The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 120 Divine Tiger Art, Flying Balls

Chapter 120 Divine Tiger Art, Flying Balls

Who is this dude?
Are you not afraid of falling to your death when you parkour on a tiled house?
A few thoughts flashed through his mind, and Huo Yunting also jumped on the beam and followed closely behind.

It doesn't matter whether he is parkour or what, jumping up and down from the roof of other people's houses, no matter how you think about it, it is impossible to get the permission of so many families.

He can't take care of other people's houses, but he has to apologize to Dr. Yang, running from the beams of other people's houses like this, I'm really not afraid to scare the old man out of trouble.


Huo Yunting yelled, stepped on the tiles with his toes, and followed behind the western man.

The man wore a black short-sleeved upper body and looked back at him from time to time.

The closer Huo Yunting chased him, the deeper his frown became.

Because the Western man still had large mottled blood-stained scars on his face.

Is this fucking parkour running?
When he was still living in the basement, he chatted with Sister Mo and heard her say that when foreigners play parkour, it is more common for foreigners to throw their arms and legs.

Generally, there are not many face injuries. If it really hurts the face, it will be a large number of scratches.

Seeing the tense and serious expression of the man turning his head from time to time, Huo Yunting's heart sank suddenly.

This can't be a fucking spy, can it?
The bad premonition in his heart reached its peak, and Huo Yunting didn't care about stepping on the tiled roof of the house, and ran wildly all the way.

The western man jumped from the roof, jumped to the long street on both sides of the river and ran at high speed, Huo Yunting followed closely behind, and gave an ultimatum.

"Ultimatum! Stop right now! (Ultimatum! Stop right now!)"

However, the Western man didn't seem to hear it, and continued to run sideways through a person.

At this point, Huo Yunting has nothing to say.

Never mind if he's a spy or something, but he's definitely not parkour.

He tore off the Buddhist beads on his wrist and snapped the rope, several Buddha heads fell into his hands, and he put the rest in his pocket.

The thumb and middle finger pinched a Buddha's head and pointed it at the Western man's ear——


Huanxi Arhat's head passed through one after another, brushing against the western man's ears.


It hit a painted red pillar on the side of the street.

The western man turned his head and cursed again, then ran towards the small bridge across the river on the right.

Huo Yunting followed closely behind, throwing, throwing, throwing, and bombing the remaining seventeen Buddha heads, like missiles hitting the Western man's joints and head.

It's a pity that the Buddha's head is too light, and the strength of the blow is limited.At most, the Western man who hit him yelled twice, but it was not enough to hurt him.

But that's enough.

These [-] Buddha heads shortened the distance between the two of them by at least three or four meters. Huo Yunting finally swooped and grabbed him from behind, clamped his arms around his neck, and threw him to the ground with his back fall.

"What the fu*k! Who are you? Who are you!"

The Western man struggled hard, patting the ground with both hands, but Huo Yunting's two clamped arms not only did not let go, but also locked his waist with his legs, preventing him from moving at all.

The two were in a stalemate, surrounded by people who were slowly approaching to watch.

Just as the Western man was about to be strangled, the surrounding crowd spoke.

"Uncle, did the foreigner say there is this clip?"

"I don't know, it should be an actor of their crew."

"That should belong to their crew."

"Anyway, it should have nothing to do with us."

Hearing the nagging of several onlookers around him, Huo Yunting was also a little dazed for a moment.


This is filming?

Hurrying to let go of his hands and feet, the Western man rolled sideways on the floor beside him, gasping for breath, Huo Yunting quickly got up and pulled him up.

"Brother, so sorry, I didn't know you were filming. Are you OK?"

The western man ignored him, he patted his chest vigorously and panted, it seemed that Huo Yunting's lock was clamped on him just now and he didn't catch his breath.

Just as Huo Yunting was comforting the western man, a group of western faces with long guns and short cannons came running from a distance.

Several staff members hurriedly took the Western man aside, handed him water, and patted his back.

A Western woman with long brown hair rushed up, leaned close to him and comforted him softly.

Huo Yunting had a toothache for a while, this guy looks like he has a big wrist.You can also bring your girlfriend to visit the class.

"Huo Yunting? Why are you here?"

Familiar Chinese came from behind him, and when he looked back, a little old man with a slightly receding hairline was looking at him in surprise.

"Master San? Why are you here?"

Han Sanping looked at him in a daze, "I still want to ask you."

