bright.

Lucci lay on the rocking chair in the yard, next to him was a hair dryer modified by Piltover with adjustable wind speed.

I lay leisurely, enjoying the cool breeze and taking a sip of the juice prepared by Morgana from time to time. I felt so comfortable.

The girls in the courtyard also have things to do, training, playing chess, playing, practicing the piano, or lying down like Lucci. It is no different from the usual daily scene.

"Oh? You're really relaxing."

Suddenly, a voice fell from the air, followed by a powerful breath that suddenly descended.

This made everyone look up and gaze towards the sky in confusion.

They did not feel any hostility, all they sensed was the simple powerful aura of that voice.

Lucci also opened his eyes and saw Syndra, covered in dark energy, slowly falling from the air. She landed lightly, but her feet did not touch the ground, but floated there.

Lu Qi said, "Aren't you taking care of the willow tree?"

"It has grown taller than the trees in this yard and no longer needs my care, so I naturally use my spare time to take care of it."

As Sindra spoke, her eyes swept across the girls in the yard, the corners of her mouth raised, and she said with a smile, "But it seems that you are living a pretty comfortable life."

As she was speaking, her eyes fell on Lux and she couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

The light is so blinding that it makes people feel uncomfortable for no apparent reason.

And Lux's pair of bright eyes were looking at her, with a slightly furrowed brow.

She could clearly feel the gloomy energy gathered on Sindra, which was extremely conspicuous in her eyes.

The two looked at each other, and no one took the initiative to speak, but in the end, Sindra took the initiative to extend her hand and said with a smile: "Nice to meet you, my name is Sindra."

A smile immediately broke out on Lux's little face, and she also stretched out her hand: "My name is Lux."

The two slender hands held together seemed like the confluence of two energies.

The moment light and darkness touch each other, they are like two opposing batteries, creating a natural repulsion.

The girls present inexplicably felt that the atmosphere between them was not right.

As the energy intensified, their magic began to clash invisibly.

Light and darkness have been magical attributes that restrain each other since ancient times.

And at this moment, the people with the strongest light magic and the strongest dark magic finally met.

As they looked at each other with smiles, the magic emanating from their bodies caused a strong wind to blow in the yard.

Jinx's eyes sparkled and she shouted excitedly in her heart.

"Fight, fight!"

It’s a pity that her expectations were still dashed.

The two of them unexpectedly put away their magic power at the same time. Sindra smiled faintly and said, "Since you have nothing to do, why not play a game of chess?"

For some reason, she wanted to compete with the blonde girl in front of her.

But since we can't fight, we can only try from other aspects.

And Lux ​​confidently agreed: "Okay!"

Seeing that it was nothing serious, the other girls also dispersed.

Syndra ignored Lucci and walked aside with Lux. Lux originally wanted to go find a chessboard, but unexpectedly Syndra just drew a chessboard and black chess pieces in the air with her fingers.

Seeing this, she immediately tried it without giving up, but as it was her first time doing so, Miss Mianwei quickly failed.

"Do you need me to teach you?"

Sindra said with a curled lip corner.

"No need!" Lux immediately refused and tried again, her eyes becoming obviously serious.

Under Sindra's gaze, she succeeded in doing it on the second try.

Syndra couldn't help but be slightly startled, but when she thought about it carefully, Lux, who could make her feel a sense of threat, must have a strong talent.

You know, even Karma, who represents the soul of Ionia, didn't give her this feeling.

The two immediately started playing chess using chess pieces constructed with magic power, like another game between light and darkness.

Lucci was still lying there leisurely, feeling that the years were peaceful.

Time passes unconsciously.

In the blink of an eye, it was night time.

Lux and Syndra did not play chess for the whole day. Later, with the help of other girls, Syndra also tried other games such as poker and mahjong.

The result of the chess game between them was a draw, because each had wins and losses.

Although Miss Mianwei is a terrible chess player, after all, all her time practicing Gobang is not in vain.

In this way, at the end of the day, it seemed that there was no winner between them.

"Then I'll leave first."

Sindra was preparing to return to Feor Island. Before leaving, she told Lucci in a domineering manner that she must see him on Feor Island in the next few days.

Because this guy has no self-awareness at all. He has been idle for so many days and has not even gone to Feilor Island once.

So this is why she came here specially today to take pictures, and she also discovered some other things by the way.

That is, there are quite a lot of beautiful women around this guy.

Sindra didn't care about this, because he was important in her life, and she was important in his life, and that was enough.

"Next time we must decide the winner!"

Lux looked at Syndra, her eyes filled with a strong desire to win.

Comparing today, she felt that she seemed to be no better than Sindra in any way, but fortunately, she was not much worse either.

She had already regarded this sudden appearance of darkness as a powerful 'enemy' in her life.

"Win or lose?" Syndra's eyes fell on Lux, and the corners of her mouth suddenly curled up and said, "Little golden retriever, in some ways, I have already won."

After saying that, she didn't pause and flew directly on the spot, heading towards the Hextech flying door.

But Lux stood there in a daze, and couldn't help but recall the provocative look Syndra showed when she was leaving just now.

some places?

Lux was puzzled. She couldn't help but raise her hand and put it on her chest. She just felt a little sad there.

Where did she lose?

Walking into the house, Lux's eyes fell on Lucci who was eating ice cream, and she became a little absent-minded.

(End of this chapter)

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