The actor's mental state is not stable

Chapter 143 Don't Guess Old Huang's Thoughts

Chapter 143 Don't Guess Old Huang's Thoughts
Putting the box lunch aside for the time being, typing and replying, how do you feel?
Then he picked up the lunch box, and just after taking two bites, the phone rang.

When I took it out, it was indeed Li Guoli.

"Hey, Director Li, what's the rush?"

"Yun Ting, did you come up with the comments on the revision of the script by yourself?"

Li Guoli spoke quickly, appearing in a hurry.

Putting the chopsticks on the table, Huo Yunting got up and walked to a distant place where no one was around, and said with a joke, "I thought you had to say that I was looking for a professional team."

"Not like."

Li Guoli vetoed it straight away, "It's not that I haven't dealt with those people, your revision is too subjective. It doesn't look like it was made by those reviewers."

Huo Yunting was amazed that there was such a business.It was the first time he had heard of it.

But Li Guoli's words reminded him that he was subjective.

Whether it is editing films or correcting opinions, it is all based on his personal thoughts.

However, it is impossible for the more than one billion people in the country to have exactly the same ideas and views as him. It is enough for a film to cater to the tastes of most people.

Thinking of this, Huo Yunting apologized, "I'm sorry Director Li, but I got a little carried away."

"Hey, what kind of thing is this? It's been changed quite well. There are a lot of things that really enlightened me. Ah, like Guo Jing..."

Then Li Guoli talked to him for a long time, all about the storyboarding situation, crew funds, shooting locations and other issues.

At first Huo Yunting nodded his head in response, but the more he went on, the more he felt something was wrong.As an actor, it’s fine to talk about where the filming takes place, but what are the rest?

Why do I always feel that Li Guoli is a little bit up to no good?

Sure enough, after chatting for more than ten minutes, Li Guoli tried to meet him, "Yunting, are you interested in gaining experience in my director team?"

"Director Li, this is not a joke, I really mean it."

"That's what I said, I don't know what can be joked about and what can't be joked about."

He really wanted to invite Huo Yunting to his crew as a staff member.

If he remembered correctly, he must have found Huayi only three days ago.Even if people gave the script to Huo Yunting that day, within three days, all the scripts of dozens of episodes would be corrected.

This kid has talent.

Knowing kung fu, good acting skills, and talent in screenwriting and directing, it's unreasonable for this kid not to be in the entertainment industry.

Huo Yunting also found it strange, and replied with a smile, "Well, I have been directly promoted from the lead role to the director team."

"Hey, the leading role is still Ni, this will not change. Just like when I was filming Xianjian, you are also a part-time martial artist."

"Director Li, you are wrong. I was the main martial artist and part-time actor at that time."

The two chatted and laughed a few words, and the matter was settled.

According to Li Guoli's intentions, he was just a screenwriter, and he was a special invitation.That is to say, it's okay to give him a staff officer.

This matter does not take time and effort, so the salary is not too high.

But talk is better than nothing.

Li Guoli told him to go back and revise his script, and then send it to him.Huo Yunting readily agreed.

After returning to the dinner table, Liu Yifei leaned over curiously, "Brother Yun, why did you go? There have been so many calls these two days."

After taking two mouthfuls of rice, he poured another big mouthful of water to make a cushion for swallowing, and then he opened his mouth.

"Li Guoli called. Didn't he want to ask us to act in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes"? I don't think his script is very good, so I changed it for him."

Liu Yifei's beautiful pupils widened slightly, "You still understand this?"

"Talent, talent."

When it comes to talent, Liu Yifei can't help but think of Huo Yunting, a layman who learned three pieces of music in a week, his face darkened, and he ate sullenly.

Really more popular than dead people.

However, after eating two mouthfuls, he still couldn't bear his temper, and curiously asked about the specific matters.

After this lunch, Huo Yunting went to shoot the emotional scene between Ye Xianglun and Qingyi.

Liu Yifei also wanted to go and watch the fun, but was pulled aside by her mother.

"What's the matter, Mom?"

Liu Xiaoli was cheerful and rubbed her precious daughter's head.

"Cissy, what I heard from you just now is the problem of changing the script of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes"? Tell Mom what's going on."

"Oh, it's—"

The words reached her throat, but she swallowed them again.

Is it appropriate to tell mom about this?

This should be considered an inside story, brother Yun trusted her so much, and told himself, but turned around and said it himself, isn't it good?

After thinking about it, he shook his head, "No, this is a secret between me and Brother Yun."

