LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 518 Thresh and Lucian

Chapter 518 Thresh and Lucian
On a small island in the vast ocean.

The island, which should have been home to a hundred people, now looked deserted. At a glance, it was full of signs of decay and corrosion, with no signs of life. In the dark night, it looked like an island swallowed by darkness.

Mist was floating around the island, with faint green underworld fire flashing through it occasionally.

And in the center of the island, there is a church.

The church was shrouded in black fog, but flashes of light could be seen from time to time, accompanied by deafening gunshots.




Lucian's figure shuttled among the wailing souls on the island. These islanders had long since become cursed evil spirits, and their right to die had been taken away.

It was his duty to send them on their way.

The muzzle of his gun continuously shot out clear light, which exploded on the bodies of evil spirits one by one, flashing like sparks, but it failed to reduce the bloated, hideous black fog that enveloped the surroundings.

Amid the wailing of countless souls, a laugh was surprisingly harsh. Lucian turned around and steadied his two guns against the approaching fog.

He could feel his heartbeat quickening and his teeth clenched unconsciously. He raised both guns and fired forward, clear light clearing a path in the black fog.

Soon, he saw it.

At a gap, a shadow slowly emerged from the black mist, exuding the purest malice in the world, and emerald flames lingering around its horned head. Pitt felt a burning pain in his pierced joints, as if an evil spirit thirsting for revenge was tasting his suffering.

He exuded an extremely gloomy aura, like a demon from hell.

The undead in front of him was wrapped in an old black vestment, with a rusty key on its waist scraping against the edge. In its hand was a corpse-guiding lantern, which was constantly shaking with a chain. From time to time, sad moans could be heard from it, as if it contained an endless evil desire.

Hammer stone!

The name flashed through Lucian's mind, and his hands holding his two guns clenched involuntarily, his eyes gradually becoming solemn.

Sure enough, it's here!
Thresh was standing there at this moment, with a young woman at his feet.

The chain hooks dug into her body, stripping away her soul, causing her to struggle desperately in agony. Her face turned pale, and the old lantern began to burn. The Soul Chain Warden raised it and began to light up.

The woman's lifeless body collapsed to the ground - a new soul was welcomed into the prison.

Lucian knew that it was too late for him to save this woman, just as he had watched his beloved being taken away in the same way before.

But now, it's different.

He had been preparing for this day all the time. He didn't want to repeat the same mistake, so this time, even if it cost him his life, he would take her back.

Thresh saw Lucian and smiled. “We missed you, Shadow Hunter. I was afraid you had forgotten what it felt like to be defeated.”

He tapped the lantern and said, "Her soul becomes brighter because of your coming. You bring hope and give her some respite from suffering."

Lucian's eyes fell on the lantern. The prison was emitting a mysterious halo. He clenched his guns and waited silently.

“Alas, failure has consequences,” Thresh laughed. “It makes her pain all the sweeter. Hope, like an innocent child, rushes recklessly toward the rocks.”

Lucian’s thoughts suddenly flashed back to their last fight. It was the first time he was defeated so completely and felt so powerless.

He quickly pushed the thoughts out of his mind, his gaze remaining as unwavering as before.

He won't fail again.

“Do you know what her deepest fear is?” Thresh said. “To suffer forever, along with you.”

The light from the lantern changed, the eerie green faded slightly, and he felt her trying to reach out, wanting to hug him - warm and intangible, a way that belonged only to souls and memories.

Her voice warmed his heart. Thresh was right. Senna could sense when he was close. She seemed to grow closer with each encounter, as if she was fighting back against Thresh’s torture. The moment he stepped onto the island, they had sensed each other.

The lantern began to vibrate in Thresh's hand. Dazzling light swirled and pulled inside, as if trying to break through the prison. Thresh looked at the movement in the lantern and chuckled disdainfully.

It's now!

Lucian finally waited for the opportunity. He swung his arm and threw out a special flash bomb hidden in his hand.

With a "buzz" sound, the flash bomb exploded in the air, creating a silver cloud. At the same time, the scattered dust swirled up in the air and landed on the lantern.

