The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 106 "Crazy Stone"

Chapter 106 "Crazy Stone"

"What are you thinking?"

Wang Zhongjun bowed his hand, "If you go to play the leading role, then people will say that you are selling your ass to be superior."

"Whether you want me or not."

Huo Yunting nodded, that's true.If the main character was filmed, it would be more serious than black spots, just like the ink punishment stabbed on the face in ancient times.

Unknown actors sell their status, while famous actors call themselves devoted to art.

"Mr. Wang, does Director Li want me to play the role of Kuang Yumin?"

"Yes, Director Li means to let you play Wang Jiazhi's boyfriend."

Huo Yunting stroked his chin, "That can be considered."

Not for anything else, just for director Li An, even if the film is an AV, he is willing to give it a try.

"Pushing Hands", "The Wedding Banquet", "Eating and Drinking Men and Women", and "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" are basically a blockbuster film.

It can be said that the word Li Eucalyptus is the biggest attraction for actors.

Put down "Lust, Caution" and pick up the script called "The Big Diamond".

Director: Ning Hao.

I thought about it carefully, but I haven't heard of it.The director probably doesn't have much fame.

But if such a film made by such an unknown director can be put together with Li An's script, then there is something to talk about in it.

"I bought this script, and it seems to be quite suitable for you."

"Yeah, then I'll have to take a closer look."

I read the introduction of this "Big Diamond", and it's nothing special, it's just about a group of people robbing a diamond.

But when he looked at the content of the script carefully, Huo Yunting fell into it.

After nearly half an hour, Huo Yunting closed the script, squinting his eyes and meditating.

There are only two words in his mind at this moment, awesome.

This director is definitely a ghost, such a simple story, but it is so interesting for him to tell it.One link after another, this black humor is simply perfect.

A combination of art and commerce.

No wonder this script can be put together with Li An's, it's all due to the quality of this table.

Even an actor like him thinks this script is awesome, not to mention Wang Zhongjun who has an excellent business vision.

"Mr. Wang, which role do you want me to play?"

"Brother Dao."

This is the boss of the gang of thieves in the script, which may not match Huo Yunting's personal image.But since he can even play a role like Xiao Gen, playing a black boss is not a problem.

"It's not the hero..." Huo Yunting rubbed his chin.

"The male lead is not suitable for you." Wang Zhongjun paused, "You are too handsome."

"Xiao Huo, go and see for yourself, which of these two films do you think is more suitable for you." He paused, "Personally, I think "Big Diamond" is better."

Wang Zhongjun may not understand movies, but he is definitely the one who understands business best.

In terms of short-term benefits, the film "Big Diamond" has a high-quality script, low cost, short shooting time, and quick results, so it can be said to be the best choice.

The only disadvantage may be that Huo Yunting's salary will not be too high.

After pondering for a while, Huo Yunting asked, "When will this "Big Diamond" start?"

"Probably in July and August."

"What about Lust, Caution?"

"This is not necessarily the case, because Director Li only has a prototype of the script now, not to mention the hero and heroine, and he hasn't even found an investor."

"The reason why I want to invite you is because I saw the Cannes Film Festival. The 23-year-old nominated actor, Director Li is very interested in you."

Huo Yunting suddenly realized, it seems that his nomination as a best actor really has many benefits.

Thinking about it in my heart, I waved my hand, and the two scripts were shot together, "Mr. Wang, I want them all."

Wang Zhongjun was also taken aback, "You want them all?"

"Xiao Huo, you can take "Big Diamond" first, but "Lust, Caution" might not be filmed until next year. If there are other good movies during this period, you may miss it."

Huo Yunting also thought about it very openly, "Didn't people say whether this film can be made or not, so I have nothing to say, let's do it first."

His purpose is very clear, one is an extremely excellent script, which Wang Zhongjun is sure of, so he must not miss it.

The other is a script written by the famous director Li An, and I don't want to let it go.

Anyway, the two films are separated by time, and it is estimated that the time interval is not short, so it is better to talk about both of them.

During the years he has been in the industry, one thing has become very clear to him, good scripts are rare but hard to come by.

If you don't come across a good resource, it may be a few years before you encounter it next time.But how many new characters will be born in a few years?
"But I have to mention one thing, do you know that this film is dangerous?" Wang Zhongjun bit the word "dangerously".

"Not in a hurry, wait a little longer. Anyway, I should come down first."

Seeing what he said, Wang Zhongjun stopped persuading him.

"You can handle these things yourself. I will give you the contact information of Ning Hao and Li An, and you can negotiate with these two directors in private."

"Okay, then I'm going to trouble Mr. Wang."

After getting the contact information of Ning Hao and Li An, Huo Yunting went out with two scripts.

"Xiao Huo, really don't want to change to our company's gold agent?"

