Chapter 161 Time to run

"Is it the two-handed mantis sword of the old sword master?!"


Letting Yuan Heping say this, Li Lianjie also reacted.

Two-handed swords are rare these days, not to mention Huo Yunting's swordsmanship is decisive, every move is aimed at killing people.

This is not airs, this is real work.

Considering how much the old sword master admired Huo Yunting, it is quite reasonable for him to know the two-handed mantis sword.

But the old Sword Master Yu didn't say that Huo Yunting was his apprentice?How did he learn the two-handed mantis sword?

Yuan Heping became interested, and hurriedly pulled Huo Yunting aside to inquire about the story of the two-handed mantis sword.

Li Lianjie sighed, picked up the broken stick on the ground and threw it into the trash can beside him, and then the staff rushed forward to sweep away the remaining residue on the ground.

Ignoring the two who were chatting, they walked away from the set and found a place to smoke.

I have been crushed in all directions.

Not only strength, speed, but also skill and proficiency, none of which I can compare to others.

He originally thought that Huo Yunting was at most equal to himself, but now that he saw him, he really looked down on him.

I didn't expect that after the gesture was completed, this was the case.


"Hey, isn't this the Monkey King? What are you doing here?"

Cheng Long's voice came from behind, he finished his makeup.

But Li Lianjie ignored him, only puffs of smoke enveloped his head.

Cheng Long sat cross-legged next to him, putting his shoulders on his shoulders, "Why, the fight is over? I just heard that jingle, what happened?"

I'm already smoking stuffy cigarettes, what do you think of me?Li Lianjie cursed in his heart.

After taking two puffs of cigarettes, I decided to remind, "Sister-in-law, don't underestimate Huo Yunting, he is someone who has won two karate championships, and they are all real skills."

Cheng Long didn't take it seriously, "Why? Isn't my master Golden Sword Stranger not real kung fu?" Then he put his head towards him with a smirk on his face, "You must be looking for an excuse for losing, right?"

Good words are hard to persuade, damn it.

Throwing the cigarette butt on the ground, stamping it out, and looking at Cheng Long, "Didn't you say that there is no villain in the country who can fight you?"

"What? Do you think Huo Yunting can make gestures with me?"

A trusting and sincere smile appeared on Li Lianjie's face, "I was careless, I didn't dodge, and I accidentally lost to him. Next, I will rely on you to help me get this place back."

"Haha! I said you must be making excuses."

Patting Li Lianjie on the shoulder, Cheng Long stood up and walked towards the studio.

"Come on, let me take a good look."

Rob Minkoff is instructing the staff to rearrange the scene props, his eyes are wandering around.

Li Lianjie didn't know where to go, Yuan Heping and Huo Yunting were chatting vigorously.

Although he said that he was the chief director of the film, he really didn't dare to order these few casually.

One is an international superstar, one is a Hollywood boss, and the other has a strong background.

It's the first time in his fucking life that he's the chief director, and he's still so aggrieved!

Cursing inwardly, Li Lianjie and Cheng Long came together, "Brother, what are you talking about with Brother Huo?"

Yuan Heping looked up, it was Cheng Long.

"Tell brother Huo about the two-handed mantis sword."

"Oh, Yunting also knows how to use the Mantis Sword with both hands?" Cheng Long immediately showed an expression of enlightenment, "That's right, you should have a good relationship with Old Sword Master Yu, and it's normal to know something."

Understand a little... Yuan Heping pouted.

Rob Minkoff saw that they were finished talking, and hurriedly greeted the actors to take their places.

A remake of the scene of Yujiang God of War vs. Sun Wukong.

In the previous scene, Huo Yunting felt sullen in his heart, coupled with the fact that the subsequent cuts became smoother, it was done in one go, so he stopped.

Otherwise, according to the script, he should have lost to Monkey King.

There was only one long sword in both hands, and it was too severely worn.Huo Yunting couldn't find the second one, so he had to change to a one-handed sword.

Rob Minkoff was unimpressed by this.

He felt that as long as Sun Wukong could win, the rest, such as what weapon to use, was not very important.

With the director's action, Sun Wukong and Yujiang God of War fought again.

This time Huo Yunting held back his strength, Li Lianjie danced vigorously with the stick, at first glance it was Huo Yunting who was being crushed and beaten.

Cheng Long, who was watching from the side, couldn't help smacking his lips, Huo Yunting really had something, no wonder Li Lianjie suffered a lot from him.