Don't look at Han Sanping's appearance as an ordinary little old man, but everyone in the circle has to respectfully call him San Ye.

If nothing else, even the chairman of China Film Group Corporation needs to be respected.

Not to mention that people have always had a sharp and vicious vision for movies, and the movies he produced basically have no bad reviews.

But the name San Ye is not just based on his status, it is said that he scolded him in the Beijing Film Studio back then.

He was still the director of the Beijing Film Factory back then. At that time, the small one-story house in the old Beijing Film Factory's subordinate courtyard had to be demolished and replaced with a family building.

But the small one-story house was already rented out by others, and the demolition didn't mean it would cut off the family's financial resources. For a while, Han Sanping was asked to settle the score, and the sound of hacking and killing was endless.

There were too many threats, so Han Sanping had to be on guard, and put a knife in the drawer for self-defense.

At the same time, Beiying Studio was rumoring that Han San was unfairly divided into houses, and a big fool who was being used as a gunman broke into his office with a knife and shouted that he would cut him down.

Without further ado, Han Sanping opened the drawer, drew his sword and yelled angrily, just try it if you feel like it!

The worker was pissed off.As a result, San Ye's reputation gradually spread.

Having said that, the reason why Han Sanping recognized Huo Yunting was because he was the producer of "Crazy Stone".

"I'm visiting a friend. I was chatting and chatting when I heard crackling on the beams of the house. I went up and saw a bloody Westerner running from above. I thought it was a spy."

As Huo Yunting was talking, someone from the western side was interpreting.

As soon as he heard the word spy, he quickly waved his hand to clarify.I am still from other people's territory, so I dare not mix it up with the word spy.

He is an actor who came to Zhejiang for filming. What kind of spy is there.

The corners of Han Sanping's mouth twitched a few times, which could drive them away together.

Huo Yunting reached out his hand in front of the western man, formally apologized to him again, and introduced themselves to each other.

This guy's name is Tom Cruise, and the brown-haired guy is his date, Katie Holmes.

They came to Xitang Ancient Town to shoot the scene, and the film they made was called "Mission: Impossible 3".

Huo Yunting apologized to him, and the matter ended here.

Then Huo Yunting asked with a puzzled look on his face, "I said Tom, why didn't you talk when I kept asking you from behind what you were doing?"

Tom Cruise was also full of helplessness. When he saw someone running after him suddenly, he thought it was a scene specially arranged by the director.

When I asked the photographers, they thought it was specially arranged by the director.

There was a photographer with a camera behind the part of running from the roof of the tiled house. When I was running on the street, there was a photographer in a boat on the canal.

Huo Yunting just stared at Tom Cruise, he didn't look at the photographers on the boat or on the beam.

"Hey, you said it was all right." Huo Yunting scratched his chin, feeling a little embarrassed for a moment.

"Then why didn't you go to the surrounding scenic spots to take pictures? This one came to the residential area."

"The surrounding area is too new, and there is no breath of life. And there is a scene in the script where I was almost hit by a garbage truck. It is troublesome from the scenic spot, so I went directly to the residential area."

Tom Cruise said sullenly, "The roof was negotiated with others, and the financial loss will be compensated."

It was only then that Huo Yunting realized what Dr. Yang's unfinished words were.

Han Sanping was communicating with the director, and immediately asked the staff to pick up the Buddha heads on the street.

Huo Yunting thanked them one by one.

However, only [-] of them were recovered in the end, and one Buddha head was missing.

It may have been picked up by someone, or it may have fallen into the water.

For a moment, Huo Yunting felt a little melancholy, he was missing one of the Buddhist beads that had been with him for several years.

Huo Yunting melancholy played with the remaining Buddha head, Tom Cruise came over with a look of surprise.

"Just now you hit me with these little things?"

"hold head high."

"Can I touch it?"


A Buddha head of Luohan subduing dragon was placed in Tom Cruise's hand, he weighed it, and then exclaimed, "So light?"

"I thought you were stoned."

"If I hit you with a stone, it's not as simple as yelling twice. I can make a blood hole in your head."

Tom Cruise looked shocked, "Is this Kung Fu?"

Huo Yunting nodded, "One of the three hidden weapons of Shenhushu, flying marbles."

According to legend, this divine tiger technique was created by Jiang Ziya, which emphasizes the practice of three-headed kung fu.

Its main purpose is to cross the world, fight and fight, and cultivate strength. There is a saying that "the three-headed kung fu god is like a tiger".

