Chapter 517 Hot Summer

Time flies, and several days pass.

This day.

Crownguard's residence.

"Laxana, what are you daydreaming about again?"

Ogatha looked unhappily at Lux who was sitting on the sofa, disliking that she was an eyesore.

I don't know what's wrong with this guy these days. He rarely goes out and often just sits there in a daze.

Regarding this phenomenon, Ogersa could only say that something was wrong, nine out of ten points.

After all, she is a mother, how could she not understand her daughter.

Obviously something happened to her.

After thinking for a while, Ogasha sat on the sofa beside her and said again: "Do you have any worries recently? You might as well tell me about it. As someone who has been through it, I can give you some suggestions."

Hearing this, Lux looked at her mother and suddenly her eyes lit up as she asked, "Then tell me the story of you and your father! How did you meet in the beginning, and how did you end up getting married?"

"Why are you asking this suddenly?"

Ogasha was a little embarrassed to talk about her past, but looking at Lux's sparkling eyes, she recalled and couldn't help but smile: "Back then, your father and I were actually arranged to marry each other. Because the relationship between the families was determined very early, there are actually not many interesting stories."

Lux blinked: "So you and your father don't actually love each other?"

Ogasha gave her an unpleasant look and said, "That's not the case. I still love him very much, and I believe he loves me the same way."

In the previous aristocratic environment of Demacia, most of the arranged marriages were for political purposes.

Therefore, the two people who enter into marriage are also political tools and it is difficult for them to have the so-called "love".

However, since ancient times, the Crown Guard family has been the top family in the world and there is no need to use such means to conclude a so-called political marriage. The same is true for Pitt and for her.

They all have a relative chance of choice.

Lux nodded and continued, "So how did you fall in love with your father?"

This topic inexplicably made Ogasha feel a little ashamed, but after seeing her daughter's eyes, she still recalled: "How should I put it? It was because of a small matter. Because I knew that the other party was the target of marriage, your father and I had contact and knew each other for a long time, but at that time I must not have liked or loved each other. At most, we didn't hate each other.

At least that's the case with me. If it's your father, he must have been infatuated with me very early on."

Ogatha raised her chin with some pride when she said this, just like how Lux looked when she was proud.

Lux was listening attentively at this moment and was very interested in her parents' love story.

"You know your father, he's honest and dull, just like your brother, but he's not as smart as your brother. So he can't hide his true feelings on his face, and he often blushes when he makes eye contact with me."

"To be honest, I didn't like his personality at first. He couldn't chat and wasn't funny."

Ogasha had said too much, so she picked up the teacup on the table, took a sip, and slowed down.

Lux followed up by asking, "What happened next? What happened?"

"It was just a small thing." Ogasha recalled, and smiled unconsciously. "There was a very important banquet at that time. As the representative of the family, I had to go on stage to make a speech. But before I went on stage, I accidentally sprained my ankle. It hurt a lot. But because of the important mission, I had to go on stage. I forced myself to smile, thinking that I could get over it if I just endured it."

"So I went on stage. My acting was pretty good, and no one noticed anything wrong with me. But just at that moment, your father showed up. He suddenly went on stage without saying a word, which surprised everyone. Then he picked me up and left the hall."

"No one knows how much pressure he was under at the time, but such a dull and honest person could do such an amazing thing."

"After taking me away, he immediately went to get some ointment and took good care of me. He was the only one who noticed my foot injury among so many people. It was at that moment that I discovered his thoughtfulness and fell in love with him."

After Ogasha finished speaking, she picked up the teacup and took a sip.

"I didn't expect my father to do such an amazing thing."

Lux said with a look of surprise. In her impression, her father Pete was the kind of person who was serious, taciturn, and honest.

However, in Demacia, which was a country with strict discipline at the time, he dared to do such a thing for his mother.

"So this is love?"

Lux murmured to herself, then looked at Ogatha: "Then how did mother determine her love for father? Or what kind of feeling was that?"

"Feelings?" Ogsa couldn't help but think about it seriously, not knowing how to explain it. "Probably, there was a moment when you suddenly decided that he was the one, and you couldn't live without him for the rest of your life. As long as you were with him, all you could think of in the future would be happy and joyful things. Sometimes when you thought of him, your heart felt like it was filled with honey. This is probably love."

Lux listened absentmindedly, and Lucci's face flashed through her mind unconsciously.

His face looks mean on weekdays, but it matches what his mother said.

Or perhaps she had been like this a long time ago.

But at that time, she didn't know what it was.

