The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 121 Anatomy of the Condition

Chapter 121 Anatomy of the Condition
Regardless of what Er Gou'er has in mind for him, it's not a loss for him to play such a cameo role.

As for the leading actor Tom Cruise, who is also an investor, he has even more unreasonable objections to this. He still counts on Huo Yunting to teach him two tricks.

But this time Huo Yunting learned a lesson, so he called Wang Zhongjun first, lest he say that he didn't get the company's approval and blah blah.

"One shot, into-"

"beep beep"

"beep beep"

At a golf course far away in Beiping, Wang Zhongjun was about to throw his club when he was interrupted by a phone call.

He took out his phone and frowned.

Huo Yunting...

Why is it this kid again.

"Brother, who is it?"

After hitting the ball with one shot, Wang Zhonglei turned his head and asked.

"Huo Yunting."

For a while, the atmosphere was a little silent.

Sucked the teeth twice, "Pick it up first and see what's the matter, it won't be bigger than the cross talk show."

"Hurry up and find him an immediate boss. If you have anything to do in the future, let others handle it. Don't keep calling me."

Wang Zhongjun shook his head and answered the phone, "Hello? Yunting, what's the matter?"

"Oh, Mr. Wang, that's right. The crew of "Mission: Impossible 3" wants to invite me to play a role, do you think it's okay?"



"Wait a minute."

Wang Zhongjun's mind was a little messed up for a while, he threw the pole in his hand aside, and straightened his words, "Where are you from now? Are you not in Beiping?"

"I'm from the ancient town of Xitang, Zhejiang."

"...Are you sure you haven't been cheated?"

"Certainly not, I've been staying with their starring Tom Cruise since then."

"Oh, I can take it, I can take it for sure." Wang Zhongjun didn't know what to say for a while, and asked dryly, "Which role do you play as a cameo?"

"It's not a cameo, their crew wants to make a role for me."

"...Yunting, you must have been deceived."

Huo Yunting looked helpless, and passed the phone in his hand to Han Sanping beside him, "Master, please tell me, I can't explain it."

Han Sanping smiled cheerfully, "It's okay, I wouldn't believe it if it was me, let me tell him."

"Hello? Zhongjun, I'm Han Sanping..."

The mobile phone was given to Han Sanping. This little old man was walking around while making a phone call, which may be the characteristic of the elderly, and he couldn't stop talking about it.

Those directors and editors were still thinking about what identity should be given to Huo Yunting, while he was standing by the river and swimming in the water.

On the one hand, I feel melancholy that my Buddha head is missing, and on the other hand, I always feel that I have forgotten something.

What did you forget?


He knocked off the last cobblestone in his hand, and then looked down from the ground, only to find that he had already knocked out all the cobblestones in this area, leaving only a few broken tiles.


Huo Yunting slapped his forehead and forgot about Doctor Yang!

At this moment, Han Sanping returned the phone after calling, and Huo Yunting hurriedly called Dr. Yang.

After asking, I found out that after I ran away from the beam, Dr. Yang went back to the house to watch TV, and did not look for him.

Because not long after Huo Yunting ran away, he heard that a young guy beat a foreigner to the ground.

It sounds like Huo Yunting.

"Doctor Yang, I'm really sorry, shall I go find you now?"

"No, you are busy with your work. Come back when you have time. I really need to study the illness you mentioned."

"If I really don't understand after research, I'll introduce you to some experts in psychology, and you can go to them to have a look. If it's not enough, I still know a few old monks and Taoists. Tarot cards..."

This became more and more outrageous, Huo Yunting hurriedly stopped him.

"Yes, Doctor Yang, I'm sorry to trouble you, I will find you as soon as I finish my work here."

After hanging up the phone, he turned his head to one side, startled, and Han Sanping leaned beside him at some point, with a curious look on his face.

"I said Yunting, are you too anxious or what? Why did you find a psychiatrist?"

Huo Yunting smiled, "Oh, I have an idea in my head, and I want to make it into a script for him. I want to ask some professionals."

Han Sanping let out a "huh", good guy, there don't seem to be many scripts with this theme in China that deal with mental illness.

The two were chatting here, and the translator not far away was talking with Tom Cruise.

"Master Huo, if you want to find a psychiatrist, I can lend you my personal doctor."

"He is a psychologist at the Tavistock Center in the UK. People like Freud, Klein, Jung and others have left their footprints here."

Huo Yunting was stunned for a moment, good guy, there are private doctors.

"Then I'll trouble you, Tom."

"Small problem." Tom Cruise smiled, "Shall I invite him over now?"

"You still have a psychiatrist with you?"

"There are a lot of people behind him." Han Sanping said beside him.

