The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 107 Pull My Good Brother 1

Chapter 107 Give My Good Brother a Hand

"Crazy Stone..."

Ning Hao frowned in thought, and after a long while patted the table, "Good name!"

"The name is interesting. Crazy not only represents these people's pursuit of this diamond and wealth, but also represents—"

"Okay, okay! Director Ning, I offer you a toast!"

A glass of white wine was stuffed into Ning Hao's hand, and Huo Yunting drank it in one gulp.

Seeing this, Ning Hao had no choice but to stop talking for now, and drank in one gulp.

After the meal, Huo Yunting had a general understanding of the film.

It belongs to a healthy baby with a congenital disability, just like Director Wang's "Green Red".

At present, two protagonists, one positive and one negative, have been found, one is myself, and the other is Guo Tao.Xu Zheng played the role of Feng Dong. According to Ning Hao himself, the other party read the script, expressed his interest, and took the initiative to participate in the performance.

And it's zero pay.

When it comes to the topic of salary, I have to ask, "Director Ning, how much is my salary?"

Ning Hao's face froze again. Damn, why do you keep talking so heartbreakingly?

Gritting his teeth, "I'll offer you [-] yuan, which is the same as Guo Tao's salary, do you think it's okay?"

Huo Yunting was also a little silent for a while. When he was on the crew of "The Legend of Condor Heroes", he received a total of more than 20 yuan in salary.

He was relatively small, after all, he was not very well-known at that time, and Liu Yifei had the highest salary of the whole crew, with more than 30 yuan.

But even if we go further, when it comes to filming "Legend of Sword and Fairy", my salary was not so low.This shows that the crew is really short of money.

"Brother Huo, this is really the highest price I can offer."

"Director Ning thought too much, so I just asked casually."

After this meal, Huo Yunting planned to go back to the courtyard.

The filming location has been selected. In Chongqing, there are Luohan Temple, Yangtze River Cableway and other places.It's just that the main creators are still a few short.

For example, he has never been able to find suitable candidates for the two younger brothers under Brother Dao.

"Brother Huo, once I've chosen someone, we'll start shooting this movie right away!"

Ning Hao was drunk, holding Huo Yunting's neck and breathing out alcohol, "It will be the end of June at the latest, or the beginning of July."

"Brother Huo, you know a lot of people. If there are, if there are, hiccup~ suitable people, remember to recommend them for me..."

"Yes, I will tell you if I find the right person."

The drunken Ning Hao staggered and stopped a taxi, and before leaving, he stretched out half of his body and greeted him.

"Huo, Brother Huo, let's go."

Huo Yunting hurried forward and pushed his arm back, "Be careful, don't spit in other people's cars."

"Relax, don't worry, I'll spit out..."

Watching the taxi leave, Huo Yunting himself burped.

I don't know when, his resistance to alcohol is getting higher and higher, and now he is no longer drunk.

"Why is it that the more you drink this wine, the less likely you are to get drunk?"

Back in the courtyard, I saw Huang Bo washing clothes there.The sound of clothes rubbing against the washboard was endless.

Huang Bo looked up and wiped the foam off his face casually, "Yo, you're back, what did you do?"

"I had a meal with the director and took on two more plays."

"...Ah, um, then congratulations."

Huang Bo lowered his head and rubbed his clothes again, but the rubbing became louder and louder, and his voice became more urgent.

Moving a small horse from the back room, Huo Yunting sat beside Huang Bo with a smile on his face, "Old Huang, if I go to make a film here, it will take several months."


He changed his clothes and threw them heavily on the washboard, "It's okay, I'll take care of your house."

"Don't, I'm thinking about letting you go with me."

"What am I going to do, and I don't have—"

He was stunned halfway through the words, and the two hands that were rubbing the clothes stopped.

"Old, old Huo, what do you mean?"

Put a cigarette in his mouth, light it for him, and watch happily.

He took out the script from his inner pocket and patted it on his hand.Huang Bo's two eyes stared straight at the words "big diamond" and did not let go.

"There's a movie with a small budget, and it's only over 300 million. There's a supporting role in it... the male four-five-six-seven-eight-ninety-five-five-six-seven-eight-ninety-five-five-six-seven-eight-ninety-five-five-six-seven-eight-ninety-five-five-six-seven-eight-ninety-five-five-six-seven-eight-ninety-five-five-six-seven-eight-ninety-five-five-five-six-seven-eight-ninety hook-up, I think you're quite—"

"I act."

With a flick of the water droplets on his hand, Huang Bo took a big puff of cigarette. "I act."