I just want to enjoy every day with him. I can lie on a sun lounger and daydream, sit in the backyard and soak in the hot spring, play snowball fights, eat hot pot, and do many things. It's all fun and joyful.

Lux found herself becoming more and more greedy, but she was so greedy that she wanted more and more at this moment.

Looking at her daughter in a trance, Ogatha suddenly remembered something and said, "Come to think of it, the ancestor worship day is coming soon. You and Lucci went together last time, right?"

"Ancestor worship. That's right, ancestors worship!" Lux repeated. Her eyes suddenly lit up and she jumped up from the sofa, which even scared Ogasha.

"I want to go see my great-grandfather! I miss him so much!"

As she spoke, she took action and ran out excitedly.

Ogasha watched her leave and smiled helplessly: "This girl."

"It's the day to worship our ancestors again. Let's go without further delay!"

Lux stood in front of Lucci, not even giving him a chance to speak, as if he had already agreed.

"There's nothing wrong with worshipping the ancestors, but isn't it too sudden to just leave like that?"

Lu Qi hadn't seen the little golden retriever often these past two days and thought she had gone out to play somewhere. He said helplessly while drinking tea.

Even if you are going to worship your ancestors, you still have to make some preparations.

"Is it so sudden? Do you have anything to do?"

"That's not true."

"That's it, let's go!"

Lux pulled Lucci up with full energy, saying, "Only the two of us can go to see our great-grandfather this time."


Lu Qi found that the little golden retriever was very wrong today, extremely wrong, as if it was brewing some plan.

Those little thoughts were completely exposed by the innocent and straightforward face.

It is actually much more convenient to worship ancestors now because of the Hextech flying gate.

By taking the flying gate, it only takes a moment to reach the Silver City, and then it only takes a few days to reach the town of Fosbairo.

After arriving in Silver City, Lux and Lucci also went to visit her father, Pete. Garen happened to be in Silver City at that time.

After chatting, Lux took Lucci and continued their journey without even planning to stay for another day.

Along the way, she chattered like a lark, telling the interesting stories that happened when Lucci was away.

Lu Qi would naturally respond with a smile and share with her the stories he encountered along the way.

Sometimes they would suddenly think that it seemed like a long time ago when they were alone like this.

The last time I finally had such an opportunity, I suddenly encountered the awakened Fiddlesticks, but it was not a complete success.

Fortunately, this time, there were no unexpected incidents to interrupt their pleasant journey.

Before they knew it, they had arrived at Fosbiero again.

Once we reached the border, the temperature wasn't that hot, since it was close to Freljord after all.

The last time I came here, it was raining and the land looked like a barren desert.

However, after not seeing it for a year, the changes are unexpectedly great. The barren land that I once thought of as wasteland has been planted with green plants, and it looks a bit more lush and green.

Even the town itself has changed a lot.

The opening of the Hexgate has greatly improved the development of the border towns, as they can more easily connect with the economy. The walls of Fosbyro have been rebuilt and look taller and stronger, which makes the guards here more confident in fighting against the barbarians who appear in the winter.

However, with Demacia's current prestige, even in the land of winter, few ignorant tribes dare to provoke it.

The mayor, Judge Jane Giselle, quickly came out to greet them after receiving the news.

Soon, the streets inside and outside the town were crowded with people. It seemed that there were quite a lot of people, at least several thousand or even tens of thousands.

The last time Lucci and the others came, they updated the town’s calendar for fighting the devil.

After the hero Fosbiero, they also became heroes protecting the town.

Coupled with the prestige of the two, it can be said that they were welcomed by the whole town at this moment.

Lux waved to the townspeople warmly and generously, her bright smile shining like the sun.

In order not to disturb Lucci and the other man, Giselle quickly dispersed the crowd and found them the best accommodation in town.

"This year can be said to be a harvest season, perhaps because we got rid of that demon. Anyway, to thank you two, we want to hold a celebratory banquet tonight. I just hope you two won't refuse."

Gisele also invited the two of them at this time.

When Lux heard this, she nodded immediately: "Okay, we will definitely participate!"

She loved lively celebrations the most, so with great anticipation, she and Lucci set out on the road up the mountain.

Because of the last battle with Morteng, Fosbyro's tomb was actually destroyed, so the villagers moved his tomb to a place with better feng shui.

This time there was no need to follow Dianpo's path, and we soon arrived at Fosbiero's tomb.

Lux talked a lot with her great-grandfather, and after they paid homage to him earnestly, it was Lucci's turn.

Lu Qi didn't talk as much as her, but he also burned a stick of incense seriously and bowed three times.