After this scene is finished, the next thing to film is the clip of the two fighting after Monkey King is rescued.

The only requirement of the director of this scene is that Yujiang God of War should use Guan Dao.

Huo Yunting couldn't deny it, he didn't have any opinion on this, and he knew a little about the way of closing the knife.

Pick up a Guan knife from the weapon rack and look around. It has two sides and a hook on the back. It is a proper war weapon.

Weighed it a few times in my hand, and it weighed five or six catties.

This time Yuan Heping still didn't design any martial arts moves for them.

Just now with the two-handed mantis sword, it can be seen that Huo Yunting is definitely a genius.

He and Mr. Yu have only known each other for a few years?
It took several years of hard work to practice this two-handed mantis sword to such a superb level.

If the old man's two-handed mantis sword is like this, let alone other skills, it must be the same.

Following the director's action, the two wrestled together again.

Huo Yunting's Guan Dao opened and closed, with a burst of vigor.Li Lianjie's hairs stood on end when he shaved it.

Too fierce!

Yuan Heping sat on the mat and scratched his chin, staring intently.

Is this Cai Yang's sword technique?No, it seems to have a taste of the Zhou Family Boxing Guandi Knife...

The more he looked at it, the more strange it became. In less than a minute, he saw several kinds of kung fu of turning off the sword from Huo Yunting.

With a glance, he saw Liu Yifei beside him with an obsessed face.

She had an impression of this little girl, she had played "The Legend of Condor Heroes" with Huo Yunting, she knew from this appearance that the concubine was interested, but she didn't know if Lang was affectionate or not.

"Hey, I said little girl, do you know how much kung fu Huo Yunting can do?"

These two have acted in plays, and they came together, and their relationship seems to be good, so they probably know something.

Hearing someone calling him, he turned his head and saw that it was Teacher Yuan Heping.I couldn't help feeling nervous, and the neighbor holding the pipa also tightened a bit.

"Ren Qiu Chuanwu. There must be a lot of them." Liu Yifei thought for a while and added, "It's my boyfriend."

How can I still grab you...

The corner of Yuan Heping's mouth twitched twice, but he came to a realization immediately.

Pass on martial arts, hiss!Is that what it means?
He originally thought that passing on martial arts meant that this kid was highly skilled and talented in martial arts, and that he had practiced a kung fu to the point of perfection.

Thinking about it now, does this mean that he knows a lot of kung fu?
But if you can't chew too much, you can't be proficient in all kinds of kung fu, right?

Yuan Heping made up his mind to ask questions when he had time.

This scene was filmed in four sections, two or three times, and it took more than an hour to finish filming.Li Lianjie put down his stick and let out a long sigh of relief, finally he didn't have to fight this kid anymore.

He happily came to Cheng Long's side, put his trembling hands behind his back, and put on a calm expression, "How is it?"

Cheng Longshu gave a thumbs up, "It was very beautiful."

"However, Huo Yunting is really beyond my expectation." Jackie Chan rubbed his chin, "This kung fu is perfect."

Jet Li nodded, the rest is up to you to help me find a place.

Originally, Rob Minkoff planned to focus on the important scenes first, that is, the duet scene between Monk and Lu Yan.

But because Huo Yunting got mad on the first day he joined the crew, and his background is a bit deep.

Rob Minkoff felt that it was better to finish filming Huo Yunting's scene first, and quickly sent this plague god away.

Anyway, the role of the God of Plague is not too much, and the sooner it is resolved, the sooner it will be over.

So Liu Yifei sat on the small bench for a day with her chin in her hands, and Huo Yunting took turns fighting with eighteen weapons for a whole day.

One was too idle to die, the other was so tired that Huo Yunting wondered if the radish was targeting him.

At six or seven o'clock in the evening, Huo Yunting called it a day.

His waist was sore and his back hurt after beating for a whole day. Zhang Debang quickly brought water to his mouth, and pulled the chair to his side to let him rest for a while.

Gudong Gudong took two gulps, and looked at Li Lianjie beside him with admiration, "Mr. Li, you are really strong, and you are not tired at all after a whole day."

"so far so good."

Li Lianjie smiled on the lips, but tuied several times in his heart.

I'm not tired.

His mother's attack is so strong, if you don't know it, you will think that you are rushing to kill someone.

Huo Yunting was thinking about who to meet and what to do.As an international superstar, Jet Li must show his real skills and take it seriously.