"What's the rush? Read the script first."

"Zhongzhongzhong, I, I, I, I, wipe my hands!"

Huang Bo stood up in a "bass" and ran back to the house, and strode out after a while, grabbing the script.

Those two eyes were shining brightly.

After watching it for a while, he made the same evaluation as Huo Yunting, "Damn it, the script is awesome."

Then he suddenly turned his head to look at Huo Yunting, "I'm playing this black guy, right?"

"Awesome." Huo Yunting gave a thumbs up.

"Then which one are you playing?"

"I play Dao brother."

"Brother Dao? My boss?" Huang Bo frowned and looked him up and down, "You are so handsome."

"I'll shave my head in a while."

"Hiss~ Old Huo, you are really willing to do this."

It's not like some ancient costume martial arts drama can only post movies, and you don't want to be an actor even if you shave your head. "

"Hey, yes, do what you do and love what you do."

Huang Bo also gave a thumbs up, then thought of something, and asked cautiously.

"Old Huo, does the director know that you pulled me into the group?"

Huo Yunting looked innocent, "He asked me to find a suitable person and pull him, then I think you are quite suitable."

"Do you need me to submit a brief introduction or something and then interview?"

"It's okay, the poor group of directors only lacks actors like you who don't ask for extravagant prices. Apart from his love of reading comprehension, he is quite down-to-earth."

"I'll call him over later, and you can show him face to face."

Hearing his nonchalant tone, Huang Bo couldn't help smacking his lips. This nomination for Best Actor is extraordinary, and even the director doesn't pay attention to it.

In the evening, Ning Hao, who was sober, received a call from Huo Yunting, and he readily agreed.Two days later, I went to the courtyard to meet Huang Bo.

For this role, Lao Huang prepared for two days and two nights. Huo Yunting watched him write a biography of the character densely packed with five or six thousand words.

Write this black skin from birth to death.Character analysis, character image and so on have been written all over.It can be seen that he really attaches importance to this role.

It's just that the biography of this character is not very useful. When the two met, Huang Bo showed him the scene of the black leather being chased by a car at the end of the film, and Ning Hao waved his hand to approve it.

After he left, Huang Bo raised his head to the sky and howled a few times, scaring away many birds on the branches.

"Congratulations, Lao Huang." Huo Yunting on the side smiled and patted his shoulder.

"Pick one to celebrate?"

"You have to smoke."

Huang Bo took the cigarette, lit it, and suddenly thanked Huo Yunting with a serious face.

"Old Huo, thank you."

The words were too serious, which made Huo Yunting a little uncomfortable. He was used to joking with Lao Huang on weekdays, and he was out of shape all day, so he was a little uncomfortable suddenly being so serious today.

I am generally only so serious in front of elders.

"I said Lao Huang, you are your own ability, and it has nothing to do with me."

Huang Bo shook his head stubbornly, "But if you don't tell me, I don't even know there is such a play."

"Old Huo, I will remember your love forever."

Huo Yunting didn't know how to answer it for a while, so he nodded vaguely and hurried away.

On June 24th, Ning Hao gathered all the actors and invited everyone to gather in Chongqing, and the air tickets were reimbursed.

He didn't know how many actors were in Peiping, but the only one who left with him was Lao Huang.

"Old Huo, how much is your salary?"

"10." Huo Yunting stroked Lu Qing's stubble scalp, his head felt chilly when the breeze blew.

Huang Bo nodded and said nothing, he only had [-].

But the price is not low.At least it was true for someone like him who didn't even have a coffee position.

But when Qian Huangbo was mentioned, he frowned again, "Old Huo, we will have to shoot for a few months."

"That's for sure, you're one of the main creators anyway, and you must have stayed for a long time."

"Then can I get my rent refunded for the past few months? I feel that what I paid is a bit useless."

Huo Yunting's face turned dark, and he hugged Huang Bo's neck, coupled with his green stubble scalp, it can be said that he showed his fierce appearance.

The surrounding security personnel couldn't help but look at him a few more times.

"Fuck off, my mother pays thousands of dollars a month, how long do you think I've lived in that yard?"

"What's this called? This is ownership, do you understand? You're not here, but I've always kept the left side room for you..."

"Stop, stop, stop. I'm not kidding you."

The arms that were wrapped around him were retracted, and when thinking about the courtyard house of his own, he felt a toothache for a while.

This left-handed house has been taken advantage of, but when will this right-handed house be rented by a rich man.

(End of this chapter)

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