The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 108 It's All Fudge

Chapter 108 It's All Fudge
Chongqing Chaotianmen Hotel

After entering the hotel, I took the room card with the girl at the front desk, put the things in my room, and went to 309 with Huang Bo.

This is Ning Hao's room.

There was a knock on the door, and a bald man with glasses opened the door.Before Huo Yunting could speak, Huang Bo hurriedly reached out, "Hello, Mr. Xu Zheng."

Oh, Xu Zheng.

He didn't recognize the face just by looking at it, but he remembered it when he heard the name. He acted in the popular "Bright Spring Pig Bajie" some time ago.

"Brother Zheng, hello."

"Hello, hello, the 23-year-old nominated actor, awesome."

Xu Zheng smiled and shook hands with Huo Yunting.Then he grabbed Huang Bo's hand again.

"Huang Bo, right? Please come in, please come in."

The two entered the room, only to find that the room was full of people.

There are a few sitting on the edge of the bed, one sitting on the table, and some standing and squatting, surrounding Ning Hao who is on the chair.

An ashtray was placed on the table and on the floor, and the cigarette butts and ash were piled together like a small pyramid, and the room smelled like cigarettes.

Huo Yunting came in a hurry, and he didn't ask who Ning Hao's crew had hired.

But after scanning around the room, he took a deep breath, good guy, I didn't see it, Ning Hao still has this ability.

The buddy sitting on the table is the actor Lian Jin from Xiangjiang, and the four-eyed guy squatting is Wang Xun, who is very popular in Sichuan and Sichuan.

And the big brother standing with his hands on his hips, Guo Tao.Last year, he won the Excellent Performance Award from the Ministry of Culture.

A film with a low cost of more than 300 million yuan unexpectedly invited so many talents.Although they are all small roles, it is not easy to invite so many.

"Brother Dao, why did you come here? I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Huo Yunting was stupefied, a dry and skinny boy stepped forward and punched him with a smile on his face.

Huo Yunting was still a little dazed, for a moment he didn't know what this buddy was doing.

"Your follower, Xiaojun. He is also the assistant director of our crew. His real name is Yue Xiaojun."

"Oh, Director Yue, hello, hello."

After saying hello to Yue Xiaoxiaojun, the two knew each other.

Ning Hao clapped his hands, "Since everyone is here, let's get down to business."

Well, they are the last batch to come.

Ning Hao appeared to be in a hurry, omitting all his self-introductions—or maybe he had finished the exchange meeting before the two of them came.

Ning Hao was a rare person today who didn't stick to words, and talked about all the important things.

The first thing that bears the brunt is that the script needs to be slightly changed, replacing diamonds with emeralds.

Huo Yunting didn't quite understand this point, he thought it didn't matter if he changed it or not.As long as it's small and exquisite and the price is high, it doesn't matter what kind of pearl agate... it can be used.

But out of curiosity, he still asked, "Director Ning, what's the point of replacing this diamond with emerald?"

Ning Hao paused, "It's cost saving."

Where is this cost saving?Isn't it all for fakes?

Huo Yunting didn't understand, but seeing that Ning Hao was about to talk about the climax, he just shut up and continued to listen.

After Ning Hao talked about various precautions, he slapped his hands for the last time, "Okay, then let's stop here today, and we will start shooting on time at 08:30 tomorrow morning."


"it is good."

"That's fine."

A circle of old men sitting around nodded, and then got up and left one by one.

Huo Yunting watched the film until 08:30, but Ning Hao didn't greet him.It is estimated that there is no such thing as a boot banquet.

But it's also understandable, the crew is so poor, there's no need to do such vain things.

After closing the computer, Huo Yunting went out to a nearby noodle shop and ordered hot dry noodles.

Don't look at this small shop, which is dilapidated and dirty, and there are not many tables, but the staff is hot.The tables and cups were all placed outside the store, and there was no vacant seat to be found.

Leather jacket, suit trousers, pointed leather shoes, coupled with Huo Yunting's strong physique and stubble hair, all the guests at the dinner table bowed their heads and smirked.

The originally bustling noodle shop was also deserted.

Huo Yunting frowned and stroked his head, "Damn it, there are so many people."

Just thinking about going to another restaurant to eat, a little girl nearby suddenly got up and hurriedly checked out.

Huo Yunting rejoiced, okay, there is a seat available.

Sit down and look up, happy, good guy, the person opposite is still an acquaintance.

"Director Ning, don't you just come here for a solo dinner?"

Ning Hao rolled his eyes angrily, "A bowl of hot dry noodles for just a few yuan is called eating alone? Please let the whole crew eat a portion."

"That's good, I'll call Huang Bo right away."

After finishing speaking, Huo Yunting took out his mobile phone as if to shake people.Ning Hao quickly stopped him.

"Stop it, other people set up tables for the start-up banquet. How miserable it is for us to squat on the street and eat hot dry noodles at the start-up banquet."

"What's the matter, I have never caught up with the state of abjection when I started as a group performer, so let's focus on a lively scene."

Picking up the beer and taking a big gulp, Ning Hao shook his head, "You think so, but others don't necessarily think so. I have to take care of everyone's emotions in our crew."

"Brother, your hot dry noodles have arrived."

A guy with a hair-inch head was holding a bowl of hot dry noodles, and put it lightly in front of Huo Yunting, then carefully backed away, and then trotted all the way back to the back kitchen.

The steaming hot dry noodles were put on the table, blown twice, and stuffed into his mouth in one gulp.

"Well, incense."

"This sesame sauce is quite fragrant. Apart from noodles without soup, this is the second one I have eaten."

After pouring some crushed chili, Huo Yunting stirred it and said casually, "Ningzi, you just think too much. You look at Zhu Bajie with such a big wrist, why don't you invite me here?"

What a bad name, Huan Ningzi...

Ning Hao twitched the corners of his mouth, "I didn't invite him. I originally wanted to invite his wife, Tao Taohong, to play Lao Bao's wife. I don't know why Xu Zheng saw this email."

"Perhaps Tao Hong took the initiative to show Xu Zheng."

Huo Yunting slightly widened his eyes and let out a breath.

"What about Lian Jin who plays the international bandit? The actors in Xiangjiang don't ask for a low price. I remember how much you gave him? Eighty thousand, right?"

Ning Hao shook his head, "He is Liu Dehua's friend, Liu Dehua introduced him here. He is just here for fun."

Huo Yunting was taken aback for another moment, and asked after thinking for a while, "What about Guo Tao? Isn't he the name of the one he acted in... The drama "No Place to Die" became very popular. How did he come here?"

"I first looked for Sun Honglei for this role, but he couldn't get away because his schedule was over, so I found Guo Tao. He actually didn't want to play it at first, but when he heard that Sun Honglei wanted to play it, he came here."

Huo Yunting took a deep breath, scratched his head, and guessed this was all a f*cking trick?

"No, what about Wang Xun? Isn't he one of the top ten comedians in Bashu? This one from Chongqing is very popular."

"I was also the one who fooled you here. I invited him to the film crew the first few days after you came. He wanted to leave at first, but I reluctantly agreed to stay after showing him the script."

For a moment, Huo Yunting was speechless.

Originally thought that the crew was full of talents and had high-quality scripts, so even though the cost was low, it could still show off its charm.

Looking at it now, it's all a fucking trick!

"I'm the only one co-authoring the crew who really thinks the book is good?"

"How could it be?" Ning Hao patted him on the shoulder kindly, "I also came here because I thought this movie was good."

"Fuck off, you fucking director, whoever comes if you don't come."

(End of this chapter)

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