The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 142 "The Legend of the Condor Heroes"

Chapter 142 "The Legend of the Condor Heroes"

"Cough cough!"

Coughing twice, Huo Yunting hastily got up and took the lunch box from Liu Xiaoli's hand.

"I'm sorry, Auntie."

When he said this, he didn't meet Liu Xiaoli's eyes, and he always felt a little guilty, as if Ximen Qing had bumped into the Wuhan University who was catching a traitor.

But thinking about it again, it's not right, where did Ximen Qing come from when they were in a normal relationship.What's more, they haven't done anything yet.

Liu Xiaoli's face was calm, and she sniffed lightly. There was a faint smell of wood in the piano room.But not for her.

The sour smell of love.

Glancing at the two of them, he smiled gently and turned to leave.

But he didn't close the door, and quietly kicked the door out with the toe of the bright black high-heeled shoes.

It seemed very hidden, but the toe of the shoe still made a crisp sound when it hit the wooden door.

Huo Yunting handed a box lunch to Liu Yifei, and the two dragged the chair away from the piano.

This Stan is so expensive that he can't even cut his waist to compensate for the splash of some soup.

"Are you saying this is going to be announced?"

When Huo Yunting said this, he was a little dazed. In his impression, those who want to find a partner and announce it to netizens are all relatively popular celebrities.

He used to subconsciously think that he was an actor, but now he realized that he was also a star.

Liu Yifei shook her head with a vegetable in her mouth, "My mother won't let me."

"Your mother won't let it?" Huo Yunting was stunned for a moment, "Your mother already guessed it?"

Liu Yifei blushed a little when he asked about this, because Liu Xiaoli had told her a lot before.

They didn't talk about how to do it, but they talked about what they couldn't do. What they said was detailed and explicit.

My face flushed when I heard it.

It's not about the official announcement, but I can still talk to Brother Yun.

"My mother said that when the young man fell in love, he got too much on the top for a while, and the official announcement broke up after a while. Let's talk about it after we have stabilized."

After thinking about it, he added, "Tell your friends in the circle that it's okay."

When Huo Yunting heard it, his words made sense.

And if it is officially announced, his father, mother, father, mother...even the whole Huojiazhuang must know it all.

His parents will definitely urge him to bring a girl home to meet a parent, and he can't stand the whole Zhuangzi's neighbors going on a blind date to move the village.

"Alright, let's talk about it later."

The two of them were eating boxed lunches, chatting with each other, not so much a young couple in love, but more like an old couple who have been married for many years.

But Huo Yunting quite likes this plain feeling.

At 01:30 in the afternoon, the crew returned to the piano room one after another, and the shooting of the four-finger combo resumed.

This time, it became much smoother, it no longer seemed like rusted gears were running stutteringly; instead, it was like a small spring rushing down the mountain.

At the climax of the song, Huo Yunting suddenly placed a hand on the back of Liu Yifei's hand and tapped lightly playfully.

With a "puchi", Liu Yifei laughed.The smile is more playful than Huo Yunting's hands.

This was the director's request, and it was Huo Yunting's whim.

Jay Chou didn't specifically ask how the playing process should be, he only said that they should act sweeter.

Huo Yunting thinks this is sweet enough.

After playing this song, Jay Chou clapped his hands again, with a strange brilliance in his eyes, this is the young love in his mind!

Huo Yunting's tap on the back of his hand and Liu Yifei's shy smile are simply the highlight of this scene.

"It's great, Yunting. It fits my imagination." Jay Chou gave a thumbs up.

Huo Yunting and Liu Yifei looked at each other and smiled, without saying anything.


At eight or nine o'clock in the evening, the day's shooting ended.

With her hands behind her back, Liu Yifei bouncingly followed Huo Yunting up the hotel stairs.

"Brother Yun, then I'll go back to my room."

"Okay, go to bed early tonight."

After bidding farewell to Huo Yunting, she bounced around the room again, and finally saw a tall figure with arms crossed chest standing at the door of her room.

Liu Yifei's delicate face crossed.

Seeing Liu Yifei, the corners of Liu Xiaoli's mouth raised leisurely, "Are you back?"

"Tell Mom about the specific situation?"

Rubbing the top of her daughter's black and dense head, two figures, one tall and one short, entered the room.


Huo Yunting had a very happy time in the crew of "The Unspeakable Secret".

That Song Zude was solved, the box office and word-of-mouth of "Crazy Stone" rose steadily, he found the trick to "cheat", and got a girlfriend.

