The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 109 The condition worsened and evolved

Chapter 109 The condition worsened (×) and evolved ()
At 08:30 the next morning, the crew gathered under the hotel.

A group of people went to Luohan Temple with equipment on their backs.Let's shoot the scenes of Guo Tao and the others first.

Lao Bao was accompanied by security guards, and the two strode towards the outside of the Arhat Temple.

"From tomorrow's opening to the end of the exhibition, I was strictly guarded against death for four hours when I was a child, and I had to sleep with my eyes open."

Although Guo Tao is from Shaanxi, he speaks Chongqing dialect.

The film "Crazy Stone" can be described as a large collection of dialects.

Laobao and the others spoke Chongqing dialect, the four-eyed secretary spoke Chengdu dialect, Xiaojun spoke Beijing movies, the black-piped ones spoke Qingdao flavors, and the international gangster Mike spoke Cantonese mixed with Mandarin.

This is also Ning Hao's suggestion and request, all the actors can just speak their native dialect.

So Huo Yunting speaks Cangzhou dialect, but Ren Qiu belongs to the Baoding dialect, so it is not wrong to say that he speaks Baoding dialect.

Guo Tao's scene was in full swing, but Huo Yunting and his three brothers were still preparing, mainly because Huo Yunting's props were not ready yet.

According to Ning Hao's thinking, Brother Dao is a greasy middle-aged man in his 40s and [-]s.

Glue a beard on Huo Yunting, tie a gold chain around his neck, put on glasses, and narrow his eyes even more, it is no different from the image of Brother Dao in his mind.

But looking at the whole body, the stomach looks a bit out of place.

Why no beer belly?

This itself is a black and humorous movie about ordinary people, and the only person who is out of place in the whole play is the international thief Mike.

Tall and handsome, a cold-blooded killer.

If Huo Yunting also looks too "handsome", then he will conflict with the role of Mike.

Ning Hao gave an order and sent someone to tailor a fake belly for him.

This fake stomach was ordered in the morning, and it was not delivered until noon the day after tomorrow.A big chunk of silicone, clacking on top of it.

"Come, come, Lao Huo, try to bring it on."

Lifting off the clothes, Huang Bo couldn't wait to put the fake belly on Huo Yunting's stomach.After sticking it tightly, Huo Yunting tied the clothes again.

Huang Bo looked around and admired, "Brother Huo, that's awesome, no wonder you were nominated for Best Actor. I now believe that you played Xiaogen in "Green Red"."

But Ning Hao looked around for a long time, frowned and called a makeup artist to gesticulate on Huo Yunting's head.

"Xiao Jie, there is a scar left in this place, and I shaved off this piece of hair."

The make-up artist nodded, took a small razor blade, and gesticulated on the top of Huo Yunting's head. It was so small that it was large, and carefully pushed away a strand of hair, leaving a scar-like path.

This time Ning Hao found it much pleasing to the eye.

I rented Luohan Temple to shoot the security scene, and the few cameras in the crew were facing Guo Tao and the others every day.

Huo Yunting was bored every day, thinking about where to go outside the Luohan Temple, and also saw the hotness of Chongqing.But it was stopped by Ning Hao.

"Why are you going out for a walk? Our crew is so poor, you said you went out and had a hard time, where do you pay for it?"

Huo Yunting said this with warmth in his heart, "Director Ning, I'm not a three-year-old kid, and with my skills, who can knock me down."

Ning Hao looked surprised, "Who said you, I said I was afraid that you would bump someone else."

"Close the doors and windows when you sleep, don't let me go in."

The idea of ​​going out to play was stopped, so I could only sit in the Luohan Temple every day, reciting lines, and chatting with my new little brother——Yue Xiaojun.

Although Yue Xiaojun is the assistant director of the film crew, he is not used much on weekdays, and Ning Hao basically runs around with him.

After chatting with Yue Xiaojun, Huo Yunting had a new understanding of the poverty of the crew.The entire film was shot digitally in high definition and then transferred to film in post.

Damn, so poor.

Huo Yunting was still thinking about when they would be kicked out of the hotel because they couldn't pay the rent, while Huang Bo happily asked Yue Xiaojun for advice with the script.

"Brother Xiaojun, look at our script, it's this shot..."

Seeing Huang Bo's enthusiastic appearance, Huo Yunting was still a little puzzled.You said that you asked Xu Zheng, Wang Xun and other actors to ask for advice, but why do you ask the director for scripts?
I heard that there is a priority, and there is a specialization in the art industry.

I leaned over to take a look, okay, I'm asking for a storyboard script.

This storyboard script is also called a storyboard script. Although it also has the word script, it is not for actors to read.

This is for directors and photographers.

The actor's script is simpler, but the storyboard script is dense and full of technical terms.Ordinary people may not understand it.

Each lens, what camera position, what color tone and other requirements are all recorded on it.I don't know how Huang Bo got it.

Yue Xiaojun never refused to come, and he was very talkative, explaining every problem to Huang Bo in detail.

Huo Yunting was bored, he had already memorized the script by heart, so he didn't bother to read it again.It's better to follow along for a while.

Listening to Yue Xiaojun talking about the seat, he also interjected to ask questions from time to time.What he suffered the most when he was a group performer was that he didn't know the location of the camera.

Anyway, this major is still useful.

Yue Xiaojun's explanation was very detailed, Huo Yunting's comprehension is not low, and there is still a spare machine on the set for demonstration, Huo Yunting soon understood the concept thoroughly.

As soon as the eyes are closed, the pictures after the various editing are completed are outlined in the mind, and the scenes are connected together.

It's said to be watching a movie in your head, but it's actually more like reading a comic book with some key pages missing.

During the day, I listened to Yue Xiaojun talk about the script, chatted nonsense with Huang Bo, and went to Ning Hao's side to watch the excitement, and the day passed.

The day time is so boring, only the night time is the most exciting.

Recently, he learned a new word from the Internet, called multiverse.He sometimes felt that he was experiencing various worlds in his dreams every night-are they also universes?
He doesn't quite understand.

Lie on the bed and close your eyes, and fall asleep in a while.

When I opened it, I found myself sitting on a carriage.He has a hairy head, a big belly, and a briefcase in his hand.

What kind of film is this?
As he was thinking about it, a man with the appearance of a countryman next to him opened a can of Coke, and then asked cautiously.

"Brother, big brother, it says 5 yuan won, what does it mean?"

Huo Yunting was taken aback, and leaned over to take a look, isn't this Huang Bo's face?

"Fuck! Can you still play like this?"

(End of this chapter)

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