The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 116 Do You Still Talk About Cross Talk?

Chapter 116 Do You Still Talk About Cross Talk? (seeking a monthly ticket)
"What the hell? Can't catch up?"

Huo Yunting was surprised, and looked at his phone, it was already 05:30.

"I should fucking listen to you."

Guo Degang sat on a chair and smoked a stuffy cigarette. The misty smoke rose slowly, and his face could not be seen clearly.

"Even if I was half a day earlier, today's shitty thing wouldn't happen."

"You can't blame the society if you don't remember it, you have to learn to comfort yourself when you're alive." Huo Yunting sighed and patted Lao Guo on the shoulder, "I'll accompany you."

"Then how do you do this show? Do you really do stand-up comedy?"

"Stand-up comedy is definitely not good. The list of performances has been sent out, and the first one is "A Dream of the Western Expedition."

"Then who is your partner looking for? Li Jing? Mr. Zhang?" Huo Yunting glanced around a few times, and the entire backstage was empty, only him and Lao Guo.

"You can't let Xiaopang come here for you?"

"Don't look, the whole backstage is just the two of us, they are all stuck on the highway just like Brother Qian'er."

Guo Degang took a long breath of smoke, then exhaled slowly, "I invited Gao Feng."

"Gao Feng? Who is Gao Feng?" Huo Yunting was a little confused. He had never heard of such a person in Deyun Society.

"I only came to Deyun Club a few months ago, in my early twenties, a native of Tianjin..."

Regardless of Gao Feng's young age, when he was in middle school, he played almost all the teahouses in Tianjin, big and small.

Later, he was accepted as a disciple by Jin Wensheng, the master of storytelling, and Fan Zhenyu, a famous comic artist.After being recommended by these two, Gao Feng came to Deyun Club.

If counted by seniority, Lao Guo's master Mr. Hou and Mr. Jin are considered to be of the same generation, and Lao Guo and this Gao Feng should also be regarded as brothers.

Hearing what Guo Degang said, Huo Yunting let out a "huh", this is a cross talk genius.

Being accepted as a disciple by two masters at a young age, the future is bright.

While the two were talking, a panting figure ran into the background.

"Teacher Guo, hu... hu... I'm not late."

The man who ran over looked young, with slanted bangs, panting heavily, probably in a hurry.

Well, I guess this is Gao Feng.

"Not too late." Guo Degang stood up and patted Huo Yunting on the shoulder.

"Let me introduce you, this is the actor brother I've been telling you about."

Gao Feng quickly stretched out his hand, "Hello, Mr. Huo."


After the two greeted each other, Gao Feng hurriedly discussed the first cross talk with Guo Degang.

The two frowned and held an emergency meeting, Huo Yunting didn't bother, and went to the side to call Yu Qian.

"Hello? Brother Huo?"

"Brother Qian'er, is there a heavy fog on the highway?"

Yu Qian scolded her mother in a low voice on the other end of the phone, "Isn't it, what a fucking idiot. I figured everything out, but I just didn't expect it to be so foggy today."

Huo Yunting smacked his lips, "Then when do you come here? Don't come here until the show is over."

"That's not the case, no matter what, I have to finish the first play "A Dream of the Western Expedition" before I can play."

"Don't worry about that, just come here as soon as possible. Lao Guo asked Gao Feng to do it for you first."

"Yes, I see."

After hanging up the phone, Huo Yunting couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

Lao Guo really had a very ill-fated life. He finally managed to get a little bit of a head, but in the end he caught up with this shit again.

It's just that God is not beautiful.

I was feeling emotional in my heart, but I heard the old Guo and the others arguing.

Looking over, the two of them were in a hurry.

"Ah? You haven't heard of "A Dream of the West Expedition"?"

"It's not that I haven't heard of it, it's that I don't have any impression."

"Then it's no different from never hearing it." Lao Guo was anxious, "Then you can't be blind?"

Hurriedly, he pulled out the copy of "A Dream of the Western Expedition" from the table and stuffed it into Gao Feng's hand.

"Time is limited, so hurry up and read more, and remember as much as you can."

Gao Feng didn't do anything either. He wiped the sweat off his brow, opened the script and began to memorize it.From time to time, I will say a few words.

Guo Degang also spoke to him.

"...Finally, President Bush has a secretary named Wang Fugui."

"What name?"

"Tell the president that there is a man named Guo Degang in Beiping."

"Found you."

"Amazing, military prodigy. Wen can carry a pen to secure the world, and Wu can ride a horse to determine the world. When you go to the kang, you know women, and when you go off the kang, you know shoes."

"Hey, that's all you can do."

The two of them were talking to each other one by one, Huo Yunting was listening with his eyes closed, with his legs crossed and a cigarette dangling from his mouth.

Old Guo Quan regards him as an audience, let's hear from here if there is any problem with this "Dream of the Western Expedition" between the two of them.

Guo Degang was about to answer the next sentence when Huo Yunting opened his eyes and tapped the armrest of the chair twice with his fingers.

"Brother Gao, let me insert a digression here. You have the right to take it as a small personal opinion."

"Don't, don't, Mr. Huo, tell me, I'm listening."

Although he didn't know Huo Yunting, but he followed Guo Degang all day and listened to him talking about his awesome brother, so he was familiar with all kinds of deeds of Huo Yunting.

According to their age, they are about the same age, and it is enough to call them brothers.But if it's in the entertainment industry, he has to call Mr. Huo.

Although it's a long way, the nomination of Best Actor and the champion of the China-Japan Martial Arts Tournament isn't something just made up out of nothing.

After pondering for a while, "Hello, I don't think it's right."

"The tone is a bit long, it should be shorter."

As he spoke, he took the script book in Gao Feng's hand and performed a scene for him.

"Hey, that's all you can do."

"What name?"

"Found you."

There were three sentences in total, and they couldn't make up twenty words in total, but they made Lao Guo's eyes widen.

"Brother Huo, can you still talk about cross talk?"

It's not because he has such doubts in his heart, it's mainly because he used the interjection too terribly.

Many people think that the actors in the cross talk show are not up to the standard, and they are just ohhhh all day long.

In fact, on the contrary, this is the test of level.

It is necessary to cooperate with funny actors, but also to control the rhythm, and to express this sense of existence.

Don't look at the words that are said the most on weekdays, hey, yo, oh, oh, but there are many ways to say this one word.

Is it surprise, sigh, helplessness?
The funny actor speaks out a stalk, all relying on the words of the funny actor, one word, one word to give the finishing touch.

Huo Yunting shrugged, "How can I understand cross talk? This is what I heard when you and Brother Qian'er were talking about cross talk at Tianqiao Le Tea Garden."

"Did you hear "A Dream of the Western Expedition" back then?"

"Except for the first time we met, every time I went to Tianqiaole Tea Garden to catch up with you, it was "A Dream of the Western Expedition" by both of you."

"Have you memorized all these lines?" Guo Degang looked disbelieving.

"I have a good memory, so there's nothing wrong with me."

ps: Don't ask me why there was only Lao Guo in the backstage, I don't know.But that's what I checked the video data.

(End of this chapter)

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