Visibly, the halo on the lantern began to fade little by little.

Almost at the same time.


Lucian pulled the trigger, and the bullet accelerated toward the lantern. The blinding gunfire pierced through the crumbling halo and hit the iron cage.

The lantern flickered, and for the first time, the purifying fire knocked at the door of the ancient prison.

Thresh was immediately furious and threw the lantern to his side, but before he could do anything, Lucian had already rushed up to him and fired again.

A double-gunner actually wanted to fight in close combat.

Thresh did notice the change in Lucian, and his determination was stronger than ever.

Amid the constant flashes of gunfire, even Thresh could only dodge, avoiding the bullets that were infused with pure light.

Just being hit by those flashing bullets would make his soul feel a slight sting.

He's actually pretty annoying.

But there was no way, he lost his body a long, long time ago.

His eyes flashed with a mysterious fire, and bursts of heart-wrenching wails came from the black fog around him, followed by a stream of undead ghosts that attacked Lucian.

Lucian’s face was grim, and his body began to spin as if he was dancing. The blazing white light continued to radiate in all directions, almost lighting up the entire church.

The wails of ghosts continued to sound, and the black fog seemed to be avoiding the holy light.

"You are much stronger than last time, and you have finally piqued my interest."

Thresh clicked his tongue, amazed at Lucian's transformation. He swung the chain hook in his hand, and the deadly sickle hit Lucian's back, but it was bounced away by a magical barrier at the moment of contact.


Thresh was slightly startled. "There seems to be something on you."

"What do you think I've been doing all these years?"

Lucian had already cleared out the ghosts around him and rushed towards Thresh. On the way, his two guns merged together, emitting a long-distance holy light that penetrated the body.


The Holy Light is too swift.

The holy light pierced through Thresh's left shoulder, causing his arm holding the lantern to shake as if it was about to fall.

A man and a soul fought fiercely in the black fog. What Thresh wanted to do at that moment was to close the small gap in the prison, but Lucian, who was chasing him closely, did not give him this opportunity.

And in battle, Lucian was always able to block his attacks.

Suddenly, Thresh saw that in Lucian's shining armor, there was a small black umbrella, which could not only resist the black fog, but also block his attacks.

It was a Yin-Yang umbrella, and because it was spiritual, it could block his attacks.

Isn't this umbrella exactly what Viego needs? Thresh suddenly realized.

It was this brief moment of distraction that gave Lucian the opportunity to catch the opportunity. He called out his lover's name in his heart, as if praying for her response.


It's now!

And it seemed as if they were connected in mind. At this moment, the lantern suddenly lit up with a pure white light, causing the lantern in Thresh's hand to become hot.

His hand holding the lantern loosened unconsciously, and Thresh quickly realized this and swung out the chain hook, his sickle flashing with strange will-o'-the-wisp fire, launching an extremely deadly attack.

But Lucian did not dodge and went straight to Thresh. His body was hit by the sickle, and the protective barrier emitted by the Yin-Yang Umbrella was shattered. The sickle instantly tore a shocking wound on Lucian's body.

But Lucian had anticipated this moment countless times. He was no longer afraid of death. He roared, gripped the pistol made of holy stone, and stabbed at the lantern with force like a dagger.


In an instant, a dazzling white light flashed up, and the miserable roars of countless dead souls came from the lanterns. They all rushed out to seek liberation.

Among them, there was a special spirit that floated like a ghost fog, but finally gradually condensed into a human form, a woman.


Lucian's eyes were sore. At this moment, the excitement in his heart outweighed the pain in his body.

“Lucian!” Senna knew that now was not the time for them to celebrate their reunion. She raised the Holy Stone Cannon in her hand, which was made from the weapons of the fallen Sentinels and could mediate the dual powers of darkness and light.

Without hesitation, she pulled the trigger. The Holy Stone Cannon vibrated violently, and a dazzling white light flashed at the muzzle. With a "boom", a dazzling and huge beam of light was released, passing through Thresh's body.