For example, in Water Margin, there is a hero named Zhang Qing, so he is nicknamed No Feather Arrow.It's just a good hand with stones.

However, in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, this riprap was called the locust stone.When the bodyguards of the Qing Dynasty walked the darts, they always carried some stones on their bodies as a precaution.

It generally refers to pebbles, but it got the nickname because it looks like a locust when thrown.

Tom Cruise's eyes lit up when he heard it, like Zhou, Ming, Qing, he didn't understand these dynasties, but when he heard that the origin was thousands of years old, he couldn't help feeling awe in his heart.

What is an ancient cultural country, the hometown of Kung Fu?

This is!
At first he was still sullen in his heart, but now all the anger has disappeared.Cautiously asked Huo Yunting if he could teach him a hand.

Carrying a few stone sons with him, hitting someone and incapacitating him makes him feel handsome just thinking about it.

Afterwards, he hurriedly greeted the photographer, and played back the clip of the two people's speed of life and death from the monitor.

Huo Yunting's arm was thrown into afterimages, and small black dots bounced out of his hand, chasing after Tom Cruise.

"So handsome!"

Using the simplest moves to do the most handsome thing, he couldn't help but think of that actor named Cheng Long.

The more sundries around him, the more no one can beat him.

However, compared with Huo Yunting's flying marbles, it is still a bit worse.

"Mr. Tom, don't underestimate him. He is called Chuanwu in our country. It means a master of martial arts."

Listening to the conversation between the two, Han Sanping, who had finished talking with the director, came over cheerfully.

"I know."

Tom Cruise stood up suddenly, clasped his fists in a dignified salute, and yelled at Master.

Huo Yunting let out a long sigh, opened his left fist and closed his right palm.

Left fist and right palm, this is the funeral.

Left palm and right fist is called salutation.

After making a joke, Tom Cruise quickly apologized, thinking to himself that there are quite a few rules.

"Mr. Tom, I'm sorry to interrupt, Huo Yunting and I have something to say."

Interrupting the two, Han Sanping pulled Huo Yunting aside.

"Yunting, I have a big opportunity here, do you want it?"

"That's for sure."

Han Sanping quietly pointed to a man wearing black-rimmed glasses, "He, did you see that, the director of "Mission: Impossible 3" is called J.J. Abrams."

Huo Yunting nodded, "I remember, Ergouer."

"...Don't say it to his face."

"I know."

"Do you know why "Mission: Impossible 3" needs to add a scene in our place? Besides Xitang Ancient Town, we will also go to Shanghai's Wangjia Wharf, the Bund, and Yu Garden in a few days."

"For publicity?"

"That's right." Han Sanping patted him on the shoulder with satisfaction, "Cultural export, that's what it means."

"Mission: Impossible 3" is Paramount's bet. In recent years, Hollywood has been in a downturn, so I want to rely on this film to turn around.

Even Tom Cruise has an investment of his own.

Now there is a wave of oriental fever, adding oriental elements is to sell well and open up the Asian market.

Pointing to the Asian market here for help.

Originally, according to the idea of ​​the crew of "Mission: Impossible 3", they wanted to go to the small island next door, but Han Sanping was forced to drag him to Xitang Ancient Town.

I took a glance from Xitang Ancient Town, and then went to Shanghai, but I didn't expect such a big change.No worse than their western developed cities.

What's more, the bulk of the Asian market has to look at others, so I changed the filming location to Shanghai and Xitang.

After listening to him rambling on, Huo Yunting probably understood.

"The part where I was chasing Tom just now, did Ergouer want to keep it?"

Han Sanping nodded heavily, "That's right. Why do you think I just broke up with him so much?"

"It's boring to add only some oriental elements. You have to add some oriental elements, which is the right taste."

"But people also said that only the scene where you two are on the tiled roof can be used, not the scene where you chase on the street."

Han Sanping quietly looked around, seeing that no one was paying attention, he leaned into his ear and whispered, "You beat him up so badly, he is the protagonist."

"Er Gou'er wants to add you as a character, but he has to start over from the street. Your missiles can't hit him so badly."

"Wouldn't it be enough to go with the flying marble?" Huo Yunting wondered.

"Your hand is so handsome, I can't bear it."

Huo Yunting understood, shook his head and sighed, "This is not aimed at me, it is aimed at my flying marbles."

(End of this chapter)

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