However, it seems that celebrities have to report to the agency for things like this.

Originally, I wanted to talk to Lao Zhang, and let Lao Zhang report to the police, but seeing his beating sex with his legs up and his nose...

Why are you so unwilling?
So he called Wang Zhongjun himself.

Originally, I thought that he would throw a tantrum or have a serious face, but Boss Wang was still cheerful.

"It's okay, young people, it's normal to fall in love."

Then he asked him to be nice to the girl, and hung up the phone after saying something.

The whole Huo Yunting was at a loss.

But shrugged, never mind him, anyway, he reported to the police.

"Hey, what a fairy day."

On July 7, Huo Yunting and Liu Yifei chatted under a big tree in the playground of Tamkang Middle School, watching the staff set up the scene.

The two were chatting happily, and a black figure hurried over from a distance, panting.

It's Zhang Debang.

"Brother Huo, I have something to talk to you about." Then he looked at Liu Yifei who was at the side.

He is also an old man. He could see that there was always a layer of veil between the two of them before. This is the concubine of Lang's love but they haven't gotten together yet.

But these days he always felt that this layer of veil was gone.

That's a big deal.

He rubbed the top of Liu Yifei's head, and walked aside with his arms around Lao Zhang's neck.

"What's the matter?"

"Oh, let me tell you a little thing first. Brother Huo, you have heard of the Bazaar star charity night."

Huo Yunting nodded, he knew about this.After all, it can be regarded as a matter in the Beijing circle.

The founder is a woman named Su Mang. From a magazine to a top charity event, she is also the first magazine to win the "China Charity Award" issued by the Ministry of Civil Affairs.

Although it was only in [-] that the first session was organized, its influence is not small.

"It's our 30 Bazaar Star Charity Gala, which is scheduled to start around September No. [-]."

"I'm here to say hello, and I want to invite you to participate."


This Huo Yunting didn't think too much about it, a normal person with a brain would know whether to go or not.

"What about the other big thing?"

"Li Guoli would like to invite you to star in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes". Brother Huo, are you interested in this?"

This is so interesting.

It can be said that it is still the world of TV dramas at this moment, not to mention the martial arts dramas of Mr. Jin.

He took out a pack of red plums from his pocket, took out one and stuffed it into his mouth, "Tell me carefully."

Li Guoli first found Huayi's senior management, and then passed the film contract to Zhang Debang after approval within the company.

Listening to Zhang Debang's eloquence, Huo Yunting called him a good guy, this is a catch.

Among the candidates Li Guoli had his eye on were himself, Liu Yifei, and Hu Ge.This whole "Legend of Sword and Fairy" starring team building.

There is no need to think about Liu Yifei, she is a beauty in a costume drama, and the heroine Huang Rong is hers.

But it is a bit intriguing that he chose himself as the hero.

It stands to reason that Hu Ge should be the best entertainer in the Tang Dynasty now. With such good resources as Mr. Jin's martial arts drama, why don't you invite Hu Ge to be the hero and invite yourself?
Don't love your biological son but love your adopted one?

"I have inquired about this matter. It is said that Li Guoli and Cai Yinong had a dispute."

Lao Zhang took out Bao Huazi from his pocket and picked one up.

"Cai Yinong wanted to promote Hu Ge and let him be the protagonist. Li Guoli felt that the role of Guo Jing was not suitable for him, and wanted him to play Yang Kang. I think this means, I guess Li Guoli said he won."

Huo Yunting stroked his chin, squinting and thinking.

I became popular with "The Legend of Condor Heroes", and "Crazy Stone" gave me enough energy to build a reputation.

I am very popular now.

But is Cai Yinong's woman so easy to talk to?

"Actually, Brother Huo, there is another gossip."

"Where the hell do you get so many gossips?"

Zhang Debang smiled triumphantly, and patted his chest resoundingly.


"Stop talking nonsense and speak quickly."

"I heard that Hu Ge himself feels that Yang Kang is more suitable for him. But I think it may be partly because you helped him speak for him when he was filming "Legend of Sword and Fairy."

"Look at how angry Li Guoli was at that time. Hu Ge had to replace everything he said, and he insisted on stopping you."

Huo Yunting couldn't deny it, "Maybe."

"Brother Huo, will you act?"

"Wait until I ask."

You fucking want to ask Liu Yifei.Zhang Debang slandered from the heart.