It's just that he may be a little too serious.

Several people talked and laughed, and walked towards the hotel together.

Yuan Heping originally wanted to join in the fun, and asked Huo Yunting how much kung fu he knew, but he still had to design Michael's martial arts moves.

Although this kid has good toughness, he doesn't know kung fu at all.

"Mr. Yuan, I don't quite understand what you said about your legs not reaching your waist. Can you tell me again?"

Looking at the backs of several people who were getting further and further away, Yuan Heping sighed.

Well, I can ask about it again tomorrow.

Then he sat back on the pony and explained it to Michael in detail.

"This is the case for people whose footwork is not stable enough and their skills are not deep enough..."

He has been in Hollywood for a few years, so he knows a little bit of English.

Watching Huo Yunting, Li Lianjie, and Cheng Long leave together, Rob Minkoff's nerves, which had been strained all day, relaxed.

Waving to the staff to quickly clean up the set, he also sneaked aside to drink a sip of water to calm down the shock.

Stretched all day, finally able to rest for a while.

"I didn't expect that we would be reduced to doing chores one day." Following the others to pack the props, Chen Weitao couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Shi Xingyu pouted, "Didn't you say you don't care about this?"

"Shit, what I meant at the time was that if you come, you will be safe. We are also from Wu Zhi, so don't let me complain."

"Then get mixed up with Master Huo first, and you're complaining at that level." Shi Xingyu can be regarded as dismissive.

He saw Huo Yunting's two-handed mantis sword playing today, it was a smooth move, but it was deadly.

In the end, he jumped up and slashed the stick to cut it off. It really looked like his blood was surging.

He thought he couldn't do it.

"I'm an expert in martial arts, why do I have to practice at Master Huo's level." Chen Weitao paused and continued.

"Master Huo's fights are really awesome, but the background is fantasy. The two gods fight like martial arts."

"You said that if Sun Wukong grabs a handful of vellus hairs directly, the whole 72 changes, a group of Monkey Kings fight a Jade God of War, and then Master Huo sweeps them away with sword flowers. Do you think this scene looks good?"

"It's like Li Mubai sweeping pear blossom needles in the rainstorm in "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon"."

When it came to this, Shi Xingyu disagreed, "This is a movie, it's said to be a fairy, but it's actually the Kung Fu routine of Chuanwu."

"If you don't punch to the flesh and make fatal moves, what's the point?"

One is that the imagination is unconstrained and unconstrained, and there are many tricks and routines; the other is the real kung fu practice, which advocates bloody fighting and full sense of shock.

The two had different views, and they quarreled as they spoke.

Just when Shi Xingyu was about to use real kung fu to compete with Chen Weitao and decide whether to live or die, someone patted the shoulders of the two of them.

Looking back, it was Yuan Heping with a smile on his face.

"Teacher Yuan."

"Hello, Teacher Yuan."

Looking at the strong physique of the two, Yuan Heping said with a smile, "I just heard from you two that there is something wrong with this martial arts scene?"

"Just talk about it, talk about it casually." Chen Weitao quickly explained, "Teacher Yuan, don't take it to heart, we don't understand anything."

"No, no, no, I understand, you are right. It just belongs to two directions on a correct path."

After Yuan Heping said this, the two of them felt relieved, and the conversation started.You and I talked about various opinions and suggestions on Huo Yunting's play today.

I have to say that although the two people's words were a little immature, many questions were pointed to the point, and Yuan Heping couldn't help but nodded frequently.

Yuan Heping slightly interrupted the passionate two people, "Let me ask you what your name is..."

"Shi Xingyu."

"Chen Weitao."

After thinking about it carefully, Yuan Heping nodded, never heard of it.

"Who are you two masters?"

One wanted to talk about Shaolin Temple, and the other wanted to talk about Martial Arts Academy, but the two looked at each other and spoke in unison.

"Huo Yunting."

Now, the smile on Yuan Heping's face became brighter.

"Oh, I really didn't see it. Yunting has two good apprentices. Come on, let's talk about it in detail."

"I am very interested in Yunting."

Looking back at Michael who was still practicing, Yuan Heping took the two of them out.

Shi Xingyu and Chen Weitao followed behind him, their faces were calm, ignoring the jealous expressions of other chores behind them.

But my heart was beating a drum.

The two of them, the first day of joining the crew is going to turn around?

(End of this chapter)

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