The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 115 Serious Accident

Chapter 115 Serious Accident
After the production team wrapped up, Ning Hao invited everyone to take a photo together, and "Crazy Stone" was over.

After wrapping up, everyone went back to each house to find their mothers. Before leaving, Huo Yunting even teased Ning Hao for not having a breakup meal.

"I don't have any underpants for what to eat. When the box office sells out, I'll book a hotel directly."

"Okay, then wait for your hotel."

"Director Ning, I hope the box office sells well."

"No matter what, can the whole box office be 2000 million?"

"2000 million? I'm content with 1000 million."

After greeting everyone, Huo Yunting booked a flight to Tianjin.

As for Huang Bo, he returned to Beiping and continued to look after his house.

On November [-]rd, Huo Yunting arrived at the gate of Tianjin National Grand Theater.

This is the grand theater. It doesn't look very formal. The sign hangs vertically upstairs, which always gives him the feeling of a nightclub.

There are posters on both sides, showing Guo Degang with a smile on his face.

I called Lao Guo, okay, he has a big heart, and he is still in Beiping.

"I said, Lao Guo, you are not preparing in advance."

"It's okay, Beiping and Tianjin are so close, we can get there in one day. I'll practice with Brother Qian again today, and I'll be there tomorrow."

"Well, then you should pay attention to yourself, and don't miss the time."

He found a hotel nearby, and Huo Yunting just lay on the bed and read novels.

When filming from the Chongqing sewer before.He was reading the novel called Jingjue Ancient City.

During this period of time, I looked through it again and found that it was no longer serialized on Tianya Forum, but the first full collection was sent to a novel website.

It is called Qidian Chinese Network.

As for the name of the novel, he finally figured it out.It's called "Ghost Blowing the Lamp".

He hasn't finished the first part of Jingjue Ancient City, but looking at the comment area, the author left a message saying that the second part has already been conceived, and it is tentatively named Longling Miku.

While reading the novel, a familiar middle-aged man coughed.

Click on the flashing penguin icon in the lower right corner.

[Green-haired Watermelon]: In a few days, I will be speaking today...


Huo Yunting's heart skipped a beat, what's the matter?Was this girl arrested for committing a crime?
So he hurriedly searched for news about Liu Yifei on the Internet.

In the past few months, he has been busy with filming. He usually learns professional knowledge from Yue Xiaojun, and guides Ning Hao's scripts from time to time. He is very busy every day.

Didn't read much news.

Search now, good guy, the amount of information is exploding.

The rumors intensified, from sex change to plastic surgery, from disability to abortion.One by one has a nose and an eye, and with a few blurred pictures, it is almost time to draw a conclusion on this matter.

I was reading Song Zhude's blog, and the tide was getting higher and higher.All he had to do was raise a flag and shout "Down with Liu Yifei" with a group of netizens.

"This is so insane... Where are transgender people going to get abortions. The whole fucking one slipped through the nine-year compulsory education."

"Huh? I seem to be too."

His fingers paused on the keyboard, typing.

[The mind is very clear]: Is this for clarification?

[Green Hairy Watermelon]: I should listen to you, it's a little late.

[The brain is very clear]: It's okay, it's not too late, it's a big problem if it is concluded by someone.

After thinking about it, I continued to knock down,
[The mind is very clear]: You should pay more attention to that Song Zude, I feel that he can do anything for money.

[Green Hairy Watermelon]: Hmm, I see.

There is also a crying face emoticon package at the back.

"This girl... is a little too reckless. You sit at home, and the pot comes from the sky."

Shaking his head, leaving these troubles aside, he continued to read the novel.

At night, he turned into Hu Bayi and set foot on the desert with Fatty and the others.

With his prophecy, none of the members of the archaeological team died, avoiding the group of black snakes with strange tumors.It entered the underground palace of the Jingjue Queen intact.

It's just that this world is too open, so open that it doesn't necessarily follow its own way of thinking.

While walking on the small bridge, a black snake suddenly fell from the top of the cave and was about to throw it on his face.

Fortunately, the fat man took a quick step and shot the black snake's head to pieces.

"Old Hu, are you okay?"

"it's okay no problem."

Seeing the hot black snake lying on the ground and twitching non-stop, Huo Yunting felt lingering fear for a moment.

Nearly fucking died here.




Then if he died in the dream, would he die with him in reality?

Looking at the black snake's body, this idea suddenly popped up in his mind.

"beep beep"

"beep beep"

At five o'clock in the morning on November [-]th, Huo Yunting opened his eyes.

He knew what time it was without checking the time. He turned off the alarm and stared at the ceiling in a daze.

Damn, don't bet on this.

Too dangerous.

He still remembered the power of "I feel" that he hadn't triggered for a long time.

What if he felt that he was really dead in his dream, and his heart actually stopped beating in reality?
Get up, change clothes, go to the toilet and flush your head.

His hairy hair hasn't grown back yet, and when he washes his face, he even washes his brain together, and wipes it with a towel, so he doesn't even need to wash his hair.

At noon, a little black fat man who was busy with travel and dust came.

Huo Yunting met him at the hotel.

"Look, look, look, don't look at this performance is not popular yet, this momentum is already like a master." Huo Yunting teased with a smile.

"Bian'er is playing and cutting." Lao Guo scolded with a smile.

Looking around for a while, Huo Yunting asked curiously, "Where's Brother Qian'er? Why didn't you come with you? Stand-up comedy?"

"Brother Qian'er is busy with work, I won't come until tomorrow."

"Good guy, you are really relieved."

"It's close, what are you afraid of?"

The two talked and laughed, and went to the Grand Theater together to have a look.

The table is quite big. Go up and try it, and look down. There are more than 1000 seats densely packed.

"Old Guo, this is different from Tianqiao Le Tea Garden."

Guo Degang also nodded in agreement, "Tianqiaole Tea Garden is only so big, it's 50 times more expensive."

"Then I'll be waiting for your cross talk tomorrow."

"There you go."

At three o'clock in the afternoon on November [-]th, the audience had already started to enter the venue one after another.

The cross talk starts at seven o'clock in the evening.

Huo Yunting went early, Guo Degang got him a seat in the first row, and sat there watching "Ghost Blowing the Lantern".

The physical books of this novel are all out, let alone, he really let him find one.

While watching with relish, a staff member suddenly came to him and patted him on the shoulder.

"Are you Mr. Huo Yunting Huo? Teacher Guo is looking for you in the background."

Lao Guo looking for me?

Close the book and go backstage.Old Guo in a long gown was staring blankly at the floor, smoking a stuffy cigarette.

Seeing Huo Yunting, his dull eyes brightened, then dimmed again.

"It's over, there is heavy fog on the highway, Brother Qian'er may not be able to catch up."

ps: When I just corrected the typo, I found that the review will delete some problematic paragraphs, and there is no reminder

So if you feel that you can't connect, it may be audited.
(End of this chapter)

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