Suck the last puff of smoke and stamp out the cigarette butt.Huo Yunting was about to walk back when he suddenly stopped.

"Old Zhang."


"Do you think Li Guoli came after my name?"

"That's for sure. Otherwise, our company is rushing to find someone to ask for resources."

After thinking for a while, Huo Yunting said abruptly, "Do you think I can consider going it alone?"

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that except for "Blue Red" and "Crazy Stone", the other plays I have acted in these years are all won by myself.

"The Unspeakable Secret" is a chance encounter with Jay Chou, who took the initiative to invite him; "The Legend of Condor Heroes" is the old man Jin who has taken a fancy to him; "The Legend of Sword and Fairy" is Li Guoli who has taken a fancy to his swordsmanship...

After careful calculation, since I signed a contract with Huayi, only two films were made by the company.

However, this money still has four or six cents.

"Old Zhang, why do you think I feel that the company doesn't seem to be helping me too much?"

Zhang Debang directly gave a thumbs up, full of support, "Brother Huo, I really didn't say that, we should have gone out and started our own business a long time ago."

Although he is also an employee of Huayi, but the sky is high and the birds are flying, and the sea is wide and the fish are swimming. He is separated by thousands of miles, and he dares to directly scold Boss Wang.

This is a half-truth.

Huo Yunting could hear it, but he didn't say anything, he just asked Lao Zhang to show him the script first.

Back under the big tree, only then did Liu Yifei disappear.Looking around, I saw Liu Xiaoli pulling him and muttering something in the distance.

Nine out of ten it is also the matter of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

After Liu Yifei finished chatting with his mother, Huo Yunting asked, and it was true.

"Then does your mother agree with you to go?"

"My mother said to read the script first."

While taking a break from filming, Huo Yunting called Hu Ge.

Although it was an insinuating inquiry, Hu Ge could tell what he wanted to inquire at once.

"Brother Huo, I really feel that the role of Guo Jing is not suitable for me. I don't look like you. I think I am more suitable for Yang Kang."

That's the end of the story, if Huo Yunting asks you if you feel guilty for giving up this role to me, then you will look a bit stupid.

He sighed softly, "Old Hu, we are good brothers in private, that's okay. But for roles, it's okay to compete fairly."

Hu Ge was a little dumbfounded, "Brother Huo, what are you thinking about, I really feel that I am more suitable for Yang Kang."

"If I think I'm suitable for Guo Jing, even if the king of heaven comes, I'll have to fight for this role."

Huo Yunting didn't say anything anymore.

After today's scene shooting ended, Huo Yunting went back to his room and began to watch the script and storyboard of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

Seeing this, he frowned.

He felt that this film should not be called "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", but "The Legend of the Condor Heroes: Fan-created Edition".

Ever since he got the disease under control, he has been supplementing martial arts novels.

Especially Mr. Jin's.

Fei Xue shoots the white deer in the sky, and the hero of the book laughs leans on the blue mandarin duck.

Except for "The Deer and Ding Tale", he has seen the rest.

And it's fine to change the script from the original, as the logic doesn't match up in some places.

If I hadn't cut out the full version in my head by relying on the storyboard, I really wouldn't have noticed these things that weren't right.

The so-called hindsight is also.

This is how many films have been criticized.

I felt that there was nothing wrong with it when I wrote it, but I found out the problem after shooting.

However, it is too late to say anything.

This is a TV show, not a movie.An episode is four to five minutes long, and Huo Yunting edited the plot of dozens of episodes overnight.

I didn't sleep until three o'clock.

My mind is dizzy.

It wasn't until the cutting was finished that I slapped my head, why the hell didn't I cut it from my dream.Save time and effort and catch up on sleep.

Although Huo Yunting thinks that you can adapt the screenplay according to the original, he still doesn't understand why Li Guoli wants to change it.

But he still refers to the original work with the script as the core, and revises and annotates some places that are not logical.

I repaired some places where the magic reform was too much, and attached my own suggestions at the back, and then packed it and sent it to Li Guoli.

When he wanted to close his eyes, he looked outside the window and saw that the sky was getting brighter.

Well, I don't want to sleep today.

After filming a few scenes with Liu Yifei in the morning, when I turned on the computer during lunch, Li Guoli's email had already been sent.

Open it up——

[I am stupid!Awesome, Yunting, you fucking have this ability? ? ? 】

There were three question marks in a row, which shows Li Guoli's mood.

ps: make up tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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