The powerful force even dispersed the surrounding black fog, and Thresh's spirit also dissipated in the light.

The roars of countless dead souls still continue to be heard.

"Get out of here first."

Senna supported the weak Lucian and quickly retreated out of the church.

She wasn't sure if Thresh had died from that blow, but regardless, they couldn't stay here any longer.

Both she and Lucian were in extremely weak conditions. If they didn't retreat now, they would probably have little chance again.

Inside the church just after they evacuated the island.

Strands of green light condensed in the air again, and finally gathered into a ghostly spirit, which was Thresh.

He seemed to have no injuries on his body. With a pair of eyes flickering with will-o'-the-wisp fire, he looked at the Yin-Yang umbrella on the ground and smiled slightly.

"This is enough to report back."

He bent down to pick up the Yin-Yang Umbrella and saw the soul fragments stored in the umbrella.

I'm sure Viego will be very happy when he sees this.

Shaking the lantern, Thresh caught back all the souls that had just escaped from the lantern. They had lost the right to freedom since they entered this prison.

Soon, Thresh's figure gradually dissipated and disappeared in the church.

As he left, the black fog on the island gradually dissipated.

above the sea.

Senna looked nervously and warily at the island that was gradually disappearing behind her, and found that no living creatures were catching up with her.


Lucian opened his mouth and finally laughed. He held Senna's hand tightly, and his long-lasting longing had already been conveyed at this moment.

Senna lowered her head and looked at him with some heartache, then she stroked his face with her other hand: "I thought I would never see you again."

“Me too.” Lucian was glad that he had done it. “If I can’t meet you in this life, I would rather…”

Senna blocked his mouth with her hand and shook her head to stop him from saying the following words: "Don't say such nonsense. Even if I'm gone, I hope you can always be well."

Lucian wanted to get up, but suddenly touched the wound on his body, and he broke out in a cold sweat due to the pain.

"your injury"

"It's okay. Help me take out a bottle of powder from my pocket."

Lucian took a few breaths, forced himself to stand up, and asked Senna to take out a medicine bottle from his right chest pocket.

After taking the medicine, he opened the bottle stopper and sprinkled the powder directly onto the wound.

All of a sudden, he felt an immense pain, as if his wound was being repeatedly opened and pressed hard on again and again.

However, the effect was surprisingly good. Soon, the wound stopped bleeding and the condition stabilized.

Lucian thanked Lucci again in his heart, the medicine he gave him had helped him more than once.

Seeing that Lucian's injuries had stabilized, Senna finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Next, they talked a lot after meeting again, expressing their longing for each other.

Then they talked about the black fog.

“In Thresh’s lantern, I learned the origin of the Black Mist. It was love that created this curse, and now, I feel it stirring, controlling the master of the Black Mist, the Ruined King.”

Senna spoke of her discoveries with a somewhat uneasy look on her face. She learned a lot from the lantern, not only some lost knowledge, but more about things related to the Shadow Isles.

The Curse of Ruin, the Black Mist. She gradually understood why these things appeared.

Although she escaped, the threat of the black fog was just beginning.

Lucian panted slightly and said, "I know. Over the years, I have also investigated the anomalies of the Black Mist, so I guess that the Black Mist may come in a big wave this year."

Senna thought of everything she had learned from the lantern and unconsciously tightened her grip on Lucian's hand. "We must find a way to stop the Ruined King, or this curse will sweep across the entire Runeterra."

"Don't worry. We, the Sentinels of Light, are not the only ones who want to fight the Black Mist."

Lucian was able to force a smile at this time. His wound began to turn from painful to itchy. The effect of the medicine was amazing.

"Not just us?"

Senna's eyes showed confusion, and she didn't quite understand what Lucian meant.

"Over the years, I have met many reliable partners. This is what I am going to tell you next. At least we don't have to fight alone against the Shadow Island."

Lucian raised his eyes and looked towards the west.

The revival of the Shadow Isles is imminent, and it is time for them to face this cursed island head-on.

"Next, I'm going to take you somewhere."



(End of this chapter)

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