Ancestor worship is actually not that troublesome. It is equivalent to paying a visit to the ancestors. Demacia doesn’t even have the tradition of burning things for the ancestors, so it is even simpler.

When we returned to the town, it was already evening and everyone in the town was involved in preparing for the celebration banquet.

Witness that Lux and Lucci also joined in and helped where needed.

When it got dark, the celebration banquet was finally ready.

A huge fire stake was erected in the largest square in the town. As a fire was thrown out, it began to burn vigorously with a "crash".

The sky seemed to be lit up, and the celebration banquet began.

A rich meal was served on the open-air dining table, including delicacies, fruits, fine wines and drinks, all highlighting the beauty of the harvest.

The band came out, or rather, those who were good at using musical instruments formed an orchestra on their own initiative.

Everyone was playing various musical instruments and beating out cheerful beats.

The townspeople danced to the cheerful beat. The scene of singing and dancing was so lively, and there was warmth and laughter everywhere.

Lucci was pulled into the fun by the enthusiastic townspeople. He drank a beer from time to time, then danced to his heart's content, having a blast.

During the process, he also wanted to find Lux, but he didn't know where she had gone.

But he was not too worried. With Lux's current condition, no ordinary person could deal with her.

The celebration banquet went on like this.

When the time was almost up, Lu Qi prepared to take a break. The amount of beer he drank today was almost as much as he drank in a whole year. It could be said that he had completely let his stomach dry.

He strolled away from the team quietly, then found a bench with few people and sat down. Looking at the fun in the distance, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"If I drink any more I'm going to get high too."

He touched his stomach and leaned lazily on the back of the chair: "By the way, where did Lux ​​go?"

It was obvious that this girl was up to something, as she disappeared as soon as the celebration began.

But at this moment, Lucci, who was drunk, was too lazy to think and would rather sit there in a daze.

"Cough hum!"

At some point, a deliberate throat clearing sound was heard.

Lu Qi lowered his head and looked forward, and saw Miss Mianwei standing by the fountain not far away.

"Boo! Hah! Hah!"

Coincidentally, at this time the people in the town lit fireworks, and the fireworks shot up into the sky, exploding in the sky, blooming in various colors.

The world suddenly lit up, and the light shone on the girl's delicate and bright face, as if a touch of extremely brilliant color suddenly bloomed in the dark world, like a stunning painting. The scene was breathtakingly beautiful.

"Next, I have something to announce!"

Lux's face was red, and her eyes looked at Lucci very seriously, while she pointed her slender finger at him.

"For the rest of my life, I want you to stay in my world, never leaving!"

She dropped it with a clear and resounding voice, and with a bit of coquettishness and domineering.

But there was no response for a while.

She puffed up her face in dissatisfaction and glared at Lu Qi: "Why don't you react at all?"

Lu Qi looked at her: "How much did you drink?"

"I didn't drink!"

Lux said angrily.

Lu Qi laughed and said, "Your face is as red as a boiler."

"I just drank a little!" Lux snorted, suddenly jumped down the stairs, and walked towards Lucci quickly step by step: "Did you hear what I just said!"

"Of course I heard it." Lucci said with a smile. "But what does it mean to stay with you all the time? I can't be tied down by you."

“Whenever I want to see you, I must see you!” Lux stopped one meter in front of Lucci and stared at him from top to bottom: “I want me to be in all your stories, and you must be in all my stories too!”

"I want to know all your happiness and joy, and I want to tell you all my happiness and joy."

"I want to know everything about you!"

She said it very seriously.

Lu Qi couldn't help but ask: "Aren't we always like this?"

"It's different!" Lux immediately shook her head. The red color from the wine covered her original blush. Her eyes twinkled, and she looked like a shy flower about to bloom, delicate and pure.


Lucci looked at her, stood up, leaned down, and kissed the girl when she was about to open her mouth.

Lux's eyes suddenly widened and her body instinctively stiffened in place, but soon she closed her eyes again and sank into it.

Lu Qi kissed very gently.

Lux has always been a dazzling light in his life and occupies an extremely important position.

Long ago, he had made up his mind to protect everything about her.

Protect the girl's pure and moving smile.

In order to protect everything that exists because of her, he is willing to face danger again and again and shoulder responsibilities that should not be his.

Perhaps they had been in sync with each other a long time ago, and reaching this point was just a natural progression.

The growing girl finally realized the love hidden in her heart and took that step boldly.


The fireworks rose into the sky once again, blooming brilliantly in the dark sky. Amid the brilliant colors, Lucci embraced the girl in his arms, as if kissing the entire summer.

Warm and beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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