Chapter 162 Huo Ji
As the saying goes, if there are three people walking together, there must be my teacher.

Walking with two international martial arts superstars, he really learned a lot.

The two of them have broad knowledge and know many people, and they couldn't stop talking about all kinds of twists and turns in the entertainment circle.

Huo Yunting couldn't help thinking of all the inside stories Liu Dehua told him about the entertainment circle when he was the technical director of "A World Without Thieves".

Several people chatted and laughed all the way, chatting all the way to the door of the room, and then they parted ways.

Just about to open the door and go in, I suddenly felt a gaze full of resentment behind me. Looking back, it was Liu Yifei with her hands behind her back.

Huo Yunting was also a little embarrassed, chatted with others, and forgot about his partner.

"Sorry, Sissy."

Rubbing the little girl's head, Huo Yunting apologized.

"It's okay, I can understand, the entertainment is all for our family." While talking, Liu Yifei didn't forget to straighten his wrinkled collar with her hands, and there was a hint of kindness in her smile...

Huo Yunting's complexion was a bit weird, why did he feel like his mother.

Liu Yifei is now trying to force herself to change, transforming from a little girl into a qualified girlfriend image.

Of course, this is what she thinks.

Seeing Huo Yunting and Cheng Long, Li Lianjie and Li Lianjie talking and laughing together, they couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that the friends around him are no longer young.

Zhang Debang is 40 years old, Huang Bosan is 40 years old, Guo Degang is 40 years old...

Her little girl seemed out of place in Huo Yunting's circle.

No, Hu Ge is younger, but he seems to be the only one.

On the way back, the little girl thought, no, I have to make a change, at least I can't let Brother Yun treat me like a child anymore.

She felt that this was one of the main reasons why the relationship between the two of them progressed so slowly.

"Yunting, you must be exhausted today, go back and rest early——ouch!"

Before he could finish speaking, Huo Yunting knocked two chestnuts on the head.

"How come the little girl speaks like this so well? Who did you learn from?"

With this knock, the little girl was knocked back to her original shape.

If you want to ask who she learned from, she learned from her mother.But this must not be said to Huo Yunting, she is embarrassed.

He made a grimace, and bounced back to his room.

Huo Yunting shook his head, and went back to his room to wash and sleep.

Early the next morning, at five o'clock, the alarm clock beeped, and Huo Yunting opened his eyes.

His biological clock is dead, and when the alarm clock goes off at five o'clock, he will wake up.

After briefly washing his face, he changed his clothes and opened the door——


As soon as he opened the door, he saw two dark figures squatting at the door, which shocked him a lot.

Taking a closer look, it turned out to be Shi Xingyu and Chen Weitao with dark circles under their eyes.

His face darkened, and he kicked each of them, "What are you two doing? Just sit here and hit me with a sap."

The two looked at each other, and laughed, "Master Huo, we have been promoted."

Huo Yunting:?

The two of them knew that Huo Yunting would get up for morning exercises at five o'clock, and they squatted at the door waiting for him at 04:30.

He took the two of them downstairs to practice the exercises, and they explained things to each other along the way.

Yesterday Yuan Heping took the two brothers away to have a meal alone, chatted about Huo Yunting's past deeds, and asked them what they thought about the martial arts moves and so on.

After talking carefully, Yuan Heping was happy with the chat, they are all rare good seedlings.

Especially Chen Weitao, many of his ideas coincided with his.

He immediately asked Chen Weitao if he wanted to join his Yuan family class.

"Xiaotao, have you considered a bigger stage to try? Come to my Yuan's class."

As soon as he said this, the envious Shi Xingyu's eyes turned red.However, Chen Weitao pondered for a while, and spoke slightly hesitantly.

"Mr. Yuan, thank you for looking down on me, but, I have already agreed to mess with Master Huo, I..."

If he enters Yuan's class, there will be a bunch of brothers and sisters above him, when will he be able to stand out?
But with master Huo, he is the big brother.

And he doesn't think that Huo Yunting's future achievements will be weaker than Yuan Heping's.

Seeing his attitude, Yuan Heping didn't force it, but just lamented that there was nothing to do.

Not just master and apprentice, but superiors and subordinates... Hiss!This kid Huo Yunting has big plans.

Having said that, Huo Yunting looked at Shi Xingyu, "Why didn't you follow Master Yuan?"

Shi Xingyu is a kid with a heavy back bone. Sometimes Huo Yunting really wants to take a brick and pat him back with the bone.

Shi Xingyu forced a smile, "Master Huo, I have already agreed to hang out with you, and I must not change my mind. We are not that kind of people."