Liu Xiaoli's face turned dark, and she pinched her smooth face with her fingers and tugged, with a smile on her face.

"You really like your little boyfriend. You forget your mother when you have a husband, right? Your mother is important and your little boyfriend is important?"

Liu Yifei's neck twitched, "Brother Yun is important."

"Hey! You little white-eyed wolf, you're still in a good mood, aren't you?"

"Oh, don't pinch, don't pinch."

"Speak or not?"

"……Do not!"


After three or five days, Li Guoli sent over the new script. After reading it, Huo Yunting felt that there was no problem, so he accepted the matter.

Of course, Liu Yifei also responded.

According to the little girl, her mother thought the previous script was too magical, so she didn't agree.But now that the new script is more normal, it can be considered.

Although it was still a bit strange, but considering Mr. Jin's adaption, I decided to give it a try.

Huo Yunting also had a brief talk with Liu Xiaoli about the drama.The conversation was quite harmonious, but the way she looked at her always felt a little hostile.

This made Huo Yunting a little confused.

Didn't they get along well before?

Apart from this small episode, July, which is getting hotter and hotter, can be regarded as a pleasant one.

In mid-August, Ning Hao called.

"Crazy Stone" is released on NO.18, and NO.19 plans to hold a celebration banquet in Xiangjiang. As one of the leading actors, he will definitely go.

As of August NO.15, the total box office of "Crazy Stone" has reached more than 600 million.It can be said that he made a lot of money.

The same is true for Huo Yunting.

He invested money, and the higher the box office, the higher his earnings.

Baodao and Xiangjiang are not far away, Huo Yunting NO.16 and Jay Chou asked for leave to fly to Xiangjiang to attend the celebration banquet.

When I met Ning Hao at Xiangjiang, he could be said to have changed a lot now. He was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, and he was in high spirits.

It doesn't look like the little bastard in Chongqing before, but now he looks more like a successful person.

"Oh, isn't this Director Ning? I almost didn't recognize him. I thought some company boss had come over."

"Hahaha! Yunting, don't you brat come and kill me."

Ning Hao is really excited now, the copyright of "Crazy Stone" has been bought by Warner, and they have even invited him, so he will have a movie to shoot in the future.

On the 18th, "Crazy Stone" was officially released, and the final box office was around 2740 million.

It is said that the theaters get 10.5% to 100% of the score, and his [-]% is after the share.There are about [-] million or so.

It doubled and made a fortune.

He thought it was [-]% of the total box office.It wasn't until Lao Zhang talked to him that he understood, oh, it's divided and then divided.

On the night of the 19th, Liu Dehua opened a private room, and everyone gathered around to make a side stove.

This celebration banquet was organized by Liu Dehua.

Lao Huang, Lian Jin, Xu Zheng...everyone who deserves his name has arrived.

This Dabian stove is also called Dazheng stove, which belongs to Cantonese cuisine, and it is Cantonese-style hot pot to put it bluntly.

Fortunately, there are no girls in their creative circle, a group of old men took off their clothes and rolled up their sleeves, the smoke was lingering, and the cups of wine were mixed.

"Come, come, let's respect Director Ning first with this cup."

Liu Dehua raised his glass and stood up, "It's also because of my poor eyesight that I didn't realize that Director Ning is such a talented person."

Everyone raised their glasses and clinked together, and then Liu Dehua filled another glass.

"This is a toast to our two leading actors, Ting Zai and Guo Tao."

"Oh, if it wasn't for Yunting's own bet of 50, maybe he wouldn't have achieved his current results."

Huo Yunting waved his hands again and again, "Brother Hua, look at what you said, I'm just filling in the gaps. Even if I didn't direct Ning, this movie would still be a hit."

Liu Dehua looked humble, "Oh, I can't say that, I'm the icing on the cake, and you're a timely gift."

Anyway, it was a small private banquet, plus Huo Yunting forced Song Zude to apologize publicly - although he didn't tell himself, but his affection for Huo Yunting has improved to a higher level, it can't be exaggerated.

A few days ago, South Korea sent an invitation to him to attend the Busan Film Festival.

He doesn't have a movie, and he relies on this Asian Rising Star Director Project.Maybe this can win the Busan Film Festival's Most Contributing Filmmaker of the Year Award.

To be honest, Liu Dehua felt that he was a certainty.

This award should belong to him.

The Asian new star director project he launched, not only in China, but also many filmmakers and investors all over the world are impressed by these new directors.

The main thing is to get results.

