The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 114 You *made* you!

Chapter 114 You Fuck You!

Huo Yunting gasped, "Are you planning to leave Beiping?"

"Now I have some fame, I want to try."

"The first stop is Tianjin?"


Huo Yunting pursed his lips and frowned.

He was not surprised that Lao Guo had a performance, but he was really surprised when he went to Tianjin for the first stop.

What is Tianjin?That is the hometown of quyi.

It is an immigrant city itself. Over the centuries, many foreigners have flocked here, bringing a lot of traditional folk arts.

Then they develop with each other, take the essence and discard the dross. Today's Quyi culture in Tianjin can be described as a hundred flowers blooming and a hundred schools of thought contending.

In fact, the Quyi culture in Tianjin was already a must in the Qing Dynasty.

What do you say in "Jinmen Baiyong"?
There are seven theaters competing in the capital city, and every dude has his own feelings.

If you ask where your family lives, there is a hall name in front of every house.

"Old Guo, if you go to Tianjin for the first battle, you will have to fight a good battle."

Guo Degang laughed, full of confidence, "Just look at it, I don't have diamonds, so I definitely won't take on the porcelain job."

"What date is November? As long as I'm free, I'll definitely go."

"November [-]th, Tianjin National Grand Theater, I'll wait for you."

"Okay, I'll definitely go as soon as I can spare time."

Hang up the phone and look back.Yue Xiaojun and the others were about to get up and leave.

"Hey, hey, don't go, finish talking about Viagra."

"What Viagra?"

Turning around, Ning Hao was standing behind.

"Oh, it's okay. Tell me about a buddy named Zhang Wei I knew before."

"Okay, let's talk later, let's start shooting."

In the scene to be filmed today, Huang Bo paid the most, because at the end of the filming, he calls Brother Dao in the sewer.

Originally, according to Ning Hao's idea of ​​striving for truth, he really wanted to take a group of people to drill the sewer.It was just rejected by everyone.

"Director Ning, let's just go into the sewer, what do you think if the machine is smoked?"

Of course, this was before Huo Yunting invested.

Now that the budget has been increased by 50, Ning Hao has a lot of confidence.

After saying hello to the municipal department, and a mess of Chongqing city propaganda, they finally agreed.

Just give it an afternoon.

But more than enough.

Under the leadership of the municipal staff, the crew went to the sewer from the sewage treatment plant.

The sewer is pitch black and opaque, and everyone is blind when they go down.It was better to follow with several flashlights before and after.

Only the brightness is limited.

The inside of the sewer seems to be absorbing light. The brightness of the flashlight is only a few meters away, and the light behind it is completely swallowed by the blackness.

If you ignore the smell of rotten eggs, it really feels like a wild adventure.

Huo Yunting's brain was in a trance, and he felt that his group was a bit like a novel about tomb robbery he read on the Tianya forum some time ago.

It's about this group of people going to the ruins of an ancient city in the desert. His writing skills are all brilliant, what kind of ancient city is it called?
Needless to say, it was wonderfully written.It's exciting to recall that in my mind.

"Inner one, director, I'll send it here. Go further inside and you can go on your own."

After finishing speaking, the staff member held his nose and ran back all the way.

A few equipment and equipment were put down, the headlights were turned on, and the light was sufficient for a while.

Huo Yunting put two plastic bags on his hands, and smiled at Huang Bo.

"Old Huang, it's time for you to dedicate yourself to art."

"Don't, don't, stop, I'll wipe it off myself."

"It's okay, I'll help you."

Scratching the pipe with both hands, good guy, scraped off a thick layer of soft black mud, and slapped it on Huang Bo's face.


"Oh my god, this smell is too fucking aggressive."

As soon as the black mud ointment was applied to his face, Huang Bo started to retch.It took a while to get used to it.

This black mud ointment needs to be applied a lot, and it has been applied all over his body.

It was sticky and greasy, and Huo Yunting felt his hands were cold through a layer of plastic bag.

I was rubbing it vigorously, but my hands felt sticky and slippery.When I put it under the light, I can see that there are two holes in the plastic bag.

"Damn it! This plastic bag is leaking!"

Huang Bo gloated, "I told you I would wipe it off myself, but you still didn't listen."

Huo Yunting was full of disgust, and hurried to the side to wash his hands with water.I just rinsed a bottle of water, and smelled it again, it still smelled like fermented rotten eggs.

"It's over, it's over, I can't take this hand."

Huang Bo climbed to the ladder at the mouth of the well, put his feet on the wall, and curled up into a ball. Several light panels were pushed in front of him to light up.

"3, 2, 1, action!"

"Amitabha, God bless, Amen, Amen."

"Beep beep beep~"

"Hello? Hey! Brother Dao! I'm shut down at the bottom of the well, and I can't get out!"

"The phone has no signal, and it's almost out of battery. I haven't eaten for several days. You should think of a way!"

"Ah? What can I do?"

"Brother Dao! Hello? Hello? Hello!"

"You fucked up *you!"

In the end, Huang Bo couldn't hold on anymore and fell down.




After the filming of this scene, there were lively applause and whistles all around.

Ning Hao was also very happy, and repeatedly asked the photographer to save this one.

"Old Huang, you are showing your true feelings in the last sentence."

Huang Bo was also laughing, very shyly, "Director Ning, are you in this part?"

"It's great, it's great."

Huo Yunting was also having fun, when Yue Xiaojun suddenly aimed a camera at him.

"Old Huo, please tell me what you think."

This is a behind-the-scenes film, and it will be released at the end of the credits, or there will be a TVB version of the disc, it can be regarded as an easter egg.

Just as I was about to rub my chin and think about it, I smelled the smell of rotten eggs, so I quickly put it down.

"Old Huang is dedicated and a good actor. Whether he is an actor or a brother, he is one-on-one."

He glanced at Huang Bo who was laughing in the distance again.

"You don't care what he looks like, as long as the light is on, he is definitely a hero."

After seeing him finish speaking, Yue Xiaojun wobbled and pointed the phone at Huang Bo who was surrounded by lights.

Maybe it's like what Huo Yunting said, don't look at him now, maybe he will be a great hero in the future.

With Huo Yunting's 50 funds settled in, some scenes that had to be deleted can be made up again.

Coupled with Ning Hao's increasing demand for meticulous craftsmanship, the film that was originally expected to be completed in mid-October was finally delayed until November [-]st.

The last scene also happens to be the last scene of the film.

On the overpass of Rongqiao Road in NA District, Huang Bo, with bread stuffed in his mouth, ran wildly all the way, and the fat chef behind him chased him all the way on a small electric motorcycle.


"Steal bread... run!"

"I ran to sixty miles."


Ning Hao shouted, this scene is over.

The crew is finished.

(End of this chapter)

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