Chen Weitao twitched the corners of his lips, but didn't expose him.

In fact, Yuan Heping didn't ask him to join Yuan's class at all that night.

Look at his red eyes, he just said lightly that you are not suitable for Yuan's class, and there is nothing to say.

However, Yuan Heping still said that he would go to the director to discuss with him tomorrow, and change them to Wu Zhi's position.

There's some genuine stuff, but not much.But going to do chores is really burying this talent, it is better to experience it first.

After hearing the two of them finished speaking, Huo Yunting couldn't help feeling, "Times are turning, you two have met a noble person."

"Master Huo, look at what you said, if you hadn't brought us into the group, how could we have met Teacher Yuan, you are the noble person."

Hearing Chen Weitao's flattery, Shi Xingyu twitched his lips.

Arnold flatters.

Then he nodded, "Master Huo, you are the nobleman of the two."

Huo Yunting ignored this and left, and took the two of them to morning exercises.

After running around for two laps and practicing for a while, Chen Weitao was asked to buy three breakfasts. After a few people finished eating, the crew almost started to leave.

Li Lianjie was looking forward to this morning's scene.

Because the scene to be filmed is the Yujiang God of War fighting the silent monk and Lu Yan, and there is a scene where the Yujiang God of War kicks Lu Yan away.

Li Lianjie had been looking forward to this scene yesterday, but he didn't shoot it and waited all night.Today can be regarded as looking forward to.

Originally, Huo Yunting wanted to practice sparring with Cheng Long first, to try his strength, but the other party patted himself on the shoulder with a generous and reliable smile on his face.

"Yunting, just kick it. Don't worry about it too much."

When Huo Yunting heard it, the relationship was good.

Li Lianjie was beaten so badly yesterday that he felt that it was not good. So many people watched, it made people lose face.

If Cheng Long didn't say this, he would really be a little helpless.

Then he nodded heavily at Jackie Chan, "Don't worry, brother, I will definitely do my best."

Then I followed the bald fat man to apply makeup.

"Look, this is a good actor." With his arm on Li Lianjie's shoulder, Cheng Long said with emotion.

"That's not it."

This scene is a big melee, the white-haired witch, Lu Yan, the silent monk, all the monks, the golden swallow, and Skywalker all went into battle.

Yuan Hehe and Rob Minkoff talked about wanting to find two more people to join the steering group, but Rob had no objections.

So the two younger brothers Yuan Heping had just found came in handy.

One is to guide Li Bingbing, and the other is to guide Michael.

However, the content of this guidance was assigned by him in advance, and the things taught should not cross the line.

As for himself, he led the rest of Yuan's class to explain the entrance moves and so on to the rest.

And Liu Yifei, who was holding the pipa at the side, let her boyfriend teach it, and arranged for Huo Yunting to help.

When Huo Yunting heard it, well, no matter which crew he went to, he couldn't get rid of the job of Wu Zhi.

It's not over yet.

But the complaints belong to the complaints, and my girlfriend still has to teach.

"Sissy, let me teach you."

"Alright Yunting." Liu Yifei smiled, showing another touch of kindness.

"Be normal for me!"

"Oh! Got it, Brother Yun."

Cheng Long's makeup took time. In order not to affect the normal shooting of the crew, he was invited to the dressing room to put on makeup after six o'clock.

As the saying goes, practice makes perfect, with yesterday's experience, it only took three or four hours to finish today.

But it was almost noon when I finished my makeup.

Glancing at the time, it was still a while before lunch. Rob Minkoff shouted to the crew with a loudspeaker, saying that the big melee should be shot first.

As soon as the director spoke, the crew started to move.

Yujiang God of War stood next to the alchemy furnace holding Guandao, staring at the silent monk and Skywalker not far away, and with the director's action, his figure moved.

Holding the Guan knife in his hand, he turned around and slashed sideways, fighting with the silent monk.The two were entangled, and accompanied by the hoarse "entry" of the walkie-talkie, a group of monks carried Lu Yan on a stretcher through the gate.

To be honest, the two biggest selling points of this film are the confrontation between the two kung fu superstars Cheng Long and Li Lianjie, and the third biggest selling point is the rising star Huo Yunting.

Although he is a villain, he played beautifully, and his role should not be too small.

Several machines moved on the slide rails, listening to the director's instructions.


Skywalker threw the holy water in Lu Yan's direction, a young monk jumped up and shook his head, and the holy water fell into Lu Yan's hands.

After drinking it in one gulp, Lu Yan stood up like a carp and revived with full blood.Then with the help of Wia, he rushed straight to the God of War in Yujiang.

Huo Yunting's pupils shrank, and he came.