As their Bole, Liu Dehua's reputation can also be said to have risen to a higher level.

After this meal, everyone went back to their respective houses to find their respective mothers.

Huo Yunting and Lao Huang lived in the same hotel, and they walked back together.

In the taxi, Lao Huang was silent, and the dim light hit his face through the window from time to time, making him look uncertain.

Huo Yunting could probably guess what was going on.

I had chatted with Lao Huang in my free time before, and although he is famous now, he still didn't have much drama.These are mosquito legs.

At the dinner table today, he wanted to have a conversation with Liu Dehua several times, and wanted to be taken with him.As a result, people ignored him and got fooled.

After his fame is over, it will be difficult to take on a good show.

When he arrived at the place, Huo Yunting asked Lao Huang to go back first, and went to a nearby supermarket to buy two packs of peanuts and broad beans.After returning to the hotel, he knocked on Lao Huang's door.

"Old Huang, eat some more." Going back, Ting smiled and lit up the appetizers in his hand.

"Why, you kid is not full, you have such a big appetite."

He turned sideways and put Huo Yunting in.

"I see you drank all night and didn't eat much, so you're at the bottom of the list."

He dragged the chair under the table over, threw peanuts and broad beans on it, sat cross-legged, and patted the floor.

"Come on, come on, fix it a little more."

Huang Bo scratched his head, hesitated for a while, and sat cross-legged opposite Huo Yunting, "Have some wine."

"What kind of wine do you drink? If you drink any more, you'll have to vomit all over the place tonight. It'll be cold all day long."

He took out a red plum from his inner pocket and handed it to Huang.

Huang Bo took a look at it, and suddenly felt a little envious, "You must be worth several million, right? This is not a good smoke at all."

"It doesn't matter whether it's good or not, the most important thing is that you like it." Huo Yunting took out a lighter and lit it for him, "Don't think this cigarette is cheap, you can't buy it from Baodao. I brought it here by asking someone to find a relationship. .”

Huang Bo's emotional intelligence is very high, and he can hear the meaning of Huo Yunting's words.

Emotional intelligence is high, the mind is fine and thinks a lot.What to do, I guess I have to brainstorm for a while.

"You even put this on for me."

He lowered his head and sighed for a few breaths, then let out a long breath of smoke, "I still want to rely on myself."

"Damn you." Huo Yunting scolded angrily, "You fucking pretended to me."

"What did you say to Liu Dehua at the dinner table? Are you relying on yourself? Is it useful? This is the first time I've seen you."

"I'm not familiar."

Huo Yunting patted Lao Huang on the shoulder earnestly.

He dare not say how much status he has now, but a little fame is definitely more than enough.It is still possible to build a line for Lao Huang to lead the bridge.

"It's just the two of us, we are brothers, don't hide it."

Huang Bo squirmed his lips a few times, feeling a little moved but also a little embarrassed.

He suddenly picked up the water glass on the ground and gulped it down. Those who didn't know it thought it was white wine.

"Old Huo, I'm so fucking embarrassed. You said that you are so much younger than me, this way is easy."

"I look good, there is no way."

"No." Huang Bo shook his head, "You are good at acting. It's not bullshit to say that you are an actor with thousands of faces on the Internet. I've seen all the movies you act in. I'm almost there."

Huo Yunting didn't speak, just munching on peanuts.Creak.

After a pause, Lao Huangzhong finally let out a long breath, "I'm looking for you, I can't hold back this face."

"Hey, that's right." Huo Yunting grinned, "What's the relationship between the two of us, how come we can't talk about it."

Huo Yunting rushed to his side and grabbed Lao Huang's neck.

"We are brothers. It's reasonable for you to ask me for a favor."

"You have connections and others don't?"

He poked Lao Huang's chest with his finger, "You old boy, you just want to lose face."

"It's hard to live." Huang Bo smiled wryly.

"Hey, but I'm ugly, I just want to keep an eye on it for you. Don't expect me to make you popular."

"I'm that skinless and faceless person."

Throwing two broad beans in his mouth, although his current situation has not changed in any way, Huang Bo feels a lot lighter in his heart.

To put it bluntly, I just feel happy.

"Hey, that's right. Huo, I haven't asked yet, how is your relationship with that Liu Yifei?"

Then he asked with a gossip, "Have you popped your mouth?"

Huo Yunting's face froze.

ps: The school wants to make a film about youth and you, what a trouble
I wanted to make an update today.

Make it up in a while.

(End of this chapter)

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