"Mr. Wang, Lao Zhang and I have a tacit understanding and are used to it."

"That's fine, walk slowly, don't send it off."

After leaving the company, Huo Yunting first called Li An and asked about "Lust Caution".

He accepted the role of Kuang Yumin for the time being, and Li An was also very happy, and revealed some questions about the choice of male and female protagonists with him.

"The male lead is currently negotiating with Liang Chaowei, and it may be possible to negotiate."

"It's just that the female lead may be a bit troublesome. I haven't figured it out yet. I imagine Zhang Ziyi, Shu Qi, Liu Yifei..."

Huo Yunting's eyelids twitched when he said this, good guy, you won't let go of any underage girls.If he said this in front of Liu Yifei's mother, Huo Yunting would doubt that Liu Xiaoli could tear him up on the spot.

"Yunting, I remember that you have collaborated with Liu Yifei before, right? That "Legend of Sword and Fairy" and "The Legend of Condor Heroes"."

"What do you think of Liu Yifei? Is it suitable?"

"That's too inappropriate, Director Li, she should be the first person you exclude." Huo Yunting said righteously, "I'm quite familiar with her, she is not suitable for wearing a cheongsam."

"The figure is too flat, so I can only wear loose clothes. Otherwise, why does she keep acting in costume dramas?"

Ang Lee's script was rather sloppy, but it emphasized that the heroine must be beautiful in a cheongsam, which shows how much he values ​​this.

"Well, then I'll think about it."

Huo Yunting was slightly relieved, and asked if there was an approximate shooting time for this film.

"Let's wait until I finish writing the script, and I'll talk about it then."

After hanging up the phone, Huo Yunting thought about it and sent Liu Yifei a message.

[When someone invites you to make a film about Lust, Caution, you immediately decline it, saying that your time limit is up. 】

Soon, the phone vibrated, 【What is Lust, Caution?Why refuse? 】

For a moment Huo Yunting had a toothache, how could he explain this to her?

It's not appropriate to tell her a very innocent underage girl.

【Just trust me】

It took a while before I answered.


After chatting with Liu Yifei, he called Ning Hao non-stop.This question, my good fellow, I am from Peiping now.

"If Mr. Huo is also in Beiping, let's make an appointment for dinner? Let's talk face to face."

"That's a good relationship. I have a lot of questions about our film that I want to talk about in detail."

After hanging up the phone, after a while, Ning Hao sent an address, and Huo Yunting drove there.

In the private room 666, when you open the door, you can see a man with a flat head smoking a stuffy cigarette.See someone come in and get up quickly.

"You are Mr. Huo Yunting Huo?"

"Director Ning, I have admired your name for a long time."

The two shook hands and sat down to talk about the movie "Big Diamond".

After chatting, I found out that the prototype of this script had been around as early as [-], but in the past five years, it has been deleted, deleted and modified, and it is already a different script from the original one.

Ning Hao is more reserved, and his words are always very strict.He was a little uncomfortable listening to a bunch of sloppy words.

"Director Ning, how much is our investment in this film?"

As soon as he heard him mention this, Ning Hao's expression froze, and then he said sullenly, "More than 300 million."

"That's all?" Huo Yunting looked confused, "This investor is too picky."

Only give more than 300 million.This is almost as good as Director Wang's film.

"If you have to say it, the investor is Andy Lau. He launched the 'Asian Rising Star Director Program' to give some newcomers the opportunity to direct. I got more than 300 million from him for this film."

Huo Yunting was silent for a moment, which was too little.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Ning Hao was afraid that he would regret it, so he hurriedly said, "Mr. Huo, don't worry about this. More than 300 million yuan is definitely enough to support our film."

"If it's not enough, I'll sell the house myself and make up for the difference."

Huo Yunting felt a little weird for a moment, how could this be the same as Wang Daozheng's...

"Director Ning, where is our filming location?"

Ning Hao talked eloquently, "I searched a lot for this location, including Chongqing, Guangzhou and several other cities. But after I went to Chongqing a few months ago, I chose the two thousand."

"Chongqing is an emerging metropolis, and its rapid growth has led to its complexity and uncertainty. And—"

"OK! OKOK, okay, I get it."

Huo Yunting quickly stopped him.

These guys are directors, when it comes to the creative background, the connotation and so on are endless.Reading comprehension in high school must be full marks.

"Director Ning, don't you consider changing your name? "Big Diamond" really discouraged you."

"My name is useless, I can't think of a good name." Ning Hao thought for a while, holding his cheek, "Should I call it "Big Rock"?"

"Well... It's open to discussion, open to discussion."

Huo Yunting was pondering, and suddenly thought of a movie he had seen in the crew of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" in his mind.

"Mad Max".

He didn't feel good about the film, and he was drowsy after watching it.But it's a good name.

"Then why not call it Crazy Stone."

(End of this chapter)

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