With the knife in his hand, he slashed twice, knocking Mo Monk aside, and then kicked Cheng Long sideways and kicked Cheng Long's stomach.

This kick was attached to his stomach first, and then kicked out, with an inch of strength.

It stands to reason that the martial arts scenes in filming should be done at the end, so keep fighting.

But this paragraph Yuan Heping made a request, the waist and feet feel like flesh.In addition, Cheng Long said to let him kick it anyway, so it didn't take much effort.


Even though he was hanging on the wire, Jackie Chan's eyes popped out, he let out a muffled grunt, and flew upside down.

Originally, according to the requirements of the script, after flying upside down, it had to circle in the air, and finally landed safely.

But Jackie Chan didn't get up after being kicked out.

"Cut! Cut! Cut!"

Rob Minkoff yelled three times, and the cold sweat broke out on his forehead again.

Why is this playing like a life-and-death fight?
Just two days after the filming of this crew, his heart couldn't take it anymore.

If he was filming like this for a few months, he would really have a heart attack from fright.

Cheng Long couldn't take it anymore, this kick made his sour water rise up, and he was about to spit out the little holy water he just drank.

Shi Xingyu watched from the side, and his heart skipped a beat.

This kick is so fucking familiar, didn't he just retch from being kicked like that that day.

Looking at Cheng Long with ferocious features, a feeling of sympathy suddenly rose in his heart.

"Brother! Are you okay?"

Seeing Jackie Chan's appearance, Huo Yunting was startled, and hurried over to help him up, Li Lianjie also followed beside him.

Isn't this letting yourself go all out? Why are you still like this?

Cheng Long pushed away the supporting hands of the two, and stood up staggeringly. Some of the strength was relieved from the hanging Wia.Compared with Shi Xingyu that day, his condition is much better.

Coughing twice, a hint of sullenness rose on his face, "Yunting, I told you to kick as much as you want, not to kick as hard as you can."

"I told you not to shrink back, not to kill me."

Huo Yunting took a look, okay, I misunderstood, so I quickly apologized to him.

After all, the eldest brother is an international superstar, so he still has some courage, not to mention that he has encountered more serious accidents than this.

Stand up slowly, pat Huo Yunting on the shoulder, this matter is over
But looking at Li Lianjie again, his face darkened.

"You old boy won't tell me the truth."

"Just that kick killed half of my life, and you tell me that you two fight on par?"

Cheng Long looked down at him with his nostrils, and he knew exactly how much he weighed.

Li Lianjie looked him up and down, seeing that he was fine, he also laughed, "How about it, can you fight this villain?"

After a while, Li Lianjie told him the truth, "I'll tell you the truth, in the first match between the two of us that day, my stick was crushed by him, and I lost completely."

"And the first game he played was the two-handed mantis sword, which was perfect."

Cheng Long cursed bad luck secretly, rubbed his stomach without saying anything.

I underestimated others too much.

No, it should be said that I think too highly of myself.

Rob Minkoff dared to shoot again, so he hurriedly asked for dinner.

In the afternoon, I found Cheng Long and Huo Yunting and told them to complete the scene where Yujiang God of War and Lu Yan fought.

It is said to be perfect, but in fact it has canceled the role of the show.

Both of them were a little puzzled and asked the reason, but he found a reason to prevaricate.

Damn it, it takes half your life to make a movie, Hollywood doesn't dare to play like that.

You are better than Hollywood.

It took only two days for the crew to start up, and the story of Huo Yunting slashing Li Lianjie with a sword and kicking Cheng Long had already spread throughout the crew, and there was a vague tendency to spread outward.

He can be said to have become famous in two battles.

In addition, Huo Yunting played the God of War in Yujiang with a sinister look on his face, and I don't know who gave him the nickname Huo Ji.

This nickname spread very quickly, and within a week, it reached Huo Yunting's ears.

Originally, he wondered if this was not a good idea, making it feel like he was stepping on two kung fu superstars.

I wanted to talk to Cheng Long and Li Lianjie about this issue, but when I first saw them, I smiled and called him Huo Ji.

Huo Yunting took a look, well, it seems that he didn't care, so he didn't want to talk about it.

Over time, not only Cheng Long and Li Lianjie, but even Rob Minkoff began to call it that.

Instead of calling him Huo, call him fierce.

It doesn't matter to Huo Yunting, if he can't get over it, then he won't be able to do it.

Until one day Liu Yifei smiled and called him, "Brother Fierce!"

Huo Yunting: ...

ps: I'm sorry, I still have back pain today, I can't stop it, so I went for another massage.

Sorry for being late.

(End of this chapter)

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