"Tonight, then, thanks, Tom."

If you find a domestic psychiatrist, you can more or less recognize it, and it will be bad if it gets out.

Looking for someone from abroad, they don't know the situation in China, and no one will believe them when they go out and talk nonsense.

After chatting with Tom Cruise, the director and screenwriter also added this newly formulated role.

A native Chinese killer named Long Wu was hired to hunt down Ethan played by Tom Cruise.

It would be a little abrupt to add such a role out of thin air, so I can only pave the way for his role and extend it all the way to Shanghai.

This also means that in the next period of time, Huo Yunting will follow the crew of "Mission: Impossible 3".

But the time won't be too long, after all, the filming of this film has come to an end, and it is estimated that it will be completely over within two weeks.

The crew of "Mission: Impossible 3" was very generous, directly offering a salary of [-] US dollars, but Huo Yunting was surprised.

In these days, co-authoring of 8 US dollars is more than 6 yuan, and all my roles add up to about five or six minutes.

This sincerity is really enough.

Later, when he learned that Tom Cruise cost more than 8000 dollars a night for food, clothing, housing and transportation, he didn't think so.

Purely a big dog.

In the evening, he went to see Dr. Yang, the old man frowned, but nothing came out of his analysis. In his opinion, Huo Yunting's illness had begun to break away from the category of neurosis.

Huo Yunting let out a long breath, now he can only ask Lao Tang's personal doctor to take a look.

Put away the contact information of the psychiatrists, Taoist priests, monks, fortune tellers and other people that Dr. Yang gave him, took out a thick envelope and put it on the table.

"Doctor Yang, thank you for your hard work."

"That's what I said."

I put my hand on the envelope and pressed it. It was a bit thick, and it was estimated to be 2 yuan.

Gently pushed it over, "Yunting, I don't need it."

"You don't need to put it aside first, don't forget the consultation fee." Huo Yunting smiled, and pushed the envelope back.

"Doctor Yang, let's go."

With a "click", the door closed. Doctor Yang looked at the envelope on the table and let out a long sigh.

"This is not a consultation fee...the whole thing is a mouth fee."

After leaving Dr. Yang's house, Huo Yunting went to see Tom Cruise's personal doctor.Blonde, blue-eyed, classic western image.

The two greeted each other and said a few words, before Huo Yunting asked about his condition, the doctor was dumbfounded.

Why does this have a Cockney accent?
"Mr. Huo, have you ever stayed in London?"

"I've never been to England in my life."


I told the psychiatrist about my condition in detail, and I didn't forget to make up a story for it.

A person who can enter the dreamland with future technology, how does he control himself to enter the dreamland and leave the dreamland.

He already had some ideas about getting out of the dream.Set yourself a bell.

It’s like Pavlov’s dog, who gave meat to the dog as soon as the bell was rung. Over time, when the bell rang, even if the meat didn’t come, the saliva would be secreted physiologically.

His "bell" is the alarm watch.

As long as the "beep beep" sounds, then I will inevitably return to reality.

Thinking of this, he felt a little rejoiced.Thanks to his father forcing him to practice martial arts every day when he was a child, he developed the habit of getting up at five o'clock, and he couldn't change it.

But the problem now is how to control entering the dream state.

This question is very interesting.

At least that's how the psychiatrist sees it.

He wrote and drew on the paper with great interest, then scratched his chin and thought for a while.

Then a suggestion was given.


In his view, the whole illness is due to belief, because he believes that he has the disease, so the disease appeared.

So I should add a strong belief to myself, let him feel that I can choose which dream to enter tonight.

This is harder than deceiving people, because you have to deceive yourself.

The psychiatrist added a contact information to Huo Yunting, saying that he would send him some papers and literature on how to "deceive" himself after a while.

Huo Yunting nodded, this is the end of tonight's conversation.

"Actually, Mr. Huo, I still have a very bold idea."

The psychiatrist pushed up the glasses, revealing a sly light under the lenses.

"I'll take you as an example. You entered a dream, but in fact you always remember your identity as Huo Yunting. What if you completely forget the fact that you are Huo Yunting?"

The psychiatrist spread his hands, "In this way, you have really brought yourself into the dream. After waking up, maybe you can carefully recall the feeling of deceiving yourself in the dream, and then learn."

Huo Yunting shook his head resolutely and refused, "This is definitely not possible. If you really put yourself in it, you will go completely crazy."

After a pause, "It's completely a split personality disorder."

"Of course, of course... Mr. Huo, but there is one more thing you should know. Dreams are perishable."

"If you don't recall that feeling carefully, you may completely forget everything in your dream within 10 minutes."

"what do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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